IUI December Buddies

Hi ladies,

First off, good luck to each of you on your up coming IUIs... :hugs: Next, I just found out today that in order for hubby and I to conceive, we have to have IUI or IVF. I notice you all seem to be on some kind of meds- clomid and such. My Dr. did bloodwork and I ovulate and have normal levels in all regards. Hubby is the one with the low count, so is that why I'm not on meds? Should I be asking to go on something in order to up my chances of success with the IUI next month??

Please let me know what you think as I am new to this..

Again, sending you health, luck, and :dust:

Okay, I'm fairly new to all this as well. I'm the one with the infertility not my hubby. With that being said we normally only produce one egg each month. If you were to get on some meds (injectables) then you'd have more eggs for the sperm to get into and fertilize.

Like I said I'm the one with infertility so, I hop what I said was true and I'm no just throwing crap out there!! :)
Good luck to u!

Oh, that makes perfect sense. I guess maybe when I go for my pre-consult this issue may come up now. I think I'd like to ask for Clomid! Some people say you have to look out though b/c you may have twins, but I think that would be GREAT so I won't have to go through this again! lol.. Thanks so much, and good luck to you :hugs:
CD13 update - my three follicles are now 21, 17 & 15mm. My estrogen is 1166. No LH surge. I am pretty shocked they didn't make me trigger tonight but I am also happy because I work tomorrow. I go back for one more U/S and B/W tomorrow and then I will probably trigger tomorrow night and do my IUIs on Saturday & Sunday, which will be perfect because I am off Saturday, Sunday and Monday and I typically feel like crap the day of an IUI for some reason so I can just sleep all day.

With these injectables, regular blood work and now the trigger coming up I feel like a human pin cushion!

Oh my gosh! That's awesome. I've come to the conclusion that I am much better off trusting the nurses and RE. I do much better that way. Keep us updated!
What did they say about you possibly giving yourself 125ius instead of 100??

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. The nurse said it was no biggie! She said if it's later on it is not as big of a deal as if I had done it at the start of my cycle. I didn't ask her why. I was just relieved that it didn't hurt anything.
Hi ladies,

First off, good luck to each of you on your up coming IUIs... :hugs: Next, I just found out today that in order for hubby and I to conceive, we have to have IUI or IVF. I notice you all seem to be on some kind of meds- clomid and such. My Dr. did bloodwork and I ovulate and have normal levels in all regards. Hubby is the one with the low count, so is that why I'm not on meds? Should I be asking to go on something in order to up my chances of success with the IUI next month??

Please let me know what you think as I am new to this..

Again, sending you health, luck, and :dust:

Okay, I'm fairly new to all this as well. I'm the one with the infertility not my hubby. With that being said we normally only produce one egg each month. If you were to get on some meds (injectables) then you'd have more eggs for the sperm to get into and fertilize.

Like I said I'm the one with infertility so, I hop what I said was true and I'm no just throwing crap out there!! :)
Good luck to u!

Oh, that makes perfect sense. I guess maybe when I go for my pre-consult this issue may come up now. I think I'd like to ask for Clomid! Some people say you have to look out though b/c you may have twins, but I think that would be GREAT so I won't have to go through this again! lol.. Thanks so much, and good luck to you :hugs:

On that note my RE really didn't want me to start with clomid. It has a low success rate. And I only ever produced one egg and a good egg, but with these injectables I had at least 3 good ones!!!! I just wish I would have gone straight to injectables, but you have to see what your RE says. And do what is best for you!!! Thank you! Good luck to you too!
hi Hmommy! My hubs also has a low SA and they didn't perscribe me any meds either..although, it is likely a better chance with meds but my FS said that in my case he didn't think it would change things too much and suggested two natural iui's...now in my previous marriage where I had issues and my ex didn't he did give me clomid and trigger

Btw anyone on cd 11 and o late?? I am thinking I will O sometime late next week just wondered if anyone wanted to be cycle buddies?
Whoop whoop! Second IUI stats 40 million sperm at 86 % motility. The motility went up from yesterday. I hope my body works with me. It stinks being the one with issues!! But I'm so positive. I feel different this time. But like I've said, it's probably because I have more eggs than usual. Okay... On to the two week wait.

Mrs. T..... Let me know what's up with you as I'm excited for you!

Good luck to all you ladies!!! Have a wonderful weekend!
BMA ~ those numbers sound great! I'm praying that this IUI works out well for you and your SO.

As for me I'm finally on CD2 :happydance: I called and scheduled my cd3 ultrasound for tomorrow morning. Thing is... my period is SUPER SUPER SUPER light. I don't know if its the Lupron or what. But it's not getting red and its not heavy or close to medium LOL But I know its my period because its lining you know? Its not spotting. But it almost feels like it.

Any one have this problem?
BMA ~ those numbers sound great! I'm praying that this IUI works out well for you and your SO.

As for me I'm finally on CD2 :happydance: I called and scheduled my cd3 ultrasound for tomorrow morning. Thing is... my period is SUPER SUPER SUPER light. I don't know if its the Lupron or what. But it's not getting red and its not heavy or close to medium LOL But I know its my period because its lining you know? Its not spotting. But it almost feels like it.

Any one have this problem?

Yay!!! Good luck with everything. I don't know anything about Lupron or what it can do. Maybe google could help??
BMA ~ How did you feel about the Bravelle? Did it sting? And what cycle day did you go in for your first IUI?

I'm hoping that my IUI is on or a day before cd14 for me. This way I can test on Christmas Eve LOL OMG it's the POAS inside of me. But what sucks is that I'm triggering this cycle so I'm gonna have to buy cheap test so I can test out the trigger.
BMA ~ How did you feel about the Bravelle? Did it sting? And what cycle day did you go in for your first IUI?

