Hi everyone~
Just discovered this thread and read through the pages. Hope you all don't mind if I join you.
My partner and I are 44 and have been TTC for 3 years. We have had 2 chemicals, and finally a BFP in early Feb of this year. Unfortunately we've had a MMC, and my scan yesterday showed everything has passed. Although devastated, I am ready to seek the closure I need to get my life back on track after several painful weeks.
The MMC, which was WOW so much more emotionally painful than I expected, has actually given me hope.
I have a 23 yr old son from my first marriage. I conceived him without batting an eye and had a totally normal pregnancy/birth. Although never in a position to TTC until I met my now partner, my super fertile family history and just plain ego I guess led me to believe I would conceive really fast again. FAIL lol.
I have learned so so much about my body in these past few years and for that I am grateful. I discovered my subclinical hypothyroidism (now controlled) and my fibroids (who knew?) etc etc. I feel like I've tried every supplement under the sun as well as charting, acupuncture, fertility yoga, fertility massage, living gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, alcohol free blah blah blah. Hell, when we were in India in January, I made an offering at a Hindu fertility temple. Why not?
But you know what? I feel better than I have in years. My partner and I have grown closer. He has been my rock! And to conceive 3 times at my age is nothing to sneeze at!
We need ONE good egg. That's it. One. and I refuse to give up hope until I am flat out menopausal.
So after several weeks of eating rather badly for comfort reasons, and being a slug physically, I am cleaning up my diet again and getting back out to exercise. I re-started my morning ritual of a wheatgrass shot and spoonful of royal jelly. I've booked an acupuncture appointment for Monday and as soon as my HCG falls to normal, we will try again.
Sorry for the really long post! I really enjoyed reading your stories and they triggered so many things I wanted to say.