Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

hi Jax lol sorry its just my way of making sense of the whole thing :blush:

Madeline xxx
So I got a faint positive on a blue dye test this morning so I am trying not to take it too seriously. I only have one FRER and one Clearblue easy digital left and since I am only 11DPO and I am not supposed to test until Friday I do not want to wasyte them. :shrug:

Some one posted a picture for me on the Clomid thread..

To be :happydance:
So I got a faint positive on a blue dye test this morning so I am trying not to take it too seriously. I only have one FRER and one Clearblue easy digital left and since I am only 11DPO and I am not supposed to test until Friday I do not want to wasyte them. :shrug:

Some one posted a picture for me on the Clomid thread..

To be :happydance:
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Ok, trying to contain the premature excitement monster waiting to bust out of me, so I will barely whisper a eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)

Can't wait for the update!
So I got a faint positive on a blue dye test this morning so I am trying not to take it too seriously. I only have one FRER and one Clearblue easy digital left and since I am only 11DPO and I am not supposed to test until Friday I do not want to wasyte them. :shrug:

Some one posted a picture for me on the Clomid thread..

To be :happydance:
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! Ok, trying to contain the premature excitement monster waiting to bust out of me, so I will barely whisper a eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)

Can't wait for the update!

Here's where the picture is uploaded to by Mammag I am too dumb to figure it out so I emailed to
Hi y'all!! :flower:

Minted, you get going :thumbup:

JLondon, :hugs: hope you forget completely the words the Dr said to you....

Madeline, you are stats queen :winkwink::haha:

Deco, can't wait to hear what your test brings in the morning!! :happydance:

AFM, DH hopefully went for his SA today.....and I'm wondering is anyone here on this thread 40+ and TTC#1 still or am I alone in the world :shrug::flower:
Hello. B effing N this morning. Though I'm still in disagreement with FF on my O date. It says I'm at 13DPO, but I think I'm 11DPO. If you overlay my chart with last month's chart and have them matched up on start of cycle day as opposed to O day (which FF has wrong), then my two charts are shockingly identical. I'm starting to feel like I'm a robot or something. The organic world is much more random than the creepily similar charts I've produced two months in a row.

And you're not alone, dear. I'm 44 and TTC #1, only second month into The Baby Project, and expecting a long long haul. DP is getting SA this week or next as well. I just want to find out relatively early in the process whether the natural route is a waste of time given his swimmers (or sinkers), and whether we should go to IUI. Will soon find out.
Here's where the picture is uploaded to by Mammag I am too dumb to figure it out so I emailed to
Looks pretty clear to me! Congratulations! this is beyond awesomeness.
well done, a blue line is a blue line, cant wait to see tomorrows :thumbup: x
hey minted thats fantastic :) fingers crossed :)

hey everyone thought you might find this interesting :)

"In 1999, a group of researchers at Liverpool Hospital in the UK, one of the largest miscarriage clinics in the world, examined the histories of more than 700 of their patients in whom no cause of recurrent miscarriage could be found.

As you can see in their results in the table below, even when a couple have experienced several miscarriages, there is a very high probability that their next pregnancy will go to term:

Chance of next pregnancy going to term based on age and miscarriage history:

(years} Number of previous miscarriages
2 3 4 5
20 92 90 88 85
25 89 86 82 79
30 84 80 76 71
35 77 73 68 62
40 69 64 58 52
45 60 54 48 42
Brigham et al . Human Reproduction 1999

ps the numbers 2 3 4 5 should start at the second column the represent the number of mc's

Madeline xxx
thanks for the interesting stats, Madeline.
How are you feeling? Everything going ok? :hugs:
Hi y'all!! :flower:

Minted, you get going :thumbup:

JLondon, :hugs: hope you forget completely the words the Dr said to you....

Madeline, you are stats queen :winkwink::haha:

Deco, can't wait to hear what your test brings in the morning!! :happydance:

AFM, DH hopefully went for his SA today.....and I'm wondering is anyone here on this thread 40+ and TTC#1 still or am I alone in the world :shrug::flower:

Me too! :wave:

So I got a faint positive on a blue dye test this morning so I am trying not to take it too seriously. I only have one FRER and one Clearblue easy digital left and since I am only 11DPO and I am not supposed to test until Friday I do not want to wasyte them. :shrug:

Some one posted a picture for me on the Clomid thread..