I'm hoping that my IUI is on or a day before cd14 for me. This way I can test on Christmas Eve LOL OMG it's the POAS inside of me. But what sucks is that I'm triggering this cycle so I'm gonna have to buy cheap test so I can test out the trigger.

The bravelle wasn't too bad at all. It did feel like a little pinch, but it was over before I knew it. You have nothing to worry about!
I went in in cycle day 14 (yesterday) for first IUI.

I've never tested out the trigger. Just about three days before I go in for blood preg test I start testing. Always negative.

I hope you get bfp for christmas. I test the day my hubby goes to pick up my step kids & a day before our Xmas party we are hosting. If its negative I'm getting drunk!!!! But it's going to be positive!
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

Oops that should say any advise would be helpful.
BMA ~ How did you feel about the Bravelle? Did it sting? And what cycle day did you go in for your first IUI?

I'm hoping that my IUI is on or a day before cd14 for me. This way I can test on Christmas Eve LOL OMG it's the POAS inside of me. But what sucks is that I'm triggering this cycle so I'm gonna have to buy cheap test so I can test out the trigger.

The bravelle wasn't too bad at all. It did feel like a little pinch, but it was over before I knew it. You have nothing to worry about!
I went in in cycle day 14 (yesterday) for first IUI.

I've never tested out the trigger. Just about three days before I go in for blood preg test I start testing. Always negative.

I hope you get bfp for christmas. I test the day my hubby goes to pick up my step kids & a day before our Xmas party we are hosting. If its negative I'm getting drunk!!!! But it's going to be positive!

Well if mine is negative I'm getting drunk on Christmas! LOL
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I have had 3 triggers before... the trigger shot is a shot of pregnancy hormone, with that said I had many pregnancy symptoms the days after the shot. It is said that 10,000units of the trigger shot takes 10 days to flush out of your system. 1000 units flushing a day. They say now to test until 14 days after the shot but I never can hold out that long.
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I read a lot on these forums that people test out the shot. I don't know for sure why. Do you have an appointment to get your blood drawn for a preg test ?
That's what I have to do. I assume they test out the trigger and then they will know for sure when it turns positive that it isn't the shot, that they are prego!!!! So, I'd do it if it weren't for me having to get blood test. You know?

Every time I've done my trigger with IUI, I've never felt anything after. Nothing after the IUI. This time, I do feel twinges & fullness, it's totally different this time. (Did 2nd IUI) today. And I hate to say that I feel things more this time & get too excited. But it is true. Plus I'm normally nauseous around ovulation, but it's never as noticeable as it has been these past two days. But it could be all these hormones in me and what not.

Hope I kinda answered or gave you advise! Lol
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I have had 3 triggers before... the trigger shot is a shot of pregnancy hormone, with that said I had many pregnancy symptoms the days after the shot. It is said that 10,000units of the trigger shot takes 10 days to flush out of your system. 1000 units flushing a day. They say now to test until 14 days after the shot but I never can hold out that long.

Makes sense.
I've never had symptoms. The first time I did IUI the days I took endometrin , my boobs hurt something awful and that was it. And test was always negative at day 11 & that would be day 13 after ovidrel. It's crazy how symptoms vary. Makes me think everything is a symptom!!! Ahhhhhh
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I have had 3 triggers before... the trigger shot is a shot of pregnancy hormone, with that said I had many pregnancy symptoms the days after the shot. It is said that 10,000units of the trigger shot takes 10 days to flush out of your system. 1000 units flushing a day. They say now to test until 14 days after the shot but I never can hold out that long.

Thank you so much for your advise. I go in for Bloodwork on Friday Dec 7th, so I will try and occupy my mind and wait til then.
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I read a lot on these forums that people test out the shot. I don't know for sure why. Do you have an appointment to get your blood drawn for a preg test ?
That's what I have to do. I assume they test out the trigger and then they will know for sure when it turns positive that it isn't the shot, that they are prego!!!! So, I'd do it if it weren't for me having to get blood test. You know?

Every time I've done my trigger with IUI, I've never felt anything after. Nothing after the IUI. This time, I do feel twinges & fullness, it's totally different this time. (Did 2nd IUI) today. And I hate to say that I feel things more this time & get too excited. But it is true. Plus I'm normally nauseous around ovulation, but it's never as noticeable as it has been these past two days. But it could be all these hormones in me and what not.

Hope I kinda answered or gave you advise! Lol
You did, I go in for bloodwork on Friday Dec 7th. I will try to occupy my mind with other things but I know it is going to be difficult to do.
I am now at 7 days past tigger, my first question is should I be buying some cheap HPT and checking to see if the Ovidrel has left? Second question is this could either be a side effect or maybe it took but since yesterday I have been feeling almost a pulling like feeling in my lower stomach and twinges. I don't want to get my hopes up only because after 4 1/2 years and numerous Negative HPT's. Does anyone have any words of advise for me. I haven't said anything to DH, don't want to get his hopes up either. This is my first time doing the Trigger shot so nay advise would be helpful.

I have had 3 triggers before... the trigger shot is a shot of pregnancy hormone, with that said I had many pregnancy symptoms the days after the shot. It is said that 10,000units of the trigger shot takes 10 days to flush out of your system. 1000 units flushing a day. They say now to test until 14 days after the shot but I never can hold out that long.

Makes sense.
I've never had symptoms. The first time I did IUI the days I took endometrin , my boobs hurt something awful and that was it. And test was always negative at day 11 & that would be day 13 after ovidrel. It's crazy how symptoms vary. Makes me think everything is a symptom!!! Ahhhhhh
Yes this such an emotional rollercoaster.
Same here bma!!! Fingers crossed for you! I really hope this is a sign for you and you bet that bfp!! Grn I am wishing the best for you too your right its def. An emotional rollercoaster

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