IUI December Buddies

Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!

This will be my fifth as well. We were only supposed to do three, then four, I can't beleive we have moved onto a fifth. I hope I stick to my guns this time and that it is the last one.

wooohoooo...when do you think your's will be. i go in for an ultrasound on the 23rd of jan. we leave for our trip on the 25th...so we'll see what happens. yeh i hear you though i'm saying it's the last but who knows. maybe the doc will convince me for the very last one. my doc said we are only going to do 6 and that's all and then move on. so technically we have 2 left. but the problem with the last is it would be out of pocket and we don't want to pay for it. our insurance is done after this last one. ahhhh the joys of conceiving!!! anyways best of luck to the both of us!!!
Yes, good luck to you both!!! Thinking of y'all. :)

AFM- wishing :witch: would hurry and get here. Was due today but I know it could take 4-6 weeks to get back to normal after the lap. We shall see!!
Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!

This will be my fifth as well. We were only supposed to do three, then four, I can't beleive we have moved onto a fifth. I hope I stick to my guns this time and that it is the last one.

wooohoooo...when do you think your's will be. i go in for an ultrasound on the 23rd of jan. we leave for our trip on the 25th...so we'll see what happens. yeh i hear you though i'm saying it's the last but who knows. maybe the doc will convince me for the very last one. my doc said we are only going to do 6 and that's all and then move on. so technically we have 2 left. but the problem with the last is it would be out of pocket and we don't want to pay for it. our insurance is done after this last one. ahhhh the joys of conceiving!!! anyways best of luck to the both of us!!!

Well... this stupid MC has thrown my cycle off. I am supposed to start af on monday, two week have my u's then IUI wednesday, then two weeks later have my beta. Now I started on Wednesday so I am not sure how this will work becuase all my appointments will be when DH has to work. I go in for my Beta at 2 pm today(2 hours) to make sure the hcg is all out of my system. If it is I will start the Femara tonight and have my u/s probably on the 16th. Why is yours so far away?
Orchid - thanks - I am indeed pregnant!!!!! Which is amazing (this was my first iui so am pretty shocked). Unfortunately, my abdomen has been confirmed as full of fluid :( - really uncomfortable/ sometimes very painful. They are monitoring me - will go back for scan next week. Just the thought of this not going away for several weeks fills me with dread...:( but all worth it I know!! How are you?
Orchid - thanks - I am indeed pregnant!!!!! Which is amazing (this was my first iui so am pretty shocked). Unfortunately, my abdomen has been confirmed as full of fluid :( - really uncomfortable/ sometimes very painful. They are monitoring me - will go back for scan next week. Just the thought of this not going away for several weeks fills me with dread...:( but all worth it I know!! How are you?

Congrats Sunny Monkey!!! I've been lurking on this thread since my first IUI is coming up soon. Just curious, do you have fluid due to injectables?
Sunny - wow that is awesome! How many follies did you have?
Fast post.. Another IUI canceled due to DH again..:cry::cry::cry:

Had my ultrasound an all looked just wonderful had one RO at 18mm an LO 16mm with lining 12+ so we was going to do the IUI due to I was already starting to ovulate. The meds got my RO working again..BUT it got canceled due to DH couldn't do his thing again. :cry: I'm really upset at him for failing again but had a talk with RE an he said for us try on our own again an he gave me a script for DH to use the next cycle to help things alone. So for now it's trying on our own an see what happens. Also our RE said if don't get pregnant this time on our own he'll do the same meds again an hopefully all will be a go plus the script DH got today he uses when we get ready to have our IUI done an when I get my peak so he'll be able to do his job hopefully.

Today has been really awful once again. :cry: I just don't know if I can do much more with this going on. Here I take meds for a week an look forward to the IUI then get canceled. I feel really upset an feel as it may not happen again.

To you other ladies may your IUI goes good an all.
BIGGER--- :hugs: I can't imagine your hurt.
Does your clinic hold frozen sperm? Or whatever? Maybe on an unimportant regular day your DH could go in and give a sample for them to freeze & use on day of IUI? My practice does them at one location only & it's a very good option.

