IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Well ladies I just got back from the fertility clinic and went to give my coworker, who happens to be one of my best friends her access card back as I forgot mine today and she asked how it went and I had a total meltdown and I just started balling .... Being back at the clinic, in that environment again hass brought back so many emotions in me .... Getting trained on the injections and realizing the scary thoughts of moving to injectables was so overwhelming. I cannot believe we are at this stage and I can't help but feel that life is SO unfair and think why me, why us, what have we done to deserve this??? Then the fear sets in about the stage we are at and the future for hubby and I and I can't help but think "oh god what if this doesn't work, where does that leave us?"

Thanks for letting me rant ladies!

Springy, I am so sorry you are having a down day! I am sure we can all relate to exactly how you feel and have had these thoughts at one time or another. Just remeber, you are a strong and positive person and down the road when you are enjoying your family this will all be so worth it :hugs: I know for me when I started injections the whole infertility thing seemed more real because with the clomid I could have been taking that pill for anything really but the injections it all really registered. Just take one day at a time, hang in there :hugs:
Awwwww Springy, I am so sorry that you are feeling down. It sucks that we are all on this horrible rollercoaster that just seems to never stop. It'll happen for you, there is no reason why it wouldn't! Wish we lived closer...I tried searching for infertility support groups in my state and found one. They provided an email address so I emailed the person. The email was immediately sent back to me cuz it was a bad address. Ugh, just my luck!!

Thanks! I have looked for a support group in my area and nothing either. There are ones in downtown Toronto which I could go to but they seem to be at like 6pm during the work week - and to get there would take me over an hour from work - not really "stress relief" if you ask me!!!


just remember, everything happens for a reason, and if you're religious, god never gives you more than you can handle!! there is a reason for everything.. trust!!! but at the same time i totally understand where you are coming from... even though i call the clinic my "home away from home", i always dread going there after a break or BFN...

I didn't have any issues going the other day to talk to the Dr. but that I think felt like a regular Dr. appointment - this was more with the nurses and I saw the woman who was horrible at doing my blood work and everything just flooded back. I thought I was getting through this and I thought I was remaining positive .... clearly my breakdown today has demonstrated that I am NOT dealing very well.

Oh Springy, I feel your pain chick xxxxxx I had a meltdown in my clinic yesterday with the nurse. I thought I was coping this week but obviously not. You're right it isnt fair and we DIDN'T do anything to deserve this heartache and pain. The only good thing that will come out of all of this ttc Springy is that we (all us ladies going through all this heartache and yearning) will appreciate our little ones sooooooooooo much when we get them. And WE WILL get them but maybe not as soon as we had hoped. Sending u loads of :hugs:

Thanks! And yes .... I do feel I will appreciate them more. But on days like today it doesn't feel like there will be children to appreciate ;)

Springy, I am so sorry you are having a down day! I am sure we can all relate to exactly how you feel and have had these thoughts at one time or another. Just remeber, you are a strong and positive person and down the road when you are enjoying your family this will all be so worth it :hugs: I know for me when I started injections the whole infertility thing seemed more real because with the clomid I could have been taking that pill for anything really but the injections it all really registered. Just take one day at a time, hang in there :hugs:

You hit the nail on the head .... the injectables made this SO much more real and made me realize "oh god I'm running out of options" when we first started on this journey there were lots of things still to do, to investigate, different drugs to try, different procedures to do .... well we are getting to the point where there is not much left to try and never once a hint of a pregnancy.

Just hoping to hang in for the rest of the work day then I'm going home to lie on the couch and enjoy a glass of wine!
Well ladies I just got back from the fertility clinic and went to give my coworker, who happens to be one of my best friends her access card back as I forgot mine today and she asked how it went and I had a total meltdown and I just started balling .... Being back at the clinic, in that environment again hass brought back so many emotions in me .... Getting trained on the injections and realizing the scary thoughts of moving to injectables was so overwhelming. I cannot believe we are at this stage and I can't help but feel that life is SO unfair and think why me, why us, what have we done to deserve this??? Then the fear sets in about the stage we are at and the future for hubby and I and I can't help but think "oh god what if this doesn't work, where does that leave us?"

Thanks for letting me rant ladies!

