IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

https://freesmileyface.net/smiley/happy/happy-132.gifLast day of birth control pillshttps://freesmileyface.net/smiley/happy/happy-132.gif

I have an ultrasound and blood work on Wednesday!!! PRAYING I don't have any cysts as they would delay my transfer. I think as long as Wednesday goes according to plan...my babies will be snug in my uterus blanket in about 3 weeks!

Good luck PCOS! :happydance:
Hey Girls!!!

PCOS ~ I hope you have no cyst, and YAY for the no more birth control pills :hugs:

Titi ~ Sorry you're getting BFN's, I hope you get that bfp in a few days time with those high temps.

Touch ~ One little bean I see :hugs: Congrats

As for me.... I'm back home!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: And I believe I OVULATED on saturday!!!! Just take a look at my chart =) I know that tomorrow, when I input my temp fertility friend will adjust and make this past Saturday my Ovulation day! My cervix was so high and soft and open, forget it, I KNOW I did. And I'm so happy to be back home... now I must read up on all you girls!
https://freesmileyface.net/smiley/happy/happy-132.gifLast day of birth control pillshttps://freesmileyface.net/smiley/happy/happy-132.gif

I have an ultrasound and blood work on Wednesday!!! PRAYING I don't have any cysts as they would delay my transfer. I think as long as Wednesday goes according to plan...my babies will be snug in my uterus blanket in about 3 weeks!

I'm praying so hard for you. I loved the uterus blankie imagery. Sweet little frosties!
Hi girls,
Thanks for the advice/encouragement. I emailed my nurse with some questions about the morphology and IUI success rates. She told me that 3 percent morphology isn't "horrible". She said that we have a 25 percent chance of conceiving on injectable meds via IUI and that our chance with IVF is 65 percent or higher. She didn't actually tell me whether or not she thought I should discontinue the IUIs. I guess I'll have to have a consult with my doctor. If this IUI fails it will be my fourth failure. I found info online that states that if after four iui's you are still not pregnant your chances of conceiving are signifcanly diminished and you should consider moving on to IVF. I don't know if that's accurate or not, but if so I guess I should move on. How many IUI's did you ladies do before moving on to IVF? Did anyone do 6 iui's?

Thank you!! Yes we saw one perfect little munchkin with a perfect little heartbeat!! Absolutely amazing!!!!!
Touch-great profile pic!!! can't beat that :) You must be so happy. Were you hoping for twins or r u happy with 1?
Frankie-we did 4 IUIs before moving to IVF, 3 with clomid and 1 with injectibles. We don't have sperm issues though we are unexplained so that may make a difference? My Dr didn't even want to do the 4th IUI because he said that after 3 not working your chances of it working go down.
PCOS-YAY for no more pills, can't wait for you to be PUPO! It is amazing :)
Glad you had a good weekend August-YAY for O'ing!!!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend :) 1 week down and 1 week to go, not sure when I should start testing...
Frankiegirl - my doctor gave me the same odds. She said after 3 failed IUI's my chances of conceiving with IUI would be greatly diminished. Those are excellent IVF success rates though. Most clinics I see have a rate of around 50%.

Littlebird/Touch - Congratulations. Hope you've got a snug little spud in there.

Tit - I'm sorry about the BFN. It's so much harder when it's a cycle that you have confidence too. I'm expecting a complete breakdown when I get a BFN this cycle.

AFM....my one little follicle turned into 2-3! Yesterday, I had a 14,16,22. My IUI is on Wednesday. I'm so excited but so nervous. This treatment cycle has been so stressful, I can't wait for it to be over....hopefully forever.
Tit - I'm sorry about the BFN. It's so much harder when it's a cycle that you have confidence too. I'm expecting a complete breakdown when I get a BFN this cycle.

AFM....my one little follicle turned into 2-3! Yesterday, I had a 14,16,22. My IUI is on Wednesday. I'm so excited but so nervous. This treatment cycle has been so stressful, I can't wait for it to be over....hopefully forever.

yay! super good luck for tomorrow!!! I know-I'm dreading the stress from having to do anymore cycles. I've made myself a basketcase this 2ww even though I had originally just planned to play it cool! :dohh:

Next cycle-no more testing or temping for me and I MUST step away from google, chart stalking FF and obsessing in bnb. I am quite sure I've lost enough $$ for TWO IUI cycles all the work I've NOT been doing when playing on the web.

