IUI December Buddies

Hi Ladies-

I've been stalking this forum for a bit so I thought I would weigh in with my story as well.

Had my 3rd IUI almost 2 weeks ago ( triggered on the 15th, had back to back--16th AM and then 17th AM. ) At least 3 follies and tons of good swimmers both times. I was on injectibles ( GONAL ) this cycle and the one before, first IUI was with Clomid.

I took a HPT this AM ( 13 dpo ) and it was :bfn:

My blood test is tomorrow morning at the doctor but I am already thinking it will not be good news.

I thought this would work after three tries, but I feel it was not successful.

I'm 31, DH 39. No other children, tyring for about a year on our own before we sought help of this RE ( who I love ). We're both really healthy, in shape, and are "unexplained"

Anyway, what would you do next if this doesn't work? Lap surgery? Another IUI? Ivf? I'm at a loss ( and also scared of what a LAP actually is/does )

Good luck to all of you for a :bfp: soon!!!
I am worried. I think I accidentally gave myself 125iu's of Puregon last night instead of 100iu. I used the last 25iu's in one vile and then I put the 2nd vile in and meant to click the dial to 75 but after I injected I thought "Wait, did I just do 75 or 100?". Well I will see by my ultrasound today if I did any damage. :(

Sunshine24, hope it ends up working out for you. If not, I know for me personally, I will move on to IVF next year if this 3rd one doesn't work for me.
Feeling gutted. DP's seman sample came back and has decreased motility.
This means we may not be able to use frozen semen for IUI, only fresh. But he works away, which is the main reason we started this process in the first place.

He has to go for another test when he gets back Tuesday in the hopes we will get a better result.

I'm CD 12 today, normally ovulate CD17 which was going to work out perfect for our last chance to concieve naturally as he will be home then. Last cycle ended up being CD36.
OPK is negative but CM suggests I may ovulate early, as in any day.

Getting myself so worked up over all this, just feeling like crying. No where to vent but here as no one except my mum knows we are doing this. Thanks for listening x

Thinking good thoughts for you Lyghtning. I know what you mean about the venting part, mine and my husbands family just don't understand the emotional toll going through this process does to you. Until I found this website I would just vent to my husband. We both feel lonely going through this. Just know we are here for you.
Hi Ladies-

I've been stalking this forum for a bit so I thought I would weigh in with my story as well.

Had my 3rd IUI almost 2 weeks ago ( triggered on the 15th, had back to back--16th AM and then 17th AM. ) At least 3 follies and tons of good swimmers both times. I was on injectibles ( GONAL ) this cycle and the one before, first IUI was with Clomid.

I took a HPT this AM ( 13 dpo ) and it was :bfn:

My blood test is tomorrow morning at the doctor but I am already thinking it will not be good news.

I thought this would work after three tries, but I feel it was not successful.

I'm 31, DH 39. No other children, tyring for about a year on our own before we sought help of this RE ( who I love ). We're both really healthy, in shape, and are "unexplained"

Anyway, what would you do next if this doesn't work? Lap surgery? Another IUI? Ivf? I'm at a loss ( and also scared of what a LAP actually is/does )

Good luck to all of you for a :bfp: soon!!!
Sunshine24 I feel for you. Talk to your RE and see what he/she feels should be the next step.
Hi Ladies-

I've been stalking this forum for a bit so I thought I would weigh in with my story as well.

Had my 3rd IUI almost 2 weeks ago ( triggered on the 15th, had back to back--16th AM and then 17th AM. ) At least 3 follies and tons of good swimmers both times. I was on injectibles ( GONAL ) this cycle and the one before, first IUI was with Clomid.

I took a HPT this AM ( 13 dpo ) and it was :bfn:

My blood test is tomorrow morning at the doctor but I am already thinking it will not be good news.

I thought this would work after three tries, but I feel it was not successful.

I'm 31, DH 39. No other children, tyring for about a year on our own before we sought help of this RE ( who I love ). We're both really healthy, in shape, and are "unexplained"

Anyway, what would you do next if this doesn't work? Lap surgery? Another IUI? Ivf? I'm at a loss ( and also scared of what a LAP actually is/does )

Good luck to all of you for a :bfp: soon!!!

Don't give up hope for BFP just yet. Every body is different. My cousin tested early and it was negative and she was actually pregnant.

