Is there anyone who is in there 40's ttc?

Deco I agree with Jax in that an acupuncturist should never be diagnosing things like PCOS. They can diagnose you with things like kidney yang deficiency which is a very common cause of fertility. I have read a of of books on Chinese Medicine just so I could arm myself with knowledge and be able to ask appropriate questions. I'm with you I need to know what's going on. I ask questions constantly to make sure that it all makes sense. WE are paying someone a lot of money to just "trust" what they are saying. Sorry you've had such a bad experience. I hope the next one is better for you. Fx'd
I'm impressed that you tackled TCM. I was too daunted by it and wussed out. But I completely agree that you need to go in informed.

And I don't want to be unfair to the acupuncturist, because I think she has also done a lot of good. I'm feeling pretty awesome these days, although that might also have something to do with the massive quantities of vitamins I'm taking. I'm sure she's contributed to my wellbeing and may have balanced some things that needed it. I don't know what they are, but I feel pretty good. But you're right that I don't trust her judgment as it's a bit too all over the map, and I question her depth/breadth of experience.

Are you still seeing an acupuncturist? If so, how long have been in treatment?

Hi Deco. Thanks for asking. I am doing acupuncture sporadically right now. I started last June and did it religiously once a week for 3 months and then I got my BFP. I continued it weekly for the first tri but unfortunately lost my little bean at 12+3 in Nov. I was devastated and almost felt betrayed like this was never supposed to happen because I was doing everything right. Then my acupuncturist went on mat leave ( her story amazing finally conceived after 6 years of trying and she was only 36!!!!) young by our standards! I was ready for a break and wondering if I should just let nature play out. My therapist is back very very part time so I have been going once every 3 weeks or so. I think it really helped gear up my body. I'm hoping to be a bit more regular starting in June so we will see?? I really hope you find someone that you both like and have confidence in:hugs:
Deco i'm sorry i've never responded to your acupuncture rant (was too preoccupied with myself!) I'm glad you were able to rant away and there were lovely ladies on here to help you when you needed it.

I can truly sympathise with your frustrations, when you're not only paying good money but also putting your fertility life in their hands, you want someone who knows what they're doing. If they're telling you that it's not going to work then I wouldn't bother with her anymore. You need someone that believes in you, believes it can work.

I have been to acu and had chinese meds and I do think it helps get your body into good shape. I was really pleased with mine until they told me my pulses were no good for a pg woman and they wouldn't treat me anymore until i'd had a scan. well I was so scared, had a scan, all was well and I didn't go back. that's not to say I wont in the future as I found it so relaxing and it got my cycles back to how they should be.

Would your dh ever consider going. Have you looked into whether his morphology can be fixed with acu? I do hope you find someone who instills some confindence into you. Good luck hunni xx

AFM - did another test later on yesterday and it was a bit darker, still v v faint though. woken up feeling queezy and dizzy so am not going to test again. We're going away for long weekend so if af hasn't shown up by the time we get back on tuesday night then i'll do one on wednesday.

Hope you all have a great weekend xx
Only me! :flower: Deco, good to hear you're looking at others.....all I'm hearing (reading) from you now is that although you 'like' her, which is half the hurdle with a practioner/client relationship, you've lost faith in her which is most definitely not a good sign. I know we are 'fertility specialists' in our own right (and God do we over analyse or what :dohh:) but there has to be some degree to which you can rely on someone who should be able to offer sound advice and you're right she now seems to be throwing every ailment at you hoping one will stick, what's that all about :shrug: You're right to challenge her over her 'diagnosis' I would be the same!

As much as I love complementary therapy and it's philosophies it is just that 'complementary' to orthodox meds, you don't have the 'power' to diagnose and make assumptions "variant of PCOS" what bo**ox!!!!! I must also say, don't shoot me for this and I'm not saying that your lady is coming from this angle, but there are some therapists out there who see us as vulnerable because we are so desp for our babies and well, you get my drift.....

I hope you find someone who will be fab for you :thumbup: xXx
I could not agree more with everything you've said. And yes, you have accurately picked up that I like her, but don't feel I'm getting what I need from her. I don't want to be her friend, although she's very sweet and personable. Those are fine and dandy, so long as the treatment expertise is meanwhile being nailed. I feel she's not serious, or focused, or scientific, or methodical enough. I'm not paying her gobs of money because I need a new friend....