So sorry about the meltdown Springy. I believe things happen for a reason... a reason totally unknown to us... and at times you don't always find the reasons... It is so very frustrating. I will keep praying and crossing my fingers... sending good vibes and baby dust your way. It will all work out for you! :hugs:
Oh another thing Springy ... when I was TTC my daughter we first did an IUI with just Femara ... and BFN of course. Our VERY FIRST MONTH using injectables we got prego!!!! It WILL happen!!
Oh another thing Springy ... when I was TTC my daughter we first did an IUI with just Femara ... and BFN of course. Our VERY FIRST MONTH using injectables we got prego!!!! It WILL happen!!

yeah, sometimes our bodies just need a little extra 'omph'
Oh another thing Springy ... when I was TTC my daughter we first did an IUI with just Femara ... and BFN of course. Our VERY FIRST MONTH using injectables we got prego!!!! It WILL happen!!

That gives me a lot more hope!!!! The nurse did say that I should respond a lot better to Gonal F than clomid.

Just seems very overwhelming.

Touch I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must have been when they all of a sudden jumped to IVF and all the drugs that go along with it!
I'm hoping all of you are well from the earthquake. We thought it was a terrorist issue and were relieved to learn it was just the ground shaking! Glad i had my car at work- public transportation looks like a mess...

Symptom question... I am 3 dpo/dpiui and I have these crazy AF like cramps.. Logic tells me it's way too early for implantation cramps.. What could it be? Can any of you relate? I take clomid and had a trigger- no other fertility meds...

I can relate...the trigger is the one that gives me all the AF symptoms including some prego ones i have read about.
I'm hoping all of you are well from the earthquake. We thought it was a terrorist issue and were relieved to learn it was just the ground shaking! Glad i had my car at work- public transportation looks like a mess...

Symptom question... I am 3 dpo/dpiui and I have these crazy AF like cramps.. Logic tells me it's way too early for implantation cramps.. What could it be? Can any of you relate? I take clomid and had a trigger- no other fertility meds...

I can relate...the trigger is the one that gives me all the AF symptoms including some prego ones i have read about.

Hi adroplet.. How long did that trigger stay in your system? I was planning to POAS and test it out- and much to my surprise- it's not showing up today which is 5.5 days since the trigger.. I'm wondering if it didn't work... If this is normal.. Did I mess up the injection somehow, etc.. So many questions!!
Just had my 4th cycle IUI about 2 hrs ago. It went well, I feel great. I will be having another tomorrow at 4pm.

Here we go......2WW!
I'm hoping all of you are well from the earthquake. We thought it was a terrorist issue and were relieved to learn it was just the ground shaking! Glad i had my car at work- public transportation looks like a mess...

Symptom question... I am 3 dpo/dpiui and I have these crazy AF like cramps.. Logic tells me it's way too early for implantation cramps.. What could it be? Can any of you relate? I take clomid and had a trigger- no other fertility meds...

I can relate...the trigger is the one that gives me all the AF symptoms including some prego ones i have read about.

Hi adroplet.. How long did that trigger stay in your system? I was planning to POAS and test it out- and much to my surprise- it's not showing up today which is 5.5 days since the trigger.. I'm wondering if it didn't work... If this is normal.. Did I mess up the injection somehow, etc.. So many questions!!

well, I tested 7 days past trigger and my strip was neg. but all the symptoms were still there during all the 2WW. I have read that it takes 10 days to get out of your system (about 1,000u a day) but it may vary. Maybe it is out and the side effects still linger?
I was so upset that my nurse didn't tell me the trigger caused AF/prego symptoms, I swore i was prego...........I was peeing every 40 minutes, i was so bloated my clothes didn't fit, my BBs were HUGE!!!
It just throws me off so I try not to pay attention to the symptoms and just wait and wait and wait.
OK - crazy question, but I'm glad you guys are talking about the trigger shot and how long it sticks around. When you say it is negative and gone, do you mean there is no second line on the strip? Or that there is a faint second line?

I have a definite second line (I'm 14 days since my trigger). It is certainly not as dark as the control line, but it is still there. But HPTs are all negative. I'm so confused...
OK - crazy question, but I'm glad you guys are talking about the trigger shot and how long it sticks around. When you say it is negative and gone, do you mean there is no second line on the strip? Or that there is a faint second line?

I have a definite second line (I'm 14 days since my trigger). It is certainly not as dark as the control line, but it is still there. But HPTs are all negative. I'm so confused...

what type of strip is giving you that faint second line? is it a OPK???....with those you will always have a faint second since you always have the LH in your system....

sorry if you know this about LH but just trying to answer your question!:flower:
Thank you - yes, it is an OPK. All the OPKs I have taken have never been this bright of a second line when I'm not getting ready to O. This month it's consistently definitely there - last month the process of testing out the trigger wasn't this bright. I don't know how else to describe it. Basically, I'm letting it mess with my head. LOL!

