IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Hi everyone..Just came from my 2nd iui..My husband's sperms drop this time to 5.5 mill in 1st iui it was 15 mill..I got lots of cramping while insemination..
Nervous dont know what will happen this time..:wacko:
Wants lots of baby dust:dust:

For some reason I think lower numbers have been more successful lately!!!

I think it's because the sperm don't have to fight each other to get around!!!! :thumbup:

Lets hope so PCOS!! my DH's count was 2.2 million post wash this month compared to 7.5 million last month!

Well I somehow managed to get knocked up with only 6 million spermies this month, so it can happen.

Speaking of which, my HCG came back at 89@13 DPO. I think that's an okay number, but the nurse said it was a little low.
Hi everyone..Just came from my 2nd iui..My husband's sperms drop this time to 5.5 mill in 1st iui it was 15 mill..I got lots of cramping while insemination..
Nervous dont know what will happen this time..:wacko:
Wants lots of baby dust:dust:

Good luck! :dust: :dust: :dust:
OMG, can people die from AF Cramps?!?! Because I swear I'll be the first :rofl::rofl:

FS called back, 150mg from cycle day 3-7 (50mg more than last month). I go in for my cycle day 12 ultrasound on Nov. 4th (Next Friday)...

I have a question... what does your FS clinic/center do if your IUI falls on Sunday? Because I'm thinking that if IUI falls cd14 that's a sunday for me and my center is closed on Sunday.

My RE center does do IUI's on Sunday. The hours were a little bit later, which was nice b/c we could sleep in. (Till 630 am, lol)
You sound like me... I did 100 mg of clomid for a while and then got pushed up to 150. Hopefully it will do the trick for you! Is there a plan in place for you to move onto injectibles if the clomid doesn't work this round? Fingers xd for you it will! For me we did 6 cycles on clomid, and I finally got my BFP on our first round of Follistim.

I was told at the start of IUI #1 that after 3 failed tries we would meet and discuss the next option. At my center they usually do 3 round of clomid and then 3 of injectables.

Last month I took 100mg cd 3-7 and did not respons so from cd12-16 I took another 150mg daily. This month they started me right with the 150mg cd 3-7...

At my cd 12 ultrasound I will ask what will be the next if this cycle is a fail.

Well hopefully this will be the cycle for you! I had to do 6 cycles of clomid b/c my husband was working away. They said they wouldn't be able to tell me an approximate date of when I'd be ovulating as easily as they could with the clomid. Then we were on vacation so I couldn't bring the injectable meds with me. Hopefully this lil bean sticks! In my next time around, if I need to go through this again, I'm asking to skip the clomid altogether. Good luck to you!!

I had my 2nd beta today and my number went from 170 to 308. The nurse said at this point they are looking for it to increase at least 66 percent and I think mine increased 81 percent. I'm so excited but nervous too!
Well I somehow managed to get knocked up with only 6 million spermies this month, so it can happen.

Speaking of which, my HCG came back at 89@13 DPO. I think that's an okay number, but the nurse said it was a little low.

These numbers are nervewracking! I hate that I don't know what to expect. I asked the nurse to explain it to me. She told me at this point they're looking for it to increase by at least 66 percent. Do you have to go again two days later for bloodwork? I went Sunday and again today. Fingers xd that everything works out for you :) (and me too!) My sister has been preggo 3 times and she said these numbers do crazy things!
Good morning girls!

Just wanted to share the sweetness of my dear husband. We've been researching vitamins for men and women to aid in fertility treatments and of course Vitamin C is the big one. So this morning when I was getting ready to head out for work I saw my lunch bag on the dinning room table and when I opened it my lunch was packed for me! :cloud9: But the funny and sweet part was the two Tropicana Orange juices with a note that read:

"Filled with Vitamin C, which helps you, especially before, during, and after taking Clomid pills"

It was so cute and helpful to know that he does pay attention when I ramble about vitamins and medications.

PS: I start my Clomid 150mg tomorrow, but like he said it helps to start getting that Vitamin C in now.

Ur husband is the sweetest man alive! My husband is wonderful in many ways, but that just shows him right up!
Frankie, your numbers sound great!! When do you go for your first scan?

And Round2, I'm sure your numbers are fine also. It's still really early.

August, sounds like you've got a pretty awesome OH! I would love to have someone that supportive around.

AFM, tested this morning and it was another bfn. I'm feeling like I'm out this round - it just seems like I should be getting a positive test by 12dpiui. I was so sure last night that it had worked because I was totally starving and still felt hungry right after eating, but then the neg test this morning just crushed all hope. I don't know what I'm going to do after this, because my RE suggested moving to IVF and I'm just not sure how I can afford it.

Hope everyone else is having a good day!
Here's some dust Twinkle :dust:

August - what a sweetheart

Angie - hang in there! I find the last week the hardest, but some people find it easier.

