IUI December Buddies

WHEWW... I'm posting a lot sorry. I just remembered....

KAREN: I would encourage you to speak to your doctor about taking the progestrone after IUI if you do another round. I don't remember exact wording but it really plays apart in early pregnancy and helping the baby implant an stay! It supports early pregnancy! :)
TypeA - sometimes they will do an ultrasound after the IUI to make sure you oved.....

Sunny - this happened to me thsi cycle. I went in to my dr and they did an ultrasound. I had 2 cysts on my ovaries....it was very uncomfortable...I hear these cysts can happen anytime but it is a positive sign for a bfp. Unfort.. I didnt get a bfp...but am hoping this is a positive sign for you! You can research it more and check your symptoms by googling...corpus luteum cysts.

Green - cant wait to hear...but I understand what you are saying about IVF!
TTC baby- where do they see the cysts on the ultrasound screen? Sorry for asking a silly question but are they on the ovary, in the ovary, or on the uterus?

Thank you guys for your help on the ovulation question. I always think of so many questions after I leave the drs appt!!
So I think I'm out his month. I am just so sad and depressed right now. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there it was. Ughhh. I'm 10piui today. I don't know what to think. I just feel like crying and hiding. My boobs hurt and have acne like crazy this month.
For what it's worth i guess this is just part of life. i had such a restless night yesterday. i was up at 4 this morning. it is what it is and i know i can't change it. just disappointed that's all. thank you all for your support. we are going on a 3 week vacation in 2 weeks so i have to talk to my doc to see what we should do this month. keep with the clomid or just skip this month all together. i'm spotting very light right now. so maybe i'll call them tomorrow. my temps are still up though, last 3 days staying consistent with 98.1. i was thinking they would have dropped today.
Greenorchid: Good luck at your ultrasounds. I was disappointed with only one follicle my first and second round too, but then I had two for three and four. Maybe you will progress too.

SunnyMonkey: I am sorry you are having some discomfort. I hope it isn’t too serious and that you get your BFP! Welcome to the group!

BMA11: Thank you for the suggestion of progesterone. I was just starting to think about that. I think I will bring it up. Thanks!

Kismat: I am so sorry! Ugh! It is so hard to see that month after month. What are your plans for this next cycle?

AFM: The bleeding has started. It is still really light. I am guessing I will go in Friday to test my levels and make sure they have gone down like they should have.
So I think I'm out his month. I am just so sad and depressed right now. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there it was. Ughhh. I'm 10piui today. I don't know what to think. I just feel like crying and hiding. My boobs hurt and have acne like crazy this month.

Aww, Honey, I'm sorry :( It's so frustrating that pre-af symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be the same...gives a false sense of hope that is devastating to lose. Give yourself a few days to be sad, and then see what's next. I hope you have a nice vacation and get to relax and do tons of fun things!
Greenorchid: Good luck at your ultrasounds. I was disappointed with only one follicle my first and second round too, but then I had two for three and four. Maybe you will progress too.

SunnyMonkey: I am sorry you are having some discomfort. I hope it isn’t too serious and that you get your BFP! Welcome to the group!

BMA11: Thank you for the suggestion of progesterone. I was just starting to think about that. I think I will bring it up. Thanks!

Kismat: I am so sorry! Ugh! It is so hard to see that month after month. What are your plans for this next cycle?

AFM: The bleeding has started. It is still really light. I am guessing I will go in Friday to test my levels and make sure they have gone down like they should have.

thank you so much!!! i'm not exactly sure what we are going to do. we are going on a 3 week vacation in 2 weeks, so the time i would be ovulating would be the time i'm away. it's going to be a very busy trip but a fun one...so i'm not sure. my doc said last time we talked with him, see how this cycle goes and if it doesn't work he is going to add metformin to my regimin. not sure if he would start it this cycle. my spotting is very very light and i'm 11dpiui. but i can feel it coming. i'll probably call tomorrow morning and see what they say. i'm sure it's going in for a blood test to confirm and then we'll discuss the cycle. i really feel like just giving up and going on my trip with nothing...but then i don't ovulate on my own so if you don't take the meds, you don't ovulate which means you can't get pregnant. so then i feel like fine i'll take them...i'm pretty sure we won't have a chance for an iui this cycle cause of the trip so it may just be taking the meds and trying on our own. ughhh sorry for the long babbling!!!

i see you are bleeding as well, i'm soo sorry!!! what are you going to be doing ??
So I think I'm out his month. I am just so sad and depressed right now. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there it was. Ughhh. I'm 10piui today. I don't know what to think. I just feel like crying and hiding. My boobs hurt and have acne like crazy this month.

Aww, Honey, I'm sorry :( It's so frustrating that pre-af symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be the same...gives a false sense of hope that is devastating to lose. Give yourself a few days to be sad, and then see what's next. I hope you have a nice vacation and get to relax and do tons of fun things!

thanks so much!!! i think i blurted everything in karen's response, lol. but i'm ok, just waiting for the witch to really come. i'm spotting very very lightly. but af is due on friday so i guess the spotting is right on time. i'm thinking of waiting 1 more day and then calling my doc tomorrow. see how it is the rest of the day and into tomorrow morning. this way i can get the results by friday. if AF starts on friday my day 3 would be sunday. so that's when i would start taking the meds. ughhh this is just sooo frustrating and emotionally draining and tiredsom!!!!
So here's my charts see what you girls think!!

