Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

The thing with DHEA is it can affect your moods. I can only take a small amount otherwise I'm a grumpy person.. It even says that on the warning . Also I've grown alot more body hair. I got a lazer hair removal system to use. Good luck...

Oh dear I think I am already grumpy enough without that - maybe I will give it a miss then :haha:

I agree with Butterfly I am already moody and grumpy enough. Poor dh:shrug: I have been thinking about it but am worried about the body hair thing as well. Hope everyone is doing well:hugs:
HI all

Marathongirl, thanks for asking about my running, it's going ok thanks. Managed another session this week after last week's hills and ran 20 min warm up followed by 10x1 min hard with 1 min recoveries and 10 min warm down. Felt good a painful way, and painful in a good way! I'm meeting up with an old training partner/adversary on Sunday for a long run; I've told her to think of running with me as an act of charitable giving to those less fortunate!!! :haha:

Supplements, where to begin?! Currently:

Levothyroxine 125mg (since 2001, generally well regulated)
Viridian Pre-conception vitamin
Fish oil
CoQ10 600mg (since Jan 2012)
DHEA 75mg (since mid 0211)
Flaxseed oil

Bitten the dust along the way!!!:

B Complex (current multivitamin has about 5000% RDA B6 and/or B12)
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Brewer's Yeast
Herbal medicine
Instead softcups
Preseed about 10 other things that I've paid a fortune for and forgotten.

I actually plan to let all the supplements laspe as they run out as I have decided that none has really provided any benefit and have simply deprived my family of several thousand pounds along the way of trying to 'fix' myself since last mc. (One of my pet hates on BnB is those people who tune in 'to give us hope' with the magical ingredient they believe worked for them, usually after they've been ttc for all of 3 months!) In truth, after trying to get pregnant throughout 2010, I categorically recall having decided that this was just not meant to be in July of that year and then I fell pregnant in August. My mindset since the mc in November 2010 could not be more different to that 'que sera' attitude and I am certain that my biggest inhibitor has been stress and trying too hard. Attempting to get back to that laissez faire place is something I would love to do, but I know the damage is done and I must now learn to move forward from a very different place. Tough, but keep the faith ladies :hugs:

PS I am now hairy, grumpy and spotty, in fact, I'm amazed my husband can even be persuaded to BD at all!!! :haha: :haha:
HI all

Marathongirl, thanks for asking about my running, it's going ok thanks. Managed another session this week after last week's hills and ran 20 min warm up followed by 10x1 min hard with 1 min recoveries and 10 min warm down. Felt good a painful way, and painful in a good way! I'm meeting up with an old training partner/adversary on Sunday for a long run; I've told her to think of running with me as an act of charitable giving to those less fortunate!!! :haha:

Supplements, where to begin?! Currently:

Levothyroxine 125mg (since 2001, generally well regulated)
Viridian Pre-conception vitamin
Fish oil
CoQ10 600mg (since Jan 2012)
DHEA 75mg (since mid 0211)
Flaxseed oil

Bitten the dust along the way!!!:

B Complex (current multivitamin has about 5000% RDA B6 and/or B12)
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Brewer's Yeast
Herbal medicine
Instead softcups
Preseed about 10 other things that I've paid a fortune for and forgotten.

I actually plan to let all the supplements laspe as they run out as I have decided that none has really provided any benefit and have simply deprived my family of several thousand pounds along the way of trying to 'fix' myself since last mc. (One of my pet hates on BnB is those people who tune in 'to give us hope' with the magical ingredient they believe worked for them, usually after they've been ttc for all of 3 months!) In truth, after trying to get pregnant throughout 2010, I categorically recall having decided that this was just not meant to be in July of that year and then I fell pregnant in August. My mindset since the mc in November 2010 could not be more different to that 'que sera' attitude and I am certain that my biggest inhibitor has been stress and trying too hard. Attempting to get back to that laissez faire place is something I would love to do, but I know the damage is done and I must now learn to move forward from a very different place. Tough, but keep the faith ladies :hugs:

