IUI December Buddies

Green- I hope this is it. I hope you are one of many awesome success stories! You know, the pregnancies that happen naturally after going to an RE!! Prayers for you :)

I think it's pretty great you can cancel the cycle on your terms and not be out all the money. I think at my clinic you'll get a portion but they take the money for the monitoring and blood work that was done. Humph

Well we still had to pay for the two ultrasounds, and the trigger shot that I got from the online pharmacy, but not for the actual IUI. So that saved us about $500 :) And since I was monitored by u/s I still triggered so DH and I knew when to BD. It would be great to get a semi-natural bfp before IVF, but just mentally preparing myself for multiple rounds of IVF at this point.

How are you doing? Did AF come yet?

I'm doing good. AF hasn't arrived just yet, but I definitely can feel her coming on. I have my follow up with my RE today at 3:30.... That's about it for me.
Green- I hope this is it. I hope you are one of many awesome success stories! You know, the pregnancies that happen naturally after going to an RE!! Prayers for you :)

I think it's pretty great you can cancel the cycle on your terms and not be out all the money. I think at my clinic you'll get a portion but they take the money for the monitoring and blood work that was done. Humph

Well we still had to pay for the two ultrasounds, and the trigger shot that I got from the online pharmacy, but not for the actual IUI. So that saved us about $500 :) And since I was monitored by u/s I still triggered so DH and I knew when to BD. It would be great to get a semi-natural bfp before IVF, but just mentally preparing myself for multiple rounds of IVF at this point.

How are you doing? Did AF come yet?

I'm doing good. AF hasn't arrived just yet, but I definitely can feel her coming on. I have my follow up with my RE today at 3:30.... That's about it for me.

Good luck at your appointment!
Green - I understand you cancelling, I almost canceled mine last cycle for the same reason but DH said just do it. I hope that this relaxed outlook on this cycle gives you that very elusive bfp!

karenh - sorry you arent happy with the meeting, but on the upside....it seems IUI can work for you! I hope you get your bfp sooner rather than later hun!

BMA- good luck with your appt hun! I hope they are able to formulate a plan you are happy with.
Thanks. I'm pretty upset. I thought it was going to be simple endo... well it turns out that it was thick bands of the scar tissue on my tubes and ovaries and everywhere else so my doctor basically told me that at this point we should do IVF and my success rate given my age 27 my success rate would be between 90-95%. I just feel defeated. I was so excited that I had a reason for not getting pregnant & well it's worse. Hopefully ill be doing IVF with TTC baby & green orchid. I think that helps me.
Karen - I know it seems like getting nowhere and always having to start over. It stinks! But, I'm glad you have a plan, and like TTCbaby said, it's good to know that you can get pregnant with IUI. Your angel may have had a chromosomal problem, and so next time it will be a chromosomally perfect sticky little bean :hugs:

Bma :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry you got such bad news. That's a lot to take in and digest right away, so take good care of yourself while you get used to the idea. It's great though that your RE gives you such high odds of conceiving with IVF. You'll get there! We'll all get there, even if it's a much more complicated process than we originally thought.

Thanks TTC :) Sometimes life works in funny ways and things don't happen the way you expect, so I'm expecting to not get a BFP this month and maybe the reverse psychology will work on my girly parts somehow :haha:
The nurse called yesterday afternoon after my appointment and said my beta went up from 19.14 to 20.89. Weird. Dr now wants to do an ultrasound Friday to make sure everything is ok, and they are even more concerned that it might be ectopic. I haven’t had any pain though so I guess I am just waiting it out. I have stopped bleeding. It is kind of nerve-racking not knowing what is going on, and now I am scared that I am going to lose a tube or something and have to go straight for IVF, which we can’t afford. Ugh! Sorry, I have anxiety and it isn’t being nice this morning.
The nurse called yesterday afternoon after my appointment and said my beta went up from 19.14 to 20.89. Weird. Dr now wants to do an ultrasound Friday to make sure everything is ok, and they are even more concerned that it might be ectopic. I haven’t had any pain though so I guess I am just waiting it out. I have stopped bleeding. It is kind of nerve-racking not knowing what is going on, and now I am scared that I am going to lose a tube or something and have to go straight for IVF, which we can’t afford. Ugh! Sorry, I have anxiety and it isn’t being nice this morning.

