IUI December Buddies

So my ultrasound yesterday was normal. He said my lining is 4. something which is where it should be for where I am in my cycle. He said he was looking for masses which could indicate a growth outside of my uterus but didn't find anything. He said my HCG should be back to zero and they took my blood to test. They called later and said I had gone up to 40.56. I was at 20.87 i think on Monday. What do I do now?!?

It doubled??? Good lord. What did they say about that? Let's see...they didn't find an ectopic pregnancy, so maybe it's just taking longer for your hormones to get back on the program? So frustrating!!

Yes it doubled but it took four and a half days to do it. I am so frustrated and confused. I have no idea what to do.
Thanks TTC baby.

Karen- what did your doctor say? This is so strange. I hope you get some answers!

OK, so the nurse is who called and she told me my numbers and then said so what do you want to do now? I asked her what my options were and she said well we could keep doing what we are doing which is checking your numbers and see what happens or we could do something more invasive to speed it up. So then I asked her what the doctor thought I should do and she said it is up to me! That was it. I told her I wanted to think about it. She said she would check in with me on Monday. Reminded me to keep watch for signs of an ectopic but she said they are pretty sure that isn't what it is. I am just so confused. He had to have looked in my uterus because he measured my lining at 4. I would have been six and a half weeks. I did bleed. There was one heavy day but it was fewer days than my regular period by 2 -3 days. I guess if there was absolutely no possibility that I was pregnant then why not do something to bring my numbers down fast right? However they didn't tell me what that would be. If there is even the slightest chance then morally I can't do anything. I just really don't know what to do.

On a different note, this weekend I found out my aunt is pregnant with her 7th and my neighbor is pregnant with her 3rd. Fun times.
Ladies when ever you can take a look at my chart an see what you think?

My temperature is staying the same for 3 days straight an now got me lost. I know my thermometer is good as I used it later in the day to check my temperature for a change and it does..

HUMMM now got me wondering at times..
Ladies when ever you can take a look at my chart an see what you think?

My temperature is staying the same for 3 days straight an now got me lost. I know my thermometer is good as I used it later in the day to check my temperature for a change and it does..

HUMMM now got me wondering at times..

Sorry, I don't know anything about temps or how to read the cart. I hope someone else can help you.
Thanks TTC baby.

Karen- what did your doctor say? This is so strange. I hope you get some answers!

OK, so the nurse is who called and she told me my numbers and then said so what do you want to do now? I asked her what my options were and she said well we could keep doing what we are doing which is checking your numbers and see what happens or we could do something more invasive to speed it up. So then I asked her what the doctor thought I should do and she said it is up to me! That was it. I told her I wanted to think about it. She said she would check in with me on Monday. Reminded me to keep watch for signs of an ectopic but she said they are pretty sure that isn't what it is. I am just so confused. He had to have looked in my uterus because he measured my lining at 4. I would have been six and a half weeks. I did bleed. There was one heavy day but it was fewer days than my regular period by 2 -3 days. I guess if there was absolutely no possibility that I was pregnant then why not do something to bring my numbers down fast right? However they didn't tell me what that would be. If there is even the slightest chance then morally I can't do anything. I just really don't know what to do.

On a different note, this weekend I found out my aunt is pregnant with her 7th and my neighbor is pregnant with her 3rd. Fun times.

Karen - I understand you confusion and frustration completely. Based on what happened to me, I can try to offer some advice. It seems strange to me that the nurse is asking you what you want to do, as opposed to presenting you with options. When my numbers didn't go down, my doc explained to me that sometimes (rarely, but it happens) the body has a hard time letting go of the pregnancy, or it expels it (hence your bleeding) but not completely, so there are still cells left over which generate the HCG hormone. Whichever is your case, a number of 40 at 6.5 weeks cannot be a viable pregnancy as far as I know. You likely have a few options, and maybe you can ask you doc about them. You can wait it out, eventually, your numbers will come down; you can take a methotraxate injection like I did which speeds up the process, or you can have a D&C (which in your case probably won't be recommended since you doc did not find anything during your ultrasound). These were the options presented to me at the time, so hopefully this can be helpful to you. Take good care of yourself and I hope that you have a resolution soon!
I had a scan today. I hate even typing these words...there is no heartbeat. The baby didn't make it. They checked me on two different monitors, used the Doppler and even got another doctor to give a second opinion. The baby stopped growing around last Monday sometime after my last scan when we saw that great heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days.