My Ovulation Chart
So I think I'm out his month. I am just so sad and depressed right now. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there it was. Ughhh. I'm 10piui today. I don't know what to think. I just feel like crying and hiding. My boobs hurt and have acne like crazy this month.

Aww, Honey, I'm sorry :( It's so frustrating that pre-af symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be the same...gives a false sense of hope that is devastating to lose. Give yourself a few days to be sad, and then see what's next. I hope you have a nice vacation and get to relax and do tons of fun things!

thanks so much!!! i think i blurted everything in karen's response, lol. but i'm ok, just waiting for the witch to really come. i'm spotting very very lightly. but af is due on friday so i guess the spotting is right on time. i'm thinking of waiting 1 more day and then calling my doc tomorrow. see how it is the rest of the day and into tomorrow morning. this way i can get the results by friday. if AF starts on friday my day 3 would be sunday. so that's when i would start taking the meds. ughhh this is just sooo frustrating and emotionally draining and tiredsom!!!!

Yes, it really is. People have no idea what we go through, and it's impossible to put out of our minds since practically every day you're taking meds or having a scan or tracking temps, etc. There were days I let myself just feel sorry for myself and have a good temper tantrum about it. Then a few days later I'd start to feel a little hope creeping back and by that time it was time to start the meds again and I was ready to move on. I really hope your doc finds the right treatment for you!
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.

Green.. I've been keeping watch on you as it' looks as me an u are going to be cycle buddies for sure. That is great on your follies. I'm praying for 2 follies this cycle. I done another opk last night an it wasn't close enough yet to go for IUI an ultrasound. I tested again this morning an the test is a little more darker but not a + yet for surge. I test again later this evening with my other test to see what it says. Me an DH did bd last night since wasn't close enough for IUI yet. I'll know more this evening when IUI will be.

Green.. It feels good to have a cycle buddy to share things with.

To others keeping my fx that all gets great news soon with everything
Typea - it is on the ovary...they look very similar to a follicle growing prior to ovulation but can range in size form about 3-5 cm....where a follie before ovulation is around 15-25.....I hope that helps...

Kismat - Awwww, so sorry hun...um do you think that coudl implantation spotting because yoru temps are still quite high!

Green - that is awesome 2 follies wooohoo!!!!!!!!
So I think I'm out his month. I am just so sad and depressed right now. I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there it was. Ughhh. I'm 10piui today. I don't know what to think. I just feel like crying and hiding. My boobs hurt and have acne like crazy this month.

Aww, Honey, I'm sorry :( It's so frustrating that pre-af symptoms and pregnancy symptoms can be the same...gives a false sense of hope that is devastating to lose. Give yourself a few days to be sad, and then see what's next. I hope you have a nice vacation and get to relax and do tons of fun things!

thanks so much!!! i think i blurted everything in karen's response, lol. but i'm ok, just waiting for the witch to really come. i'm spotting very very lightly. but af is due on friday so i guess the spotting is right on time. i'm thinking of waiting 1 more day and then calling my doc tomorrow. see how it is the rest of the day and into tomorrow morning. this way i can get the results by friday. if AF starts on friday my day 3 would be sunday. so that's when i would start taking the meds. ughhh this is just sooo frustrating and emotionally draining and tiredsom!!!!

Yes, it really is. People have no idea what we go through, and it's impossible to put out of our minds since practically every day you're taking meds or having a scan or tracking temps, etc. There were days I let myself just feel sorry for myself and have a good temper tantrum about it. Then a few days later I'd start to feel a little hope creeping back and by that time it was time to start the meds again and I was ready to move on. I really hope your doc finds the right treatment for you!

Yes it definately is!! I feel better now than i did this morning so i'm happy about it. nothing really there as of right now, just when i wipe (sorry tmi). but we'll c what happens. i'll update all on a separate message for what my doc said.
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.

awww thanks!! yes i am definately looking forward to going on the vaca...some well time needed away from everything!!! i'm not sure if the whole having fun with hubby is going to happen. we have 2 weddings to attend and those functions are starting as soon as we get to india. so it will be tough for privacy and all. but let's see. AF hasn't even shown up yet. only when i wipe and that's here and there.

that will be awesome for you the next month...exactly what we deserve!!
Typea - it is on the ovary...they look very similar to a follicle growing prior to ovulation but can range in size form about 3-5 cm....where a follie before ovulation is around 15-25.....I hope that helps...

Kismat - Awwww, so sorry hun...um do you think that coudl implantation spotting because yoru temps are still quite high!

Green - that is awesome 2 follies wooohoo!!!!!!!!

yeh i was wondering about that but i'm not sure. i guess tomorrow's temp will tell. but it's only when i wipe and it's very light pink. it's not bright red or AF like at all. we will just have to wait and see.
Hi Ladies: thank you all for your kind words and good thoughts!! keep them going...so i talked with my doc earlier and he said let's see if AF arrives fully. if it does then he has me taking my clomid starting day 3 and then he has also put me on metformin, different dosages for different weeks. and then the ovidrel shot later. so i'm just in the waiting game now. on my way home i have to stop somewhere and get some pregnancy tests. if i get the guts i'll take one tonight if not tomorrow morning.
Kismat- you know I'm praying that it is implantation bleeding!!!!

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