IUI December Buddies

I took femara but my only s/e were hot flashes and frequent urination. I took clomid too and really didn't have any s/e on it. I think it depends on the person. The whole TTC journey is exhausting in my opinion! :)

My dr informed me that I will be on follistim injections and progesterone suppositories in December. Just waiting for my period to start and praying for no cysts so I can get in with everything!
Hello Ladies, I will be going for my 3rd round of IUI starting end of this week.Had 2 chemical with previous two IUI's and i am dead scared what is gonna happen with this one. donn want to loose this one as i dont have anymore strength left to face the same again.
Please please please pray for me..

sorry for your losses. My two IUI's have been unsuccesful. This cycle I am on now,I am responding so well, that I am getting excited, yet crying because I'm scared of another failure. I'm scared to get too excited. ;/

SO, I will be praying for you to get pregnant,and if not, to have the strength to carry you through.
I just got back from my ultrasound and blood work.

The nurse says I have a 13,14,11,11 on my right and 13,16,12 on my left. Whoo hoo!

She said it is a very good thing that they all are not big, if they were all that big we would probably cancel the cycle. She said the doctor will probably have me do my trigger shot and I will go in for IUI Thursday & Friday! I'm so happy with these eggs. But I'm so dang nervous, I know I will be heart broken if I don't get pregnant this time. Dr, has to confirm everything and then I will know for sure. Anxiously waiting until then. Probably going to really clean my house. I haven't wanted to be home alone on my days off lately, hubby is home today so I'm not alone and I can clean!!!!
I just got back from my ultrasound and blood work.

The nurse says I have a 13,14,11,11 on my right and 13,16,12 on my left. Whoo hoo!

She said it is a very good thing that they all are not big, if they were all that big we would probably cancel the cycle. She said the doctor will probably have me do my trigger shot and I will go in for IUI Thursday & Friday! I'm so happy with these eggs. But I'm so dang nervous, I know I will be heart broken if I don't get pregnant this time. Dr, has to confirm everything and then I will know for sure. Anxiously waiting until then. Probably going to really clean my house. I haven't wanted to be home alone on my days off lately, hubby is home today so I'm not alone and I can clean!!!!

Hi Pookabear, welcome. Are you having scans and a trigger shot with your iui? Clinicians all seem to do the same procedures slightly different ways, I'm just curious.

Welcome anmlz86, tiredness could well be a se but I haven't tried that before so perhaps one of the other ladies can help with that one.

MrsKD, sorry to hear of your losses, I hope third time is a charm. Fx'd for you.

BMa11, fab results. How exciting, you may end up with twins with those numbers! They wont do b2b iui in uk. I wish they would, makes sense to do it that way so you cover all bases but hey ho! Good luck for thurs/ fri, fx'd

TypeA- I would never normally say this but I hope the :witch: shows soon

Afm- I'm sooooo happy today after my disappointment yesterday. I spoke to my hospital cons today (who also works at my clinic) and told her what was happening- or wasn't in my case, and she faxed my op details straight over and verbally gave a prescription to another dr. I got a call at work asking me to go in at lunchtime for a scan and to collect my injections and I have administered the first one! I'm so happy. I go back tues (cd9) for a scan and plan! The nurse who scanned me said I had 2 lil follies on each side already so I'm hoping the injections will work! :happydance:
Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for 4 1/2 years now, last year we decided it was time to see a Fertility Doctor. My husband has a 14 yr old son from a previous relationship and has been really wanting to have another as do I. Last December my doctor started me on Clomid, on January 22nd I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it we were both so happy after trying for over three years we finally got pregnant. Then on February 21st was when we got the bad news, there was no heartbeat and I had miscarried. I went in the next day for a D&C and for the next few months was in an extremely depressed state. My husband and I decided we would take the Summer to relax and start again in the Fall. Come September I started back on the Clomid, this past Friday November 23rd I went in for an Ultrasound to check my follicles and that night did my "Trigger" Ovidrel shot. I go back on Dec 7th for blood work and if this was not my month we start IUI.

This Website is a godsent, to know there are others going through the same ups and downs like you makes all of these proceedures a little more bearable. Babydust to all!
welcome to all the newbies...we are so happy to have you here!

Bma - those are awesome...that is kinda how my cd8 scan sounded and I ended up with 3 nice follies...woohoo!!!!

Charlie - woohoo!!! so excited

type a - I am with ya...in the holding position and cheering all the other ladies on until then!
Charlie- what great news! Happy for you

My hubby is an identical twin, and I know that isn't genetic, but still with these meds there is always a good chance for twins. I don't want to be greedy at this point, so I'lll say I want a healthy baby, but two would be the ultimate blessing!!!! :) I wonder why they won't do back to back IUI's? everywhere is so different. When my sister did hers, she just did one as well. Humph. Just make sure you BD ... :) after my second IUI that's what I do, just to make sure! Lol

Grney-- good luck!! Wish you the best

Ahhhh.... They called. I just took my ovidrel shot. She said I was already starting to surge on my own. :) I go in tomorrow and Friday for my IUI. About to be on the TWW!!!! I am Going to try so hard to not try and turn everything I feel into "is this a symptom?" But I'll do it in my head anyway. LOL
Ahhhh.... They called. I just took my ovidrel shot. She said I was already starting to surge on my own. :) I go in tomorrow and Friday for my IUI. About to be on the TWW!!!! I am Going to try so hard to not try and turn everything I feel into "is this a symptom?" But I'll do it in my head anyway. LOL

