Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Butterfly, yes peer pressure has got me again and the thermometer has reappeared :haha:

MrsP, I've got my eye on you okay, if you're having a 'stress free' cycle no SSing of any kind - got it? :trouble: :haha::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Donna, whoopdeedoo!!! :yipee::yipee: Blimey I'm praying for you hun that this little bean sticks.

umm, umm, God just been interrupted and can't remember what else I needed to say :dohh::growlmad:

Garnet, big BIG :hugs::hugs: for you, lovely to see you on here....

Inkdchick :hugs: you're back in the fold!!!! :happydance: Are you still on the sheoak?

AFM, glad to see the temperature is cooling down for my hot bedroom activity at the weekend :thumbup::haha: :happydance: well done Donna ....good luck with little bean

good luck to those who are TWW ing :dust: to us
Tests are almost negative now girls :cry: I'm devastated, dont know why because I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up. And it's not like I knew for long. Am so upset :cry:
Oh Donna! You're only human of course you're bound to get your hopes up, we all would too. How cruel this TTC stuff is.......I'm so sorry this has happened :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I am new here but have been reading this thread for the past couple of days so I thought I would join in if you don't mind?
I am 40 and turning 41 next week. I have been married almost 3 years to my husband and have been TTC for almost a year and a half. I have already been blessed with five beautiful children ranging in age from 23 to 8. I just want one more so badly with my wonderful husband but it isn't coming so easily this time. I never even had to try before and got pregnant with zero effort 6 times (one miscarriage).
This has been very frustrating and depressing. At first I started out with the attitude of not trying/not preventing and if it happens it happens..... Well the more I read about it and the more time that passes where it is NOT happening and the older I get, the more urgent it is getting. I am currently on my second month of using a CBFM so I hope that it will get me my BFP soon!
It is nice to meet all of you and I am looking forward to going through this journey with you all and not by myself anymore.
I am new here but have been reading this thread for the past couple of days so I thought I would join in if you don't mind?
I am 40 and turning 41 next week. I have been married almost 3 years to my husband and have been TTC for almost a year and a half. I have already been blessed with five beautiful children ranging in age from 23 to 8. I just want one more so badly with my wonderful husband but it isn't coming so easily this time. I never even had to try before and got pregnant with zero effort 6 times (one miscarriage).
This has been very frustrating and depressing. At first I started out with the attitude of not trying/not preventing and if it happens it happens..... Well the more I read about it and the more time that passes where it is NOT happening and the older I get, the more urgent it is getting. I am currently on my second month of using a CBFM so I hope that it will get me my BFP soon!
It is nice to meet all of you and I am looking forward to going through this journey with you all and not by myself anymore.

Welcome :flower:
I married my husband 4 years ago. He is 39. I am 41. He has no children and I have three daughters 24,22,21. We tried naturally for the first 3 years and then just 6 months ago went to a fertility specialist. Mine and my husbands tests all came back great, but alas we are still not pregnant :nope:
I have 3-4 more days in this two week wait, but I'm not very optimisitc :nope: The first 2 months I was so excited, but as each month passes with no pregnany it gets so hard. We cannot afford IVF.

I pray for us all night and day!

Thank you never2late70.

You sound like me in that I never really thought I would have a problem so I didn't really try THAT hard at first. Then when it didn't happen over and over and over concern started to grow..... And here I am driving myself nuts over this.

I have about 5 more days in my TWW but I have learned after so much money spent on pregnancy tests that ultimately turn up BFN, to not be as optimistic. I don't test now until I am at least one day late. I haven't been to a fertility doctor yet, but have been strongly considering it. Was it expensive to go to one to get tests run?
Thank you never2late70.

You sound like me in that I never really thought I would have a problem so I didn't really try THAT hard at first. Then when it didn't happen over and over and over concern started to grow..... And here I am driving myself nuts over this.

I have about 5 more days in my TWW but I have learned after so much money spent on pregnancy tests that ultimately turn up BFN, to not be as optimistic. I don't test now until I am at least one day late. I haven't been to a fertility doctor yet, but have been strongly considering it. Was it expensive to go to one to get tests run?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??
Tests are almost negative now girls :cry: I'm devastated, dont know why because I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up. And it's not like I knew for long. Am so upset :cry:
So sorry dear Donna :(. But what do you mean by "almost" negative? Are you seeing less intensity in a positive? because I have read that a positive is still a positive, and from stick to stick there is some dicrepancy in sensitivity, so lighter to darker to lighter doesn't necessarily mean increasing or dropping HCG levels. Are your temps dropping meanwhile?

big warm hugs to you either way:hugs:
^^WSS^^ the only way of knowing is by doing betas
Tests are almost negative now girls :cry: I'm devastated, dont know why because I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up. And it's not like I knew for long. Am so upset :cry:

Omg :cry::cry:Am so upset for you darling :nope:Are you testing at the same time of the day ?:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Deco I agree with Jax in that an acupuncturist should never be diagnosing things like PCOS. They can diagnose you with things like kidney yang deficiency which is a very common cause of fertility. I have read a of of books on Chinese Medicine just so I could arm myself with knowledge and be able to ask appropriate questions. I'm with you I need to know what's going on. I ask questions constantly to make sure that it all makes sense. WE are paying someone a lot of money to just "trust" what they are saying. Sorry you've had such a bad experience. I hope the next one is better for you. Fx'd
I'm impressed that you tackled TCM. I was too daunted by it and wussed out. But I completely agree that you need to go in informed.

