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IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Sending you HUGE hugs Sasha!!!! I'm soo very sorry. May the Lord be with you.
Sasha-so sorry to hear of your losses, sending you huge hugs!!!
Good luck today with the IUI Springy, sending you lots of dust :)
PCOS-don't even give the BFN a second thought, its way too early! That second line will show up soon :)
August-sorry to hear you are having a tough time with your cycle. Really hope that injectibles are the ticket for you!
Oh Sasha I am so sorry:( hugs! Have you talked to your dr about when you are starting again?

PCOS: hoping it's just too early! A lot can change in a day
Oh Sasha I am so sorry:( hugs! Have you talked to your dr about when you are starting again?

PCOS: hoping it's just too early! A lot can change in a day
Sasha ~ I'm sorry to hear about your losses. :hugs:

PCOS ~ I'm praying that you took the test too early... and praying hard that you get a BFP soon.
Hey Girls! Our page has been pretty dormant today... I know that many of us, including myself have not have the best few days, and of all the comforting words or quotes that I may know, none will ease anyone's pain. I've been feeding myself positive thoughts and quotes for days... it's like everytime I think something good is going to happen, something else ruins it. Just look at my current cycle... it sucks, it blows, and sometime I throw things :blush: My anger has become the front of who I am and what I do for a very long time but not anymore!!! We need to learn to enjoy where we are on our way to where we are going :hugs:

Did you know that we wait and wait for something that can come in an instant? And then what? We begin to wait again for something else, a job, a new house, a new car, a prada bag etc... sometimes we need to take a breath and enjoy the right here and the right now.

I've been participating in a 30 Attitude of Gratitude, and even on my worst days I have found something to be grateful for, and those little things are what keep my anger and sadness at bay, it helps not allow these negative emotions to take over my life.

Ok... I'm sorry for the long post! hahaha! I just wanted to share my thoughts and what I'm doing and if you only get one thing from what I have written I hope its that
we have to learn to enjoy where we are on our way to where we are going.
Hello Ladies! so sorry Sasha...my prayers are with you as you find your way again....

Good luck Springy! how you feeling? did it go well today?

PCOS....dont even think twice about that BFN! It is way way too early!! think positive!!

Thank-you August for the kind words....I really needed it.

As for me today is CD8, taking 42 IU of puregon, once daily, went in for my bloodwork and scan and I guess my estrogen is ok since they didn't increase my dose. I asked them about doing the IUI 36 hours post trigger and she looked at me like I was crazy!!! She asked why I wanted it that way and I said I feel it is better for us. Somethings we just have to research ourselves. She replied if you are going to read online then make you read the canadian websites as the american websites are out of whack!! WHAT THE F????? Well I have read all over the internet, and the majority are sayin 36 hours! I am starting to hate my clinic...they are recipe doers.....and I am just another patient to cross off their to-do list each time I am there! :(
Oh just wanted to reply august about injectables...I was freaking out about them and now after a few of them, they are a piece of cake....mind you the puregon, is a small needle just under the skin...but it is like all the other ladies are saying...you don't feel anything and the pen is easy to use...medicine comes premixed and ready to use....

as for the ovidrel trigger shot and doing it myself...we will see what the doctor says closer to my IUI date...they better agree to it! i do not believe 24 hours is correct timing! and as for self-injecting the trigger...I am a little worried since it intramuscular :(
as for the ovidrel trigger shot and doing it myself...we will see what the doctor says closer to my IUI date...they better agree to it! i do not believe 24 hours is correct timing! and as for self-injecting the trigger...I am a little worried since it intramuscular :(

I definitely say take it into your own hands. I have heard countless stories where girls have done 4 and 5 IUI's and never got pregnant until they switched to the 36 hours.

About the intramuscular trigger ... I have done 10 of them myself now into my rump. They sound and look much worse than they are. Now, I just wake up and jab without even thinking about it anymore. It's become so routine for me.

I know I sound like a broken record .. but I promise you this .. the worst part about the injection isn't the needle or the injecting part ... it's the 2-3 hours later when it's sore as crap.

I took a picture of my butt cheek today :haha: Just so I could scrapbook it...it seriously looks like a pin cushion.

See the little girl in my lap in my avatar?? She was from a 36 hour trigger! The most amazing trigger I may add ;)
kissyface -- I didn't have to take my trigger shot in the muscle. I took it in the same belly area as the Follistim shots that I had. The nurse told me that it's fine either way and it's easier for me to give myself the shot this way than in the butt. That was something I worried about a little bit -- all the stuff online about the trigger shot talked about doing it in the muscle.

Sorry they acted like you were crazy with the 36 hour comment. I found this link after my last IUI, when I was doing some reading:


Check out the question "When is the best timing for an IUI?"

I don't think the data would be different in Canada and the US -- I mean, we're all people!