As for me, I'm only 26. Been trying for over a year. This is my third IUI. If this doesn't work, I'm taking a break, and saving money for IVF. In my case I've already spent about $5400. Which is halfway there for ivf. So, I just can't imagine spending 5400 more when I could just move on to ivf.
I am worried. I think I accidentally gave myself 125iu's of Puregon last night instead of 100iu. I used the last 25iu's in one vile and then I put the 2nd vile in and meant to click the dial to 75 but after I injected I thought "Wait, did I just do 75 or 100?". Well I will see by my ultrasound today if I did any damage. :(

Sunshine24, hope it ends up working out for you. If not, I know for me personally, I will move on to IVF next year if this 3rd one doesn't work for me.

Don't you go in today? Let us know what they say. It seems like you should be triggering pretty soon, so hopefully 25 ius more wouldn't do too much harm, hopefully give those eggs a boost! I know I was nervous about triggering when not all of my eggs were 18-22mm. One was at 16 yesterday, the rest were at 13,14...... But hopefully they grew from 8am yesterday to today!
I'm sitting here in the room, lying down for 10 minutes. To me, this is my time, I'm getting prego! We heard a cricket chirp and nurse said its good luck .. Haha ill take it! And she said the catheter went in smooth and everything. :) I'm hopeful. They put 41 million sperm and it had a motility of 74%. Go in tomorrow and then the dreaded two week wait. Going to try and not go crazy as I said before!!
I'm sitting here in the room, lying down for 10 minutes. To me, this is my time, I'm getting prego! We heard a cricket chirp and nurse said its good luck .. Haha ill take it! And she said the catheter went in smooth and everything. :) I'm hopeful. They put 41 million sperm and it had a motility of 74%. Go in tomorrow and then the dreaded two week wait. Going to try and not go crazy as I said before!!

Lots of Babydust coming your way Bma11. I am almost halfway through my 2ww, doing lots to keep my mind occupied.
Hi Ladies-

I've been stalking this forum for a bit so I thought I would weigh in with my story as well.

Had my 3rd IUI almost 2 weeks ago ( triggered on the 15th, had back to back--16th AM and then 17th AM. ) At least 3 follies and tons of good swimmers both times. I was on injectibles ( GONAL ) this cycle and the one before, first IUI was with Clomid.

I took a HPT this AM ( 13 dpo ) and it was :bfn:

My blood test is tomorrow morning at the doctor but I am already thinking it will not be good news.

I thought this would work after three tries, but I feel it was not successful.

I'm 31, DH 39. No other children, tyring for about a year on our own before we sought help of this RE ( who I love ). We're both really healthy, in shape, and are "unexplained"

Anyway, what would you do next if this doesn't work? Lap surgery? Another IUI? Ivf? I'm at a loss ( and also scared of what a LAP actually is/does )

Good luck to all of you for a :bfp: soon!!!

Best of luck, your not out yet! I did hpt 14dpo with my second Dd and it was bfn. In uk they don't do HCG routinely so I had t await AF. When she didn't show 16dpo, I tested again and got a faint positive and all went well! Sending loads of :dust: your way
I'm sitting here in the room, lying down for 10 minutes. To me, this is my time, I'm getting prego! We heard a cricket chirp and nurse said its good luck .. Haha ill take it! And she said the catheter went in smooth and everything. :) I'm hopeful. They put 41 million sperm and it had a motility of 74%. Go in tomorrow and then the dreaded two week wait. Going to try and not go crazy as I said before!!

Fx'd crossed for you :dust:
Previous IUI-ers, after the sample is placed do doctors typically request you take the day easy, like stay home, or is it safe to go back to work? If all goes well I have an IUI next Friday and I'm just trying to get my feelers out there on whether I should just have my boss plan on me not coming in. I'm pretty much on my feet all day at work. Thanks so much! Hope everything is going uber awesome for everyone!
I am wondering the same thing. I have heard it both ways. But I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day and not stress when I have mine. Interested to hear what others have to say.
Previous IUI-ers, after the sample is placed do doctors typically request you take the day easy, like stay home, or is it safe to go back to work? If all goes well I have an IUI next Friday and I'm just trying to get my feelers out there on whether I should just have my boss plan on me not coming in. I'm pretty much on my feet all day at work. Thanks so much! Hope everything is going uber awesome for everyone!

Everytime I've done mine, they have me stay for 10 mins to lay down. Then they tell me there are no restrictions. Obviously take it easy, but go to work @ daily life is fine. Exercise.... Obviously not.

