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Is the OPK Negative or Positive..Please Help

How many dpo are you now? I see on your ticker that it says day 3 of your cycle and im assuming thats incorrect.
yah I either ovulated cd23 or cd24 if the opk's were right. These long cycles suck!!!I'm on cd35 right now and no sign of af...... but bfn's.
im on cd40 right now and no sign of AF and bfn like around cd36 or so.
i ended up testing today with the dollar store brand and it was a bfn again
Maybe try a different test???? I thought I was gonna get af cuz I was cramping and super moody, but she's still away. My poor husband this morning! I was on the phone with him and was already in a bad mood from my 9 year old having major attitude this morning. So then I started ranting about the house and how I'm the only one that cleans it and it's a big house. He was like "Oh babe" and I told him "I gotta go, you're annoying me...bye". What a brat haw! Maybe I expected to hear something like,"we can tackle the house this weekend"....but nothing. It's true, I am the only one who cleans and cooks, but I don't work, but it wouldn't kill him to get a little domesticated! Like all I wanna do is sit around and clean people crap up all day!....Ok, I'm going off again. Urgh. LOL!...maybe I need to start looking for a lil job during the day while the kids are out.
So did you test this morning with fmu? What dpo are you today? I think I'm 12-13, so it should be positive by now I would think. :( I didn't test today because I thought I ran outa tests but then found one more IC, but already had fmu. Ok, next month I'm not testing until at least 12dpo. That's just nuts how many tests i went through. I don't care for the IC's though.
Yeah i will try a different test next time and Im on cd41/19dpo. It wasnt fmu more like third morning urine. I totally understand what you mean. DH and I are in the same situation. He expects me to do ALL the cleaning and cooking. I dont have a job either but he works so i guess he thinks that's his excuse. I yell at him myself about the same thing. I thought AF was coming too but obviously she hasnt came yet. Also, last night was weird. I ate pasta at 6pm then again at 8pm and then around 10pm when DH was asleep, I went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal and drank the milk from the bowl. I am loving milk lately which is unlike me because I dont really like milk like that.
Funny cravings are a good sign! I'm cramping a bit today, so I don't know if af will show! I'm so sick of the waitig game. I went to he $tree and low and behold, they were out of tests! So I got an opk and went to walmart to get frers. I went to pay and my entire water bottle spilled in my purse and broke my phone! What a nightmare. i got the frers tho so I'll test with one of those tomorrow morning if af hasn't arrived. Don't forget you can print your $2 coupon out for frers. :):happydance:
Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot about the coupons. I am sooooo hoping its a BFP for the both of us.
Ok, I think:witch: is on her way! I had some cramping so I put a liner on and there was light brown on the tp and a tad on the liner. I'm sure it'll come full force tomorrow! I don't get it! We bd'd both days of positive opk and if af shows up tomorrow it'll be aprox 13-14 dpo and last cycle I got af the same 13-14 dpo! Oh well. I'm gonna stop trying after this. It's really starting to become a downer.:nope: I'll try to focus on working out and losing a few pounds this next month instead of hopelessly testing opk daily then hpt's.

I don't wanna rewrite this so I am copying and pasting my other thread.

Hope you get ur bfp Patrice!!!!:dust::dust: keep me posted!
Yeah sometimes ttc can be a downer. Take a break if you need to. I know this month was the month i didnt stress about it and just waited until AF came and now look, AF is late so maybe its a bfp or maybe its just af being late again who knows. I will keep you updated though. I copy and paste alot myself especially when i rant on forever on my ttc journal and want to say the same thing on other threads.
So, last night I had terrible, painful cramping in my abdomen and lower back(right side lower back) I could barely move. I had one wipe of a dime sized blood on my tp in the middle of the night. I woke up at 7am and there was nada!:nope: It's now 10 and my cramping is almost gone, bbs aren't on fire anymore and just waiting very impatiently for af to show! Maybe that was implantaion??? we shall see! I don't see how it could have been implantaion cramping and spotting so late. Maybe I o'd 48hrs after my +opk. Don't know.

How are you today mzswiss? Any symptoms yet??
Well im hoping its IB for you. Some people get implantation late so you never know. Right now i dont have any symptoms. Just been grumpy more lately and i think that my cervix is now closed because dh and i dtd and his soldiers left right out pretty quickly and is still flowing out. So i dont know whats going on.
Poor lil:spermy: couldn't find their way! LoL. When are you testing again? I still have no sign of af. No flow, no spotting.....maybe this is it. Time will tell. :):dust: and fx'd for us!
Next thursday i will test and its sounding good for us. FXed
Next thursday????? You mean tomorrow? I got another brown spot and cramps are pretty much gone. I'm hoping it's not a cyst or sumthin. I know it will take a day or more to get a positive after tuesady night so I have to just wait on af. I think it's lookin pretty good as well. fx'd for us!:dust:
Next thursday because i will be officially 2 weeks late and it will be cd50. Months ago, around June, my AF came on cd50. So I just want to see if its going to repeat itself. But I will be buying FRER when I test.
Well, it's over for me this cycle.:witch: showed up in the middle of the night.:cry: I'm just kinda glad to have closure. Ok, that sounded stupid. Um.....just glad to know what's going on. LOL! Showed right on time cd14 at least! I don't get it! I did everything right again! I bd'd day before, day of, and day after o! Held the lil guys captive in there too!:shrug:
Oh, well onto the next cycle. Gosh we both have cycles that are getting longer.:nope: Have you tried charting at all? I don't think I want to do all that. It's not too sexy waking up every morning and sticking the thermometer in the mouth and then telling hubby ok lets get it on.:haha: He already thinks I'm crazy enough! I knew I should have never told him what I was up to on this sight!!!! LOL!
fx'd for you patrice!:dust:
Well i heard that no matter how perfect timed we can dtd its still a chance that we may not conceive. So it happens which sucks. Yeah the minute I told DH about this site he thought i went over the edge :rofl: Im not going to temp neither because i havent been getting enough sleep.
Well 8 days late now. Going through alot. Im tired, constipated, got loads of creamy stretchy cm that leaks out when i go to the bathroom (didnt dtd in a few days now), all i want is pasta and i cant drink cranberry juice because it makes me feel sick ( i love cranberry juice). After soo many days, I began to think that Im just imagining things. Im just ready for it to be either a BFP or AF.

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