I think I need to step away from the OPKs... :)

All I know is that if I could get a refund on all the unnecessary birth control over the years when we weren't TTC, I could get quite the supply of OPKs and HPTs!
Just had my 4th cycle IUI about 2 hrs ago. It went well, I feel great. I will be having another tomorrow at 4pm.

Here we go......2WW!

:dust: I bet this is the one that gives you that BFP!
How is everyone doing? I hope I didn't miss any updates....I am trying to keep up but I am so terrible with keeping names straight....

I tested my trigger out on day 5 (I think it was day 5) and it wasn't showing up...so I was also hoping it even worked...I have tested again since then...actually last night, and it was a BFN.....

today I have fought a headache all day and even felt icky. I thought maybe I felt icky because I was hungry, but even eating didn't make it go away completely....It was an annoying kind of icky...but not one that I couldn't deal with...if that makes any sense. I am still hoping, but don't know if I feel like I am going to get lucky this time around either.

Life isn't always fair and the one nurse at my doctors said if she was in charge she wouldn't charge anyone for treatments...she said we all just deserve a little help. I thought that was so sweet. I wish I knew why life was so unfair sometimes...I like to look at life as a series of lessons we all need to go through and experience for one reason or another...and it just doesn't make any sense when you can't have what you want as easily as it is for others............especially if you have been the best person you know you can be..........life is a miracle but it certainly doesn't make any sense at times..................

Wishing you all the best and I'm going to stop babbling now. Hope to see more BFP's here! Baby dust to all!
Oh another thing Springy ... when I was TTC my daughter we first did an IUI with just Femara ... and BFN of course. Our VERY FIRST MONTH using injectables we got prego!!!! It WILL happen!!

That gives me a lot more hope!!!! The nurse did say that I should respond a lot better to Gonal F than clomid.

Just seems very overwhelming.

Touch I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must have been when they all of a sudden jumped to IVF and all the drugs that go along with it!

yeah.. i walked in thinking we were doing another IUI, walked out doing IVF.. my head is still spinning! i honestly can't wait for the whole thing to be over with.. i try to maintain some sort of good mood, but most days i dont feel well and i'm grumpy.. stressed out.. totally overwhelmed.. ugh!! today has been one of the worst days as i've had insomnia for several nights so i'm exhausted.. the lupron gives me headaches and todays has been awful and nonstop.. and just in general i do not feel like myself at all! :wacko:
Hi Ladies

Had my ovidrel trigger shot this morning. IUI scheduled for tomorrow and Saturday at 9:15.

Yesterday the ultra-sound showed 3 good follies - 2@19mm and 1@16mm.

Holding thumbs, and hoping for the best!

:dust: to you all!
I just had my iui on tuesday.. I have a slight bleeding on 3rd day dpiui, should i be worried? Does anyone had this experince? I've read that implantation bleeding happens on 6-12 dpo.
Oh another thing Springy ... when I was TTC my daughter we first did an IUI with just Femara ... and BFN of course. Our VERY FIRST MONTH using injectables we got prego!!!! It WILL happen!!

That gives me a lot more hope!!!! The nurse did say that I should respond a lot better to Gonal F than clomid.

Just seems very overwhelming.

Touch I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must have been when they all of a sudden jumped to IVF and all the drugs that go along with it!

yeah.. i walked in thinking we were doing another IUI, walked out doing IVF.. my head is still spinning! i honestly can't wait for the whole thing to be over with.. i try to maintain some sort of good mood, but most days i dont feel well and i'm grumpy.. stressed out.. totally overwhelmed.. ugh!! today has been one of the worst days as i've had insomnia for several nights so i'm exhausted.. the lupron gives me headaches and todays has been awful and nonstop.. and just in general i do not feel like myself at all! :wacko:

UGGHHH that does NOT sound like fun! I am not looking forward to the side effects from the injections at all .... how's your OH dealing with you on the drugs????

I know someone else asked about timing, I think PCOS did, and my clinic said all injections are to be done at night.
I just had my iui on tuesday.. I have a slight bleeding on 3rd day dpiui, should i be worried? Does anyone had this experince? I've read that implantation bleeding happens on 6-12 dpo.

I had bleeding from day 2 to day 4 post IUI on my second IUI and the doctor told me it was totally normal. They may have nicked your cervix while trying to get the catheter in.

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