My god, Karen, you have just been THROUGH it. I hope it's not ectopic and that you are ok to move forward asap. Fingers crossed for you!!!
Karen- I don't really know what to say except you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they find out what the heck is going on and fix it with no damage!
The nurse called yesterday afternoon after my appointment and said my beta went up from 19.14 to 20.89. Weird. Dr now wants to do an ultrasound Friday to make sure everything is ok, and they are even more concerned that it might be ectopic. I haven’t had any pain though so I guess I am just waiting it out. I have stopped bleeding. It is kind of nerve-racking not knowing what is going on, and now I am scared that I am going to lose a tube or something and have to go straight for IVF, which we can’t afford. Ugh! Sorry, I have anxiety and it isn’t being nice this morning.

awwww Karen girl you have been going through a rollercoaster this cycle...i'm praying it all goes down and you are back to trying again soon!!! best of luck and keeping my prayers and all fingers crossed for you.
Hi ladies: so we've been really talking about things and trying to figure out what to do. so my hubby and i have decided to just go for the ultrasound next wed. see what happens, if it's all good get the trigger. and then we can try on our own this time. i feel like it would just be too much for friday morning and then i won't get any rest at all. working the rest of the day and then a 22 hour journey to india...just too much and i don't want to go through that...i want to enjoy my vacation and have fun. instead of feeling crappy on the plan with cramps and all. we have 1 iui left paid by the insurance so if on our own doesn't work then we'll try again after we get back. so i'll keep you ladies posted on what happens next week.

everyone keep your thoughts and prayers up, we will all get our sweet angels very very soon!!!
BMA - wow hun sorry to hear about this. That is a real blow. I know it is not the news you wanted to hear but a 95% chance is so wonderful odds. Concentrate on that bit of good news. It can still happen right? Though this is not what I wanted for you, I welcome you as a IVF buddy. We can do this together!

Kismat - good idea, enjoy your vacation.....sometimes you just need to relax.

Green - I am truly hoping that reverse psychology does work for you. I want to see you bfp so badly!

afm - going to the dr today to find out what of all this IVF screening I can get covered. Also I have to get my prescription for my mammogram and pap.
Hi ladies: so we've been really talking about things and trying to figure out what to do. so my hubby and i have decided to just go for the ultrasound next wed. see what happens, if it's all good get the trigger. and then we can try on our own this time. i feel like it would just be too much for friday morning and then i won't get any rest at all. working the rest of the day and then a 22 hour journey to india...just too much and i don't want to go through that...i want to enjoy my vacation and have fun. instead of feeling crappy on the plan with cramps and all. we have 1 iui left paid by the insurance so if on our own doesn't work then we'll try again after we get back. so i'll keep you ladies posted on what happens next week.

everyone keep your thoughts and prayers up, we will all get our sweet angels very very soon!!!

That sounds perfect! Good luck!
Kismat: good luck! :)

Ttcbaby- it will happen! :) I am still upset but also working on getting everything lined up for when we are ready. Hopefully march or April I can start stimmimg. Fortunately I will probably be able to get financed and use some of my income tax towards it as well. Seeing how much the meds will cost out of pocket today too. Luckily all my blood work will be covered by insurance, it was before so that's good.

I hope you are covered. You have to have a mammogram as part of the screening? Lol my boobs hurt right now so I'm cringing at the thought of a mammogram! Lol good luck ttcbaby.
Yep I have to have a mammogram. I was freaked out by it at first but now I feel like it is better to know that all is ok. I am 37 so starting with my mammograms now is fine. I will feel better once I get my results back but understand why they are doing it.
Yea, I guess it's just to rule out anything. I actually went to high school with a guy who had a sister who passed away shortly after the baby was born to breast cancer. She couldn't do treatment during pregnancy. So sad. Luckily we have an advantage and get the greatest care ever, so we should all remember this when these appointments and pre screens seems so annoying and what not! We are blessed and will be blessed!
Bma- I'm so sorry about your news! After listening to you and green I asked my dr about endo and she didn't seem to think I had it, however, I'm not so convinced. Is this something your dr said too? Did your dr seem to think you didn't have anything wrong and you suggested the lap or did the dr initiate you getting the lap? I think I'll start pushing for the lap if my next IUI doesn't work. I was also told that the only way to know if you have endo is through the lap, is there any less invasive way to tell? Thank you so much for all your help on this and you will be in my thoughts as you deal with this recent news.
Bma- I'm so sorry about your news! After listening to you and green I asked my dr about endo and she didn't seem to think I had it, however, I'm not so convinced. Is this something your dr said too? Did your dr seem to think you didn't have anything wrong and you suggested the lap or did the dr initiate you getting the lap? I think I'll start pushing for the lap if my next IUI doesn't work. I was also told that the only way to know if you have endo is through the lap, is there any less invasive way to tell? Thank you so much for all your help on this and you will be in my thoughts as you deal with this recent news.

