IUI December Buddies

Greenorchid: Good luck at your ultrasounds. I was disappointed with only one follicle my first and second round too, but then I had two for three and four. Maybe you will progress too.

SunnyMonkey: I am sorry you are having some discomfort. I hope it isn’t too serious and that you get your BFP! Welcome to the group!

BMA11: Thank you for the suggestion of progesterone. I was just starting to think about that. I think I will bring it up. Thanks!

Kismat: I am so sorry! Ugh! It is so hard to see that month after month. What are your plans for this next cycle?

AFM: The bleeding has started. It is still really light. I am guessing I will go in Friday to test my levels and make sure they have gone down like they should have.

thank you so much!!! i'm not exactly sure what we are going to do. we are going on a 3 week vacation in 2 weeks, so the time i would be ovulating would be the time i'm away. it's going to be a very busy trip but a fun one...so i'm not sure. my doc said last time we talked with him, see how this cycle goes and if it doesn't work he is going to add metformin to my regimin. not sure if he would start it this cycle. my spotting is very very light and i'm 11dpiui. but i can feel it coming. i'll probably call tomorrow morning and see what they say. i'm sure it's going in for a blood test to confirm and then we'll discuss the cycle. i really feel like just giving up and going on my trip with nothing...but then i don't ovulate on my own so if you don't take the meds, you don't ovulate which means you can't get pregnant. so then i feel like fine i'll take them...i'm pretty sure we won't have a chance for an iui this cycle cause of the trip so it may just be taking the meds and trying on our own. ughhh sorry for the long babbling!!!

i see you are bleeding as well, i'm soo sorry!!! what are you going to be doing ??

I would love to take the pills and drop everything else. Go and vacation and forget about it. "Not try" (like that is really possible) but still make it so your body has a chance like everyone else would on vacation. I know that would never be reality for me though. Our vacation is set for April. I really hope I am pregnant before then and don't have to worry about TTC. You guys will figure out what is best for you.

I am having my bloods checked Friday to make sure all the hormones are out of my system and if they are I will start femara that night. We have an appointment with my RE Monday to talk about the last month and where we are going from here.
Hi Ladies: thank you all for your kind words and good thoughts!! keep them going...so i talked with my doc earlier and he said let's see if AF arrives fully. if it does then he has me taking my clomid starting day 3 and then he has also put me on metformin, different dosages for different weeks. and then the ovidrel shot later. so i'm just in the waiting game now. on my way home i have to stop somewhere and get some pregnancy tests. if i get the guts i'll take one tonight if not tomorrow morning.

Good luck! Just remember if it is implantation bleeding it is too early to tell with a home test. HSG isn't produced until implantation. I hope you get your BFP!
Today I could have gone to work. That would have been 2 full days after surgery to recover. But we don't work on Sundays. So, having Saturday and Sunday to recover and go back to work on Monday would be possible. For me anyways, the day of the lap I walked around as much as possible. And slept of course.

So my next steps!!! Can I just say that I am soooo excited. I may finally get pregnant! This is so much better than having "unexplained" infertility. I'm going to my RE jan 14. To see what is next. They weren't able to get all the endo, so we will see. DH is kinda set on tryin naturally a couple months. But depending on where the endo was that they couldn't get we will see. Maybe another IUI after all the aftermath of the lap is over. I hope we just get pregnant naturally! I start my period jan 11, well supposed to, I don't know how this will effect me. I read that it could take 4-6 weeks to get back to normal and have a period. But I'm excited an ready for this recovery to be over and get busy getting pregnant! Lol
BMA-Thanks again! Im so happy for you and yes, much better knowing instead of "unexplained", that's why if this doesnt work I'm all for the procedure. your gonna have a BFP real soon!!!
Greenorchid: Good luck at your ultrasounds. I was disappointed with only one follicle my first and second round too, but then I had two for three and four. Maybe you will progress too.

SunnyMonkey: I am sorry you are having some discomfort. I hope it isn’t too serious and that you get your BFP! Welcome to the group!