Bma11, that is such good news!!! I know what you mean about the "is this a symptom", I have done that myself, hopefully you will have great news for Christmas.
Hi grn! Sorry for your loss and I hope you get your bfp this time around!!
Charliegirl thank you so much! Nah no trigger or meds for me this time around just smiley opks, prayer, and hope for me
Charlie- what great news! Happy for you

My hubby is an identical twin, and I know that isn't genetic, but still with these meds there is always a good chance for twins. I don't want to be greedy at this point, so I'lll say I want a healthy baby, but two would be the ultimate blessing!!!! :) I wonder why they won't do back to back IUI's? everywhere is so different. When my sister did hers, she just did one as well. Humph. Just make sure you BD ... :) after my second IUI that's what I do, just to make sure! Lol

Grney-- good luck!! Wish you the best


I've told my husband it's his lucky month for :sex: lol!
Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for 4 1/2 years now, last year we decided it was time to see a Fertility Doctor. My husband has a 14 yr old son from a previous relationship and has been really wanting to have another as do I. Last December my doctor started me on Clomid, on January 22nd I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it we were both so happy after trying for over three years we finally got pregnant. Then on February 21st was when we got the bad news, there was no heartbeat and I had miscarried. I went in the next day for a D&C and for the next few months was in an extremely depressed state. My husband and I decided we would take the Summer to relax and start again in the Fall. Come September I started back on the Clomid, this past Friday November 23rd I went in for an Ultrasound to check my follicles and that night did my "Trigger" Ovidrel shot. I go back on Dec 7th for blood work and if this was not my month we start IUI.

This Website is a godsent, to know there are others going through the same ups and downs like you makes all of these proceedures a little more bearable. Babydust to all!

Hi Grney, sorry to hear your sad news I hope this is your lucky month :thumbup:
Update CD12 - I have 3 main follicles (16,13,10mm - but they don't care about the 10mm one) and bunch of smaller ones that don't count. My lining is 9mm, my estrogen is 872 and my LH is 4.9. I go for another U/S and B/W tomorrow.......I'm getting close. :)
Update CD12 - I have 3 main follicles (16,13,10mm - but they don't care about the 10mm one) and bunch of smaller ones that don't count. My lining is 9mm, my estrogen is 872 and my LH is 4.9. I go for another U/S and B/W tomorrow.......I'm getting close. :)

:thumbup: looking good!
Feeling gutted. DP's seman sample came back and has decreased motility.
This means we may not be able to use frozen semen for IUI, only fresh. But he works away, which is the main reason we started this process in the first place.

He has to go for another test when he gets back Tuesday in the hopes we will get a better result.

I'm CD 12 today, normally ovulate CD17 which was going to work out perfect for our last chance to concieve naturally as he will be home then. Last cycle ended up being CD36.
OPK is negative but CM suggests I may ovulate early, as in any day.

Getting myself so worked up over all this, just feeling like crying. No where to vent but here as no one except my mum knows we are doing this. Thanks for listening x
Feeling gutted. DP's seman sample came back and has decreased motility.
This means we may not be able to use frozen semen for IUI, only fresh. But he works away, which is the main reason we started this process in the first place.

He has to go for another test when he gets back Tuesday in the hopes we will get a better result.

I'm CD 12 today, normally ovulate CD17 which was going to work out perfect for our last chance to concieve naturally as he will be home then. Last cycle ended up being CD36.
OPK is negative but CM suggests I may ovulate early, as in any day.

Getting myself so worked up over all this, just feeling like crying. No where to vent but here as no one except my mum knows we are doing this. Thanks for listening x

So sorry. Hoping for better results.
Lyghtning- My heart goes out to you with the recent news. I hope it's just a fluke thing for you and your DH, and maybe next round will produce olympic swimmers. I know it's easy to let these things get you down, but cheer up, I'm fairly positive there are multiple fingers, among many other paired appendages, crossed in the hope that things perk up in your favor! Good luck and we're here to send you good vibes!
Feeling gutted. DP's seman sample came back and has decreased motility.
This means we may not be able to use frozen semen for IUI, only fresh. But he works away, which is the main reason we started this process in the first place.

He has to go for another test when he gets back Tuesday in the hopes we will get a better result.

I'm CD 12 today, normally ovulate CD17 which was going to work out perfect for our last chance to concieve naturally as he will be home then. Last cycle ended up being CD36.
OPK is negative but CM suggests I may ovulate early, as in any day.

Getting myself so worked up over all this, just feeling like crying. No where to vent but here as no one except my mum knows we are doing this. Thanks for listening x

I hope you have better news this time.
Although we fall in the 'unexplained' category, my DH has a normal count. Motility, morhpology one month but then everything is decreased the next. It was 121 mil with per iui test but on day of iui after washing -6 mil! When we got pregnant naturally with our first, we were undergoing initial testing and DH had to do a sample but we never went back for the results as I found I was pregnant the next week. When we had trouble conceiving the second, we looked back at that result and it was 3 mil with decreased everything! As they say, it only takes the one! Good luck

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