IUI December Buddies

Hello everyone-

Been married for 3 years and TTC. Went to FS advised IVF best way to go. Scary to jump in. All testing is not done.. my AMH is .53 so was thinking of trying a round of IUI first. I have my 3 Day blood test on Monday and water sono on January 7. On January 7th I will be cd 9. Is it possible to perform IUI in January? The nurse said come in for your bloods and we will set you up for IUI, but I don't know if she means in January. I know IVF won't happen until Feb/March. I have to get clearance from my gyno/obs appointment January 3rd. I've gone through multiple tests since the last week in November, just seems this is taking longer than expected. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone-

Been married for 3 years and TTC. Went to FS advised IVF best way to go. Scary to jump in. All testing is not done.. my AMH is .53 so was thinking of trying a round of IUI first. I have my 3 Day blood test on Monday and water sono on January 7. On January 7th I will be cd 9. Is it possible to perform IUI in January? The nurse said come in for your bloods and we will set you up for IUI, but I don't know if she means in January. I know IVF won't happen until Feb/March. I have to get clearance from my gyno/obs appointment January 3rd. I've gone through multiple tests since the last week in November, just seems this is taking longer than expected. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Sams: make sure your dh gets the hippa tests done. I know California if not all require he be tested for several diseases prior to iui. (A little weird since we're married and all) but they told me it was law, haven't checked if they require us to get it as well, because one specialist required it for me, and another didnt (went to two for second opinion ). It also depends if they decide to do an iui with meds or an iui by it self. Hope this helps! Sorry about your amh mine is border line low :(
TWINKLES do you know how soon after testing they can start?

Hello everyone-

Been married for 3 years and TTC. Went to FS advised IVF best way to go. Scary to jump in. All testing is not done.. my AMH is .53 so was thinking of trying a round of IUI first. I have my 3 Day blood test on Monday and water sono on January 7. On January 7th I will be cd 9. Is it possible to perform IUI in January? The nurse said come in for your bloods and we will set you up for IUI, but I don't know if she means in January. I know IVF won't happen until Feb/March. I have to get clearance from my gyno/obs appointment January 3rd. I've gone through multiple tests since the last week in November, just seems this is taking longer than expected. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Sams: make sure your dh gets the hippa tests done. I know California if not all require he be tested for several diseases prior to iui. (A little weird since we're married and all) but they told me it was law, haven't checked if they require us to get it as well, because one specialist required it for me, and another didnt (went to two for second opinion ). It also depends if they decide to do an iui with meds or an iui by it self. Hope this helps! Sorry about your amh mine is border line low :(
TWINKLES do you know how soon after testing they can start?

Hello everyone-

Been married for 3 years and TTC. Went to FS advised IVF best way to go. Scary to jump in. All testing is not done.. my AMH is .53 so was thinking of trying a round of IUI first. I have my 3 Day blood test on Monday and water sono on January 7. On January 7th I will be cd 9. Is it possible to perform IUI in January? The nurse said come in for your bloods and we will set you up for IUI, but I don't know if she means in January. I know IVF won't happen until Feb/March. I have to get clearance from my gyno/obs appointment January 3rd. I've gone through multiple tests since the last week in November, just seems this is taking longer than expected. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Sams: make sure your dh gets the hippa tests done. I know California if not all require he be tested for several diseases prior to iui. (A little weird since we're married and all) but they told me it was law, haven't checked if they require us to get it as well, because one specialist required it for me, and another didnt (went to two for second opinion ). It also depends if they decide to do an iui with meds or an iui by it self. Hope this helps! Sorry about your amh mine is border line low :(

It takes 5-7days to get results, and basically it depends if they are giving you clomid? If they are then they usually make you test OPKs then when positive they schedule iui. Some res do an ultrasound as well. I'm sure the girls on this thread can chime in.

I have yet to decide whether to take clomid at the moment and start. Still thinking, because of my fear of meds. A little granola of me, but it is what it is.

My IUI journey:

I had my initial FS consultation in July, then my first round of tests in August where they did a "Clomid challenge" to see how I reacted to it (reacted well). That month I also had my tubes and uterus checked for problems (none found). My doc wouldn't do an IUI until we'd tested my reproductive organs and tested how my body reacted to the clomid. No sense in doing an IUI if there's something that would prevent it from working in the first place! Turns out I developed ovarian cysts from the Clomid (it's common -follicles fed off of my increased estrogen and grew instead of dissipating), so I had to go on The Pill to cut my estrogen levels down so the cysts had nothing to feed on and would dissipate. No IUI in September. October: cysts small enough to go off the Pill and start a new cycle of meds, but this time I asked to be put on Femara after reading several reports that claimed less women developed cysts with Femara. I did an IUI with Femara in Oct and Nov...didn't get pregnant. I decided to go with my FS's original recommendation, and take Bravelle injectables to produce good follies instead of Clomid/Femara. Developed one good sized follie and had my IUI Dec 14th. Found out I was pregnant on Dec 24th, but didn't believe it because it was a "blue dye" test. Tested on Christmas Day with a FRER and then believed it.

