Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Good Morning Ladies,
Any news??? Who is going to be the first one with a BFP????
Ugh..I'm so confused. decided to take another OPK and sure enough, big fat smiley face. I am CD 14 today. I got my first smiley face on Sunday and had my trigger/IUI on Monday. Thought I would be done with the O by now. I have made my poor hubby DTD did since the HSG test last Wednesday. I don't know how much more the man can take. haha I told him I was sure after last night he could take a break..Bahaha! Is this "normal". I really hope today is the last day of + OPK's. Can't wait to see my husbands face tonight when I tell him "come on honey, 1 more time at it"

My RE told me test on on two weeks from Monday which will be the 17th :happydance:

my cycle is usually like clock work 25-27 days FX'D
Well ladies we dtd all weekend so hopefully something good will come of it. How is everyone?

FX'd Good job on DTD all weekend. I've had my hubby at it all week plus an IUI..haha Poor guys!

I'm testing around the 16th how about you?
Welcome Despie!!!!!!!!!

Never2Late, not sure if your trigger is different than the one you get with IVF but the IVF one takes 7 to 10 days to leave the body
Good Morning Ladies,
Any news??? Who is going to be the first one with a BFP????

hi garnet we all deserve our bfps i think i have given up hope ov ever seeing 1 why was it with my 3 older children i only had to look at a **** and be pregnant lol xx
does any1 know if having a c section can caurse fertility problems i had 1 9 years ago with my youngest and cant help thinking thats the problem xx
Ugh..I'm so confused. decided to take another OPK and sure enough, big fat smiley face. I am CD 14 today. I got my first smiley face on Sunday and had my trigger/IUI on Monday. Thought I would be done with the O by now. I have made my poor hubby DTD did since the HSG test last Wednesday. I don't know how much more the man can take. haha I told him I was sure after last night he could take a break..Bahaha! Is this "normal". I really hope today is the last day of + OPK's. Can't wait to see my husbands face tonight when I tell him "come on honey, 1 more time at it"

My RE told me test on on two weeks from Monday which will be the 17th :happydance:

my cycle is usually like clock work 25-27 days FX'D

I get AF on 15th or 16th. I am like clock work too. Once though when I was on my first cycle of clomid, I was a week late and I thought I was pregnant but I wasn't and i was very disapointed. So I don't test until about a week after AF doesn't show up...
Well ladies we dtd all weekend so hopefully something good will come of it. How is everyone?

FX'd Good job on DTD all weekend. I've had my hubby at it all week plus an IUI..haha Poor guys!

I'm testing around the 16th how about you?

Yup husband is worn out too. He gets too tired doing everynite but he is totally fear of me going back to work so he is determined to get me pregnant..:flower:
does any1 know if having a c section can caurse fertility problems i had 1 9 years ago with my youngest and cant help thinking thats the problem xx

unless you had your tubes tied while at it I don't see how. Or any mishaps?
Ugh..I'm so confused. decided to take another OPK and sure enough, big fat smiley face. I am CD 14 today. I got my first smiley face on Sunday and had my trigger/IUI on Monday. Thought I would be done with the O by now. I have made my poor hubby DTD did since the HSG test last Wednesday. I don't know how much more the man can take. haha I told him I was sure after last night he could take a break..Bahaha! Is this "normal". I really hope today is the last day of + OPK's. Can't wait to see my husbands face tonight when I tell him "come on honey, 1 more time at it"

My RE told me test on on two weeks from Monday which will be the 17th :happydance:

my cycle is usually like clock work 25-27 days FX'D

I get AF on 15th or 16th. I am like clock work too. Once though when I was on my first cycle of clomid, I was a week late and I thought I was pregnant but I wasn't and i was very disapointed. So I don't test until about a week after AF doesn't show up...

I know I will just be crushed if I get a BFN:nope: But its impossible not to be so excited. I will try to hold off on testing as long as possible..ya right! Who am I trying to kid..:happydance:
does any1 know if having a c section can caurse fertility problems i had 1 9 years ago with my youngest and cant help thinking thats the problem xx

I had a Saline Ultrasound done this summer to see if there were any rips in my lining from my last C-section, 3 years ago but that wasn 't the problem..:growlmad:
Hello everyone. I'm 44 and TTC for the first time ever. I'm in my first cycle so just started, but it's been a whirlwind month of research, reading, and obsessing. Meanwhile, I'm keeping my TTC efforts 100% confidential from family and friends (well, except from my BF, of course), so it's been a very strange month. Anyone who knows me even remotely would drop dead on the spot to know that I'm deliberately trying to conceive. It's like hearing that George Clooney is deliberately looking for a wife. Yes, it would be that shocking.

