Irregular Cycle - 8 DPO

You are super strong to wait it out! I commend you for it :) i will never make it to Thanksgiving haha... Since tomorrow is Day 28 AND dpo 10, i guess i would rather take an hpt and find out (even if its too early) rather than see the oh so grand AF... my periods really upset me because even if we have conceived, my body is flushing the baby out before it can develop! i hope the b6 im taking kicks in soon and the luteal phase will get long enough for baby :)

what a wonderful Thanksgiving you will have if you get a :bfp: that day!! that would be such a great day! im sure the best Thanksgiving ever :happydance:

and gosh! your symptoms are out the kazoodle! that is awesome!!

im with you, though, on the ovulation! it is just so nice to know that our bodies are working! gives you a lot of hope doesnt it?

your husband sounds like a lot of fun! i take my hpts alone too!... when he is there with me, each negative just feels so much bigger... he feels like he has to console me each time, etc. which is so so sweet, but usually i can persuade myself that its "no big deal"... maybe next time! and plus when it finally does happen and that :bfp: lights up our life, i wanna tell him in a fun way!... We love to laugh...

do you have a buddy on here?... i feel like we make good buddies :hug:
I'd love to be your buddy! Oooh guess what? I had promising signs this morning! I woke up went to the bathroom and when I looked at my wipe, there was a tiny bit of bright red spotting! I see in a couple of places that they say that 9dpo is a 'typical' day to have implantation bleeding, so I'm REALLY hoping it's true! Also my temp had been dipping the last couple days but bounced back up this morning, so hopefully that was the implantation dip. Add to that being sick (congested and coughing) and having several people come up to me and tell me that I'm glowing, and I just can't help but wonder and hope!!

Awww... That sucks about having a short LP. I hope this is the month that it gets longer!! Well actually I'm hoping it lasts ya know... 9 months or so. :winkwink: I wish I had a clue what my LP is like... :hugs:

It totally gives me hope with each and every step no matter how little. It's just amazing to watch my body becoming balanced under my very eyes ya know?

My husband is truly a gift. I know God was watching over me when he sent my DH to me. He's funny, kind, romantic, a total gentleman and yet very passionate! He was worth every bit of the wait! :) Haha! Have you figured out how you'll tell him? I haven't, but I have a feeling he'll hear my screams of joy and know before I get a chance to think of something. lol
I'm so happy to have a buddy! I think we are a lot alike :) Wouldn't it be super awesome if both got bfps and could talk through our pregnancies!!! After what you said about your husband, I can tell you are Christian... (So am I). Of course i wouldnt ask and it wouldnt matter, but it will be nice to let the "I'll be praying for yous" and "thank the Lords" flow! God is so good :)

Your dh sounds wonderful! Something else we share! My DH is a big "manly" looking guy that is actually the sweetest person you would ever meet :) has a heart of gold and excudes kindness... Just a big (giant) teddy bear! He is hilarious with an old heart, yet with a huge knack for acting like a 5 year old haha... And like yours-- a gentleman and very passionate. (OK SORRY enough bragging!) Its so evident that both of us our truly blessed with our husbands :)

As for telling him, I WANT to tell him on his way home from work that yet another something is broken in our home (we live in an old home and he fixes everything daily!)... This would be so typical of me to tell him... and then hide the +hpt wherever the "problem" is and just let him kind of say... "Whats this????" ... playing tricks is a constant thing around our home :D

But of COURSE, i doubt i'll be able to do that, as I will probably be shrieking or crying joyous sobs hahaha.. and he will know whats up...

The spotting is SUCH a good sign!!! There DEFINITELY must be something going on in there! i will be shocked if you dont have a :bfp: soon... Really.... Something else i remember reading somewhere is that a ton of people seem to get sick early on (with a cold or the like) when they are pregnant. While that may not be a sure sign, i really have read that a whole bunch of times... (as i'm obsessed with reading about success stories) ... and the temperature dip sounds positive too!

thanks for the encouragement! im hoping the lp extends into 9 months too! for the both of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if the bfps we hope for are not there (which like i said i will be surprised if you dont have one!)... at least our bodies are getting ready ready ready for BABY!!!
Also.. one quick thing if i didnt already overload you..

Are you having hot flashes at all?

I seem to be having them in the evenings :) Wonder if they are a good sign.