BMA11: Thank you for the suggestion of progesterone. I was just starting to think about that. I think I will bring it up. Thanks!

Kismat: I am so sorry! Ugh! It is so hard to see that month after month. What are your plans for this next cycle?

AFM: The bleeding has started. It is still really light. I am guessing I will go in Friday to test my levels and make sure they have gone down like they should have.

thank you so much!!! i'm not exactly sure what we are going to do. we are going on a 3 week vacation in 2 weeks, so the time i would be ovulating would be the time i'm away. it's going to be a very busy trip but a fun one...so i'm not sure. my doc said last time we talked with him, see how this cycle goes and if it doesn't work he is going to add metformin to my regimin. not sure if he would start it this cycle. my spotting is very very light and i'm 11dpiui. but i can feel it coming. i'll probably call tomorrow morning and see what they say. i'm sure it's going in for a blood test to confirm and then we'll discuss the cycle. i really feel like just giving up and going on my trip with nothing...but then i don't ovulate on my own so if you don't take the meds, you don't ovulate which means you can't get pregnant. so then i feel like fine i'll take them...i'm pretty sure we won't have a chance for an iui this cycle cause of the trip so it may just be taking the meds and trying on our own. ughhh sorry for the long babbling!!!

i see you are bleeding as well, i'm soo sorry!!! what are you going to be doing ??

I would love to take the pills and drop everything else. Go and vacation and forget about it. "Not try" (like that is really possible) but still make it so your body has a chance like everyone else would on vacation. I know that would never be reality for me though. Our vacation is set for April. I really hope I am pregnant before then and don't have to worry about TTC. You guys will figure out what is best for you.

I am having my bloods checked Friday to make sure all the hormones are out of my system and if they are I will start femara that night. We have an appointment with my RE Monday to talk about the last month and where we are going from here.

Thanks so much. I know right wouldn't it be great to forget everything. I am definitely going to enjoy my vacation !!! No af yet and I didn't even go to the store yet. See what happens. I'm still spotting here and there.

Good luck on Friday and keep us posted. I also found out the next time we do the Inuit it's our last that our insurance will pay for. So I'm praying and praying!!! After that we will see.
Hi Ladies: thank you all for your kind words and good thoughts!! keep them going...so i talked with my doc earlier and he said let's see if AF arrives fully. if it does then he has me taking my clomid starting day 3 and then he has also put me on metformin, different dosages for different weeks. and then the ovidrel shot later. so i'm just in the waiting game now. on my way home i have to stop somewhere and get some pregnancy tests. if i get the guts i'll take one tonight if not tomorrow morning.

Good luck! Just remember if it is implantation bleeding it is too early to tell with a home test. HSG isn't produced until implantation. I hope you get your BFP!

Thanks so much!! Can you be spotting more than a day if it is implantation bleeding??
Kismat- everywhere I have read says that implantation can be one to three days! And also I have looked this up millions of times. And it sends me to other forums like this... Where many pregnant women have said that they had what they thought was a normal 5 dy period and it was really implantation bleeding! Crazy!! And not to mention my aunt who I obviously know personally had three periods while pregnant with one of her kids! So, you just never ever know until you test. And Karen is absolutely right. If its implantation bleeding it is too early. Kismat - hoping for your BFP!
Kismat- everywhere I have read says that implantation can be one to three days! And also I have looked this up millions of times. And it sends me to other forums like this... Where many pregnant women have said that they had what they thought was a normal 5 dy period and it was really implantation bleeding! Crazy!! And not to mention my aunt who I obviously know personally had three periods while pregnant with one of her kids! So, you just never ever know until you test. And Karen is absolutely right. If its implantation bleeding it is too early. Kismat - hoping for your BFP!