So, when should I expect AF if tomorrow is 14 days since IUI? I was thinking it would come tomorrow but actually it should come Thurs, right? Can you girls tell me when af has been coming for you on your IUI cycles?

I am 13dpiui today and stopped testing at 11. I was hoping to go by my temps today but they've been a mess b/c I haven't been able to sleep this 2ww and so I wake up every hour. I took two temps this morning-one an hour and 10 minutes before normal time because I had to pee so bad and was afraid I'd be awake and not able to temp again and that temp was in the AF zone but soooo early (3:50 am). I managed to fall back asleep and temp at my normal 5am time and got a more promising temp but I know both are not accurate b/c I didn't get 3 hours sleep before and also got up to pee after the first one! Does anyone with charting exp. know which temp is most accurate? help!
Good Morning Ladies! Wow I was super busy this weekend and didn't get on till last night and there were 8 pages to go through. I missed a lot ....

Harvest - one week down, one to go! How are you feeling? Did you get to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving??

PCOS - ALMOST there!!!! Can't wait to hear about the scan on Wednesday and I have all my fingers, toes and appendages crossed for you that there are NO scans and you can get on with the transfer :)

Touch - that photo is amazing!!! It gives me hope to not give up!

August - glad to hear you had a good weekend and that you ovulated!!! YAY - into the TWW :) Let's hope its your last.

Frankie - I have done 3 IUI, 2 with clomid 1 with injectables, however they overstimulated me with the injectables and my estrogen was so high my OBGYN said I never would have conceived with my levels the way they were so they have suggested a 4th IUI with 1/2 the dosage of injectable drugs. We were also given the option after the 3rd to move directly to IVF. Given the cost difference we are willing to give one more IUI a go, all while we start the process for IVF. I have heard that the chances of IUI working decrease after your 3rd but some countries and some clinics make you do 6 before moving to IVF. I am in the same boat as Harvest, in that we are unexplained infertility and have no male factor issues. I would have thought even with mild male factor issues that they would move you to IVF sooner. Hang in there! This TTC journey is NOT an easy one.

Round2 - YAY for 2 to 3 follicles! Praying that this is your month!

Littlebird - looks good to me! Hopefully we can add another BFP to this thread!

As for me ... now cd24 and still no ovulation. I officially HATE my body! At least my husband has a good sense of humor about things - he told me to cut my ovaries some slack they did work overtime last month and produce 12 follicles, they needed a break. So now I just want the witch to show up so I can move on with things.
Tit - I'm sorry about the BFN. It's so much harder when it's a cycle that you have confidence too. I'm expecting a complete breakdown when I get a BFN this cycle.

AFM....my one little follicle turned into 2-3! Yesterday, I had a 14,16,22. My IUI is on Wednesday. I'm so excited but so nervous. This treatment cycle has been so stressful, I can't wait for it to be over....hopefully forever.

yay! super good luck for tomorrow!!! I know-I'm dreading the stress from having to do anymore cycles. I've made myself a basketcase this 2ww even though I had originally just planned to play it cool! :dohh:

Next cycle-no more testing or temping for me and I MUST step away from google, chart stalking FF and obsessing in bnb. I am quite sure I've lost enough $$ for TWO IUI cycles all the work I've NOT been doing when playing on the web.

So, when should I expect AF if tomorrow is 14 days since IUI? I was thinking it would come tomorrow but actually it should come Thurs, right? Can you girls tell me when af has been coming for you on your IUI cycles?

I am 13dpiui today and stopped testing at 11. I was hoping to go by my temps today but they've been a mess b/c I haven't been able to sleep this 2ww and so I wake up every hour. I took two temps this morning-one an hour and 10 minutes before normal time because I had to pee so bad and was afraid I'd be awake and not able to temp again and that temp was in the AF zone but soooo early (3:50 am). I managed to fall back asleep and temp at my normal 5am time and got a more promising temp but I know both are not accurate b/c I didn't get 3 hours sleep before and also got up to pee after the first one! Does anyone with charting exp. know which temp is most accurate? help!