I'm praying for you. Just remember your marriage is bigger than this, help comfort your hubby not bring him down. ( I always need reminders like this during this process)
Hey Conceive. Thanks! I have pcos and am therefore more susceptible to this. I hyper stimulated after the IUI. What happened was that I had five follicles – I think because of Xmas and Boxing Day they couldn’t monitor me as closely as they might have normally done and so on the day of the IUI, they gave me quite a talking to about multiples etc but my hubby and I were keen to go ahead. To be honest I never expected it to take on the first go so we are still pretty shocked! After the IUI, I was just ever so slightly bloated but on day 8 or 9 after the IUI, my abdomen just blew up and I was in so much discomfort. Apparently those who get it after IUI are mostly pregnant. It can happen earlier during the injectibles cycle but then they will just abort the cycle and it subsides then pretty soon thereafter.

Thanks TTCbaby! I had five follicles. Am pretty worried about how many are in there. They will be monitoring me due to what I discussed above so I should find out within 2-3 weeks I should think.

Lots of :dust: to you all!
Oh I see. I had something similar happen to me this last iui cycle but alas no bfp. My Dr did say that I did have a huge chance of being pg. I hope it calms down soon. Have they found any cysts?
Oh Sunny Monkey, am still so happy for you. I hope the discomfort goes away soon.
Sunny monkey~~ when they check your hcg levels they can't rule out multiples? I ask because my sister asked them if there was any way to tell,,. They told her by her numbers multiples were not likely. Just wondering.

Anyways congrats! I hope you have a healthy 9 months!!!
Fast post.. Another IUI canceled due to DH again..:cry::cry::cry:

Had my ultrasound an all looked just wonderful had one RO at 18mm an LO 16mm with lining 12+ so we was going to do the IUI due to I was already starting to ovulate. The meds got my RO working again..BUT it got canceled due to DH couldn't do his thing again. :cry: I'm really upset at him for failing again but had a talk with RE an he said for us try on our own again an he gave me a script for DH to use the next cycle to help things alone. So for now it's trying on our own an see what happens. Also our RE said if don't get pregnant this time on our own he'll do the same meds again an hopefully all will be a go plus the script DH got today he uses when we get ready to have our IUI done an when I get my peak so he'll be able to do his job hopefully.

Today has been really awful once again. :cry: I just don't know if I can do much more with this going on. Here I take meds for a week an look forward to the IUI then get canceled. I feel really upset an feel as it may not happen again.

To you other ladies may your IUI goes good an all.

I am so sorry things aren't going how you want. Hopefully you and DH can get the baby the old fashioned way.
Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!

This will be my fifth as well. We were only supposed to do three, then four, I can't beleive we have moved onto a fifth. I hope I stick to my guns this time and that it is the last one.

wooohoooo...when do you think your's will be. i go in for an ultrasound on the 23rd of jan. we leave for our trip on the 25th...so we'll see what happens. yeh i hear you though i'm saying it's the last but who knows. maybe the doc will convince me for the very last one. my doc said we are only going to do 6 and that's all and then move on. so technically we have 2 left. but the problem with the last is it would be out of pocket and we don't want to pay for it. our insurance is done after this last one. ahhhh the joys of conceiving!!! anyways best of luck to the both of us!!!

Well... this stupid MC has thrown my cycle off. I am supposed to start af on monday, two week have my u's then IUI wednesday, then two weeks later have my beta. Now I started on Wednesday so I am not sure how this will work becuase all my appointments will be when DH has to work. I go in for my Beta at 2 pm today(2 hours) to make sure the hcg is all out of my system. If it is I will start the Femara tonight and have my u/s probably on the 16th. Why is yours so far away?

well good luck with everything!!! hope AF shows up bright and early, lol. it's not late for me. i go in for my ultrasound on CD13. so right on time. if all goes well i could have an IUI friday morning...it's the day we leave for our trip but we'll see what we decide...
Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!

This will be my fifth as well. We were only supposed to do three, then four, I can't beleive we have moved onto a fifth. I hope I stick to my guns this time and that it is the last one.

wooohoooo...when do you think your's will be. i go in for an ultrasound on the 23rd of jan. we leave for our trip on the 25th...so we'll see what happens. yeh i hear you though i'm saying it's the last but who knows. maybe the doc will convince me for the very last one. my doc said we are only going to do 6 and that's all and then move on. so technically we have 2 left. but the problem with the last is it would be out of pocket and we don't want to pay for it. our insurance is done after this last one. ahhhh the joys of conceiving!!! anyways best of luck to the both of us!!!