....def time to move on then :flower:

AFM, DH's SA results are at the Dr's, STILL can't get an appt for him to actually see his Dr about them but reception have said they will print them off and I can collect at idea how to read the damn things but it's kind of worked out okay as they're for my Dr's benefit really. Have booked an appt with her for Sat, 16th to take them with me, she can read them and then refer me to the FS. Now scared about what they're going to tell me :wacko:
Donna, have a lovely weekend :happydance: just what you need to take your mind off testing and worrying :wacko: xXx
Hi Deco. Thanks for asking. I am doing acupuncture sporadically right now. I started last June and did it religiously once a week for 3 months and then I got my BFP. I continued it weekly for the first tri but unfortunately lost my little bean at 12+3 in Nov. I was devastated and almost felt betrayed like this was never supposed to happen because I was doing everything right. Then my acupuncturist went on mat leave ( her story amazing finally conceived after 6 years of trying and she was only 36!!!!) young by our standards! I was ready for a break and wondering if I should just let nature play out. My therapist is back very very part time so I have been going once every 3 weeks or so. I think it really helped gear up my body. I'm hoping to be a bit more regular starting in June so we will see?? I really hope you find someone that you both like and have confidence in:hugs:
My heart stopped at 12+3:nope:. So sorry. all losses are hard, but 2nd Tri losses.... I can only imagine how painful that would be, and still not come close to the reality.
Sounds like you're pretty devoted to your therapist, to the point you won't even see anyone else despite her limited availablity. That's awesome.:hugs:Wish you all the best in your baby-production :winkwink:
Deco i'm sorry i've never responded to your acupuncture rant (was too preoccupied with myself!) I'm glad you were able to rant away and there were lovely ladies on here to help you when you needed it.

I can truly sympathise with your frustrations, when you're not only paying good money but also putting your fertility life in their hands, you want someone who knows what they're doing. If they're telling you that it's not going to work then I wouldn't bother with her anymore. You need someone that believes in you, believes it can work.

I have been to acu and had chinese meds and I do think it helps get your body into good shape. I was really pleased with mine until they told me my pulses were no good for a pg woman and they wouldn't treat me anymore until i'd had a scan. well I was so scared, had a scan, all was well and I didn't go back. that's not to say I wont in the future as I found it so relaxing and it got my cycles back to how they should be.

Would your dh ever consider going. Have you looked into whether his morphology can be fixed with acu? I do hope you find someone who instills some confindence into you. Good luck hunni xx

AFM - did another test later on yesterday and it was a bit darker, still v v faint though. woken up feeling queezy and dizzy so am not going to test again. We're going away for long weekend so if af hasn't shown up by the time we get back on tuesday night then i'll do one on wednesday.

Hope you all have a great weekend xx
Please don't be sorry! I know what you were dealing with, and we can't all stop and pay attention to every thing going on in so many other people's lives. And besides, mine was a mere annoyance and not anything serious. I'm just glad that it sounds like you are a little less distressed and are going to take it easy for the weekend without worrying. I fully support that strategy!:hugs:

My dude doesn't really have the time or patience for lying around for an hour. His weekends are full of child-duty chaos, and he himself is pretty physically restless. I can't imagine him lying still with needles in him. Also, acupuncture does not seem to affect morphology. this is why my acupuncturist is shoving me to the IVF docs, as the only hope. Blech.

what I've done for now is make an appointment for an initial consult with an RE. I couldn't get in until late July, but I'm not particularly in a rush to go that route so I'm fine with having to wait. I want to talk through the options with an RE. I suppose it's time I have a chat with one, just to hear them out.:shrug:

hope the witch falls off her broom and never makes it to you. :hugs:
....def time to move on then :flower:

AFM, DH's SA results are at the Dr's, STILL can't get an appt for him to actually see his Dr about them but reception have said they will print them off and I can collect at idea how to read the damn things but it's kind of worked out okay as they're for my Dr's benefit really. Have booked an appt with her for Sat, 16th to take them with me, she can read them and then refer me to the FS. Now scared about what they're going to tell me :wacko:
As I understand it, they check for 3 or 4 main things in a SA. 1. sperm count, which they like to see at least 20million per 1 ml, 2. sperm motility, and this varies from lab to lab, but I think the general rule of thumb is that they want to see at least 50% swimming well in the right direction, 3. sperm morphology, which is what percentage of the sperm are shaped ideally for cracking the egg. Again standards vary from lab to lab, but I was told they wanted to see at least 15% perfectly shaped for fertility, that 5% ~ 14% of the sperm being normal was considered reduced fertility, and less than 5% of the sperm being normal was simply jacked [Yes, we are in the jacked category] will little to no chance of cracking the egg. The optional 4th category is semen volume, and they like to see about 2ml per shot, although not all of the labs check for gross volume.

On the morphology issue, there are two different scales, the WHO and the Kruger, the latter being the more stringent test and I believe more widely relied on these days. I've quoted the Kruger standard, not the WHO's.

Good luck! Hope your DH's is awesome in everyway.
Hi Deco. Thanks for asking. I am doing acupuncture sporadically right now. I started last June and did it religiously once a week for 3 months and then I got my BFP. I continued it weekly for the first tri but unfortunately lost my little bean at 12+3 in Nov. I was devastated and almost felt betrayed like this was never supposed to happen because I was doing everything right. Then my acupuncturist went on mat leave ( her story amazing finally conceived after 6 years of trying and she was only 36!!!!) young by our standards! I was ready for a break and wondering if I should just let nature play out. My therapist is back very very part time so I have been going once every 3 weeks or so. I think it really helped gear up my body. I'm hoping to be a bit more regular starting in June so we will see?? I really hope you find someone that you both like and have confidence in:hugs:
My heart stopped at 12+3:nope:. So sorry. all losses are hard, but 2nd Tri losses.... I can only imagine how painful that would be, and still not come close to the reality.
Sounds like you're pretty devoted to your therapist, to the point you won't even see anyone else despite her limited availablity. That's awesome.:hugs:Wish you all the best in your baby-production :winkwink:

Thanks so much Deco. I don't think I am over it yet. I still cry about it and to make matters worse I haven't had anything happen since a chemical the very next cycle after the mc. I don't understand as it didn't take that long to conceive last year at almost 42 and now I am facing 43 in September. WE are all in the same boat and it's so nice to have the support. I have my Fx'D for you too:hugs:
:hi: Hi all , I am 41 and currently ttc after having my tubes reversed. May was the second round of Clomid 50mg 3-7. I am currently attempting to tough out the 2 ww but am becoming a little worried. I am unfortunately a symptom seeker, but I would dream of this type of symptom, if it even is one.

I have very sore nipples, urinary frequency, fatigue, an even greater sense of smell, mild achiness/cramping in uterus, dizziness and am extremely bloated. While I did have the several of these symptoms last month after my first round of Clomid the bloating was not nearly as bad and I did not have the heartburn, several bouts of the hiccups each day (supposedly could be cause by the changes in breathing) or strange craving for onions that I am experiencing this month. I could live with these things and even chalk them up to the cruelty that is Clomid BUT I now experiencing the very painful feeling of pressure in my rectum and I am not constipated (sorry for TMI).

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how long did it last? It is killing me, it feels like a truck driving up my bum when I sit and I get a pressure type pain but feels as though my bowels are going to drop out when I stand and jiggly pains while walking. The pressure is also in my abdomen area and making me feel like I have to pee but there is NO pain there.

I have heard that this does happen and is more common is someone pregnant with multiples. Please help! I don't know if I can deal with this. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.