My tummy is fluttery a lot, but i cant read into that because i have digestion issues that always keep my tummy feeling yucky/ constipated, etc.....ick.
When are you ladies testing? Or have you?

I am 12 DPO but terrified to test... don't want a BPN... hehe


to both of you!!
@JHartsBaby - I'd love it if we both got our bfp's this cycle!! That would be so fun to be able to talk through the whole pregnancy together as well. I tend to let my "I'll be praying for you"s and "Thank the Lord" or "Thank God"s flow no matter what! I know God had a major hand in bring Anton into my life and I know he's watching over me now. I might not like having PCOS, but I think it was a wake up call from God that I needed to start paying much closer attention to my body so that I can be the best mom that I can be.

I know that he's got a plan for me and I truly believe that plan will involve a child for Anton and I. :) I'm just not that great at being patient while I wait! lol

Haha! That's one more thing that we have in common! My hubby is a big guy, very manly looking as well. When he was growing up he had to work overtime to put people at ease because he was bigger/taller then them. Anton is 6 years younger then me, but in so many ways, he's so much wiser then I! I have said for most of my life that I wasn't looking for Mr. Right... I was looking for Mr. Right-for-me! Anton is all my dreams come true and so very much more! I love that we both have amazing hubby's. How did you two meet?

I love your idea for telling your DH! I hope you can make it work! I totally get how you might not be able to. lol I feel the same way.

I'm truly hoping that the spotting is implantation bleeding. I have to say that I spent the day today mooning over baby clothes! I was daydreaming about how I would tell my parents and his and how/when we would tell others about it. hehe But I do have to say that I've never had all of this together at once, and I started out with a really good feeling about this cycle anyway. It's only gotten stronger!! I've not had any hot flashes that I know of but then I tend to be cold more of the time, so a hot flash to me might mean that I feel room temperature. lol I've been having a lot of upset tummy moments, but not fluttery. It's mostly been a bit of cramping/diarrhea. I HAVE had something really weird though and probably tmi, but here goes: I never have issues with bd'ing with Anton, but lately the last few times we have, AFTER I seem to be swollen at the opening of my hoo-ha and achy like I've been pounded like never before. But it's nothing that I notice during and certainly nothing that hurt during, so it's caught my attention. Ever have any symptom like that?

Have you managed to make the LP period any longer at all?

@Mommydream - I can't blame you at all! I HATE seeing that stark white spot where I want to see a line. I'm thinking I'll test at 13dpo or maybe even later if I can manage to hold off longer. I'd say big time baby dust to all 3 of us!!
When are you ladies testing? Or have you?

I am 12 DPO but terrified to test... don't want a BPN... hehe


to both of you!!

Ohh you have made it so far!!! Way to go! :)

I'm not sure yet!... As long as I can... haha im with you... cant stand those BFNs!!!

Wishing you lots of baby dust! :happydance: for a :bfp: !!!!!

You are so positive! What a great way to be :) i know PCOS must be really difficult... one of my sisters has it and i know its a struggle.. but you and your dh with the help of God seem to be overcoming it full-fledge! God can handle ANYTHING!

im not patient either, but like you, i believe God will bless us and our dhs with precious sweet babies :)

Yep! my hubby was the same way... everyone was terrified of him especially kids haha... but after about 30 seconds, everyone ESPECIALLY kids have met their new best friend!
My dh is younger than me as well!... and both younger and older than me at the same time.

My sweet dream-come-true and i met through church! we go to the same type of church (primitive baptist) and met at a special meeting... (to keep things short). we were engaged after only 6 months and happily married about a year and a half after meeting! ive moved up to TN and we live near where he is from... but we feel led to move back towards where i am from, where we attend church 2.5 hrs away in my hometown in GA. anyway (i know i go off on tangents...) He is currently a conductor (railroad) and i stay home.... what about yall?

how did you guys meet? :)

i understand the daydreaming and baby clothes staring utterly and completely! whenever im down or bored, etc... i take to baby dreaming :) but i have to admit, and i dont know where this ranks on the crazy wanna-be-a-mama scale, but i have to avoid the baby clothes when i grocery shop at walmart.... ive gotten two adorable little outfits so far and trying to stay sane and resist getting any more hahahhaaa
oops! i wasnt done but accidentally hit enter.

