Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Well ladies!
Journey is over! Jilly bean didn't make it no heartbeat. Good luck to all you wonderful ladies and may you all have a Beanie soon.

:hugs: oh sweetheart i am so sorry to hear this, i have been stalking you and hoping this one would stick. Im sending you tons of hugs, take care of yourself. :hugs:
Well ladies!
Journey is over! Jilly bean didn't make it no heartbeat. Good luck to all you wonderful ladies and may you all have a Beanie soon.

Oh Garnet!! I am so very sorry!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!! :hugs::hugs:
hi all, just joined today.. wow this place is massive!

havent read the whole thread, only the last few posts, but massive hugs to those who are experiencing losses right now xx

a quick intro about me.
i'm 40, DP is 37, we have three beautiful children and are trying to coceive number one together. just about to enter our 8th cycle, had iud (copper) removed in novemeber, last cycle was a cp cycle, and this morning i had a massive temp drop so looks like this cycle was a washout too.

babydust to all xx:hugs:
hi all, just joined today.. wow this place is massive!

havent read the whole thread, only the last few posts, but massive hugs to those who are experiencing losses right now xx

a quick intro about me.
i'm 40, DP is 37, we have three beautiful children and are trying to coceive number one together. just about to enter our 8th cycle, had iud (copper) removed in novemeber, last cycle was a cp cycle, and this morning i had a massive temp drop so looks like this cycle was a washout too.

babydust to all xx:hugs:

hi isittoolate and welcome xxim 43 i also have 3 children and ttc number 1 together with my partner i had my coil removed end july 2010 just started cycle 22 sending :dust:
hi all, just joined today.. wow this place is massive!

havent read the whole thread, only the last few posts, but massive hugs to those who are experiencing losses right now xx

a quick intro about me.
i'm 40, DP is 37, we have three beautiful children and are trying to coceive number one together. just about to enter our 8th cycle, had iud (copper) removed in novemeber, last cycle was a cp cycle, and this morning i had a massive temp drop so looks like this cycle was a washout too.

babydust to all xx:hugs:

Welcome Isittoolate... (and BTW, it's not too late!!) I'm relatively new here too and still getting used to the lingo, the posts and the replies. I've found it to be an amazing place of acceptance, support, kindness and generous love. I'm sure you will too... I'm also starting a new cycle (#16), so onwards we go... Good luck!!!

(42, DH 40, TTC #4 - same as you)
thankyou for the welcomes! (note to self hit the "N" key harder!!)
welcome isittoolate.............. and no it is not! :)

Garnet thinking of you sweetheart xx
8 dpo and have itchy fingers trying not to test... tingly bbs (but I also get this 10 day b4 af).... feeling different in mood and emotional state...weepy but also have a lot going on with other kids....
Hi to all newbies good to hear from you... much support.....
blah AF got me again yesterday. woke up knowing i had a long busy day photographing a wedding, went to the loo and there she was. wasn't even due until today but no she has to show up on the hottest day of the year and when i am about to work myself into the ground on a 15 hour shoot! incidentally i am aching all over today! who says all a photographer does is push a button!! feel like i have done 12 rounds of the gym!
Hi everyone :flower: we just got back from our lake trip. I have a lot of catching up to do.

Garnet you're in my prayers :hugs:

Sorry to those of you who were attacked by the witch :nope:

Good luck to you testers :happydance:

As for me: I am 6 days post IUI and counting. :thumbup:

Prayers and Blessings,
Another day without touching the test .... I am getting better ...I think?
Hi, do you ladies mind if I join you?

I am actually on the TTC after loss forum and have set up a thread for TTC after loss over 40.

I have 3 already , DS 10, DD 7 and DS 2 last week.

I will be 41 in august and had surprise PG end of last year which resulted in a loss in Jan.

We have just started trying again and this was our first month, but sadly the witch got me yesterday.

I am a bit of a mess because with previous PG it always happened first time, so this has come as a real shock to me (baby due date in next couple of weeks, so thats not helping either)

Anyway, I keep googling all these things on internet and scaring myself to death about trying to get PG over 40, so thought this would be a good site to join to see how us over 40`s do actually get on.
Isittoolate sorry the witch got you. On to the next month hunni

soontobmrs well done. I started testing at 8dpo!! twice a day some days!!!

dancareoi welcome to this thread. Looking at the internet was probably the single worst thing I did when ttc. I didn't have any idea I was 'old' in the fertility world and I think it scared the crap out of me. A Colleague from work has just given birth to a healthy baby at 44 so there is definitely time. Good luck xx
welcome dancareoi.