Well... this stupid MC has thrown my cycle off. I am supposed to start af on monday, two week have my u's then IUI wednesday, then two weeks later have my beta. Now I started on Wednesday so I am not sure how this will work becuase all my appointments will be when DH has to work. I go in for my Beta at 2 pm today(2 hours) to make sure the hcg is all out of my system. If it is I will start the Femara tonight and have my u/s probably on the 16th. Why is yours so far away?

well good luck with everything!!! hope AF shows up bright and early, lol. it's not late for me. i go in for my ultrasound on CD13. so right on time. if all goes well i could have an IUI friday morning...it's the day we leave for our trip but we'll see what we decide...

I started on wednesday, that is my rants. Sorry. I had my beta on Friday to see if the HCG was out of my system but I am still at 19 so I couldn't start the Femara. I have another test this Friday to keep checking that my numbers are going down. Today is the long awaited talk with my RE to set a plan, and now that we had a misscarriage we have even more to talk about. I hope it goes well. I always seem to clam up when talking with Drs. Good luck deciding what to do about the IUI. It is such a hard decision.
Karen, I hope this miscarriage is resolved quickly so you can get back to trying, and also that your visit with your RE goes well. Just remember that you're paying him and you can ask any questions or direct the conversation where you want it to go.

Kismat, good luck deciding what to do with your IUI. I know it's tough!

Sunny - Big congrats! :happydance: Hope you're feeling better from the OHSS!!

Bigger, I'm really sorry hun, that's so frustrating and I can't imagine how upset you must be :( Did you end up BDing on your own?

We ended up cancelling our IUI this weekend because after thinking we would get 3 follicles, we only ended up with 1 that matured, and they wanted to do the IUI at 7 am sunday morning and DH didn't want to try to produce a sample that early. We decided it wasn't worth the money under the circumstances, and would rather put the money towards IVF. So we BD'd Saturday night and I believe I ov'd early sunday morning and that was that. Not expecting anything this month, which is somewhat of a relief. My 2ww isn't suspenseful at all hahaha :)
Green- I hope this is it. I hope you are one of many awesome success stories! You know, the pregnancies that happen naturally after going to an RE!! Prayers for you :)

I think it's pretty great you can cancel the cycle on your terms and not be out all the money. I think at my clinic you'll get a portion but they take the money for the monitoring and blood work that was done. Humph
Green- I hope this is it. I hope you are one of many awesome success stories! You know, the pregnancies that happen naturally after going to an RE!! Prayers for you :)

I think it's pretty great you can cancel the cycle on your terms and not be out all the money. I think at my clinic you'll get a portion but they take the money for the monitoring and blood work that was done. Humph

Well we still had to pay for the two ultrasounds, and the trigger shot that I got from the online pharmacy, but not for the actual IUI. So that saved us about $500 :) And since I was monitored by u/s I still triggered so DH and I knew when to BD. It would be great to get a semi-natural bfp before IVF, but just mentally preparing myself for multiple rounds of IVF at this point.

How are you doing? Did AF come yet?
We ended up cancelling our IUI this weekend because after thinking we would get 3 follicles, we only ended up with 1 that matured, and they wanted to do the IUI at 7 am sunday morning and DH didn't want to try to produce a sample that early. We decided it wasn't worth the money under the circumstances, and would rather put the money towards IVF. So we BD'd Saturday night and I believe I ov'd early sunday morning and that was that. Not expecting anything this month, which is somewhat of a relief. My 2ww isn't suspenseful at all hahaha :)

Sorry your IUI was cancelled, but it sounds like you are comfortable with your decision, and personally I think it was a good one. I hope you get your miracle.
My appointment went well I guess. Dr went right in thinking we were there to talk about the miscarriage. I am not stupid. I know that at 4.5 weeks you can’t tell why it happened and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. Yes, I know that 15% of know pregnancies and close to 50% of actual pregnancies end in miscarriage. I wasn’t there for consoling! I am past it. We set this appointment up a month ago to set up a plan on where to go from here and go over my HSG results. I had to remind him of that. Ugh, stupid doctors. So, looks like as soon as the numbers are negative he wants to put me on birth control for a month. Then he wants to do a Sonohysterogram but he thinks it will come back normal. Then he thinks we will get pregnant doing 2-3 more IUIs with Letrozol. So here is to another 4 months of what the last four months looked like. It feels like we are starting all over. At least we have a plan.

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