To be :happydance:

ooh how exciting, keeping my fingers crossed :happydance::happydance:
Fingers crossed for you never2late:dust:

Jax I'm 40 TTC'ing for #1 too.. I hit 40 in September and thought this is it, it's now or never for me, I'm single so found a donor (the brother of a friend I've had since my teens, he's single, gay and in his 40's and want's to co-parent) We started TTC'ing in Jan this year, I had a very feint BFP in feb but that turned to a BFN a day or two later, so I guess that was a chemical and then we tried again in Feb and I got my BFP in March. I am staying positive and can't wait to try again, what the Dr told me has stuck a little, I googled some stuff last night and the fact that my donor is over 40 isn't great apparently but then again, I also know that the possibility of a 2nd mc is much lower now. What will be will be I guess, bought a tonne of evening primrose oil today to pick myself up and booked a 4 day break to Spain to get some sun, leaving on Thursday, sunshine always gives me a boost so can't wait for that :)

Thanks everyone for your kind words and for thinking of me :hugs:
Fingers crossed for you never2late:dust:

Jax I'm 40 TTC'ing for #1 too.. I hit 40 in September and thought this is it, it's now or never for me, I'm single so found a donor (the brother of a friend I've had since my teens, he's single, gay and in his 40's and want's to co-parent) We started TTC'ing in Jan this year, I had a very feint BFP in feb but that turned to a BFN a day or two later, so I guess that was a chemical and then we tried again in Feb and I got my BFP in March. I am staying positive and can't wait to try again, what the Dr told me has stuck a little, I googled some stuff last night and the fact that my donor is over 40 isn't great apparently but then again, I also know that the possibility of a 2nd mc is much lower now. What will be will be I guess, bought a tonne of evening primrose oil today to pick myself up and booked a 4 day break to Spain to get some sun, leaving on Thursday, sunshine always gives me a boost so can't wait for that :)

Thanks everyone for your kind words and for thinking of me :hugs:
Good luck and enjoy your visit in Spain.:flower:
hi Jax lol sorry its just my way of making sense of the whole thing :blush:

Madeline xxx

Hey, please don't apologise, it wasn't meant as a dig at all! :hugs::hugs: Keep them stats coming! :haha:

Deco, JLondon, Butterfly, thanks girls :flower: was beginning to feel like a freak of nature :haha: well I'm still convinced I am as I've NEVER had a BFP in my life :dohh: but lovely to know that I'm not alone in TTC#1 :hugs::hugs:

Deco, so sorry to read the BeffingN this morning :nope: FFs a pain in the ass sometimes, are you going to keep testing? DH got his SA done yesterday, I am so happy :cloud9: it's been a colossal struggle (on my part here!) to ask him to do it as I was absolutely 100% convinced he wouldn't (he has 3 already from his first time round) and I'm so happy to say he proved me wrong and I love him!! Your 'sinkers' made me LOL! Let's hope for both of us they're gold medalists :spermy::thumbup:

JLondon, my DH is over 40 too and yes I know we're all getting on but I think as long as they have a healthy diet/lifestyle then anything's possible. I'm dead envious that you managed a BFP so quick, wow! Half the time I feel like I've not even got out of the starting blocks :shrug: I so hope that the next time, and I'm convinced there will be one v soon for you, your little bean is a sticky one, in the meantime enjoy Spain you lucky girl and bring the sunshine back with you :hugs::hugs:

Never2Late, can't wait for the progress report! :thumbup: I think you should pee on a FRER though and send us a pic :winkwink: Good luck!!! :hugs:
Mrsp how r u
I am on cd10 doing opk, i have irregular cycles ranging from 19-48 days and havent got a clue for ovulation ever over months, any tips be grateful

hi minted 69 sorry i have no tips my cycles range from 18 /92 days i stopped doing opks a while back it was too stressful and expensive the only thing i notice is my boobs get sore usually after ovulation but that can sumtimes take ages they started getting tender yesterday so i think i must have o over the wkend xx
hi every one hope you are all well. afm sore boobs thats about it lets get those bfp rolling in sending:dust: to everyone xx
Hi I am 41 TTC for the first time with my husband. We got married three years ago and due to sick parents we werent concentrating on ourselves. This is kind of fun but stressful as well due to our ages. SO nervous it wont happen. I am 9 dpo today. AF due on Tuesday. I have been feeling warm to hot since 1 dpo. I have had cramping and a stich in my right side. Maybe reading too much into it. Afraid it will be a bfn.
Hi Waiting4Grace :hi: nice to meet you :flower: really hope your stay here is a short one :hugs:

I know what you mean about not concentrating on yourselves, my lovely Dad was poorly for the past 4 years and :sex: was the last thing on my mind, our little :baby: definitely got put on the back burner.....Dad's safe now so bring on baby!! :thumbup::happydance: I keep asking him to put a good word in for me when the big man passes by but I think he's enjoying the rest too much! :haha:

Deco, so sorry to read the BeffingN this morning :nope: FFs a pain in the ass sometimes, are you going to keep testing? DH got his SA done yesterday, I am so happy :cloud9: it's been a colossal struggle (on my part here!) to ask him to do it as I was absolutely 100% convinced he wouldn't (he has 3 already from his first time round) and I'm so happy to say he proved me wrong and I love him!! Your 'sinkers' made me LOL! Let's hope for both of us they're gold medalists :spermy::thumbup:

JLondon, my DH is over 40 too and yes I know we're all getting on but I think as long as they have a healthy diet/lifestyle then anything's possible. I'm dead envious that you managed a BFP so quick, wow! Half the time I feel like I've not even got out of the starting blocks :shrug: I so hope that the next time, and I'm convinced there will be one v soon for you, your little bean is a sticky one, in the meantime enjoy Spain you lucky girl and bring the sunshine back with you :hugs::hugs:
thank you Jax dear :hugs:. yes, I will keep testing every other day until I get a BeffingP or my temps plummet or :witch:arrives. One thing I have going for me in this process is that I'm extraordinarily chill about this Baby Project. I won't lie, I'm also completely obsessed, but emotionally chill. Planning, plotting, scheming, researching, supplement popping, needle pricking, gooey swamp water swilling, POASing, temping, symptom checking, vajayjay probing, BnB stalking have taken over my life. But I threw myself into it expecting to see at least 12 cycles of BFNs (and then some m/cs :( ). So when I see a BFN, I think things are going exactly as expected and it's not really a let down. A BFP this early would be glorious beyond my wildest dreams, and also utterly unexpected and odds-defying. I'd feel like I've won the lottery.

Having spent all my life on my school, carreer building, travel, and home prettifying, and having had no interest in baby making, I feel that it's only fair that I now pay my dues, put in the greater focus, sacrifice, endure the inconveniences and life disruptions and disappointments that come with TTC after 40, before I can realistically expect success. One can't help but hope and fantasize and envision the arrival of a LO, but I also honestly think that it's not realistic for it to happen in my second cycle of TTC #1 at 44. DP is also 44, so neither of us are at our prime, although we foolishly believe we still are. DP, at 44, is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (he started training at 40) and regularly ties ripped 20somethings into pretzels. But his age is a factor too, as we all know, regardless of how youthful he looks, feels, and lives.

And I agree with Jax: It's fantastic that JLondon got two BFPs within the first 3 cycles of trying. Don't let the doc's words discourage or concern you. There are so many people who would kill to be 40 again and have your "enhanced" odds over what they are dealt [Yep, 40 kicks 44's a$$ on fertility statistics]. And no matter how discouraged and spent we might feel, we should also consider how this is the youngest and most fertile we will ever be. I know when I'm 48 I'll be looking back on 44 and thinking I was a mere pup then. And when I'm 55, I'll look back on 48 and think I had the world at my feet at 48. And when I'm 60, 55 will look like a veritable fountain of youth and vitality, and so on. It's all relative, so we should enjoy the youth and vitality we have right now, and not let people put us into the "Old Mum" or that loathsome "advanced maternal age" box, because relative to some people, and even ourselves in the future, we are spring chickens indeed.

Sorry for the tome.:blush:

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