Is there a July group???

Good morning, ladies! :hi: I'd like to join your July group!

First of all, let me say Chilli, I am so so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love and hugs your way, hun. :hugs:

I got a very faint BFP on November 7 at 13 DPO. I continued to test for 12 days straight just to see the line get darker as I couldn't believe it! I had a MMC in June, so DH and I waited the 3 months my OB recommended and started trying again in September. We used SMEP in October and voila! I got pregnant again! I am beyond thrilled but also very nervous I'll get to my first appointment only to see my baby has stopped growing again. :( My appointment is December 8th and I really, really, REALLY want to hear a heartbeat (we never heard one with our angel). I just want to enjoy my pregnancy but feel I'm jaded from my first loss. It's like I've subconciously built a wall that isn't allowing me to get too excited and to continue being hesitant. I guess a part of me thinks if I jump in headfirst again, I'll hurt more if I have another loss. But it will hurt anyway, so I should just try to relax and enjoy it! Easier said than done. :| At least I passed the point of where my baby stopped growing, which was around 6 weeks. But I'm still so nervous it just won't work out again. Maybe it's a healthy fear? alternatedi, you said it best - I miss the innocent joy of pregnancy before experiencing a loss. :(

Anyway, I am due July 17 based on LMP or July 18 based on date of O. We'll see what they say at my first appointment.

Congratulations to you all! I'm looking forward to taking this journey together! <3
I am currently caught up in that fear too. I did feel slightly sick today so I do feel a bit happier. Lol, the strange things you say when PAL xx
Lol, the strange things you say when PAL xx

Isn't that the truth!?!? At no other time in our lives would we be excited about not feeling well! :haha: But I'm glad you're feeling better about the symptoms, hun. xx
So sorry for your loss Chilli have written a post on your profile page. :hugs:

How is everyone doing? I've been struck down with a cold so not been online much. Anyone have any symptoms yet? Only slight nausea for me which comes and goes makes me worry as my last pregnancy was the same and I lost the baby. My pregnancies before that I was always sick as a dog. Keep trying to think positive in that maybe its just that my body copes better with the hormones now I'm older. Doesn't really help though.

Had my bloods taken a couple of days ago but the doctor didn't book me in for repeat tests so have no idea if my levels are rising properly. Hopefully can try and get booked in with the nurse to have more taken without having to go through the doctor again. (she wrote under my test results no further action needed). WTF?She knows my history and when you have been through several losses knowing the levels are rising will provide me with a bit of reassurance. Stupid doctors. Roll on 6 weeks when I go to the epu hopefully they will do a better job of supporting me. x
Babytots, I've heard that not all pregnancies are the same. So even though you were really sick with your previous pregnancies and not so much with your last lost pregnancy, I think you'll be fine. Maybe you're right about your body handling the hormones better now that you're older! Even though it doesn't seem to help, keep trying to think positively. <3 Can you request more blood be taken? Seems the nurse would've known better than to put no further action needed when she has your history right there in front of her! I'm sorry, sweetie. :hugs:
Hi again!

So I started spotting again last night (brown yesterday and pink today) - argh!

Luckily I had an appointment with my midwife this morning and as soon as she heard I was spotting, she led me toward the ultrasound room. Baby was there, measuring ahead with a strong heartbeat. I just wish this spotting would go away and that the universe would cut me a break!
I've also been struggling with feeling like I haven't celebrated this pregnancy enough - I'm just so afraid that as soon as I relax, everything will fall apart. My last loss was late in the first trimester so there are still 4 weeks till I pass that point.

Everyday is a symptom comparison: was I sick enough? Did I pee enough? Is my chest tender enough? I miss the innocent joy of pregnancy before these losses.

I am there. I feel your feels! It's awful.
So, how are you all feeling?
I am still waiting for the morning sickness to kivk in. Had a couple of days but nothing like I would have liked. I have even forgotten occasionally as I just don't feel pregnant yet. Trying not to get paranoid about it. No sore boobs but that could be because I am still breastfeeding.
Anyone want to share symptoms? Hope you are all well xx
Can I join you girls?
Hi, Tasha! :hi: Welcome!

mum, I've heard that some pregnancies don't have many symptoms. Maybe you're having a boy! I don't know if what they say is true about girls making you have more symptoms than boys, but if so, I am definitely having a girl. Name a symptom and I most likely have it. I am so nauseous all the time, only the degree of nauseousness changes. My boobs hurt and my nipples are super sensitive, I'm constantly thirsty and pee all the time, have an empty feeling in my stomach even after eating, gas and going poo more often than I used to, have headaches, some mild cramps every so often and I'm always tired. However, I gladly accept all of it after losing my first as it means I am pregnant again! :thumbup:

Anyone else care to share their symptoms?
Hi mum!

My nausea comes and goes - today it's here full force but tomorrow I might feel perfect.

My symptoms are: fatigue, nausea, food aversions, sore up top (although it's decreasing in week 8), frequent urination, hip pain, and a heavy feeling in my tummy even without having gained weight or bloating.

Every time I feel sick, it brings a smile to my face. I'm hopeful that this baby is in it for the long haul!

Tasha, welcome! I read your story in another thread somehow and am so so happy for you! :)
Thank you, both of you.

I don't have symptoms really. Think that's my steroids though x
Hi Ladies
I am due 31st of July w/ #2. My son was my 6th pregnancy. We started trying for #2 in Oct and in Nov I got my bfp and so far it looks like it is sticking. My son was born July 23 2013 but was due on the 27 or 28th. I am 5 wks 5 days so far.
mum, any morning sickness yet? If not, enjoy while you don't have it, hun!

alternated, I know the same smile you're talking about because I wear it every day! Before we know it, the nausea will be a thing of the past and we'll be on to things like being kicked in the ribs, short of breath, etc.! I love your positivity! <3

Hi, monro! :wave: Congrats and welcome!
So I am a little nervous cause wed evening the nausous feeling started going away and yesterday when I woke up I was not hungry or nausous and all day really. I had a slight feeling but nothing like I have been feeling. Today I woke up and still nothing. Last time this happened it was my 4th pregnancy and it started out as triplet and about 6 wks 2 days I passed something and then went to dr same day and he found a hr it was low like 98 so to come back in a week. Two days later my symptoms disappared nausa and boobs did not hurt and then that next week they said the baby died 2 days after my last untrasound so that was the day I lost my symptoms. With my son at exactly 8 wks I got a dopplar and was able to find the hb that day (I was getting worried cause my symptoms went away then too). I tried last night for the heck of it since I know there was no way I was going to hear it this early. However i will still probably try till I at least hear the placenta. I have an ultrasound at 7 wks 4 days on the 16th but omg there is nothing you can use to track it till then and with out the nausa I am starting to get worried:cry:. The only thing I can feel good about are that my boobs are still sore but not as bad as they were:nope:.
Awwww, Monro, I totally understand you being nervous about your decreasing symptoms. Can you call your doctor's office and see if they can and will get you in? Even if you could just speak to a nurse and tell them what's going on and get some advice, that might make you feel better. Maybe you're just getting lucky and your symptoms are going away sooner and you won't have to suffer the entire 1st trimester! I'm sending lots of love and hugs your way, hun! <3 :hugs: <3

P.S. What does the placenta sound like? I would love to get a doppler but I'm afraid it would terrify me if I couldn't find a heartbeat after hearing one!

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