And I don't want to be unfair to the acupuncturist, because I think she has also done a lot of good. I'm feeling pretty awesome these days, although that might also have something to do with the massive quantities of vitamins I'm taking. I'm sure she's contributed to my wellbeing and may have balanced some things that needed it. I don't know what they are, but I feel pretty good. But you're right that I don't trust her judgment as it's a bit too all over the map, and I question her depth/breadth of experience.

Are you still seeing an acupuncturist? If so, how long have been in treatment?
Only me! :flower: Deco, good to hear you're looking at others.....all I'm hearing (reading) from you now is that although you 'like' her, which is half the hurdle with a practioner/client relationship, you've lost faith in her which is most definitely not a good sign. I know we are 'fertility specialists' in our own right (and God do we over analyse or what :dohh:) but there has to be some degree to which you can rely on someone who should be able to offer sound advice and you're right she now seems to be throwing every ailment at you hoping one will stick, what's that all about :shrug: You're right to challenge her over her 'diagnosis' I would be the same!

As much as I love complementary therapy and it's philosophies it is just that 'complementary' to orthodox meds, you don't have the 'power' to diagnose and make assumptions "variant of PCOS" what bo**ox!!!!! I must also say, don't shoot me for this and I'm not saying that your lady is coming from this angle, but there are some therapists out there who see us as vulnerable because we are so desp for our babies and well, you get my drift.....

I hope you find someone who will be fab for you :thumbup: xXx
I could not agree more with everything you've said. And yes, you have accurately picked up that I like her, but don't feel I'm getting what I need from her. I don't want to be her friend, although she's very sweet and personable. Those are fine and dandy, so long as the treatment expertise is meanwhile being nailed. I feel she's not serious, or focused, or scientific, or methodical enough. I'm not paying her gobs of money because I need a new friend....
That is wonderful that you have good insurance that helps cover some of this :)
I am seriously thinking about going to get some things checked but it such an expense and there are no guarantees it will even work or help us. I think that I would have to pay full price on everything because I don't think our insurance will cover anything.

My AF is due on the 6th and I probably won't test until then..but I am only roughly 6 DPO so nothing would show up even if I were at this point...what about you? How many DPOs are you?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??[/QUOTE]
That is wonderful that you have good insurance that helps cover some of this :)
I am seriously thinking about going to get some things checked but it such an expense and there are no guarantees it will even work or help us. I think that I would have to pay full price on everything because I don't think our insurance will cover anything.

My AF is due on the 6th and I probably won't test until then..but I am only roughly 6 DPO so nothing would show up even if I were at this point...what about you? How many DPOs are you?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??

I am 10 DPO and 9 IUI :thumbup:
That is wonderful that you have good insurance that helps cover some of this :)
I am seriously thinking about going to get some things checked but it such an expense and there are no guarantees it will even work or help us. I think that I would have to pay full price on everything because I don't think our insurance will cover anything.

My AF is due on the 6th and I probably won't test until then..but I am only roughly 6 DPO so nothing would show up even if I were at this point...what about you? How many DPOs are you?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??

I am 10 DPO and 9 IUI :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

You should be fine to test then I would think...?
That is wonderful that you have good insurance that helps cover some of this :)
I am seriously thinking about going to get some things checked but it such an expense and there are no guarantees it will even work or help us. I think that I would have to pay full price on everything because I don't think our insurance will cover anything.

My AF is due on the 6th and I probably won't test until then..but I am only roughly 6 DPO so nothing would show up even if I were at this point...what about you? How many DPOs are you?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??

I am 10 DPO and 9 IUI :thumbup:

You should be fine to test then I would think...?[/QUOTE]

I am going to in the morning!! eeeeeeK :happydance:
That is wonderful that you have good insurance that helps cover some of this :)
I am seriously thinking about going to get some things checked but it such an expense and there are no guarantees it will even work or help us. I think that I would have to pay full price on everything because I don't think our insurance will cover anything.

My AF is due on the 6th and I probably won't test until then..but I am only roughly 6 DPO so nothing would show up even if I were at this point...what about you? How many DPOs are you?

Well I am a nurse at University of AZ medical center, and by luck my RE/FS is a graduate from the U of A college of medicine.and excepts my insurance so no it hasn't been expensive at all for the meds, scans and injections, but IVF is 12-18K and my insurance only covers 5k. Right now I have only had to pay $40.00 for office visits and $6.00 a month for the Clomid. $40.00 a month for the Oviredel injections and scans and IUI are covered 100% which is good because the scans are $172.00 and the IUI is $600.00 sperm wash would be $90.00. My AF is due between the 5-7th..too soon to test??

I am 10 DPO and 9 IUI :thumbup:

You should be fine to test then I would think...?

I am going to in the morning!! eeeeeeK :happydance:[/QUOTE]

Good Luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dust::dust:

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