PS I am now hairy, grumpy and spotty, in fact, I'm amazed my husband can even be persuaded to BD at all!!! :haha: :haha:

That is too funny:haha::haha::haha:
HI all

Marathongirl, thanks for asking about my running, it's going ok thanks. Managed another session this week after last week's hills and ran 20 min warm up followed by 10x1 min hard with 1 min recoveries and 10 min warm down. Felt good a painful way, and painful in a good way! I'm meeting up with an old training partner/adversary on Sunday for a long run; I've told her to think of running with me as an act of charitable giving to those less fortunate!!! :haha:

Supplements, where to begin?! Currently:

Levothyroxine 125mg (since 2001, generally well regulated)
Viridian Pre-conception vitamin
Fish oil
CoQ10 600mg (since Jan 2012)
DHEA 75mg (since mid 0211)
Flaxseed oil

Bitten the dust along the way!!!:

B Complex (current multivitamin has about 5000% RDA B6 and/or B12)
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Brewer's Yeast
Herbal medicine
Instead softcups
Preseed about 10 other things that I've paid a fortune for and forgotten.

I actually plan to let all the supplements laspe as they run out as I have decided that none has really provided any benefit and have simply deprived my family of several thousand pounds along the way of trying to 'fix' myself since last mc. (One of my pet hates on BnB is those people who tune in 'to give us hope' with the magical ingredient they believe worked for them, usually after they've been ttc for all of 3 months!) In truth, after trying to get pregnant throughout 2010, I categorically recall having decided that this was just not meant to be in July of that year and then I fell pregnant in August. My mindset since the mc in November 2010 could not be more different to that 'que sera' attitude and I am certain that my biggest inhibitor has been stress and trying too hard. Attempting to get back to that laissez faire place is something I would love to do, but I know the damage is done and I must now learn to move forward from a very different place. Tough, but keep the faith ladies :hugs:

PS I am now hairy, grumpy and spotty, in fact, I'm amazed my husband can even be persuaded to BD at all!!! :haha: :haha:

lmao that made me laugh for ages xx
Well the thing is what may work for others may not work for some. I think if you given what everyone has told a try at least two times and it doesn't work onto the next.
Hi everyone~

Just discovered this thread and read through the pages. Hope you all don't mind if I join you. :)

My partner and I are 44 and have been TTC for 3 years. We have had 2 chemicals, and finally a BFP in early Feb of this year. Unfortunately we've had a MMC, and my scan yesterday showed everything has passed. Although devastated, I am ready to seek the closure I need to get my life back on track after several painful weeks.

The MMC, which was WOW so much more emotionally painful than I expected, has actually given me hope.

I have a 23 yr old son from my first marriage. I conceived him without batting an eye and had a totally normal pregnancy/birth. Although never in a position to TTC until I met my now partner, my super fertile family history and just plain ego I guess led me to believe I would conceive really fast again. FAIL lol.

I have learned so so much about my body in these past few years and for that I am grateful. I discovered my subclinical hypothyroidism (now controlled) and my fibroids (who knew?) etc etc. I feel like I've tried every supplement under the sun as well as charting, acupuncture, fertility yoga, fertility massage, living gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, alcohol free blah blah blah. Hell, when we were in India in January, I made an offering at a Hindu fertility temple. Why not? :flower:

But you know what? I feel better than I have in years. My partner and I have grown closer. He has been my rock! And to conceive 3 times at my age is nothing to sneeze at!

We need ONE good egg. That's it. One. and I refuse to give up hope until I am flat out menopausal.

So after several weeks of eating rather badly for comfort reasons, and being a slug physically, I am cleaning up my diet again and getting back out to exercise. I re-started my morning ritual of a wheatgrass shot and spoonful of royal jelly. I've booked an acupuncture appointment for Monday and as soon as my HCG falls to normal, we will try again.