Thank so much!! We will just have to wait this out. Praying the witch will stay away!!! but if ends up that she arrives then already have a plan in gear for this cycle. just praying and praying and hoping we don't have to use the plan!!!!! my temp fell .1 today but i also temped a little earlier cause i had to pee really badly...so my temps are still up...
Kismat- everywhere I have read says that implantation can be one to three days! And also I have looked this up millions of times. And it sends me to other forums like this... Where many pregnant women have said that they had what they thought was a normal 5 dy period and it was really implantation bleeding! Crazy!! And not to mention my aunt who I obviously know personally had three periods while pregnant with one of her kids! So, you just never ever know until you test. And Karen is absolutely right. If its implantation bleeding it is too early. Kismat - hoping for your BFP!

Thank so much!! We will just have to wait this out. Praying the witch will stay away!!! but if ends up that she arrives then already have a plan in gear for this cycle. just praying and praying and hoping we don't have to use the plan!!!!! my temp fell .1 today but i also temped a little earlier cause i had to pee really badly...so my temps are still up...

Your plan sounds perfect! Good luck! lots of baby dust sent your way.
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.

Green.. I've been keeping watch on you as it' looks as me an u are going to be cycle buddies for sure. That is great on your follies. I'm praying for 2 follies this cycle. I done another opk last night an it wasn't close enough yet to go for IUI an ultrasound. I tested again this morning an the test is a little more darker but not a + yet for surge. I test again later this evening with my other test to see what it says. Me an DH did bd last night since wasn't close enough for IUI yet. I'll know more this evening when IUI will be.

Green.. It feels good to have a cycle buddy to share things with.

To others keeping my fx that all gets great news soon with everything

Bigger, how are you doing today? Did your OPK turn fully positive yet? Do you know when your IUI is yet?

My plans were switched up when the nurse called yesterday afternoon - I thought she had said yesterday during the scan that I had an 18 and a 14, but on the phone she said I had a 13, 14, and 16.5 all in contention, and that the doctor wants me to come back Friday for another scan to see how things are growing and to make sure the timing is perfect. So now I'm thinking that the IUI will be on Sunday.
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.

Green.. I've been keeping watch on you as it' looks as me an u are going to be cycle buddies for sure. That is great on your follies. I'm praying for 2 follies this cycle. I done another opk last night an it wasn't close enough yet to go for IUI an ultrasound. I tested again this morning an the test is a little more darker but not a + yet for surge. I test again later this evening with my other test to see what it says. Me an DH did bd last night since wasn't close enough for IUI yet. I'll know more this evening when IUI will be.

Green.. It feels good to have a cycle buddy to share things with.

To others keeping my fx that all gets great news soon with everything

Bigger, how are you doing today? Did your OPK turn fully positive yet? Do you know when your IUI is yet?

My plans were switched up when the nurse called yesterday afternoon - I thought she had said yesterday during the scan that I had an 18 and a 14, but on the phone she said I had a 13, 14, and 16.5 all in contention, and that the doctor wants me to come back Friday for another scan to see how things are growing and to make sure the timing is perfect. So now I'm thinking that the IUI will be on Sunday.

Green.. I took another opk yesterday evening an it's still at low. So I tested again this morning an the stick is getting darker but no + just yet. I ended up calling RE office for making appointment for tomorrow ultrasound at 3pm see how things look an close enough for a IUI yet. I'll do another opk test later this evening an praying for a peak this time. Sure hope things look good when go tomorrow for ultrasound if not I maybe :cry: After have my ultrasound tomorrow will know if have IUI that day or the next.

I'll keep my FX for your ultrasound for tomorrow an that all is a go for you.
Sunny - Did you end up testing this morning? How are you doing today? Is your abdomen feeling any better?

Umm SORRY for sounding illiterate. I use my phone.

Bma you totally made me LOL when I read this :haha: Thanks! The same thing happens when I use my phone to reply to threads!!

Kismat - :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm glad you have a vacation coming up. It's so nice to have something to look forward when you're feeling down. If I was you, I would still take the meds on vacation but then just enjoy being with and BDing with your DH and try not to think too much about when you ovulate. You could get lucky!! But that's just me and I'm damn impatient to have a baby lol. We'll be on vacation next month during my ovulation and if I'm not pregnant we're planning to BD around that time but just have fun and not think about it too much, and definitely no temping while on vacay!

