IUI December Buddies

That sounds really promising!!!

I had an u/s and b/w today too but I have to wait for my doctor's office to call me later and let me know the results.

I still have to wait to get my bloodwork but they just tell me what they see on the ultrasound.

Have you had to up your meds? I had to and I switched to injecting in my right side... And it seems to be hurting more. I don't know if its because there is more meds or I'm gettin more sensitive as more hormones are in my body. Just wondering how you were feeling.

Hope yours comes back great!!
Hoping I can join in here! I was completely unresponsive to clomid and femara. So we are moving to injections. I cannot wait! All I want for Xmas is a mature follicle! If we do have a mature follicle I will have an IUI in December. No MFI here but just wanted to increase our chances. I'm On provera now to induce a period and then the injections will commence!
Hoping I can join in here! I was completely unresponsive to clomid and femara. So we are moving to injections. I cannot wait! All I want for Xmas is a mature follicle! If we do have a mature follicle I will have an IUI in December. No MFI here but just wanted to increase our chances. I'm On provera now to induce a period and then the injections will commence!

Hey there, welcome :) . Good luck to you! I hope you respond well to injections! I wish I would have listened to my RE when he told me we should go straight to injections. I was scared and overwhelmed, that I asked him if I could just do clomid and IUI. He said sure, he is an absolute doll with the best bedside manner. And on clomid I only produced one egg. Shoulda coulda woulda!!! Haha
Bma - Are you doing a trigger shot? If so, dont worry about premature ovulation...it will help the dr office get the timing right!

Mrs T - cant wait to hear!

August and Miss Maddy - sounds like everything is trucking along! I had alot of bloating on my first IUI cycle...it is the drugs...I wore lots of elastic waist pants for a while!

type A- welcome and good luck!
Bma - Are you doing a trigger shot? If so, dont worry about premature ovulation...it will help the dr office get the timing right!

Mrs T - cant wait to hear!

August and Miss Maddy - sounds like everything is trucking along! I had alot of bloating on my first IUI cycle...it is the drugs...I wore lots of elastic waist pants for a while!

type A- welcome and good luck!

I am doing the trigger shot. Thanks! :) like I told the nurse, I know y'all know what you are doing but it's hard to not be a little worried because I don't know what they know.
My OB and FS made me try clomid and femara before injections. I kept asking for injections and now I'll be getting my wish. I have never had a mature follicle so I'm praying the injections are what I need. I do have a question though...with injections, will the dr vary the dosage during the cycle or will I be forced to stay t the same dosage all cycle even though it's not working?
My OB and FS made me try clomid and femara before injections. I kept asking for injections and now I'll be getting my wish. I have never had a mature follicle so I'm praying the injections are what I need. I do have a question though...with injections, will the dr vary the dosage during the cycle or will I be forced to stay t the same dosage all cycle even though it's not working?

You should go in for a baseline ultrasound and blood work. From there they will tell you the dosage. You will then go in and have another ultrasound and bloodwork like 3 or 4 days later. They will be able to tell how you are responding and up the dosage. They will adjust the meds as needed!!

I started Monday nov 19 on 75 ius of bravelle then went in on Friday and they upped it to 150 iu. And today I went in and they will give me instructions on to go up or down with the meds. I hope you respond, I only ever had one egg with clomid, and with injections it looks like 3 bigs ones and 1ok sized!! Yay. It is exciting. :)
Im jumping on the December boat, since AF showed 10days past my 1st IUI :( good luck everyone and thanks for the support!
That sounds really promising!!!

I had an u/s and b/w today too but I have to wait for my doctor's office to call me later and let me know the results.

I still have to wait to get my bloodwork but they just tell me what they see on the ultrasound.

Have you had to up your meds? I had to and I switched to injecting in my right side... And it seems to be hurting more. I don't know if its because there is more meds or I'm gettin more sensitive as more hormones are in my body. Just wondering how you were feeling.

Hope yours comes back great!!

Where I am, the ultrasound techs are not allowed to show you the screen or tell you what they see. The doctor has to review it and then the doctor's office lets you know.