Shocked. Devastated. After we saw the heartbeat last week my hope skyrocketed. I thought "This is it!"

I'm thinking a variety of things. Mostly self-blame even though the doctor stressed that it's not my fault. I got the flu shot last Monday. Did the flu shot hurt the baby? They assure me it didn't, but what a coincidence. Then I think back to when I had that HCG level scare. Remember when it sort of stopped doubling as it should? Maybe that was the first sign something was wrong. And now...god...it's still in there...not alive. I want to crawl away from myself. I want to go to sleep and wake up at whatever point that things are ok again. I don't want to feel this. I don't want to go through this.

I have a surgery on Wednesday to remove the baby. I don't want to wait the weeks it might take for it to pass naturally. And from what I've heard, that event can be traumatic. Then we wait a month or so for my HCG levels to go back down to zero before we talk to the doc and see about a new plan.

The doctor said the good news is I can get pregnant. I can certainly try again and soon. Those are good things, but right now...right now I'm just so sad and I'm mourning the loss of my baby.
I had a scan today. I hate even typing these words...there is no heartbeat. The baby didn't make it. They checked me on two different monitors, used the Doppler and even got another doctor to give a second opinion. The baby stopped growing around last Monday sometime after my last scan when we saw that great heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days.

Shocked. Devastated. After we saw the heartbeat last week my hope skyrocketed. I thought "This is it!"

I'm thinking a variety of things. Mostly self-blame even though the doctor stressed that it's not my fault. I got the flu shot last Monday. Did the flu shot hurt the baby? They assure me it didn't, but what a coincidence. Then I think back to when I had that HCG level scare. Remember when it sort of stopped doubling as it should? Maybe that was the first sign something was wrong. And now...god...it's still in there...not alive. I want to crawl away from myself. I want to go to sleep and wake up at whatever point that things are ok again. I don't want to feel this. I don't want to go through this.

I have a surgery on Wednesday to remove the baby. I don't want to wait the weeks it might take for it to pass naturally. And from what I've heard, that event can be traumatic. Then we wait a month or so for my HCG levels to go back down to zero before we talk to the doc and see about a new plan.

The doctor said the good news is I can get pregnant. I can certainly try again and soon. Those are good things, but right now...right now I'm just so sad and I'm mourning the loss of my baby.

Oh my gosh, words can not express the sorrow I feel for you. I am so sorry. I hope you are able to find some healing.
Kat- tears as I read your post. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers. Many people I know had the flu shot while pregnant. I do not know what you are going through but this is my biggest fear. And please try not to blame and beat yourself up too much. I just want to hug you! :hugs:
So sorry to hear of all this bad news. I wished this forum had a hugs button as I don't want to hit thanks..


AFM: Today makes day 4 of my temp staying the same.
Now going to go an make cornbread an put wheatgerm in it..

Hugs too all once again...
Oh my gosh Kat I'm so so sorry sweetheart. :hugs: I am so sad for you and your DH. I can't even imagine what you're going through. You made the right decision to have the surgery hun - better to get though the physical part of it quickly. I know the emotional part will take longer, but it's good that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and want to try again soon.
Thanks TTC baby.

Karen- what did your doctor say? This is so strange. I hope you get some answers!