Titi - hang in there! Your not out till the witch shows up!

I have never charted my temperature - I would always forget to take it or I would take it and never write down what the temperature was. Hopefully someone else can help you with the temping questions / issues!

As for when to expect AF - what is your normal luteal phase? Mine is almost always 14 or 15 days so for me I always counted 14 days from the day after my trigger and expected AF on that day or the next day. If you have a longer / shorter luteal phase I would adjust accordingly.
Thanks Springy! My LP is about 14 days consistently... so if I triggered Monday-had IUI on Wed-then I should expect AF this Thurs, right? I feel dense :dohh:

Charting is making me crazy-good for you not doing! I think it's only helpful if you don't know when you ov....but I always can't stop myself from doing in the 2ww cuz I can always tell (usually!) when AF is gonna show and always looking for pg signs!!!
Thanks Springy! My LP is about 14 days consistently... so if I triggered Monday-had IUI on Wed-then I should expect AF this Thurs, right? I feel dense :dohh:

Charting is making me crazy-good for you not doing! I think it's only helpful if you don't know when you ov....but I always can't stop myself from doing in the 2ww cuz I can always tell (usually!) when AF is gonna show and always looking for pg signs!!!

I'm the same way, temping makes me crazy...but I do it anyways! I've learned to only do it the important days now....around OV and implantation. The rest of time I give myself a break.
Titi -- your temps are still way above the coverline, but I'm not sure what to do in the case of waking up over an hour early to pee. I would probably use that temp or adjust that temp, there are calculators online to help you figure out what the number should be.

Springy -- sorry about the lack of ovulation! :hugs:
Thanks Springy! My LP is about 14 days consistently... so if I triggered Monday-had IUI on Wed-then I should expect AF this Thurs, right? I feel dense :dohh:

Charting is making me crazy-good for you not doing! I think it's only helpful if you don't know when you ov....but I always can't stop myself from doing in the 2ww cuz I can always tell (usually!) when AF is gonna show and always looking for pg signs!!!

what was your trigger date?
Harvest - i was very happy with just 1 :) i had a feeling it would be just one, and i also have a feeling that it's a girl. the heartbeat was fast at 132bpm. How are you feeling?

Springy - your husband is right :) your body has been a lean mean follicle making machine!! so maybe it needs to rest and gear up for the next round :hugs: what CD are you on?

hope everyone is doing well. i can't respond individually cuz i'm so freaking tired.. like seriously.. POOPED! but GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! hang in there, cuz it's totally worth it in the end!!!!! :cloud9:
Thanks Springy! My LP is about 14 days consistently... so if I triggered Monday-had IUI on Wed-then I should expect AF this Thurs, right? I feel dense :dohh:

Charting is making me crazy-good for you not doing! I think it's only helpful if you don't know when you ov....but I always can't stop myself from doing in the 2ww cuz I can always tell (usually!) when AF is gonna show and always looking for pg signs!!!

Titi ~ your luteal phase length can be counted after ovulation has occured. If you are sure that you ovulated on the day of your IUI then you are only 13dpo. But some women don't get a period until 14-16dpo and sometimes even a little later. For example, my last cycle I had a 15 luteal phase and AF came on 16dpo. By the way, I ended up ovulating the day before the IUI.

Like the girls have stated, you are in the game until that witch shows her face :hugs:
OMG LITTLEBIRD~~~~ CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I just saw your signature says pregnant!!!! YAY! You go!
Thanks Harvest! The nurse said that it was 25 percent chance so I sent her that info I found about after 4 iui's your chances going down and she said yes that was true, but that our chances were higher than on clomid, but not by much. We've decided we will do one more iui just because the timing works out better for us, and then move onto IVF after that cycle. So if after five total IUI's I'm not preg. I'll move on. That means we'll start IVF in December! Can't wait! Hopefully I"ll get pregnant this cycle but at least if I don't I now have something to look forward to! Sick of IUI's already!
Has anyone ever taken Ovidrel to boost progesterone? At my other RE's office I would have to take vaginal suppositories. Now this new place said I can just give myself one shot of ovidrel. That's so much better! I don't know why the other place didn't have me do that.

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