Meanwhile, in many ways, my (thus far short) journey is probably very similar to many of yours. I, MissKnowItAllOmniscientBiotchFromHell, had no clue that I'd have difficulty getting knocked up. I simply assumed that since I was healthy, active, a veritable Energizer Bunny, way too young and immature for my age, and regularly menstruating, that I'd conceive quickly. Little did I know that I was in a whole new category of womanhood all of a sudden. Apparently this is a very well kept secret, because not a soul ever told me anything about the quality and quantity of my eggs diving off a cliff past 40. I only found this out within the last month when I started researching what I need to do to prepare for pregnancy, only to read over and over and over again what has become a very tired mantra of "Oh Yeah, good luck :thumbup:".

But I wouldn't be here if, like all of you ladies, I took the dour statistics and morbid naysaying to heart. I'm not saying I don't believe the statistics. Only that we don't need to be deterred by them. Because if there is anything I have noticed about the most successful people I know, it is not necessarily that they are super-gifted or super-smart, or super-lucky. What they are is undeterred by disappointment or terrible odds. I was not deterred by the nasty-ass nurse at my OB/GYN who took my call about scheduling my Day 3 panels. I could practically hear her over the phone slapping her HazMat suit on upon learning my age, as though she would catch the sterility plague from me through the phone lines.

So, BF and I are embarking on this journey together and hoping for the best, but we're prepared for disappointment and ultimately no baby. Despite wanting this baby more than anything else in the world, I've also made my peace with it perhaps not being my destiny, and I can accept that. I have drilled into BF that this could take a very long time, and be frought with heartbreak. I told him "COUNT ON at least two miscarriages. You have to be prepared for that. At our age, that's what we're signing up for." He warned me that even one miscarriage will take a huge emotional toll. I said I was prepared to pay that price in order to get to the one baby that makes it through healthy.

What I am doing to improve my chances:

Chinese herbs from my acupuncturist
Weekly acupuncture with a certified fertility specialist
folic acid
will soon start on other supplements, such as CoQ10, L-Arginine, L-Cartinie, royal jelly, Bee pollen, etc.
Have gone 100% cold turkey on all caffeine and alcohol [I've been a coffee addict since 14, heretofore non-functional without 4 shots of espresso in the morning]
Cut waaaaaay back on glutens; more veggies and fruits
I gave up refined sugar 2 years ago, so that persists
I switched 1% milk with whole milk
Pilates 3 times a week to improve core power and enhance flexibility/stability

That's it so far. Sorry for the long post.

And does anyone else read BFN and BFP in their heads as Big Effing Negative/Positive? I don't know why I replace Fat with an unspeakable word. It must be that immaturity I already fessed up to....

Wishing all of you your heart's desire.
Hello everyone. I'm 44 and TTC for the first time ever. I'm in my first cycle so just started, but it's been a whirlwind month of research, reading, and obsessing. Meanwhile, I'm keeping my TTC efforts 100% confidential from family and friends (well, except from my BF, of course), so it's been a very strange month. Anyone who knows me even remotely would drop dead on the spot to know that I'm deliberately trying to conceive. It's like hearing that George Clooney is deliberately looking for a wife. Yes, it would be that shocking.

Meanwhile, in many ways, my (thus far short) journey is probably very similar to many of yours. I, MissKnowItAllOmniscientBiotchFromHell, had no clue that I'd have difficulty getting knocked up. I simply assumed that since I was healthy, active, a veritable Energizer Bunny, way too young and immature for my age, and regularly menstruating, that I'd conceive quickly. Little did I know that I was in a whole new category of womanhood all of a sudden. Apparently this is a very well kept secret, because not a soul ever told me anything about the quality and quantity of my eggs diving off a cliff past 40. I only found this out within the last month when I started researching what I need to do to prepare for pregnancy, only to read over and over and over again what has become a very tired mantra of "Oh Yeah, good luck :thumbup:".

But I wouldn't be here if, like all of you ladies, I took the dour statistics and morbid naysaying to heart. I'm not saying I don't believe the statistics. Only that we don't need to be deterred by them. Because if there is anything I have noticed about the most successful people I know, it is not necessarily that they are super-gifted or super-smart, or super-lucky. What they are is undeterred by disappointment or terrible odds. I was not deterred by the nasty-ass nurse at my OB/GYN who took my call about scheduling my Day 3 panels. I could practically hear her over the phone slapping her HazMat suit on upon learning my age, as though she would catch the sterility plague from me through the phone lines.