Thanks :)

I pushed for the lap. My RE has a very good bedside manner. Never rude, never gets aggravated if I question him.
The fact is, I never had any indication of endometriosis. Except one and i never thought of having endo until getting on this forum in November! My mom had endo as well.! My RE told me he did not think I had endometriosis because of no symptoms leading up to this. But I told him I wanted to do that before spending any more money and time on iui's and we just weren't comfortable going on to IVF without knowing everything.
If your RE let's you, I'd do the lap before doing another IUI. In my case IUI with Injectables is 2300. That's a lot of money. There's another girl on this site who just had a lap and she had endo and a list of other things as well like cysts etc that she never had any symptoms of. I read somewhere that they could see on ultrasound if you had an chocolate cysts on you but I personally think you should do lap. Because they can see the severity of anything and fix it right there! It's pretty painless and I honestly think it should be a pre req before starting fertility treatment! I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me anything!!!
Bma- I'm so sorry about your news! After listening to you and green I asked my dr about endo and she didn't seem to think I had it, however, I'm not so convinced. Is this something your dr said too? Did your dr seem to think you didn't have anything wrong and you suggested the lap or did the dr initiate you getting the lap? I think I'll start pushing for the lap if my next IUI doesn't work. I was also told that the only way to know if you have endo is through the lap, is there any less invasive way to tell? Thank you so much for all your help on this and you will be in my thoughts as you deal with this recent news.

Thanks :)

I pushed for the lap. My RE has a very good bedside manner. Never rude, never gets aggravated if I question him.
The fact is, I never had any indication of endometriosis. Except one and i never thought of having endo until getting on this forum in November! My mom had endo as well.! My RE told me he did not think I had endometriosis because of no symptoms leading up to this. But I told him I wanted to do that before spending any more money and time on iui's and we just weren't comfortable going on to IVF without knowing everything.
If your RE let's you, I'd do the lap before doing another IUI. In my case IUI with Injectables is 2300. That's a lot of money. There's another girl on this site who just had a lap and she had endo and a list of other things as well like cysts etc that she never had any symptoms of. I read somewhere that they could see on ultrasound if you had an chocolate cysts on you but I personally think you should do lap. Because they can see the severity of anything and fix it right there! It's pretty painless and I honestly think it should be a pre req before starting fertility treatment! I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me anything!!!

Just to add and agree - I had two RE's that never suggested I might have endo even after I told them about my horrible periods. It wasn't until one saw my chocolate cyst on u/s that he suggested a lap. I'm actually thankful I had the cyst because otherwise who knows if I would have had the lap done and we could have wasted a lot of money.
Thanks. I'm pretty upset. I thought it was going to be simple endo... well it turns out that it was thick bands of the scar tissue on my tubes and ovaries and everywhere else so my doctor basically told me that at this point we should do IVF and my success rate given my age 27 my success rate would be between 90-95%. I just feel defeated. I was so excited that I had a reason for not getting pregnant & well it's worse. Hopefully ill be doing IVF with TTC baby & green orchid. I think that helps me.

You, TTCbaby and I can definitely be IVF buddies! I'm looking at starting cycling in March I believe. If I get a bfn in two weeks, I'll be setting up the official IVF consult and then I'll know more. I think you usually start cycling either when AF comes or on cd21, so we'll see...

The nurse called yesterday afternoon after my appointment and said my beta went up from 19.14 to 20.89. Weird. Dr now wants to do an ultrasound Friday to make sure everything is ok, and they are even more concerned that it might be ectopic. I haven’t had any pain though so I guess I am just waiting it out. I have stopped bleeding. It is kind of nerve-racking not knowing what is going on, and now I am scared that I am going to lose a tube or something and have to go straight for IVF, which we can’t afford. Ugh! Sorry, I have anxiety and it isn’t being nice this morning.

Oh my gosh Karen! I just want this to be over for you so you can move on! It's crazy! If they catch it in time you shouldn't lose a tube. I think they can give you an injection to end the pregnancy. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi ladies: so we've been really talking about things and trying to figure out what to do. so my hubby and i have decided to just go for the ultrasound next wed. see what happens, if it's all good get the trigger. and then we can try on our own this time. i feel like it would just be too much for friday morning and then i won't get any rest at all. working the rest of the day and then a 22 hour journey to india...just too much and i don't want to go through that...i want to enjoy my vacation and have fun. instead of feeling crappy on the plan with cramps and all. we have 1 iui left paid by the insurance so if on our own doesn't work then we'll try again after we get back. so i'll keep you ladies posted on what happens next week.

everyone keep your thoughts and prayers up, we will all get our sweet angels very very soon!!!

Good luck Kismat! Siunds like a good plan and I'm glad you're not trying to squeeze in an IUI at the last minute. Maybe time the join the mile high club - it's a looong flight :haha:

BMA - wow hun sorry to hear about this. That is a real blow. I know it is not the news you wanted to hear but a 95% chance is so wonderful odds. Concentrate on that bit of good news. It can still happen right? Though this is not what I wanted for you, I welcome you as a IVF buddy. We can do this together!

Kismat - good idea, enjoy your vacation.....sometimes you just need to relax.

Green - I am truly hoping that reverse psychology does work for you. I want to see you bfp so badly!

afm - going to the dr today to find out what of all this IVF screening I can get covered. Also I have to get my prescription for my mammogram and pap.

Thanks ttc! If this month doesn't work then looks like we'll be IVF buddies :)

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