about the bd-ing (dont worry there is no such thing as tmi when it comes to ttc haha)...
well... for me i will be honest i havent been totally feeling the bd-ing... thats rare for me (lol)...... i havent been swollen that ive noticed, but everything does seem a little magnified (i cant take the ok i will say it "pounding" too well right now...)... ive been quite tight and it just kinda sorta hurts a lil... not sure whats up. i would only assume that your bd-ing after effects could only be a good sign! i mean, they dont happen when you arent pregnant, you know? :)

this is my first cycle with b6 to increase my lp, so im hoping the icky af wont arrive for a while, pregnant or not!
I've seen His hand working in my life too often to not know that whenever I feel lost, He's carrying me until I'm ready to walk on my own again.

Oh man! Anton too! My niece and nephew adopted him the moment they saw him! All of his co-workers love him to pieces. Silly man. :) He's so good with kids especially as well. I love watching him! I want nothing more then to see the joy on his face when we find out we are pregnant. That's going to be the most amazing moment of my life! And here I am - tearing up about it as I'm typing.

Anton and I met via an online game called EVE Online. When we met he was living in the Netherlands where he was born and raised (He's Dutch), and I was living in California where I was born and raised. We met by chance when a mutual friend of ours convince us both to join the same corporation within game. We became friends at first before meeting in person in Iceland at a special game meet up! I pretty much fell in love with him the moment I saw him even though we'd both gone to Iceland expecting nothing more then to be meeting a friend from game. The rest is history! We got married last year after waiting on immigration stuff for 6 months. We've known each other for about 3.5 years now but it took another 10 months after we met in Iceland for him to propose. Like I said, he was worth the wait! :D

Right now Anton and I are both in retail. I used to work for AAA of So Cal, but I quit my job to move to the Netherlands to be with Anton, or so I thought. We decided after I was there for just a month that we had better opportunities if we lived in the USA for the time being. When I came back to the US to start the immigration paperwork, I took a job that would be ok with me working just seasonally and that if I decided I wanted to stay, would allow me the flexibility to go back to school to finish my basic degree (or more). For Anton, getting a job was tough in this economy since he had no US work experience and all his work references were 6k miles away and an expensive phone call to boot. A friend of ours got him the job he has now and it's been a good fit so far! As some point we'll both need to get better paying jobs, but for now we live with my folks and are saving up as much money as we can.

HAH! I already have a booster seat, a couple of outfits, and a pack 'n play. lol I'm just sooo pathetically smitten with baby fever... >.<

I'm hoping you're right about the bd'ing. I'm still very into it, but the aftermath is definitely standing out as not normal. lol I agree that everything does seem more magnafied, like he goes in ummm deeper at times and hits the edge. But then, that part could be because of the weight that both of us have lost. lol

Eh I don't know. But I'm nervously and anxiously enjoying the journey! :)

WOW! What an awesome story you guys have!!! :) I never imagined such an interesting love you have! Sounds like a Nicholas Sparks novel to me haha but seriously... I would read it!

It makes me happy to know you have baby stuff! Walmart better watch out now that i know im not the only one!!!

:) Still holding out til Thursday to test? I can't wait to hear your results!

Hehe I think both of us have great love stories! Just very different! :) I do consider my story a fairytale. :cloud9:

Haha! My mom is the big instigator. My in-laws all came out for a family/religious wedding ceremony in October (did I mention we had 2 because of immigration?) and they brought with them my hubby's (at the time) 8 month old niece. So my mom's thought was "let's buy the booster seat and pack n play and then we can keep it for your child!". She also bought one of the outfits, and I bought the other. lol I'm really trying to keep from buying clothes though only because well they are so gender specific! I'd hate to get all kinds of girl clothes and then find out we are having a boy ya know?

Actually I broke down and tested yesterday and got a stark bfn which is what I expected - too early. :blush: But I am definitely waiting until at least Thanksgiving before I test again now.
When are you ladies testing? Or have you?

I am 12 DPO but terrified to test... don't want a BPN... hehe


to both of you!!

Hey!!! Did you test :)
I've been thinking of you since i know testing is so close :happydance:


No testing yet! I don't have many symptoms today.... Almost sure AF will come.

Sorry about the BFN dodger... Maybe it's too early though!
No testing yet! I don't have many symptoms today.... Almost sure AF will come.

Sorry about the BFN dodger... Maybe it's too early though!

