Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Spoomie, so glad to hear that you are getting back some lust for life and that is a great time for a 5k (you can't expect to get back to pb just yet :haha:)

Spoomie, so glad to hear that you are getting back some lust for life and that is a great time for a 5k (you can't expect to get back to pb just yet :haha:)


Bless you Butterfly, I hope that things are good with you? :hugs:. Let's not overlook that it's also a bloody big ask at my age too!!! But I have the bit between my teeth and the challenge is doing me good. In truth, I hate 5k, long distances are my forte (hence my cyber friendship with marathon girl!) but I've been out of training for so long that 5k is a necessary stepping stone along the comeback trail :haha::haha:
:haha::haha: yes the age thing is a bit annoying isn't it! :growlmad: Small steps as they say and you will get there in no time. All Ok with me thanks, just waiting out this cycle and then see how the land lies :hugs::hugs:
Good afternoon!

Busy weekend. Busy day.

I have been lurking and wish EVERYONE the best!

As for me CD3 and round 3 of "Clomoody"
Going for my scan on CD10 this cycle (Monday)

Maybe the third time will be the charm :dohh:

I am cutting caffeine, smokes (6 months ago), refined sugars, fatty foods.
Piling on the salads and fruit. Taking prenatal, folic acid and fish oil. Swimming laps and boinking my hubby every chance I get. :winkwink:

I don't know what more we can do :shrug:

I am seriously praying for ALL of us! Day and night! :flower:

Happy Monday!

Thought I might be the only 40+ TTC... so glad to find you all here... I think it may take a while to get used to the abbreviations?
Welcome STBMrsM, yes the abbrevs take a bit of getting used to :haha:

Why are you feeling sad? :flower:
I am Sad today because I had to fill in sickness absence form at work after MC last week 7/5/12....
hi every1 hope you are all well and good x afm got very slight cramping today and still keep getting light headed now and again im really cold too so i think im coming down with sumthing just my luck it happens in the tww to get my hopes up a bit xx
I have 5 lovely children and 3 grandchildren so a lot to be thankful for... my sadness will pass but my love for them will go on and on...
I am buoyed by the fact that there are so many women in the same place as me... some people that I have spoken to re our TTC at my age and with previous children are somewhat negative to the idea... I hope to find support and guidance with you all...x
I have 5 lovely children and 3 grandchildren so a lot to be thankful for... my sadness will pass but my love for them will go on and on...
I am buoyed by the fact that there are so many women in the same place as me... some people that I have spoken to re our TTC at my age and with previous children are somewhat negative to the idea... I hope to find support and guidance with you all...x

Sorry for your loss ,the support here is amazing ,:hugs::hugs:
Hello everyone. I've had so much to catch up on. donna, you cracked me up with the Norwary nookie trip. I've been thinking about doing that too since DP will be going on some trips in the coming months, and if it falls in my zone, I plan to fly out to violate him. Except my destinations are less glamorous than Norway: Idaho & Minnesota.

soontobemrsm, welcome and sorry for your loss. Hope you pass the sadness soon.

spoomie, so glad you're feeling better and healthier and running again.

Madeline, sending happy thoughts your way.

never2late, FX for your third cycle of Clomoody. Sounds like you're doing everything right, so it's just a matter of time.

Speaking of body playing tricks on you, mrsp, I'm really confounded by my body right now. AF came last Friday, but only lasted a day, day and half at most, and followed by light spotting through Sunday. But I've also been feeling sick to my stomach, on and off, since last thursday. Also dead tired and completely wiped out on Sunday. I think I slept all day. Woke up on Monday, and my temperature had climbed back up to LP type temps. I figured I must have some kind of a stomatch bug/infection, given the higher temp, nausea, fatigue. A couple of times since Sunday I've felt I might hurl, but never did. I've gotten these really weird symptom of producing way too much saliva, to the point I have to repeatedly swallow in a mad rush just to keep up with the production, or else spit in the sink cuz I can't keep up. I woke up to this weird excessive saliva production this morning, still feeling nauseous, but not too bad. Meanwhile temp has climbed some more today.

WTF is going on? Very annoying. Just when I finished commenting how insightful of a tool this temping is, my temps are now all over the place. Given my meager one day of AF, temps climbing, nausea, fatigue, and the weird saliva thingy, I tested this morning just in case and BeffingN again. Mind/body playing tricks on me :wacko:
So I went to the Mayo Clinic's website to research causes of excessive saliva production, and here they are:

Causes of increased saliva production
  • Dentures that are new or don't fit well [nope, don't wear dentures]
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) [hmmm. will have to look into this, whether it causes increase temp and nausea. was not aware I had this]
  • Infection in your mouth or throat [no signs of this]
  • Medications, such as clonazepam (Klonopin), clozapine (Clozaril, Fazaclo ODT), pilocarpine (Salagen) and carbidopa-levodopa (Parcopa, Sinemet) [on no medications]
  • Pregnancy [Ah-haaaaaa! but BFN this morning]
  • Stomatitis (an inflammation of mucous membranes in your mouth) [no signs of this]
Rarer causes of increased saliva production include:
  • Arsenic poisoning [doubtful]
  • Bell's palsy (a condition that causes facial muscle weakness or paralysis) [doubtful]
  • Esophageal atresia (a disorder present at birth in which the esophagus doesn't develop properly) [nope]
  • Mercury poisoning [don't think so]
  • Rabies (a deadly virus spread to people from the saliva of infected animals) [some days I think this is possible:haha:, but probably not]
  • Syphilis (a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact) [hell no]
  • Tuberculosis (an infectious disease that affects your lungs) [nope]
Hello Everyone -

Just checking back in. Looks like we got some :sex:going on up in here... good luck!

I'm CD25 and really just waiting on AF to rear her ugly head. I tested yesterday, just in case, and of course :bfn:

No worries. AF will come and go, and I can get back to humpin' it up!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day! :dance:
Is there anyone in their 40's ttc, or am i the only dilly person? My son is 6 years old now, and I would love to give him a brother or sister, I battled to have him, took us 10 years to fall pregnant, had a miscarriage last year march :(


me too !!! 41 in 3 weeks time (yikes) and recently started trying for number 1 so no you are not alone and judging by this thread there appear to be a few of us pensioners here :haha:

Here's to us all :dust:
Hi ladies, been lurking but not posting, hope all are well.

Marathongirl! Not sure if you're still on this thread, hope you are ok and just busy getting on with life and hence, too busy to post. I just wanted to share with you that I ran my first 5k at the weekend. Not a race, just a time trial but reasonably pleased with 21.45 over a hilly course. It was several mins slower than my pb but it was the first 'race' type situation for almost 2 years so fairly respectable as a start. I am loving running again and it is massively helping my mental state; the depression that has dogged me since my last mc in late 2010 is finally starting to lift. I actually said to my coach at the weekend that it would almost be a shame to discover I was pregnant now as I've just started to regain a bit of fitness and feel good about it. This is an amazing turnaround as the prospect of not succeeding would've left me virtually hyperventilating only 6 months ago, and ironically, I now know that rediscovering some joie de vivre in this way is going to give me the best possible chance of conceiving. So, I keep telling myself it's win win, and I'm now starting to believe myself :)

Hope things are good with you, that you are managing to stay positive about ttc and, at the same time, to enjoy running with your OH xxx
Hi Spoomie!!! Thanks for asking! Yes I am soooo busy with life right now I feel I barely have time to breathe. I normally do all my stalking and posting while at work but I have been too busy there too! Yes dh and I are running 4 times a week and I'm doing stationary bike or elliptical on the other days. I am trying to keep things in perspective about ttc and it's really hard. I am on cycle 5 so far and af is due tomorrow. I'm not holding out too much hope as I broke down today at 12 dpo and tested because my temp was pretty high today? Of course bfn on a Frer. It wasn't with fmu but..... Anyways I go see my FS tomorrow so we will see what he says? I'm glad you are enjoying your running and believing that you will be ok regardless of what happens!!:hugs:
Hi everyone. I have been lurking for a while and have finally plucked up the courage to post.

A little about me. I am 41 and have an 11 year old daughter from a previous relationship (conceived when I was taking the pill somehow!). I am married now to a wonderful man who doesn't have any children of his own and we have been TTC since July 2011. Our story, people tell me, sounds like a fairy tale and I kind of want to finish our story but it isn't happening at the moment!

Our story is that we first dated when we were teenagers. We met on prestel which was what was around before the Internet when I was 14 and he was 16. We dated for two years before going our separate ways and losing touch. In the meantime he moved to the US and I stayed in the UK. When my daughter was a year old he got back in touch with me via Friends Reunited and we became friends again and saw each other when he was back in the country. Every so often we would get close to something happening between us, but I decided I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Then two years ago his work brought him back to the UK and we spent more time together and eventually we decided to give a relationship a go. No sooner had that happened than he got offered a job in Abu Dhabi and we had to cope with making a long distance relationship work. I then had a big decision to make and got myself a job in Dubai. We got married in June last year because it's illegal to live together in the UAE and my daughter and I moved out here in July.

So now we are TTC to complete our family. I have had one diagnosed early miscarriage and two possible ones, the most recent being this weekend. DH says he isn't bothered either way whether we do or don't have a baby (he knows what I am like and doesn't want me getting stressed), but his behaviour at the weekend after AF flying in suggests otherwise!

Reading your stories, you have been through such a lot in your TTC journeys and yet you still manage to be so positive. Amazing! :thumbup:

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