Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx

Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx

No it is good timing! Ha Ha I think it is wonderful for others to get pregnant and that is the goal on this thread. Come on sticky bean...:flower:
Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx

Hey Donna, sending big congrats and baby dust for sticky bean - I have changed you on our other thread to BFP!!:hugs:
Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx
Sweetness, this is precisely the kind of news I could so use right now. We're all mindful of where our friends are and what they are shouldering. Just as we huddle around our friends who have had a loss and offer our love and support, as Garnet said, we're all here for the singular purpose of having a baby, so this is glorious, fabulous, absolutely delicious news. Big warm hugs, and congrats my friend:hugs: Sticky wishes!
hi yes im still trying turned 45 last christmas and have just had the weirdest period, i got what i think was my period on the 19th and bleed light red lighter bleed for just 3 days and up until yesterday (ov day),had brown discharge, and its still a sort of light caramel colour now i have had no pain only very very mild cramping now and a again and not every day but feel a bit nauseaus in the mornings and it doesnt go until about 11am and when i get home at 1pm from work i fall asleep i have done a test but t was neg i dont know whether to do another test in a few days what do you think is this as weird as i think it is and could this be the start of the dreaded meonpause like ive been thinking any thoughts would be good right now as i have the woman doctor from hell who thinks no-one over 40 should be ttc so i cant go to her :( x
hi yes im still trying turned 45 last christmas and have just had the weirdest period, i got what i think was my period on the 19th and bleed light red lighter bleed for just 3 days and up until yesterday (ov day),had brown discharge, and its still a sort of light caramel colour now i have had no pain only very very mild cramping now and a again and not every day but feel a bit nauseaus in the mornings and it doesnt go until about 11am and when i get home at 1pm from work i fall asleep i have done a test but t was neg i dont know whether to do another test in a few days what do you think is this as weird as i think it is and could this be the start of the dreaded meonpause like ive been thinking any thoughts would be good right now as i have the woman doctor from hell who thinks no-one over 40 should be ttc so i cant go to her :( x

Get a new Dr for sure! What a b%*ch!! :growlmad:
You need some labs done for sure. Have you had any diagnostics? Labs/scans so on??
no nothing coz you guys are the only ones that know what ive just had , when i miscarried at christmas i went to the hospital and was told that i was menopausal possibly and they sent me for internal scans to check for endo and other things but iw as all clear so i have no idea whats going on so the hosptial had the same outlook as my bloody doc i feel all alone oh and another thing i forgot was that every so often i get a slight tugging under my belly button it just happened again thats how i remembered lol
Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx

Omg Donna ,:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:All that planning and it paid off .so happy for you ,:hugs::hugs:
Garnet i'm so so sorry for your loss sweetheart :cry:

this seems really bad timing to be posting this after Garnet's sad loss but i've just done a cbdigi and it says Pregnant 1-2wks (meaning 3-4 pregnant) Af due on saturday. Please keep your fingers crossed as after 4 losses, really dont want another one xx

Omg Donna ,:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:All that planning and it paid off .so happy for you ,:hugs::hugs:

So true. This is the Norway nookie cycle. Doesn't get better than this!!!
Deco I agree with Jax in that an acupuncturist should never be diagnosing things like PCOS. They can diagnose you with things like kidney yang deficiency which is a very common cause of fertility. I have read a of of books on Chinese Medicine just so I could arm myself with knowledge and be able to ask appropriate questions. I'm with you I need to know what's going on. I ask questions constantly to make sure that it all makes sense. WE are paying someone a lot of money to just "trust" what they are saying. Sorry you've had such a bad experience. I hope the next one is better for you. Fx'd
Hey ladies found a little bit of info this morning that may cheer us all up - i was googling things, as i do, and i googled `what are the chances of becoming pregnat at 40 on your first cycle` - i then went onto a page which was some professor or other quoting stats and he said the following:-

Age group - 35 - 44 - 78% will conceive within a year of trying.

I thought this was pretty good. under 25 was i think 96% and 25-34 was 80 something.

A year sounds like a lifetime, but i thought these were pretty good odds.
Hey ladies found a little bit of info this morning that may cheer us all up - i was googling things, as i do, and i googled `what are the chances of becoming pregnat at 40 on your first cycle` - i then went onto a page which was some professor or other quoting stats and he said the following:-

Age group - 35 - 44 - 78% will conceive within a year of trying.

I thought this was pretty good. under 25 was i think 96% and 25-34 was 80 something.

A year sounds like a lifetime, but i thought these were pretty good odds.