Hey to EOE!
Round2 - Last year when I got pg. I tested at 13 dpiui and got my BFP. Beta that very same day ....my HCG was only 64. My RE said they like it to be above 50 at that stage....but I have seen lower numbers turn out just fine.

AFM - 10 dpIUI.......going nuts. I am praying that the signs of overstimulation I felt the night before my IUI and the day of my IUI are a good sign. I am taking 100mg Clomid. BUT we arent triggering or monitoring. The clinic is too far away. I was in excruiciating pain the night before my IUI (the day of my LH surge). I felt like my ovaries and uterus were going to explode! It made me sick to my stomach and I just lay curled up on the couch. I hope I had many follies :) The morning of my IUI, the pain was still there but not as bad and faded by the end of the day.

Any ideas????
Round2 - Last year when I got pg. I tested at 13 dpiui and got my BFP. Beta that very same day ....my HCG was only 64. My RE said they like it to be above 50 at that stage....but I have seen lower numbers turn out just fine.

AFM - 10 dpIUI.......going nuts. I am praying that the signs of overstimulation I felt the night before my IUI and the day of my IUI are a good sign. I am taking 100mg Clomid. BUT we arent triggering or monitoring. The clinic is too far away. I was in excruiciating pain the night before my IUI (the day of my LH surge). I felt like my ovaries and uterus were going to explode! It made me sick to my stomach and I just lay curled up on the couch. I hope I had many follies :) The morning of my IUI, the pain was still there but not as bad and faded by the end of the day.

Any ideas????

Same thing happen with me this time..The day i got Lh surge had bad pain in my abdominal area totally bloated and next day(iui day) it faded by the noon..This time even doc poked me so many times while insemination had lots of cramping while my iui, had little spotting after it..Today 2nd day of iui totally fine,no pain nothing..This time my husband sperm count was 5.5mill post wash n even its my first cycle in 50mg clomid so im nervous what will happen this time:wacko:

Angilara lots of goodluck this time:thumbup:.Hope so we both get BFP this time:dust:
Good Morning Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days work has been INSANE and I have to admit that I have been very frustrated with my body. Prior to seeking advice from an RE for our infertility I ovulated on my own every month, had regular periods (anywhere from 28 to 30 days) however, since I started the drugs last year at this time I don't appear to ovulate on my own, my periods are totally wonky (last month on a stimulated cycle only 23 days this month on an natural cycle 39 days!) so I have been struggling with the fact that I feel like the treatments are actually making my situation worse than it was when I went to seek help from the RE.

Needless to say it was difficult for me to come on and read about BFPs and women in mid cycle undergoing treatments, ladies entering the tww etc. when all I wanted to do is scream "WHY ME?! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?!" Now I'm out of my funk and have had a few days to stew and be grouchy on my own! So I'm back :)

AF showed up this AM - FINALLY so my CD3 scan is set up for Friday morning. PRAYING this is my last cycle of treatment! If the IUI doesn't work this month I'm headed to IVF in the new year.
Good morning,

Springy I totally understand how you feel. In a way I feel the same way. I feel my body is totally out of wack with all of these infertility drugs! It's funny when you want the witch to stay away she comes out of no where and when you want her to show she takes her sweet time. I'm praying this is your cycle you deserve it! We all deserve it!
Good morning,

Springy I totally understand how you feel. In a way I feel the same way. I feel my body is totally out of wack with all of these infertility drugs! It's funny when you want the witch to stay away she comes out of no where and when you want her to show she takes her sweet time. I'm praying this is your cycle you deserve it! We all deserve it!

I agree - there is not ONE woman on this site who doesn't deserve to have a BFP!!! I guess some of ours just take longer than others to arrive SIGH .....
Springy ~ I get like that all the time. It's really hard even here on this thread with all the bfp's especially the ones that happen on the first try, and here we are waiting and waiting... it sucks, it really does, but I'm glad that you took some days to refocus and come back to us :hugs: I missed you :hugs: I pray that your cd3 check goes great!

AFM ~ Thank you for all the kind words about my husband... I truly hit a gold pot with him. Right now he's soo excited about a date night that he is planning for this Friday because he read in "A Hope Deferred" that sometimes planning date nights or just getting out on the days that we should have :sex: it can relax the couple and put us in the mood, so that we don't feel it's a must to have :sex: :wacko: :cloud9: I love him!

I'm already done with my period! It's crazy, just two heavy/medium days and now nothing! Just a little bit of spotting when I wipe, but nothing else! :happydance:

I also start my clomid today. I'm not 100% sure what time I want to take it. Either at 5:15pm when I'm having dinner or later when I'm getting ready for bed. All that matters is that I remember to actually take them every day.