Sorry for the really long post! I really enjoyed reading your stories and they triggered so many things I wanted to say. :blush:
Hi everyone~

Just discovered this thread and read through the pages. Hope you all don't mind if I join you. :)

My partner and I are 44 and have been TTC for 3 years. We have had 2 chemicals, and finally a BFP in early Feb of this year. Unfortunately we've had a MMC, and my scan yesterday showed everything has passed. Although devastated, I am ready to seek the closure I need to get my life back on track after several painful weeks.

The MMC, which was WOW so much more emotionally painful than I expected, has actually given me hope.

I have a 23 yr old son from my first marriage. I conceived him without batting an eye and had a totally normal pregnancy/birth. Although never in a position to TTC until I met my now partner, my super fertile family history and just plain ego I guess led me to believe I would conceive really fast again. FAIL lol.

I have learned so so much about my body in these past few years and for that I am grateful. I discovered my subclinical hypothyroidism (now controlled) and my fibroids (who knew?) etc etc. I feel like I've tried every supplement under the sun as well as charting, acupuncture, fertility yoga, fertility massage, living gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, alcohol free blah blah blah. Hell, when we were in India in January, I made an offering at a Hindu fertility temple. Why not? :flower:

But you know what? I feel better than I have in years. My partner and I have grown closer. He has been my rock! And to conceive 3 times at my age is nothing to sneeze at!

We need ONE good egg. That's it. One. and I refuse to give up hope until I am flat out menopausal.

So after several weeks of eating rather badly for comfort reasons, and being a slug physically, I am cleaning up my diet again and getting back out to exercise. I re-started my morning ritual of a wheatgrass shot and spoonful of royal jelly. I've booked an acupuncture appointment for Monday and as soon as my HCG falls to normal, we will try again.

Sorry for the really long post! I really enjoyed reading your stories and they triggered so many things I wanted to say. :blush:

Welcome to this group and glad you joined. As you can see we are on it together. Sorry about your MC and give yourself time to heal and onward and upward to that goal of having a baby. Sorry but our age we need to keep on moving cause the menopause could be coming.. Good luck!!:flower:
My guy & I are trying to have a baby together again. we had one pregnancy loss way back in 2008. Please pray 4 us k? Baby Dust to All of You Ladies!!! Magic April is Coming!!!:happydance:
we used preseed with a soft cup to follow BD left it over night to cook lol and I took soy iso on day 8,9,& 10! we pray it worked!!! We are hoping and praying with our lil ' excited hearts lol
This will be Benny's first baby & our first one together.
He's in his 40's too.Best Baby Wishes Come True To All Of U!!!:hugs:
Spoomie_ you go girl with the training! I love how you are just going for it. I must say I have to agree with the supplement thing, sometimes I don't know if I coming or going and I'm not even taking that much stuff!! I think the fact that you are getting back to what you love is very important as it makes you feel good regardless of the outcome of this ttc thing.
we used preseed with a soft cup to follow BD left it over night to cook lol and I took soy iso on day 8,9,& 10! we pray it worked!!! We ar and praying with our lil ' excited hearts lol
This will be Benny's first baby & our first one together.
He's in his 40's too.Best Baby Wishes Come True To All Of U!!!:hugs:
welvco b

Welcome Bennysbaby and good luck to u. Can I ask why u only use Soy for 3days and why those days? I never heard using Soy for three days? :thumbup:
The thing with DHEA is it can affect your moods. I can only take a small amount otherwise I'm a grumpy person.. It even says that on the warning . Also I've grown alot more body hair. I got a lazer hair removal system to use. Good luck...

Oh dear I think I am already grumpy enough without that - maybe I will give it a miss then :haha:

I agree with Butterfly I am already moody and grumpy enough. Poor dh:shrug: I have been thinking about it but am worried about the body hair thing as well. Hope everyone is doing well:hugs:

Hi everyone~

Just discovered this thread and read through the pages. Hope you all don't mind if I join you. :)

My partner and I are 44 and have been TTC for 3 years. We have had 2 chemicals, and finally a BFP in early Feb of this year. Unfortunately we've had a MMC, and my scan yesterday showed everything has passed. Although devastated, I am ready to seek the closure I need to get my life back on track after several painful weeks.