I will say this: last two cycles I only had 1 egg so I never felt a thing. This time I have 2-3 and I swear this time I feel heavy, it does not hurt at all but I feel like I should be walking really lightly . LOL I know the symptoms after IUI can be bloating and fullness and I certainly have the fullness, and did not the last 4 iui's ( we do IUI back to back)
I'm sitting here in the room, lying down for 10 minutes. To me, this is my time, I'm getting prego! We heard a cricket chirp and nurse said its good luck .. Haha ill take it! And she said the catheter went in smooth and everything. :) I'm hopeful. They put 41 million sperm and it had a motility of 74%. Go in tomorrow and then the dreaded two week wait. Going to try and not go crazy as I said before!!

I am sooo excited for you!!!

:dust: to you!!!

How many follicles do you have and what are their sizes?
I'm sitting here in the room, lying down for 10 minutes. To me, this is my time, I'm getting prego! We heard a cricket chirp and nurse said its good luck .. Haha ill take it! And she said the catheter went in smooth and everything. :) I'm hopeful. They put 41 million sperm and it had a motility of 74%. Go in tomorrow and then the dreaded two week wait. Going to try and not go crazy as I said before!!

I am sooo excited for you!!!

:dust: to you!!!

How many follicles do you have and what are their sizes?

Thank you!!!

As of yesterday at 8 am I had a 16,13,14,12 and some other small ones she said I would most likely not ovulate with. And to what they have told me before they grow about 2mm a day! I triggered yesterday around 2:30pm!!
Woohoo bma fingers crossed that it is working up a BFP as we speak!! Very excited for you!! Mrs.T I also hope everything is lovely for you as well and of course same with all the rest of you wonderful ladies..
I am on cd 11and anxiously awaiting O so we can get a smiley opk and head in for my IUI.I. hope hubs had a great count and those swimmers anxiously await that egg and snuggle right in LOL
CD13 update - my three follicles are now 21, 17 & 15mm. My estrogen is 1166. No LH surge. I am pretty shocked they didn't make me trigger tonight but I am also happy because I work tomorrow. I go back for one more U/S and B/W tomorrow and then I will probably trigger tomorrow night and do my IUIs on Saturday & Sunday, which will be perfect because I am off Saturday, Sunday and Monday and I typically feel like crap the day of an IUI for some reason so I can just sleep all day.

With these injectables, regular blood work and now the trigger coming up I feel like a human pin cushion!
CD13 update - my three follicles are now 21, 17 & 15mm. My estrogen is 1166. No LH surge. I am pretty shocked they didn't make me trigger tonight but I am also happy because I work tomorrow. I go back for one more U/S and B/W tomorrow and then I will probably trigger tomorrow night and do my IUIs on Saturday & Sunday, which will be perfect because I am off Saturday, Sunday and Monday and I typically feel like crap the day of an IUI for some reason so I can just sleep all day.

With these injectables, regular blood work and now the trigger coming up I feel like a human pin cushion!

Oh my gosh! That's awesome. I've come to the conclusion that I am much better off trusting the nurses and RE. I do much better that way. Keep us updated!
What did they say about you possibly giving yourself 125ius instead of 100??
Hi ladies,

First off, good luck to each of you on your up coming IUIs... :hugs: Next, I just found out today that in order for hubby and I to conceive, we have to have IUI or IVF. I notice you all seem to be on some kind of meds- clomid and such. My Dr. did bloodwork and I ovulate and have normal levels in all regards. Hubby is the one with the low count, so is that why I'm not on meds? Should I be asking to go on something in order to up my chances of success with the IUI next month??

Please let me know what you think as I am new to this..

Again, sending you health, luck, and :dust:
Hi ladies,

First off, good luck to each of you on your up coming IUIs... :hugs: Next, I just found out today that in order for hubby and I to conceive, we have to have IUI or IVF. I notice you all seem to be on some kind of meds- clomid and such. My Dr. did bloodwork and I ovulate and have normal levels in all regards. Hubby is the one with the low count, so is that why I'm not on meds? Should I be asking to go on something in order to up my chances of success with the IUI next month??

Please let me know what you think as I am new to this..

Again, sending you health, luck, and :dust:

Okay, I'm fairly new to all this as well. I'm the one with the infertility not my hubby. With that being said we normally only produce one egg each month. If you were to get on some meds (injectables) then you'd have more eggs for the sperm to get into and fertilize.

Like I said I'm the one with infertility so, I hop what I said was true and I'm no just throwing crap out there!! :)
Good luck to u!

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