Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

hi all xx deco im sorry you are being treated this way and i would definatly try another thearapist i did think ov having accupuncture but seeing has it takes about an hour for a nurse to get a needle anywhere near me to take blood i dont think it would be wise for me to try its so silly im ttc and have a needle phobia xx fxed for you twighlight xxjax how are you cycle buddy x
Hi Mrsp :flower:

I'm okay, for a change :winkwink: Temping, got my OPK's ready and DH finally 'on side' about this TTC lark (big heart 2 heart over the weekend) so we're up for an SOD schedule this weekend - O day, Tuesday, 5th wish me luck!

How are you doing? DH's back better? Anymore BD's in the bag? :hugs::hugs:
Hi Mrsp :flower:

I'm okay, for a change :winkwink: Temping, got my OPK's ready and DH finally 'on side' about this TTC lark (big heart 2 heart over the weekend) so we're up for an SOD schedule this weekend - O day, Tuesday, 5th wish me luck!

How are you doing? DH's back better? Anymore BD's in the bag? :hugs::hugs:

hi jax xx fingers crossed you catch that egg my other half still not that bothered about it we have managed to bd twice only i think i ovulated over the weekend had loads of ewcm but the last time was thursday so i think im out this month we have dtd upto on and after ovulation and its not happened so im sure im out at least i can have a stress free cycle without over analizing every twinge xx
Welcome meme and dancar :hi:

Deco, stop seeing that acupuncturist now. Jax said it all really :thumbup:

Yay, Jax, you have got the BBT back out :haha:
Deco I get it and I'm glad you were able to rant and get it off your chest. That's what we are here for:hugs: I also am doing acupuncture so can relate because I also pay a lot of money and expect it to be doing something with some kind of plan. I would definitely look for someone else who is a bit more together. I am 42 and am using Chinese medicine to maximize my chances and I would be so choked if that woman treated me like that. Good luck and keep us posted.
thank you for lending an ear (eyeballs?) and letting me vent. :hugs: I think this goes for many of us, but this is the only place we can talk about our TTC adventures and misadventures, since our friends and family don't know. While I also share everything with my DP, this particular topic is a tough one as it would crush him even more than me to know that my acupuncturist has written him off.

All this is not to say that her treatments and the herbs have not made any impact. The problem is that I don't know either way. Meanwhile her bedside manners are incompatible with me. I'm sure she's just what the doctor ordered for many people, but I need to follow what's going on and what she's addressing in terms of the science or logic of cause and effect. This can be multilayered and complex, but you still need to be able to connect some dots to explain what's going on. And yet I'm not following what dot's she's connecting in her head.

Just as one example among many, I reported to her one time that my luteal phase last cycle was only 11 days, and that I've read some concerns about that being borderline too short. She brushed it off as "Oh, that's fine. 11 days is not a problem. Now if you'd said that you ovulated on CD 9 or 10, I'd have been concerned." Alrighty then. I stand corrected. A couple of weeks ago she mentions how she adjusted my luteal phase herbs to address the concern that she'd raised to me about my short luteal phase. Even though the next cycle my luteal phase on its own was 15 days if you believe FF or 13 days if you believe me. W...T...F??? My exchanges with her are replete with this kind of twilight zone disconnect moments.:wacko:

But two things put me over the top last time: After she tossed DP onto the sterile heap, and I was a bit stunned by the finality of her doom/gloom pronouncement, she creepily stared at me for a very long time. kind of like she was trying to be there for me in light of the horrific news, and somewhat also trying to read my expression to see if I was going to have a melt-down any second now. What she was actually doing was intruding on my space, and it was off-putting.

And the cherry on the sundae is that she then volunteered that I could always adopt. THANKS, Sher-Effing-Lock! Where would I be without your ground-breaking solutions? I could have never thunk that up all on my own.

And yes, this was uttered to me while I'm 3DPO of my third cycle of TTC.:dohh:
Hi can i join ladies,im ali 41 (42 in july) dh is 42 and we have 5 boys and trying for our 6th and final baby,i have also had 2 miscarriages 8 weeks and 10 weeks (d&c),i am on cd 25 of 25 day cycle,11dpo,no sign of the witch yet,been having backache,headaches and creamy cm for a few days and cervix really high,bfn yesterday and today,but almost positive opk lol (i ran out of hpt tests)

mrsp are you from derby uk.
dancareoi, twilightfan, hi girls :flower: nice to meet you :hugs: Twilight, if you're 'late', good luck! :thumbup:

Deco, lovely :hugs: Stop seeing this lady NOW, please she is winding you up a treat and that is not helping you in any part of your life. Does she specialise in fertility? If she doesn't find one who does. And also I am so cross with her because as a fellow 'complementary therapist' under NO circumstances are we trained to diagnose, this is absolutely against our code of conduct, we're not Dr's. You may suspect something but you're not there to pass an opinion. If you feel there is a cause for concern then you ask your client to see their Dr! And after 3 cycles she is definitely barking up the wrong tree!!! And, you're paying for this crap too!!!!!! Blimey, I'm bashing the life out of my keys here :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Check out the British Acupuncture Council, acupuncturists affiliated to them will advertise there and should say what they specialise in. Unless you have someone recommended I would find one on this site.

