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IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

So excited for you PCOS and even better news with the three left!!! Gets lots of rest:) Happy thoughts:)
Hi PCOS! How's the bed rest going? I hope your embies are getting all snuggled in. FX'd!!
I'm here at work already. I went to my appointment and nothing changed since Friday. The doctor gave me two options: #1 Take 200mg of Clomid a day for five more days or #2 end the cycle and come in for a consult to see what would be the next step. I went with option #2 because last month I took clomid twice and it never helped me.

I don't know what I'm going to do. My appointment is on Wednesday at 2pm.
Why does it have to be so hard for us, what the heck have I done to deserve this?

On top of everything, they took blood from me, and you know how they cover it right away and then put tape? Well stupid me, decided to put my sweater back on and it made the cotton and tape come out. I was in the bathroom so all of a sudden I'm squirting blood EVERYWHERE and I have to go back out and into the blood room and I scared the poor girl with all the blood that was everywhere! I was so embarressed and upset by the time I was seen by the doctor. When he gave me the bad news I think he thought that I was about to lose it because he kept looking at me with a weird smile and a look on his face that was like he was expecting something to happen or be said!

I need some help from those of you who are in injectable cycles... What is the schedule like? How many times and on what days do you go in for check ups?

I'm in a horrible mood and it is only 8:14am!!!! I still have the entire day to go!
I'm here at work already. I went to my appointment and nothing changed since Friday. The doctor gave me two options: #1 Take 200mg of Clomid a day for five more days or #2 end the cycle and come in for a consult to see what would be the next step. I went with option #2 because last month I took clomid twice and it never helped me.

I don't know what I'm going to do. My appointment is on Wednesday at 2pm.
Why does it have to be so hard for us, what the heck have I done to deserve this?

On top of everything, they took blood from me, and you know how they cover it right away and then put tape? Well stupid me, decided to put my sweater back on and it made the cotton and tape come out. I was in the bathroom so all of a sudden I'm squirting blood EVERYWHERE and I have to go back out and into the blood room and I scared the poor girl with all the blood that was everywhere! I was so embarressed and upset by the time I was seen by the doctor. When he gave me the bad news I think he thought that I was about to lose it because he kept looking at me with a weird smile and a look on his face that was like he was expecting something to happen or be said!

I need some help from those of you who are in injectable cycles... What is the schedule like? How many times and on what days do you go in for check ups?

I'm in a horrible mood and it is only 8:14am!!!! I still have the entire day to go!

Oh August I'm SO sorry to hear that your day is starting off in such a bad way!! I'm sending you a HUGE :hugs::hugs::hugs:!!!!

I think you went with the right option. If the Clomid wasn't helping you last month or this month there is no point in continuing on with it. As hard as it is trust and believe that the next step is all part of the path you are to take to get to your BFP.

As for injectables, I think it varies from clinic to clinic but this is what happens for me on a stimulated injection cycle.

CD 3 - baseline blood & ultrasound
Injections CD 3 to CD 6
CD 7 - blood & ultrasound
After the CD 7 results they may increase / decrease the dose depending on the hormone levels and the number of follicles. My first cycle they dropped my dose and this month because I started on a much lower dose they had to increase my dose.

I then go back everyday for monitoring where they check the follicles and my hormone levels. This happens everyday till I trigger. So in my first month I was there CD 7 through CD 10 we triggered on that day and then I had IUI on CD 11 and CD 12. On CD 12 they do blood and an ultrasound to confirm ovulation. This month I was back from CD 7 through CD 13, which is today, when they triggered. I'll have IUI tomorrow and Wednesday and on Wednesday they will do blood and a scan.

So while for me it is a lot of trips to the clinic it is worth it because I know they are watching things really closely.

HANG IN THERE!!! I'll be praying for you and thinking about you this week and you'll have to let us know what they suggest for you as your next steps.

AFM ..... I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
AFM ..... I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thank you for that information Springy! :hugs: It helps to know what to look forward to. I just want to budget it out because putting out $15 a visit adds up really quick. And during this time (the holidays) every penny counts.

As for your morning ~ I'm happy for you. 2 follies are great! Keep us posted on how your IUI's go :happydance:
I'm here at work already. I went to my appointment and nothing changed since Friday. The doctor gave me two options: #1 Take 200mg of Clomid a day for five more days or #2 end the cycle and come in for a consult to see what would be the next step. I went with option #2 because last month I took clomid twice and it never helped me.

I don't know what I'm going to do. My appointment is on Wednesday at 2pm.
Why does it have to be so hard for us, what the heck have I done to deserve this?