Sorry for the witches arrival for some of you. We all know that disappointment, and unfortunately are likely to continue knowing it for a while longer.

never2late, I too am 6DPO (kinda like 6DPiui). Wishing you the best:hugs:. Hope we all get our BFPs this cycle.

And now I must vent. My acupuncturist, who from day one has been the most unflappable, confident cheerleader in my corner, is starting to bother me. First, I'm noticing a bit of a ditz syndrome, where there is little to no continuity in her theories, concerns, and communications from one week to the next. She seems to have really poor memory. Doesn't remember what I've told her, doesn't remember what she told me, doesn't remember what my issues are, what needs tweaking, what doesn't. Each time I see her, except for her unfailing optimisim that I'll get pregnant in a jiffy, it's as though I'm talking to someone completely new.

So why should this bother me now? First, it makes me question her strategy, or whether there is one. If she doesn't have a core strategy that's customized to me (because she's always forgetting who I am and the specifics of my case), I'm not sure I'm getting effective treatment.

Second, her off the charts confidence and optimism about my chances of getting pregnant just fell into a bottomless pit as soon as she found that my DP's morphology is 3%. She pretty much said it will not happen, not even with IUI. And then she launched into how IVF [presumably with ICSI, since she said they can pick the one perfect sperm] is my only option. This is yet another example of how there is no continuity to my treatment. The first thing I told her in our first meeting is that I will not go the IVF route, that it's not an option, hence my going to her.

Now I'm in some twilight zone, as she's rambling on about how she's going to adjust my herbs and my next treatment sessions. I stared at her blankly and said "if I'm not going to do IVF, and you think my DP's sperm is worthless, then what am I doing with you?" She gave me some mealy mouthed "gotta-do-everything-we-can-because-you-never-know-and-in-fact-it's-all-the-same-to-me-because-I-don't-get-paid-for-results-just-the-trying-and-it's-in-my-best-interest-that-you-continue-treatment-for-as-long-as-possible-and-I'll-say-anything-to-keep-your-hopes-alive-just-try-to-ignore-me-while-I-also-crush-your-hopes-but-consistency-and-credibility-are-way-overrated-so-just-chill-out-and-let-me-poke-needles-into-you-for-all-eternity". Ok, so that was some serious embellishment on my part, but I'm ranting because I'm pissed off and crestfallen and annoyed, and I can't stand having my chain yanked.

And another annoying, out of left field, with no continuity or connection with our prior conversations, she throws out the concern for my egg quality. I was like "whaaaaaaaaaa? where did that come from? We've never talked about my egg quality. Are you saying that simply because of my age?" And she said yes. That's right. The very same person who heretofore has thought nothing of my egg quality and is stunned that I'm not pregnant already after 2 cycles, decides to reveal that I have egg quality issues because of my age. And then she says that if I don't get pregnant this cycle (my 3rd in TTC), then something's very wrong.

WTF am I supposed to make of all this? Looks to me like she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. :gun::gun::gun::gun:Is it too much to ask that people try to make some sense. Since when is 3 failed cycles at my age evidence of there being something wrong, especially when she's determined that my DP is practically sterile?

So so so so so sorry everyone for my venomous rant. It's just so disappointing when you lose confidence in your only TTC specialist coach/therapists. I'm thinking of looking for another acupuncturist, at least one that's compatible with my quirky style of requiring linear thinking and communication.
welcome dancareoi.

Sorry for the witches arrival for some of you. We all know that disappointment, and unfortunately are likely to continue knowing it for a while longer.

never2late, I too am 6DPO (kinda like 6DPiui). Wishing you the best:hugs:. Hope we all get our BFPs this cycle.

And now I must vent. My acupuncturist, who from day one has been the most unflappable, confident cheerleader in my corner, is starting to bother me. First, I'm noticing a bit of a ditz syndrome, where there is little to no continuity in her theories, concerns, and communications from one week to the next. She seems to have really poor memory. Doesn't remember what I've told her, doesn't remember what she told me, doesn't remember what my issues are, what needs tweaking, what doesn't. Each time I see her, except for her unfailing optimisim that I'll get pregnant in a jiffy, it's as though I'm talking to someone completely new.