KarenH- Glad you're hanging in there hun and looking forward to trying again. I'm sorry you started bleeding but praying it's an easy process for you so you can heal and move on. :hugs:

AFM - Just had my cd11 scan. I had one 18 on the left, and one 14 on the right, and some other smaller ones. The nurse said that the 14 might grow and catch up to the 18 so I could get 2 eggs this month. I really hope that happens! Not sure yet when I will trigger. She had to check with the doctor and will call later today, but she suggested that I might trigger friday night and IUI on sunday morning.

Green.. I've been keeping watch on you as it' looks as me an u are going to be cycle buddies for sure. That is great on your follies. I'm praying for 2 follies this cycle. I done another opk last night an it wasn't close enough yet to go for IUI an ultrasound. I tested again this morning an the test is a little more darker but not a + yet for surge. I test again later this evening with my other test to see what it says. Me an DH did bd last night since wasn't close enough for IUI yet. I'll know more this evening when IUI will be.

Green.. It feels good to have a cycle buddy to share things with.

To others keeping my fx that all gets great news soon with everything

Bigger, how are you doing today? Did your OPK turn fully positive yet? Do you know when your IUI is yet?

My plans were switched up when the nurse called yesterday afternoon - I thought she had said yesterday during the scan that I had an 18 and a 14, but on the phone she said I had a 13, 14, and 16.5 all in contention, and that the doctor wants me to come back Friday for another scan to see how things are growing and to make sure the timing is perfect. So now I'm thinking that the IUI will be on Sunday.

Green.. I took another opk yesterday evening an it's still at low. So I tested again this morning an the stick is getting darker but no + just yet. I ended up calling RE office for making appointment for tomorrow ultrasound at 3pm see how things look an close enough for a IUI yet. I'll do another opk test later this evening an praying for a peak this time. Sure hope things look good when go tomorrow for ultrasound if not I maybe :cry: After have my ultrasound tomorrow will know if have IUI that day or the next.

I'll keep my FX for your ultrasound for tomorrow an that all is a go for you.

I'm so sorry you have to mess with OPKs to see if you're ready to have your IUI! I just know the u/s and a blood test will tell the story right away. Good luck!!
Ehhhh looks like AF is on her way for sure...ughhhh!!! i had hope this morning but the last hour i don't think so. i'll confirm with a test either tonight or tomorrow morning. i had my down day the other day so i'm doing ok. now to go pick up all my meds after work!!!
Ehhhh looks like AF is on her way for sure...ughhhh!!! i had hope this morning but the last hour i don't think so. i'll confirm with a test either tonight or tomorrow morning. i had my down day the other day so i'm doing ok. now to go pick up all my meds after work!!!

Sorry Kismat :hugs::hugs::hugs: Well I'm glad you're doing okay with it today. I also hope you have a fabulous trip and maybe get some BD time in with your DH. I know that can be tricky on family trips! Enjoy the weddings :) I'm jealous - I went to India 10 years ago and loved it but not sure when I'll ever get back.
Ehhhh looks like AF is on her way for sure...ughhhh!!! i had hope this morning but the last hour i don't think so. i'll confirm with a test either tonight or tomorrow morning. i had my down day the other day so i'm doing ok. now to go pick up all my meds after work!!!

Sorry! I am glad you have a plan in place though. That always helps me cope.
sorry to hear that kismat, I was really hoping...what is yoru temp doing?
sorry to hear that kismat, I was really hoping...what is yoru temp doing?

my temps are going down little by little. i'm sure it will be here full fledge by tonight i can just feel it. i was really down and out last night but you know what you need that sometimes. thanks for your support!!!
Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!
Kismat- :hugs: we'll get there :)

oh yes we will one way or another!!!! i told my hubby last night one more last IUI and then i'm done with them. this will be our 5th one. ughhhh i'm hoping and praying it takes and i don't have to move on to IVF!!!

This will be my fifth as well. We were only supposed to do three, then four, I can't beleive we have moved onto a fifth. I hope I stick to my guns this time and that it is the last one.

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