On top of everything, they took blood from me, and you know how they cover it right away and then put tape? Well stupid me, decided to put my sweater back on and it made the cotton and tape come out. I was in the bathroom so all of a sudden I'm squirting blood EVERYWHERE and I have to go back out and into the blood room and I scared the poor girl with all the blood that was everywhere! I was so embarressed and upset by the time I was seen by the doctor. When he gave me the bad news I think he thought that I was about to lose it because he kept looking at me with a weird smile and a look on his face that was like he was expecting something to happen or be said!

I need some help from those of you who are in injectable cycles... What is the schedule like? How many times and on what days do you go in for check ups?

I'm in a horrible mood and it is only 8:14am!!!! I still have the entire day to go!

August, I'm sorry for the way your Monday is going. :hugs:

I think you did the right thing. I haven't heard of many places doing the double dose of Clomid in one cycle like that. And 200mg is heavy duty! I think most places go up to 150mg. I can't even imagine the side effects at that dose!

So, the last two cycles, I would have the first appt./ultrasound at CD3. I did Femara, 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg in the evening. I think the last time it was CD4-8. Then I started my Follistim injections CD9 (100IU). I injected CD9 and CD10 then went in CD11 for a follow up ultrasound and blood work. Both cycles, they called me in the afternoon to tell me to continue injections CD11 and CD12 and come in again for another ultrasound on CD13. The last cycle, I did my trigger the evening of CD13 and came in for my IUI the morning of CD15, 36 hours after trigger. So I was in the doctor's office CD3, 11, 13, and 15. I took progesterone following the IUI. After the IUI, they say call in two weeks, whether or not I got my BFP.
AFM ..... I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.[/COLOR]

Springy, sorry you're feeling down about 2 follicles. My FS said that they typically aim for 2-3, the cycle I had 4 they wanted to cancel, but then found out that my estrogen level was so low, they thought I had at least some empty follicles. This time around, I only had two follicles, but a good estrogen level. So don't give up hope that it will be good enough for your BFP! I have my fingers crossed that this cycle will be it! Are they doing the IUI tomorrow or Wednesday?
AFM ..... I went in today and I have only 2 mature follicles and my LH yesterday was starting to rise so they had to trigger today to ensure that they didn't "miss" this cycle. So I am COMPLETELY bummed about having only 2 mature follicles! I have a 1.8 and a 1.7 which they say is large enough for an injectable cycle to trigger (I know on oral meds they wait till its 2.0) and I then have a 1.3 which didn't move in size from yesterday to today. I did ask about waiting one more day to let the 1.3 catch up and they said we could but the issue becomes if my LH doesnt plateau but at the same time doesn't get high enough on its own they will miss the window to trigger which would end up with a wasted cycle. So while I am completely bummed that I don't have 3 or 4 follicles I will take the 2, have my IUI done this week and just wait for my IVF consultation in two weeks time.[/COLOR]

Springy, sorry you're feeling down about 2 follicles. My FS said that they typically aim for 2-3, the cycle I had 4 they wanted to cancel, but then found out that my estrogen level was so low, they thought I had at least some empty follicles. This time around, I only had two follicles, but a good estrogen level. So don't give up hope that it will be good enough for your BFP! I have my fingers crossed that this cycle will be it! Are they doing the IUI tomorrow or Wednesday?

Thanks - the fact that you only had 2 and got your BFP gives me hope for this cycle. My clinic does back to back IUI so both Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday IUI is about 27.5 hours post trigger and then one at 51 hours post trigger. I was really concerned about my estrogen as on my last injectable cycle it was through the roof and it is totally normal right now which is a good sign I guess!
hey springy, 2 is good!! but if it makes you feel better, when I did IVF i had 12 mature follies at the time of trigger, but then when they did the retrieval i had 13. so the 13mm i had ended up maturing from time to trigger to retrieval.. that might happen with you too :)
August, I'm sorry for the way your Monday is going. :hugs:

I think you did the right thing. I haven't heard of many places doing the double dose of Clomid in one cycle like that. And 200mg is heavy duty! I think most places go up to 150mg. I can't even imagine the side effects at that dose!

So, the last two cycles, I would have the first appt./ultrasound at CD3. I did Femara, 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg in the evening. I think the last time it was CD4-8. Then I started my Follistim injections CD9 (100IU). I injected CD9 and CD10 then went in CD11 for a follow up ultrasound and blood work. Both cycles, they called me in the afternoon to tell me to continue injections CD11 and CD12 and come in again for another ultrasound on CD13. The last cycle, I did my trigger the evening of CD13 and came in for my IUI the morning of CD15, 36 hours after trigger. So I was in the doctor's office CD3, 11, 13, and 15. I took progesterone following the IUI. After the IUI, they say call in two weeks, whether or not I got my BFP.