Thanks for that, if I was a gambler I'd take those odds :) it's all just numbers anyway, people concieve, statistics don't :)

Hi can i join ladies,im ali 41 (42 in july) dh is 42 and we have 5 boys and trying for our 6th and final baby,i have also had 2 miscarriages 8 weeks and 10 weeks (d&c),i am on cd 25 of 25 day cycle,11dpo,no sign of the witch yet,been having backache,headaches and creamy cm for a few days and cervix really high,bfn yesterday and today,but almost positive opk lol (i ran out of hpt tests)

mrsp are you from derby uk.

hi yes i am xx
congratulations donna :happydance::happydance: norway nookie was a brilliant choice xx
dancareoi, twilightfan, hi girls :flower: nice to meet you :hugs: Twilight, if you're 'late', good luck! :thumbup:

Deco, lovely :hugs: Stop seeing this lady NOW, please she is winding you up a treat and that is not helping you in any part of your life. Does she specialise in fertility? If she doesn't find one who does. And also I am so cross with her because as a fellow 'complementary therapist' under NO circumstances are we trained to diagnose, this is absolutely against our code of conduct, we're not Dr's. You may suspect something but you're not there to pass an opinion. If you feel there is a cause for concern then you ask your client to see their Dr! And after 3 cycles she is definitely barking up the wrong tree!!! And, you're paying for this crap too!!!!!! Blimey, I'm bashing the life out of my keys here :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Check out the British Acupuncture Council, acupuncturists affiliated to them will advertise there and should say what they specialise in. Unless you have someone recommended I would find one on this site.

Sending you big hugs and lots of luv xXx
:hugs: thank you jaxy-pie:hugs:

Yes, believe it or not, she specializes in fertility. She's even had advance training and certification in it. AND YET, she has not said anything to me that I didn't already know. I don't pretend to know the first thing about where to poke the needles or what herbs I need. But in terms of charting, symptom spotting, trying to understand the multitude of things that need to be hitting at just the right balance for conception and carrying to term to occur, I've already reasearched the crap out of that myself, and she hasn't demonstrated any expertise that's been a value add to me. Partly that's because I'm obsessed with my own baby project, while she has tons of patients and doesn't drill down on any of them to the same extent that we do on ourselves. But it's also partly because of the absent-mindedness I noted earlier and her haphazard machine gun approach. If she throws every single possible ailment out there, at least one of them is bound to stick and be accurate. And yet she expects me to have gotten pregnant already, despite the multitude of my ailments [see below for full summary].

And it's very interesting what you said about not diagnosing. Nevermind her saying that IVF (with ICSI) is my only hope, she has also diagnosed me as having PCOS. I've researched the hell out of that as well, so I grilled her on it, but then she gets wishy washy and says that I have a "variant of PCOS" [and what the hell would that variant be???], as in just a touch of PCOS. And what did she base this on? Nothing other than my history of a few missed periods, high AMH and that my LH level exceeds my FSH level. That's it. BOOM! I've got PCOS!

Add PCOS to short luteal phase, troublingly (to her) short and light menstruation, so I may have thin uterine lining, my luteal phase temps are too low so I may have a progesterone deficiency. None of these "diagnoses" have been supported by my own research. One or two of them could be right, but she's just guessing based on very little data to go on. And let's not forget my poor egg quality.

Yep, I am going to interview two other acupuncturists who specialize in fertility and take it from there.

On a happier note, keeping FX for your approaching O day. Happy BDing and may it bear juicy fruit!

Only me! :flower: Deco, good to hear you're looking at others.....all I'm hearing (reading) from you now is that although you 'like' her, which is half the hurdle with a practioner/client relationship, you've lost faith in her which is most definitely not a good sign. I know we are 'fertility specialists' in our own right (and God do we over analyse or what :dohh:) but there has to be some degree to which you can rely on someone who should be able to offer sound advice and you're right she now seems to be throwing every ailment at you hoping one will stick, what's that all about :shrug: You're right to challenge her over her 'diagnosis' I would be the same!

As much as I love complementary therapy and it's philosophies it is just that 'complementary' to orthodox meds, you don't have the 'power' to diagnose and make assumptions "variant of PCOS" what bo**ox!!!!! I must also say, don't shoot me for this and I'm not saying that your lady is coming from this angle, but there are some therapists out there who see us as vulnerable because we are so desp for our babies and well, you get my drift.....

I hope you find someone who will be fab for you :thumbup: xXx
Hey ladies found a little bit of info this morning that may cheer us all up - i was googling things, as i do, and i googled `what are the chances of becoming pregnat at 40 on your first cycle` - i then went onto a page which was some professor or other quoting stats and he said the following:-

Age group - 35 - 44 - 78% will conceive within a year of trying.

I thought this was pretty good. under 25 was i think 96% and 25-34 was 80 something.

A year sounds like a lifetime, but i thought these were pretty good odds.

Dancareoi, well if that's anything to go by I'm due a BFP this cycle!!:thumbup:
Hey ladies found a little bit of info this morning that may cheer us all up - i was googling things, as i do, and i googled `what are the chances of becoming pregnat at 40 on your first cycle` - i then went onto a page which was some professor or other quoting stats and he said the following:-

Age group - 35 - 44 - 78% will conceive within a year of trying.

I thought this was pretty good. under 25 was i think 96% and 25-34 was 80 something.

A year sounds like a lifetime, but i thought these were pretty good odds.

Dancareoi, well if that's anything to go by I'm due a BFP this cycle!!:thumbup:


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