Ugh! I hope the witch stays away! What day will you be late?

No worries on the bfn. I knew it was silly early to test anyway. :)

Your mom sounds like the worlds best grandma :) already planning for that sweet baby!

i have a couple baby girl outfits that were TOO CUTE to resist :blush: ... but i would love a boy too! just happened upon these unbelievably cute baby girl outfits!

Sorry about your bfn... know it sucks to see it, but i betcha its too early! i truly believe that because, and this is pretty funny, i did the EXACT same thing today! i knew it was too early and of course-- WHAM! a bfn.. im not reading into it though haha its funny that we both broke down :)

i'll wait till Thanksgiving if you do?! how bout that? :D

mommydream-- you have us beat like crazy on the waiting game! you are good!!!.... dont get your hopes up yet. i know lots of people who never had early symptoms.. ive read all kinds of success stories where periods where they felt like periods were about to come and to their surprise..a :bfp: !!! dont lose hope yet!! :)
Oh my GOSH! Congrats on the symptoms!!!

What are they? (if you dont mind my asking....)

I bet this IUI will be just the ticket for you guys :) spotting is DEFINITELY a great sign...

I don't know how you do it with your work shifts.. I would be so miserable having an opposite shift my husband. Bless your heart :hugs:

Normally we are on the same shift, but when we have to work 12s, there is daycare issues with my 5 yr old, so he switches to night shift so he can drop off and pick up my son. (we're both in the military so they work with us and let him switch shifts) Of course our first round of IUI had to be on opposite shifts... :wacko: My syptoms could be AF related though... I have bloating, tiredness (could be from 12 hour shifts), smell sensitivity, the spotting and cramps but not like AF cramps with is more of an all around dull achey and I don't get AF cramps this early.... I go in for my Beta test on Wed, but I am hoping I geta :bfp: this weekend so I can celebrate!!


How are you??? Any good news ? :)
Will be late on Thursday.... Eeeek!

Haha! We'll all be testing around the same time then! :)


Your mom sounds like the worlds best grandma :) already planning for that sweet baby!

i have a couple baby girl outfits that were TOO CUTE to resist :blush: ... but i would love a boy too! just happened upon these unbelievably cute baby girl outfits!

Sorry about your bfn... know it sucks to see it, but i betcha its too early! i truly believe that because, and this is pretty funny, i did the EXACT same thing today! i knew it was too early and of course-- WHAM! a bfn.. im not reading into it though haha its funny that we both broke down :)

i'll wait till Thanksgiving if you do?! how bout that? :D

My mom seriously rocks! I'm not kidding either, I got very lucky when I was born to be born to 2 amazing parents. :) They are already looking forward to babysitting whenever needed and they've actually been helping me with the costs of the ttc journey. :thumbup:

Oh I know it was too early. lol I knew it was when I was thinking about testing. :p Eh what can I say? I got poas fever! I'll do my best to help you wait until Thursday if you'll do the same for me. :D

I had more possible symptoms today. Unlike the last several days, today I got more sleep and was EXHAUSTED! And then I started having that delightful period feeling - slight cramping/uncomfortableness, achy upper legs, sore lower back, and bloating. Nothing on any of my wipes to say it really is AF coming, so it could be a sign or it could be a precursor to AF.
Oh my GOSH! Congrats on the symptoms!!!

What are they? (if you dont mind my asking....)

I bet this IUI will be just the ticket for you guys :) spotting is DEFINITELY a great sign...

I don't know how you do it with your work shifts.. I would be so miserable having an opposite shift my husband. Bless your heart :hugs:

Normally we are on the same shift, but when we have to work 12s, there is daycare issues with my 5 yr old, so he switches to night shift so he can drop off and pick up my son. (we're both in the military so they work with us and let him switch shifts) Of course our first round of IUI had to be on opposite shifts... :wacko: My syptoms could be AF related though... I have bloating, tiredness (could be from 12 hour shifts), smell sensitivity, the spotting and cramps but not like AF cramps with is more of an all around dull achey and I don't get AF cramps this early.... I go in for my Beta test on Wed, but I am hoping I geta :bfp: this weekend so I can celebrate!!


How are you??? Any good news ? :)

Still :bfn: this morning. 12 dp IUI. Beta test is tomorrow. So impatient right now. Took like 4 tests yesterday. Yes. They need programs for addicts like me. :haha:

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