OK, so the nurse is who called and she told me my numbers and then said so what do you want to do now? I asked her what my options were and she said well we could keep doing what we are doing which is checking your numbers and see what happens or we could do something more invasive to speed it up. So then I asked her what the doctor thought I should do and she said it is up to me! That was it. I told her I wanted to think about it. She said she would check in with me on Monday. Reminded me to keep watch for signs of an ectopic but she said they are pretty sure that isn't what it is. I am just so confused. He had to have looked in my uterus because he measured my lining at 4. I would have been six and a half weeks. I did bleed. There was one heavy day but it was fewer days than my regular period by 2 -3 days. I guess if there was absolutely no possibility that I was pregnant then why not do something to bring my numbers down fast right? However they didn't tell me what that would be. If there is even the slightest chance then morally I can't do anything. I just really don't know what to do.

On a different note, this weekend I found out my aunt is pregnant with her 7th and my neighbor is pregnant with her 3rd. Fun times.

Karen, that seems odd that they're asking what you want to do with absolutely no recommendation one way or another. Can you see another doctor? I pray you get some resolution quickly and this doesn't drag on any longer!!

Ladies when ever you can take a look at my chart an see what you think?

My temperature is staying the same for 3 days straight an now got me lost. I know my thermometer is good as I used it later in the day to check my temperature for a change and it does..

HUMMM now got me wondering at times..

Bigger, I wouldn't read too much into it. I've had that happen before, although it's more often in the follicular phase.
Thanks TTC baby.

Karen- what did your doctor say? This is so strange. I hope you get some answers!

OK, so the nurse is who called and she told me my numbers and then said so what do you want to do now? I asked her what my options were and she said well we could keep doing what we are doing which is checking your numbers and see what happens or we could do something more invasive to speed it up. So then I asked her what the doctor thought I should do and she said it is up to me! That was it. I told her I wanted to think about it. She said she would check in with me on Monday. Reminded me to keep watch for signs of an ectopic but she said they are pretty sure that isn't what it is. I am just so confused. He had to have looked in my uterus because he measured my lining at 4. I would have been six and a half weeks. I did bleed. There was one heavy day but it was fewer days than my regular period by 2 -3 days. I guess if there was absolutely no possibility that I was pregnant then why not do something to bring my numbers down fast right? However they didn't tell me what that would be. If there is even the slightest chance then morally I can't do anything. I just really don't know what to do.

On a different note, this weekend I found out my aunt is pregnant with her 7th and my neighbor is pregnant with her 3rd. Fun times.

Karen, that seems odd that they're asking what you want to do with absolutely no recommendation one way or another. Can you see another doctor? I pray you get some resolution quickly and this doesn't drag on any longer!!

There are a few more doc here, but they are all difficult for my DH to get to. I have another Beta on Friday and the nurse said we can talk more about options then. I don't know. We will see.
I had a scan today. I hate even typing these words...there is no heartbeat. The baby didn't make it. They checked me on two different monitors, used the Doppler and even got another doctor to give a second opinion. The baby stopped growing around last Monday sometime after my last scan when we saw that great heartbeat at 6 weeks 3 days.

Shocked. Devastated. After we saw the heartbeat last week my hope skyrocketed. I thought "This is it!"

I'm thinking a variety of things. Mostly self-blame even though the doctor stressed that it's not my fault. I got the flu shot last Monday. Did the flu shot hurt the baby? They assure me it didn't, but what a coincidence. Then I think back to when I had that HCG level scare. Remember when it sort of stopped doubling as it should? Maybe that was the first sign something was wrong. And now...god...it's still in there...not alive. I want to crawl away from myself. I want to go to sleep and wake up at whatever point that things are ok again. I don't want to feel this. I don't want to go through this.

I have a surgery on Wednesday to remove the baby. I don't want to wait the weeks it might take for it to pass naturally. And from what I've heard, that event can be traumatic. Then we wait a month or so for my HCG levels to go back down to zero before we talk to the doc and see about a new plan.

The doctor said the good news is I can get pregnant. I can certainly try again and soon. Those are good things, but right now...right now I'm just so sad and I'm mourning the loss of my baby.