So yeah, it's frustrating that you can't just jump into having an IUI right away. The tests are necessary to be sure the IUI isn't a waste of your time and money.

Good luck!!
Thanks for the info

Kat --congratulations!!!!! so exciting!!!!!

Seems like we have similar levels....so I have hope. AF arrived yesterday and I'm not set up for anything yet.. so I'm wondering when I'm going to get started. The doctor wants me to go straight to IVF and I feel like I should try IUI first. He disagrees. He's concerned about my age and the chances of waiting. I have my 3 day test scheduled for Monday and a water sono scheduled for January 7th. I haven't expressed to him that I wanted to do IUI first.. however, I did advise my nurse I would like to since it seems like its taking so long. I also think IVF is a very difficult experience. Thanks for your imput.
Thanks for the info

Kat --congratulations!!!!! so exciting!!!!!

Seems like we have similar levels....so I have hope. AF arrived yesterday and I'm not set up for anything yet.. so I'm wondering when I'm going to get started. The doctor wants me to go straight to IVF and I feel like I should try IUI first. He disagrees. He's concerned about my age and the chances of waiting. I have my 3 day test scheduled for Monday and a water sono scheduled for January 7th. I haven't expressed to him that I wanted to do IUI first.. however, I did advise my nurse I would like to since it seems like its taking so long. I also think IVF is a very difficult experience. Thanks for your imput.

Hrm. Unless he's found a physical reason why IUI simply won't work (and for some that is the case), then I don't see why you can't do IUI first. Our insurance doesn't cover IVF, so shelling out $22,000 for one wasn't something we wanted (or could) do. IUI worked for me using injectibles, so obviously it can be done for someone around 40 yrs old.
BFN this morning with FRER. Hubby is really depressed about his birthday and me not being pregnant. We have been talking about adoption, but he wants no adoption talk today. He really wanted me to be preggers.
BFN this morning with FRER. Hubby is really depressed about his birthday and me not being pregnant. We have been talking about adoption, but he wants no adoption talk today. He really wanted me to be preggers.

Karen I'm so sorry!!! <hug> <s>Have you had 2 IUIs?</s> I see you've had 4, sorry. My BFP didn't happen until I switched to injectibles. Some people just take a little longer. I know you know all that...I just wanted to offer some encouragement on a really tough day. Hoping it happens for you really soon!
BFN this morning with FRER. Hubby is really depressed about his birthday and me not being pregnant. We have been talking about adoption, but he wants no adoption talk today. He really wanted me to be preggers.

Karen I'm so sorry!!! <hug> <s>Have you had 2 IUIs?</s> I see you've had 4, sorry. My BFP didn't happen until I switched to injectibles. Some people just take a little longer. I know you know all that...I just wanted to offer some encouragement on a really tough day. Hoping it happens for you really soon!

if we want to keep trying to have a biological child then we can either move to injectables or IVF. We haven't decided what we are going to do. It all is SO expensive.
BFN this morning with FRER. Hubby is really depressed about his birthday and me not being pregnant. We have been talking about adoption, but he wants no adoption talk today. He really wanted me to be preggers.

Karen I'm so sorry!!! <hug> <s>Have you had 2 IUIs?</s> I see you've had 4, sorry. My BFP didn't happen until I switched to injectibles. Some people just take a little longer. I know you know all that...I just wanted to offer some encouragement on a really tough day. Hoping it happens for you really soon!

if we want to keep trying to have a biological child then we can either move to injectables or IVF. We haven't decided what we are going to do. It all is SO expensive.

Yeah, I know. When we got the price for the injectibles I about passed out, but it's still a drop in the bucket when compared to IVF. Luckily, it turned out to be the right path for me. What is your doc leaning towards?
Ugh. The :witch: got me :( I kinda knew it was gonna happen for the last few days. The good news - I will be drinking champagne tomorrow
night :) at least, I'm trying to think of it as good news.

Karen, big hugs :hugs: My DH is really sad too. It's so hard for Them because they try to be strong for us But of course they need to get their emotions out.

So we're onto IUI in January, and if That doesn't work we're going to bite the bullet and do IVf. Our inSurance isn't payinfor anything at this point, so I'm going to try to get more work And dip into the savings a bit

Sorry this is messed up - I'm typing on my phone
Shitty news! Ugh. I was praying for all of you tonight!