The MMC, which was WOW so much more emotionally painful than I expected, has actually given me hope.

I have a 23 yr old son from my first marriage. I conceived him without batting an eye and had a totally normal pregnancy/birth. Although never in a position to TTC until I met my now partner, my super fertile family history and just plain ego I guess led me to believe I would conceive really fast again. FAIL lol.

I have learned so so much about my body in these past few years and for that I am grateful. I discovered my subclinical hypothyroidism (now controlled) and my fibroids (who knew?) etc etc. I feel like I've tried every supplement under the sun as well as charting, acupuncture, fertility yoga, fertility massage, living gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, alcohol free blah blah blah. Hell, when we were in India in January, I made an offering at a Hindu fertility temple. Why not? :flower:

But you know what? I feel better than I have in years. My partner and I have grown closer. He has been my rock! And to conceive 3 times at my age is nothing to sneeze at!

We need ONE good egg. That's it. One. and I refuse to give up hope until I am flat out menopausal.

So after several weeks of eating rather badly for comfort reasons, and being a slug physically, I am cleaning up my diet again and getting back out to exercise. I re-started my morning ritual of a wheatgrass shot and spoonful of royal jelly. I've booked an acupuncture appointment for Monday and as soon as my HCG falls to normal, we will try again.

Sorry for the really long post! I really enjoyed reading your stories and they triggered so many things I wanted to say. :blush:
loving your positivity!!!!
My grandmother had my uncle at 42, after she died we found out she was actually 2 yrs older than she let on, grandad was her toy boy, 2 yrs her junior, or so he thought, she was 4 yrs older than him and so had my uncle at 44! He was the youngest of 5. I take inspiration from her.
Marathongirl, thanks for the vote of confidence, on both scores! I have tentatively made contact with my former coach (who knew of my mc and OCD attempts to get pregnant again....we are close!) and he welcomed me home like the prodigal son. I can feel the bit slipping ever closer to its home between my teeth and I may well be looking to claim some Vets prizes next year. Of course, don't be fooled for more than a millisecond, this is still part of my master plan to get so busy with my life that I fall pregnant like 'that' (insert click of fingers at this point) because I've taken the pressure off myself.......whatever!
HI all

Marathongirl, thanks for asking about my running, it's going ok thanks. Managed another session this week after last week's hills and ran 20 min warm up followed by 10x1 min hard with 1 min recoveries and 10 min warm down. Felt good a painful way, and painful in a good way! I'm meeting up with an old training partner/adversary on Sunday for a long run; I've told her to think of running with me as an act of charitable giving to those less fortunate!!! :haha:

Supplements, where to begin?! Currently:

Levothyroxine 125mg (since 2001, generally well regulated)
Viridian Pre-conception vitamin
Fish oil
CoQ10 600mg (since Jan 2012)
DHEA 75mg (since mid 0211)
Flaxseed oil

Bitten the dust along the way!!!:

B Complex (current multivitamin has about 5000% RDA B6 and/or B12)
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Brewer's Yeast
Herbal medicine
Instead softcups
Preseed about 10 other things that I've paid a fortune for and forgotten.

I actually plan to let all the supplements laspe as they run out as I have decided that none has really provided any benefit and have simply deprived my family of several thousand pounds along the way of trying to 'fix' myself since last mc. (One of my pet hates on BnB is those people who tune in 'to give us hope' with the magical ingredient they believe worked for them, usually after they've been ttc for all of 3 months!) In truth, after trying to get pregnant throughout 2010, I categorically recall having decided that this was just not meant to be in July of that year and then I fell pregnant in August. My mindset since the mc in November 2010 could not be more different to that 'que sera' attitude and I am certain that my biggest inhibitor has been stress and trying too hard. Attempting to get back to that laissez faire place is something I would love to do, but I know the damage is done and I must now learn to move forward from a very different place. Tough, but keep the faith ladies :hugs:

PS I am now hairy, grumpy and spotty, in fact, I'm amazed my husband can even be persuaded to BD at all!!! :haha: :haha:

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