I will say, after the other two IUIs done about 24 hours after trigger, it was kinda nerve-wracking to do the 36 hour one. I am so glad that's what we did and it worked out, but I kept picturing the poor little egg being released too early. So if you take matters into your own hands, try to relax and trust all the other people who have had successful IUIs 36 hours after trigger.
Good evening, ladies. Hope you don't mind a little rant - I'm having such a frustrating day. When I saw my RE last week we decided to do a combo Clomid+Menopur IUI. He wrote me an rx for the meds but told me to call his nurse the next day to see if any other patients were selling their unused stuff. I called her Wednesday and she said she'd get back to me, and finally I had to call her yesterday. She told me not to fill the rx at Walgreens - I was supposed to call her today and she'd give me the number of someone selling their meds. So I called her today and never heard back. I decided I'd better just get the rx filled because I'm supposed to start the menopur tomorrow, and Walgreens wants $1050 for 8 vials! My RE told me it would be about $480. I called the nurse again and she told me not to fill it but to just come to my injection-teaching appointment tomorrow with no meds! She did ask if I could get down to Mexico tomorrow - yeah it's an hour away but I have a job! I just feel like this whole cycle is going to be a bust - there's no way I'm going to get the meds in time and what's the point of doing a 4th IUI with the same dosage of Clomid I used for the first 3?? I'm so upset right now - I feel like the universe is telling me it's just not meant to be.

Sorry to be such a downer, especially after August's pep talk, but I just feel like crap right now. I hate this.
Oh Sasha I am so sorry:( hugs! Have you talked to your dr about when you are starting again?

Hi Angieloo

I am seeing my FS on Saturday. He said he will give me meds to clear out the rest of the tissue that might not come out naturally. As for trying again and going forward, i have no idea, but will ask all the Q's when i see him.

AND thanks to all for the hugs and thoughts! I am staying positive and hope to be updating you with good news soon.

:dust: :dust:
Spreading the dust for all on the thread!
azlissie -- Wow, sounds like you're having a frustrating time getting your meds! I can't believe the difference in cost from one place to the next. I never used Menopur, but my injections were about $300 per cycle and I thought that was a lot. $1000 is really high!

I know what you're saying about not doing the same IUI you've done the past three times. You want to feel like you're giving yourself a better chance each time, like the current plan is going to get you to the BFP. I think I would just drive to get the meds, if you can figure out a way to do it, but on the other hand, we go through a lot as it is to get an IUI and it definitely feels like it starts to take over our lives. The cycle should be as stress-free as possible.

I'm sorry, I wish they could have given you more time to get to Mexico and get the meds, rather than make it a last minute task. :hugs:
SPRINGY how r u?
AUGUST hope so 36 hour shot works for you
PCOS and LITTLEBIRD how r u both?
Azlissie whn is ur iui?
Angie how r u?

AFM: 15dpiui again BFN and feel like AF can start anytime..So my 2nd iui didnt worked..This month im planning to skip my 3rd iui and ll do it in december..If nothing happen thn to IVF.
Planning to go to my doc ll ask him about skipping this month for iui or directly going for ivf..Dont want to cry for this cycle..My all hopes are shattered..
Twinkle, I'm sorry about the BFN. :hugs:

It could be good to take a cycle off. Let us know what the doctor says about IUI vs. IVF for you. I can't imagine they'd give up on IUI after two tries, but I don't know your exact situation. This is definitely the hardest part of the cycle. For a couple of days before AF, it's the lowest place. For me, once AF came and I had my new appointment booked at the FS, I was feeling hopeful again. I don't know why it has to be such an emotional roller coaster, I just know that it happens for so many of us. If it makes you feel better, let yourself cry a little. It will get easier, just get through the next couple of days. Even if you decide to take a month off, at least you'll know what your plans are for the near future.

I really hope good news is coming soon for you. I'm sorry that you're feeling sad about the way this cycle went. :hugs:
Hi all.

Im having my 3rd IUI this weekend (as long as u/s is ok Friday). Ive been really bummed lately as I was so hoping the 2nd IUI would work. So, back on track, doing everything Im supposed to and then some.... hoping and praying for a good result this weekend! Id love a turkey baby!! :winkwink:

Congrats on the BFP's and GL to all those still trying/waiting.

heretohope -- I hope the IUI goes well this weekend. It is disappointing when you get a BFN after an IUI. Fingers crossed that third time is a charm! Good luck! :dust:
Good evening, ladies. Hope you don't mind a little rant - I'm having such a frustrating day. When I saw my RE last week we decided to do a combo Clomid+Menopur IUI. He wrote me an rx for the meds but told me to call his nurse the next day to see if any other patients were selling their unused stuff. I called her Wednesday and she said she'd get back to me, and finally I had to call her yesterday. She told me not to fill the rx at Walgreens - I was supposed to call her today and she'd give me the number of someone selling their meds. So I called her today and never heard back. I decided I'd better just get the rx filled because I'm supposed to start the menopur tomorrow, and Walgreens wants $1050 for 8 vials! My RE told me it would be about $480. I called the nurse again and she told me not to fill it but to just come to my injection-teaching appointment tomorrow with no meds! She did ask if I could get down to Mexico tomorrow - yeah it's an hour away but I have a job! I just feel like this whole cycle is going to be a bust - there's no way I'm going to get the meds in time and what's the point of doing a 4th IUI with the same dosage of Clomid I used for the first 3?? I'm so upset right now - I feel like the universe is telling me it's just not meant to be.

Sorry to be such a downer, especially after August's pep talk, but I just feel like crap right now. I hate this.

lol at the mention of my pep talk :haha:

But seriously, don't feel bad, we all have our days sweetie and I pray that you start feeling better soon. :hugs:

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