Littlebird ~ Thank you for answering, esp with your schedule... :hugs:

I'm budgeting about 7 visits plus the meds.
All the best springy for tomorrow and wednesday..keeping my finger crossed..:dust:
August i am so sorry to hear that..lots of:hug:
Little bird how r u?
PCOS How r u?

AFM: 13dpiui 2day i tested and it was BFN..I was planning to test on 11th nov but cant controll myself..I am really sad dont want to see af this time..
Springy, that 13 can definitely catch up and it's possible it already contains a mature egg. Injectibles do amazing things!!!! :) Hang in there girly!!!!

AFM -- I don't feel prego, nor do I have any symptoms. No cramping, no sore boobs, no nausea .. none of that. So what does that lead me to believe??? Well ... ya exactly.
Springy, that 13 can definitely catch up and it's possible it already contains a mature egg. Injectibles do amazing things!!!! :) Hang in there girly!!!!

AFM -- I don't feel prego, nor do I have any symptoms. No cramping, no sore boobs, no nausea .. none of that. So what does that lead me to believe??? Well ... ya exactly.

PCOS - my sister had NO symptoms at all through her entire 9 months, my best friend had her first little one last year at this time and like my sister would never have known she was pregnant. She told me last week she is pregnant again and only by luck of using an OPK 3 days in a row to try and detect ovulation did she realize she was pregnant. Again - ZERO symptoms. One month when I was having a consult with my RE and mentioned that I didn't know yet if I was pregnant or not actually said to me "you will not know that early" so don't read ANYTHING into no symptoms. Hang in there and BELIEVE this is your month!!!

HUGS :hugs::hugs:
Little bird how r u?

AFM: 13dpiui 2day i tested and it was BFN..I was planning to test on 11th nov but cant controll myself..I am really sad dont want to see af this time..

Twinkle, I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I've been rocking the sea-bands so it's been a little better the past two days.

I'm sorry about the BFN. :hugs:

I know that it's discouraging to see those after an IUI. Heartbreaking. I wish you didn't have to go through this!
AFM -- I don't feel prego, nor do I have any symptoms. No cramping, no sore boobs, no nausea .. none of that. So what does that lead me to believe??? Well ... ya exactly.

Mandy, don't let lack of symptoms get you down. You're pregnant. Just gotta be. :hugs:
Hi Ladies

Just an update... i had my u/s on 28 Oct and FS confirmed 2 little ones at 5 weeks 4 days. Then went on holiday and started bleeding on 4 Nov.

FS confirmed today after u/s and bloods that i miscarried at +- 7 weeks. Not a great feeling. Seeing FS on Saturday 12 Nov for meds and follow up.

I'm feeling sad, but not hopeless yet! I know that there are many more options we haven't explored yet, so trying to stay positive.

Good luck to all, will update next week. Hopefully we can try again soon, have no idea if there is a 'waiting period' after m/c?
Oh no, Sasha. I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. :hugs:

I am not sure what kind of waiting period your FS would recommend. I know a lot of ladies who are TTC without assistance might go straight into TTC again, but some doctors want you to wait until after next AF. And if it requires extra intervention to end the pregnancy, even longer. I had Methotrexate and my doctor just said to wait until my next period, but a lot of doctors recommend 3 months. Are they going to monitor your hCG levels? I'm not sure how long it will take to get back to 0 after 7 weeks. My second miscarriage was earlier and it took around three weeks to get back to 0.

Again, I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I am sure it hurts but you sound like you're being strong and positive and ready to continue TTC. I just hope that your body heals quickly and you can keep moving forward on this journey.
Hi Ladies

Just an update... i had my u/s on 28 Oct and FS confirmed 2 little ones at 5 weeks 4 days. Then went on holiday and started bleeding on 4 Nov.

FS confirmed today after u/s and bloods that i miscarried at +- 7 weeks. Not a great feeling. Seeing FS on Saturday 12 Nov for meds and follow up.

I'm feeling sad, but not hopeless yet! I know that there are many more options we haven't explored yet, so trying to stay positive.

Good luck to all, will update next week. Hopefully we can try again soon, have no idea if there is a 'waiting period' after m/c?

Sasha I am SO sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Sending you lots of hugs and positive thoughts. This is a very tough time for you and I know there is nothing that anyone can say that will make you feel better. Just know that we are thinking of you and praying that you get through this difficult time. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sasha, I am very sorry to hear that. Just know that we are all here for you if you need some emotional support.

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