Karenh- :hugs: don't give up! Save up & maybe move to injectables. I know it's so expensive. I could have had half of ivf saved up if I didn't do all this other stuff first! Ivf is 11,850. For the first time. It's more than DH car!!. So it is a lot but it isn't 18-20k. Gosh, I really am sorry.

Green orchid- dammit! :hugs: I hope you enjoy your champagne. :) are you going straight to IUI like getting monitored within the next couple of days or on your next cycle At the end of jan?

AFM- I'm on the birth control so obviously I'm preventing pregnancy but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time off from injections, ultrasounds, blood work. I'm getting excited about my laparoscopy. I'm ready to get some answers. I was going to see an acupuncturist BUT having to pay for a portion of the laporascopy $615. I think I'll have to cancel for now. I'm going to try to make it work but I only spend what I make, no credit cards SOOO that makes it harder. Xmas nearly killed me with the cost of all the kids in the family plus my step kids. Anyways, been enjoying myself, ready for answers and ready to have a baby!!!!!
Thanks bma. I'm actually doing surprisingly okay today, and already looking forward to January. It was only our first cycle post-lap so trying not to get too down. I start femara tomorrow and I'm guessing the IUI will be around Dec 12. I'll call the RE on Wednesday and see if they want me to come in for an early u/s but I'm guessing not until cd11 or so. At my last IUI they said I could go ahead and start femara on my own on CD3 if the :witch: came over the holidays. We're definitely not letting any grass grow under our feet - we're on a mission for a 2013 BFP!!

I hope you get some answers from your lap. It does help to know there's something wrong that can be fixed. Oh but the expense of it all - I totally know what you mean. I want to do acupuncture but since we're saving for potential IVF I'm going to have to hold off for now.
Ugh. The :witch: got me :( I kinda knew it was gonna happen for the last few days. The good news - I will be drinking champagne tomorrow
night :) at least, I'm trying to think of it as good news.

Karen, big hugs :hugs: My DH is really sad too. It's so hard for Them because they try to be strong for us But of course they need to get their emotions out.

So we're onto IUI in January, and if That doesn't work we're going to bite the bullet and do IVf. Our inSurance isn't payinfor anything at this point, so I'm going to try to get more work And dip into the savings a bit

Sorry this is messed up - I'm typing on my phone

...oh no... :( I know how that feels. Hugs to you and DH. You sound really together about it, though! That's great, and those positive feelings will do so much good for you next cycle. Fingers crossed that this one is IT!! [-o&lt;
Just wanted to pop in ladies and see how everyone was doing. I am finally home from Florida and were able to do 1 iui....dh couldn't produce a sample for the 2nd day so we just had intercourse that night...so 1 iui at 13 hours after trigger and to at 50 hours after trigger...not holding up to much hope.

Kat - so wonderful to come back to your bfp....awesome news.
Just wanted to pop in ladies and see how everyone was doing. I am finally home from Florida and were able to do 1 iui....dh couldn't produce a sample for the 2nd day so we just had intercourse that night...so 1 iui at 13 hours after trigger and to at 50 hours after trigger...not holding up to much hope.

Kat - so wonderful to come back to your bfp....awesome news.

My RE doesn't do back to back IUIs, and since my DH can't *ahem* during intercourse, all we had was the one chance each time we did an IUI . And it worked anyway the 3rd time (thanks to Bravelle and my DH's awesome sample), so there is no reason to think it didn't work! You were able to back up your IUI with "proper lovin :winkwink:'', so you had two chances to catch the egg! I think those are great odds! Good luck!!
thanks Kat...I just kinda feel the IUI was done to early....how long after your trigger did you do your IUI?
Hi ladies Happy New Year to all of you!!! So I had the IUI on sat. and my temps were up for the 2 days after but this morning it dropped to 97.8 my cover line. I'm trying not to read anything into it. But just wondering what it could be?
BFN this morning with FRER. Hubby is really depressed about his birthday and me not being pregnant. We have been talking about adoption, but he wants no adoption talk today. He really wanted me to be preggers.

Karen I'm so sorry!!! <hug> <s>Have you had 2 IUIs?</s> I see you've had 4, sorry. My BFP didn't happen until I switched to injectibles. Some people just take a little longer. I know you know all that...I just wanted to offer some encouragement on a really tough day. Hoping it happens for you really soon!

if we want to keep trying to have a biological child then we can either move to injectables or IVF. We haven't decided what we are going to do. It all is SO expensive.

Yeah, I know. When we got the price for the injectibles I about passed out, but it's still a drop in the bucket when compared to IVF. Luckily, it turned out to be the right path for me. What is your doc leaning towards?
I don't know, our appointment isn't until the 14th.

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