Oh my gosh i am sooooo sorry Kat!!! My heart goes out to you!!! Just remember it is not your fault and you did everything you can to protect and take care of the baby. we are all here for you!!!
Thanks TTC baby.

Karen- what did your doctor say? This is so strange. I hope you get some answers!

OK, so the nurse is who called and she told me my numbers and then said so what do you want to do now? I asked her what my options were and she said well we could keep doing what we are doing which is checking your numbers and see what happens or we could do something more invasive to speed it up. So then I asked her what the doctor thought I should do and she said it is up to me! That was it. I told her I wanted to think about it. She said she would check in with me on Monday. Reminded me to keep watch for signs of an ectopic but she said they are pretty sure that isn't what it is. I am just so confused. He had to have looked in my uterus because he measured my lining at 4. I would have been six and a half weeks. I did bleed. There was one heavy day but it was fewer days than my regular period by 2 -3 days. I guess if there was absolutely no possibility that I was pregnant then why not do something to bring my numbers down fast right? However they didn't tell me what that would be. If there is even the slightest chance then morally I can't do anything. I just really don't know what to do.

On a different note, this weekend I found out my aunt is pregnant with her 7th and my neighbor is pregnant with her 3rd. Fun times.

Karen, that seems odd that they're asking what you want to do with absolutely no recommendation one way or another. Can you see another doctor? I pray you get some resolution quickly and this doesn't drag on any longer!!

There are a few more doc here, but they are all difficult for my DH to get to. I have another Beta on Friday and the nurse said we can talk more about options then. I don't know. We will see.

Karen oh lord...hopefully they can figure out something soon. i would say get a third opinion if you can.
Kat - Hun I am so sorry.... my heart hurts for what you are going through. I agree with your decision to the do the surgery...this way you can start to heal both emotionally and physically. I know it is hard but please dont blame yourself. You did nothing wrong.

Karen - I would ask to speak to the dr directly and ask him opinion. I am sure they will tell you what KBrain said but this way you can get some help from the Dr in making the decision.
Kat - Hun I am so sorry.... my heart hurts for what you are going through. I agree with your decision to the do the surgery...this way you can start to heal both emotionally and physically. I know it is hard but please dont blame yourself. You did nothing wrong.

Karen - I would ask to speak to the dr directly and ask him opinion. I am sure they will tell you what KBrain said but this way you can get some help from the Dr in making the decision.

Thanks, I am going to try Friday.
Thanks guys :cry:

I had the surgery yesterday and everything went fine. They got what they needed to send to the lab, and in about 3 weeks, I might have an answer as to why I miscarried.

They told me yesterday that I'm RH-. If DH is RH+ and the mother is RH-, the baby might be RH+ and then the mother's body sees it as a foreign object to be attacked and eliminated causing severe birth defects or miscarriage. Now, this isn't why I miscarried. My doctor assures me that my baby wasn't in danger until about 12 weeks. So anyway, the good news is that it's easily treatable, and they gave me a shot in the butt for it.

Anyway, I was in some pain yesterday, but am feeling a little better today. I'm not ready to go back to normal activities yet, but I think I'll be there in a few days.
Thanks guys :cry:

I had the surgery yesterday and everything went fine. They got what they needed to send to the lab, and in about 3 weeks, I might have an answer as to why I miscarried.

They told me yesterday that I'm RH-. If DH is RH+ and the mother is RH-, the baby might be RH+ and then the mother's body sees it as a foreign object to be attacked and eliminated causing severe birth defects or miscarriage. Now, this isn't why I miscarried. My doctor assures me that my baby wasn't in danger until about 12 weeks. So anyway, the good news is that it's easily treatable, and they gave me a shot in the butt for it.

Anyway, I was in some pain yesterday, but am feeling a little better today. I'm not ready to go back to normal activities yet, but I think I'll be there in a few days.

I am glad everything went ok. I have a friend that is RH- as well, she is going through infertility and she just has to have the meds and it should be fine. I hope you get your sticky bean soon.

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