I haven't had to adjust my meds yet. I have been on a steady 100iu's of Puregon per day so far. Who knows what they might tell me later. I rotate on my stomach where I inject. I hate needles but they haven't been bad at all. I have been very aware if my ovaries at certain times though. I feel growth down there. LOL!
Hi Ladies!

Can I join the club? I'm due to start my first IUI in January. I only tried Clomid one cycle earlier this year with timed intercourse but did not result in pregnancy. After switching to a fertility specialist, she is suggesting IUI with injectibles. Had an HSG a couple of months ago and all came back normal, DH's SA results are normal as well. We need to wait until January because we are paying out of pocket for everything iui related....I'm hopeful but nervous.
welcome concieve....I pay out of pocket as well and I have to travel from the Bahamas to Florida for the IUI so I feel your pain. We did one IUI in October and am saving up for the December IUI.....which will start in about 2 weeks.
FYI- this is obviously an emotional roller coaster and we try to do everything perfect in hopes of good follicles and pregnancy right? So, I had my first freak out today and wanted to share just in case any of you find yourself in a similar situation.

I had to do bloodwork and ultrasound on Friday which was the day after thanksgiving and only one location was open and only until noon. So they email me with my instructions and I was doing 75 iu of bravelle to .5ml o the liquid. The new instructions said to take 150iu of bravelle. I emailed right back and asked how much of the liquid am I supposed to use. And no response until today. So, naturally they didn't tell me to adjust the mixing solution so I kept it at .5ml and today I got the email that said to use 1ml! Okay I freaked out thinking I may not have diluted it enough, what if I over respond and have to cancel the cycle etc... Finally got a hold of a nurse and she said it was no problem! WHEWW. Point is, I'm getting all 150 iu of bravelle and if I use 1 ml of liquid it will jut take longer to get the meds in from the needle. Which obviously makes sense..,.,,,NOW! :) anyways just wanted to share just in case!!!!

Update: this other nurse that I emailed today asking what this would do.... Told me that the .5ml was okay for a couple of nights but for tonight and on use the 1ml. Now, again I'm a tad bothered by the difference in answers.
Sorry y'all. I'm all over the place. I confirmed with a third nurse and she said they were both right. .5ml or 1ml is all the same. Wheww
Bma - wow....you are right...huge rollercoaster! We are sooo entitled to freak outs arent we! I would have been the same way as you....lol
Bma - wow....you are right...huge rollercoaster! We are sooo entitled to freak outs arent we! I would have been the same way as you....lol

Same as!
Bma11 I'm glad the nurse has finally put your mind at ease. Bit annoying that they assume you will automatically adjust the solution as well as the bravelle!

Hi guys, hope everyone is well and welcome to all of the new ladies :flower:
I've been MIA for a few days but am filled with excitement again as AF came today so I can call the clinic tomorrow and get started with my injections. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to needles but hey ho!
Charlie that is awesome....what will they have you taking??????
I'm hoping to use what I did back in 2006. That was menopur 75iu. I used it for 7 days then had trigger shot and iui early as I responded really well with 3 mature follies. I've got my fx'd for same positive result! My cons wanted me to try clomid as I dont have any ovulation problems but I've heard it has bad side effects and is not as effective as the injectables and I'm impatient lol!
I'm hoping to use what I did back in 2006. That was menopur 75iu. I used it for 7 days then had trigger shot and iui early as I responded really well with 3 mature follies. I've got my fx'd for same positive result! My cons wanted me to try clomid as I dont have any ovulation problems but I've heard it has bad side effects and is not as effective as the injectables and I'm impatient lol!

The clomid for me had no side effects, my sis on other hand had almost all of them! :/ my nurse also told me that clomid depletes the uterine lining & they wouldn't like for me to do too many clomid cycles! I wish I would have went straight to injections! Good luck sweet girl!!!

:dust: to all of us!!!
Hi ladies, mind if I join you.
I'm going for my baseline scan tomorrow. Can't wait to get started :)
Update on my CD10 ultrasound today. I have 8 follicles on the right and 5 on the left. Two on the left are leading the way at 12&13mm. I am so pumped to have two lead follicles!!! My previous two cycles I only had one each time.

And my lining is 9mm!

I am so happy with these results. I am continuing 100iu's of Puregon and go for another ultrasound on Wednesday. I will keep you posted. :)

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