I also had a dream last night that when I when in for my cd 12 ultrasound and blood work... the blook work came back positive for pregnancy! hahaha could you imagine that? I would die! lol
Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days work has been INSANE and I have to admit that I have been very frustrated with my body. Prior to seeking advice from an RE for our infertility I ovulated on my own every month, had regular periods (anywhere from 28 to 30 days) however, since I started the drugs last year at this time I don't appear to ovulate on my own, my periods are totally wonky (last month on a stimulated cycle only 23 days this month on an natural cycle 39 days!) so I have been struggling with the fact that I feel like the treatments are actually making my situation worse than it was when I went to seek help from the RE.

Springy, I felt the exact same way. Before going to the FS, I had problems staying pregnant, but every cycle we tried to get pregnant, we were successful. I thought I was one of those super-fertile women. So, imagine my surprise when it took 6 months for us to conceive after starting treatments. To be fair, we had a couple of cycles in there where we tried on our own, because of travel or funds or whatever reason. And those cycles didn't work, either! So I don't know if it was the fertility meds and hormones, or if it was the fact that my body was making changes that coincided with the decision to go to the FS. I actually said something to her about it -- jokingly, of course. But DH and I were talking about when we'd be ready to give up.

You're right, everyone deserves their BFP and it seems like the people on this thread try for longer and work harder -- I mean, look at Mandy's poor belly! I hope yours is right around the corner. I'm sorry it's been a frustrating journey for you, and I hope it happens this cycle! I have everything crossed for you!
Good Morning Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days work has been INSANE and I have to admit that I have been very frustrated with my body. Prior to seeking advice from an RE for our infertility I ovulated on my own every month, had regular periods (anywhere from 28 to 30 days) however, since I started the drugs last year at this time I don't appear to ovulate on my own, my periods are totally wonky (last month on a stimulated cycle only 23 days this month on an natural cycle 39 days!) so I have been struggling with the fact that I feel like the treatments are actually making my situation worse than it was when I went to seek help from the RE.

Needless to say it was difficult for me to come on and read about BFPs and women in mid cycle undergoing treatments, ladies entering the tww etc. when all I wanted to do is scream "WHY ME?! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?!" Now I'm out of my funk and have had a few days to stew and be grouchy on my own! So I'm back :)

AF showed up this AM - FINALLY so my CD3 scan is set up for Friday morning. PRAYING this is my last cycle of treatment! If the IUI doesn't work this month I'm headed to IVF in the new year.

Oh my goodness ... I couldn't have said it better myself!!! We have done a lot of waiting eh???? Happy CD3 scan coming up!! :thumbup: Our cycles will be VERY close!!!
Good Morning Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days work has been INSANE and I have to admit that I have been very frustrated with my body. Prior to seeking advice from an RE for our infertility I ovulated on my own every month, had regular periods (anywhere from 28 to 30 days) however, since I started the drugs last year at this time I don't appear to ovulate on my own, my periods are totally wonky (last month on a stimulated cycle only 23 days this month on an natural cycle 39 days!) so I have been struggling with the fact that I feel like the treatments are actually making my situation worse than it was when I went to seek help from the RE.

Needless to say it was difficult for me to come on and read about BFPs and women in mid cycle undergoing treatments, ladies entering the tww etc. when all I wanted to do is scream "WHY ME?! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?!" Now I'm out of my funk and have had a few days to stew and be grouchy on my own! So I'm back :)

AF showed up this AM - FINALLY so my CD3 scan is set up for Friday morning. PRAYING this is my last cycle of treatment! If the IUI doesn't work this month I'm headed to IVF in the new year.

Oh my goodness ... I couldn't have said it better myself!!! We have done a lot of waiting eh???? Happy CD3 scan coming up!! :thumbup: Our cycles will be VERY close!!!

Thanks Mandy - its been a long emotional 39 days from the start of AF last month. REALLY hoping and praying that this is the last time I have to go through assisted conception! And YAY to our cycles being close - I will need a buddy to keep me mentally strong through this TWW after what happened with my last one!!!!!!!!
:hugs: Springy
I think we all have these times of frustration and they come and go at different times for all of us.

Good luck on your scan! I will think lots of positive thoughts for you this cycle!
Good Morning Ladies!

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days work has been INSANE and I have to admit that I have been very frustrated with my body. Prior to seeking advice from an RE for our infertility I ovulated on my own every month, had regular periods (anywhere from 28 to 30 days) however, since I started the drugs last year at this time I don't appear to ovulate on my own, my periods are totally wonky (last month on a stimulated cycle only 23 days this month on an natural cycle 39 days!) so I have been struggling with the fact that I feel like the treatments are actually making my situation worse than it was when I went to seek help from the RE.

Needless to say it was difficult for me to come on and read about BFPs and women in mid cycle undergoing treatments, ladies entering the tww etc. when all I wanted to do is scream "WHY ME?! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?!" Now I'm out of my funk and have had a few days to stew and be grouchy on my own! So I'm back :)

AF showed up this AM - FINALLY so my CD3 scan is set up for Friday morning. PRAYING this is my last cycle of treatment! If the IUI doesn't work this month I'm headed to IVF in the new year.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Yay for AF! Keeping everything crossed for you this cycle :)

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