Sending you big hugs and lots of luv xXx
:hugs: thank you jaxy-pie:hugs:

Yes, believe it or not, she specializes in fertility. She's even had advance training and certification in it. AND YET, she has not said anything to me that I didn't already know. I don't pretend to know the first thing about where to poke the needles or what herbs I need. But in terms of charting, symptom spotting, trying to understand the multitude of things that need to be hitting at just the right balance for conception and carrying to term to occur, I've already reasearched the crap out of that myself, and she hasn't demonstrated any expertise that's been a value add to me. Partly that's because I'm obsessed with my own baby project, while she has tons of patients and doesn't drill down on any of them to the same extent that we do on ourselves. But it's also partly because of the absent-mindedness I noted earlier and her haphazard machine gun approach. If she throws every single possible ailment out there, at least one of them is bound to stick and be accurate. And yet she expects me to have gotten pregnant already, despite the multitude of my ailments [see below for full summary].

And it's very interesting what you said about not diagnosing. Nevermind her saying that IVF (with ICSI) is my only hope, she has also diagnosed me as having PCOS. I've researched the hell out of that as well, so I grilled her on it, but then she gets wishy washy and says that I have a "variant of PCOS" [and what the hell would that variant be???], as in just a touch of PCOS. And what did she base this on? Nothing other than my history of a few missed periods, high AMH and that my LH level exceeds my FSH level. That's it. BOOM! I've got PCOS!

Add PCOS to short luteal phase, troublingly (to her) short and light menstruation, so I may have thin uterine lining, my luteal phase temps are too low so I may have a progesterone deficiency. None of these "diagnoses" have been supported by my own research. One or two of them could be right, but she's just guessing based on very little data to go on. And let's not forget my poor egg quality.

Yep, I am going to interview two other acupuncturists who specialize in fertility and take it from there.

On a happier note, keeping FX for your approaching O day. Happy BDing and may it bear juicy fruit!
hi all xx deco im sorry you are being treated this way and i would definatly try another thearapist i did think ov having accupuncture but seeing has it takes about an hour for a nurse to get a needle anywhere near me to take blood i dont think it would be wise for me to try its so silly im ttc and have a needle phobia xx fxed for you twighlight xxjax how are you cycle buddy x
thank you mrsp:hugs:

How are you doing? is DH's back doing better? Did you get in more "take charge" sessions? Looks like jax already asked you the same questions, and you've already answered . I don't know that I agree that a thursday BD won't work for a weekend ovulation, especially when you're awash :) in EWCM. Not that I'm encouraging sympton obsession, but I wouldn't write off this cycle just yet. :flower:
Hello Ladies,
MC'd naturally on Sunday and feeling tired. Deco all I can say is WOW! I'd not be going back to her either. OK she knows the odds are stacked againist you but she willing to take your money. Hmm! I would want someone a little more positive. Hope everyone is doing good...
Hello Ladies,
MC'd naturally on Sunday and feeling tired. Deco all I can say is WOW! I'd not be going back to her either. OK she knows the odds are stacked againist you but she willing to take your money. Hmm! I would want someone a little more positive. Hope everyone is doing good...
I've been thinking about you a lot and hoping you were well cared for in the arms of people who love you. good to see you posting. So sorry for your loss.:hugs:
Hello Ladies,
MC'd naturally on Sunday and feeling tired. Deco all I can say is WOW! I'd not be going back to her either. OK she knows the odds are stacked againist you but she willing to take your money. Hmm! I would want someone a little more positive. Hope everyone is doing good...

Hi Garnet :flower: I'm glad that a horrible situation was not made any worse by having to go through a D&C and that it happened naturally :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello Ladies,
MC'd naturally on Sunday and feeling tired. Deco all I can say is WOW! I'd not be going back to her either. OK she knows the odds are stacked againist you but she willing to take your money. Hmm! I would want someone a little more positive. Hope everyone is doing good...
I've been thinking about you a lot and hoping you were well cared for in the arms of people who love you. good to see you posting. So sorry for your loss.:hugs:

Hello Ladies,
MC'd naturally on Sunday and feeling tired. Deco all I can say is WOW! I'd not be going back to her either. OK she knows the odds are stacked againist you but she willing to take your money. Hmm! I would want someone a little more positive. Hope everyone is doing good...

Hi Garnet :flower: I'm glad that a horrible situation was not made any worse by having to go through a D&C and that it happened naturally :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi BF:)
Got a bit of the baby blues otherwise doing good.:thumbup:
Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx
Garnet so sorry for your loss hun

donna big congrats on your bfp

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