So, BF and I are embarking on this journey together and hoping for the best, but we're prepared for disappointment and ultimately no baby. Despite wanting this baby more than anything else in the world, I've also made my peace with it perhaps not being my destiny, and I can accept that. I have drilled into BF that this could take a very long time, and be frought with heartbreak. I told him "COUNT ON at least two miscarriages. You have to be prepared for that. At our age, that's what we're signing up for." He warned me that even one miscarriage will take a huge emotional toll. I said I was prepared to pay that price in order to get to the one baby that makes it through healthy.

What I am doing to improve my chances:

Chinese herbs from my acupuncturist
Weekly acupuncture with a certified fertility specialist
folic acid
will soon start on other supplements, such as CoQ10, L-Arginine, L-Cartinie, royal jelly, Bee pollen, etc.
Have gone 100% cold turkey on all caffeine and alcohol [I've been a coffee addict since 14, heretofore non-functional without 4 shots of espresso in the morning]
Cut waaaaaay back on glutens; more veggies and fruits
I gave up refined sugar 2 years ago, so that persists
I switched 1% milk with whole milk
Pilates 3 times a week to improve core power and enhance flexibility/stability

That's it so far. Sorry for the long post.

And does anyone else read BFN and BFP in their heads as Big Effing Negative/Positive? I don't know why I replace Fat with an unspeakable word. It must be that immaturity I already fessed up to....

Wishing all of you your heart's desire.

Welcome Deco! :flower:

I really enjoyed reading your post. Writer by chance?
I am like you only 41 and the hubby and I are not telling anyone until we make it past 3 months after the BFP. I'm surprised that your FS has not immediately started you on medications or triggers or IUI. Have you had any labs yet or and HSG. My hubby and I tried on our own for 6 months then because of my age went to my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) Saw him on March 8th. Recieved my first set of labs and Vag ultrasound. Was put on 100mg Clomid on CD 3-7 Had my HSG on 3/28/12 (tubes all clear) (plus my RE says an HSG increases your chances because it clears all the cobwebs out of your tubes) haha love my Dr! Then Monday 4/2/12 I got my Ovidrel trigger injection at 9:00am and our first IUI at 2:00pm. We have been doing the deed since 3/28/12 (poor hubby) I will make him do it again tonight then give him a rest. My RE told me to test for pregnancy on the 16th :happydance:

I have 3 daughters in their twenty's from my fist marriage and my hubby has none. I'm hoping that all these extras my RE has given us will boost our chances!!
Welcome Deco!! I am 42 and will be 43 in Sept. so am in the same boat. Just hoping for the 1 good egg!! I also do the Chinese herbs and acupuncture and think it really helps! I did get a BFP last Sept but had a mc at 12 weeks and have been trying ever since. Good luck to you!
Welcome Deco,
You know it would be wonderful if someone in this group would carry and deliver a baby at our age. There are at least two women on the 35 +pregnancy section that had a baby at 43,44 after several MC so we do have a wee bit of hope. I had a baby at 39/40 but have had 2 MC and 1D &E and we are trying one more time then stopping at 45. Want to wish you luck and maybe you will be a lucky one.:) :)
Deco best of luck. We do have Miss_C who succeeded naturally and she will turn 44 in May so, it is possible. She is due to have her little baby in mid July!
I didn't realize Miss C was 43. Well then it is 3 ladies. Sabrinkat and Vintage 67 were both 44 when giving birth. Yeah for Miss C.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes. It's good to have others to talk to, especially when we are not confiding in anyone in our non-virtual lives.

never2late1970, I'm not a writer though would love to be :)
I have not had HSG, or anything other than the Day 3 tests. I went straight to an acupuncturist. She is the fertility specialist. Apparently there are only 100 acupuncturists in the country with the specialized fertility certification, or so they say. She believes that TCM can improve egg quality, so she has given me a wee bitty chance.

I am not on any meds as I haven't actually seen a doctor yet. I have my annual with my OB/GYN on Monday, so that's when I plan to get the process started. Assuming I don't fire their ass because of the grotesque unprofessionalism of the fool Nurse. I am perfectly capable of understanding statistics and odds, and don't tolerate grandiose presumptuousness about the unworthiness of my cause.

I've decided that the most invasive I'm willing to go is medicated IUI, and that I'll give it 2 years before relenting. But first I have to see what my doc says on Monday, and I'll take it from there.

Thank you for letting me share.

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