I wish you all the best of luck and hope that we chat during our shared quest of ttc after 40!
Hi biltonbaby and welcome :hi:

I have not tried clomid but that sounds a bit strange and if you are in that much pain I would ask your doc :flower:
i have been on clomid to concieve my 1st baby 11 years ago but i was lucky and suffered no syptoms at all so sorry i can't help hun
I broke down like an idiot and bought a test. Surprise:bfn:
No surprise at all really. Today is 13 DPO so I am sure I am out.
I am so sick of this:growlmad:
Hi all :wave: I“m a late bloomer in life.. Im 44 & Im tryin all naturel... Its been a hard road.. My body loves to play games its cruel... Im finally going to the doctor this month to see why the difficulty? Could I be perimenoposal?? :shrug: I know my body lije clockwork, ovulation time everything and notta :( I had every sign of beibg pregnant this month except a bfp.. and bam the witch pops in for a visit... I was devestated.. Not sure if I want to try again next month :cry: Im lost for words and confused, its driving me mad.... Uggg never though tcc would be so hard.. :(
Hi all :wave: I“m a late bloomer in life.. Im 44 & Im tryin all naturel... Its been a hard road.. My body loves to play games its cruel... Im finally going to the doctor this month to see why the difficulty? Could I be perimenoposal?? :shrug: I know my body lije clockwork, ovulation time everything and notta :( I had every sign of beibg pregnant this month except a bfp.. and bam the witch pops in for a visit... I was devestated.. Not sure if I want to try again next month :cry: Im lost for words and confused, its driving me mad.... Uggg never though tcc would be so hard.. :(

hi hopin and prayin iwe have all been there me for 22 cycles i convince myself every month im pregnant then th witch arrives sending you:dust: xx
I broke down like an idiot and bought a test. Surprise:bfn:
No surprise at all really. Today is 13 DPO so I am sure I am out.
I am so sick of this:growlmad:

I am an idiot and tested two days ago and yesterday.... both BFN's of course....only to start TWO days early last night :(
I am also so sick of this and am thinking about throwing in the towel. I am over it. I don't have a clue as to how much more I could possibly do to get achieve this as I feel I am doing everything and then some. I am feeling that this may be impossible and I am very much discouraged.
I broke down like an idiot and bought a test. Surprise:bfn:
No surprise at all really. Today is 13 DPO so I am sure I am out.
I am so sick of this:growlmad:

I am an idiot and tested two days ago and yesterday.... both BFN's of course....only to start TWO days early last night :(
I am also so sick of this and am thinking about throwing in the towel. I am over it. I don't have a clue as to how much more I could possibly do to get achieve this as I feel I am doing everything and then some. I am feeling that this may be impossible and I am very much discouraged.

Well am done with Clomid for sure, but in other news my hubby told me to make an appt with our FS/RE to discuss going forward with IVF :thumbup:
I broke down like an idiot and bought a test. Surprise:bfn:
No surprise at all really. Today is 13 DPO so I am sure I am out.
I am so sick of this:growlmad:

I am an idiot and tested two days ago and yesterday.... both BFN's of course....only to start TWO days early last night :(
I am also so sick of this and am thinking about throwing in the towel. I am over it. I don't have a clue as to how much more I could possibly do to get achieve this as I feel I am doing everything and then some. I am feeling that this may be impossible and I am very much discouraged.

ttc is so hard xx in my heart i gave up after 12 months but in my head im still hoping if that makes sense xx
Hi all :wave: I“m a late bloomer in life.. Im 44 & Im tryin all naturel... Its been a hard road.. My body loves to play games its cruel... Im finally going to the doctor this month to see why the difficulty? Could I be perimenoposal?? :shrug: I know my body lije clockwork, ovulation time everything and notta :( I had every sign of beibg pregnant this month except a bfp.. and bam the witch pops in for a visit... I was devestated.. Not sure if I want to try again next month :cry: Im lost for words and confused, its driving me mad.... Uggg never though tcc would be so hard.. :(

hi hopin and prayin iwe have all been there me for 22 cycles i convince myself every month im pregnant then th witch arrives sending you:dust: xx

I feel ya on that, I symptom spot like crazy and keep sayin to myself ITS MY TIME to say I"m Pregnant and BAM!! The Flippin witch shows.. Its like I jinx myself... Its hard not to symptom spot when you want something so badly... So this coming month I'm just going to have fun and not concentrate on getting pregnant, I mean I know when to do the deed... lol but just wing it per say.. I know in Gods time it will happen for ALL of US... Don't give up hope... Hope is all we have... Best wishes to you and Lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: FX'd that next month is our month ;)

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