So why should this bother me now? First, it makes me question her strategy, or whether there is one. If she doesn't have a core strategy that's customized to me (because she's always forgetting who I am and the specifics of my case), I'm not sure I'm getting effective treatment.

Second, her off the charts confidence and optimism about my chances of getting pregnant just fell into a bottomless pit as soon as she found that my DP's morphology is 3%. She pretty much said it will not happen, not even with IUI. And then she launched into how IVF [presumably with ICSI, since she said they can pick the one perfect sperm] is my only option. This is yet another example of how there is no continuity to my treatment. The first thing I told her in our first meeting is that I will not go the IVF route, that it's not an option, hence my going to her.

Now I'm in some twilight zone, as she's rambling on about how she's going to adjust my herbs and my next treatment sessions. I stared at her blankly and said "if I'm not going to do IVF, and you think my DP's sperm is worthless, then what am I doing with you?" She gave me some mealy mouthed "gotta-do-everything-we-can-because-you-never-know-and-in-fact-it's-all-the-same-to-me-because-I-don't-get-paid-for-results-just-the-trying-and-it's-in-my-best-interest-that-you-continue-treatment-for-as-long-as-possible-and-I'll-say-anything-to-keep-your-hopes-alive-just-try-to-ignore-me-while-I-also-crush-your-hopes-but-consistency-and-credibility-are-way-overrated-so-just-chill-out-and-let-me-poke-needles-into-you-for-all-eternity". Ok, so that was some serious embellishment on my part, but I'm ranting because I'm pissed off and crestfallen and annoyed, and I can't stand having my chain yanked.

And another annoying, out of left field, with no continuity or connection with our prior conversations, she throws out the concern for my egg quality. I was like "whaaaaaaaaaa? where did that come from? We've never talked about my egg quality. Are you saying that simply because of my age?" And she said yes. That's right. The very same person who heretofore has thought nothing of my egg quality and is stunned that I'm not pregnant already after 2 cycles, decides to reveal that I have egg quality issues because of my age. And then she says that if I don't get pregnant this cycle (my 3rd in TTC), then something's very wrong.

WTF am I supposed to make of all this? Looks to me like she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. :gun::gun::gun::gun:Is it too much to ask that people try to make some sense. Since when is 3 failed cycles at my age evidence of there being something wrong, especially when she's determined that my DP is practically sterile?

So so so so so sorry everyone for my venomous rant. It's just so disappointing when you lose confidence in your only TTC specialist coach/therapists. I'm thinking of looking for another acupuncturist, at least one that's compatible with my quirky style of requiring linear thinking and communication.
Deco I get it and I'm glad you were able to rant and get it off your chest. That's what we are here for:hugs: I also am doing acupuncture so can relate because I also pay a lot of money and expect it to be doing something with some kind of plan. I would definitely look for someone else who is a bit more together. I am 42 and am using Chinese medicine to maximize my chances and I would be so choked if that woman treated me like that. Good luck and keep us posted.
Well, I am past due...havent tested yet because I work at the pharmacy and didn't want to start speculation! Hoping to be able to discreetly get a test tomorrow.

dancareoi, twilightfan, hi girls :flower: nice to meet you :hugs: Twilight, if you're 'late', good luck! :thumbup:

Deco, lovely :hugs: Stop seeing this lady NOW, please she is winding you up a treat and that is not helping you in any part of your life. Does she specialise in fertility? If she doesn't find one who does. And also I am so cross with her because as a fellow 'complementary therapist' under NO circumstances are we trained to diagnose, this is absolutely against our code of conduct, we're not Dr's. You may suspect something but you're not there to pass an opinion. If you feel there is a cause for concern then you ask your client to see their Dr! And after 3 cycles she is definitely barking up the wrong tree!!! And, you're paying for this crap too!!!!!! Blimey, I'm bashing the life out of my keys here :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Check out the British Acupuncture Council, acupuncturists affiliated to them will advertise there and should say what they specialise in. Unless you have someone recommended I would find one on this site.

Sending you big hugs and lots of luv xXx

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