IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Hey touch, your transfer will all depend on how your little embryos are doing. When I did my IVF w ICSI I had a 2 day transfer. U might even get to blast stage. U wont feel those dates coming, it's just around the corner. Fingers crossed xxxx

thanks! yeah the 3 day is just tentative plan for now. everything has happened so fast, i can't believe i'm already stimming.. and next is the big E-C! i'm nervous.. excited.. but my RE and nurse are my biggest cheerleaders (other than OH of course), so i feel good about it :)
Hey ladies, I haven't been around much the past couple of days, but I wanted to update everyone -- I got a BFN today, 14DPIUI, and I stopped taking my Prometrium a couple of days ago. I'm just waiting for AF to show up, but I'm pretty sure we'll take a month off before trying again.
After spending my morning googling 'positive results from bloodwork after negative HPTs,' my RE just confirmed my BFN this month. I don't know why I do this to myself. My gut said I wasn't - and clearly the bazillion tests I took said I wasn't - but I just kept on hoping. :cry:

We talked about a few ideas for next month - maybe doing back to back IUIs - couldn't hurt and DH does have good counts, and I ovulate regularly, so :shrug:???

My son was conceived the month we had a weekend away at the beach. We were both so stressed that it was clearly just what we needed. :)

Thursday of next week, DH and I are off for 4 nights/5 days to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. Perhaps it will be the magic touch again. A gal can hope...
Ok, so my CD10 follicle appt went as follows:

Uterine lining 11mm
Right ovary: (6) 14mm
Left ovary: (4) 14mm

At which point she stopped scanning me ... I have a crap-ton of follicles. The PA looked at me and said "You know if all these follicles mature then we most likely wont be able to do the IUI". Ok, so my heart totally sunk at that point. She said there is a possibility that we could convert this cycle to an IVF cycle. I have NO CLUE how they would do that ... I am shitting twinkies!! Seriously!! This is not what I expected. My fear is that I wont be able to to IUI or IVF. I put a call into my doctor cause I really need to talk to her. I hope she calls me back BUTTTT we all know how good my fertility clinic is about call backs...they suck.
Pcos I have heard others say they convert midway to ivf - essentially after you get your trigger they do the retrieval and then embry transfer portions of IVF. Is that something you and dh would consider??

As for Me AF showed up today right on schedule, so yet again another BFN. Devastated, depressed, defeated etc. All words I would use to describe how I am feeling right now. I will call tomorrow morning for my cd 3 us and bw appointment. At that time I will pick up my Gonal f pen -'I'm doing 150 IUI cd 3 to cd 7 and then scan and bw on cd 7 and they will assess assess then whether I need more drugs or if that is enough ... Very overwhelmed that I'm back at this. My time off from ttc was nice and really stress free .....
Littlebird, Hoping4baby2, PCOSmom & Springy I'm so sorry to hear your news.

Littlebird maybe a month off is what u need xxxxxxxxxx I know how u are feeling xxxxxx
Hoping4baby2, perhaps your few nights away will be the magic touch xxxxx
PCOSmom, just as Springy said they would basically give u the trigger when follies are ready and do egg collection. Will u have the money to swap over??
Springy, sorry your af showed up but fingers crossed it will be the last time for 9 months. Next month with injectibles will do the trick xxx
The Dh and I agreed we would do IVF as we wouldn't want to waste a month not to mention how painful this cycle has been already.

Do we have the money -- nope! But worst case scenario I would ask to borrow some money from my parent.

I have so many questions and it's been 2.5 hours and still no call back from my clinic. This is making me ill.
That's great that u can borrow the money. Can u ring your clinic again?? That's a long time to wait for a really important call back! Your head must be spinning.
I'm hoping all of you are well from the earthquake. We thought it was a terrorist issue and were relieved to learn it was just the ground shaking! Glad i had my car at work- public transportation looks like a mess...

Symptom question... I am 3 dpo/dpiui and I have these crazy AF like cramps.. Logic tells me it's way too early for implantation cramps.. What could it be? Can any of you relate? I take clomid and had a trigger- no other fertility meds...

I can relate...the trigger is the one that gives me all the AF symptoms including some prego ones i have read about.

Hi adroplet.. How long did that trigger stay in your system? I was planning to POAS and test it out- and much to my surprise- it's not showing up today which is 5.5 days since the trigger.. I'm wondering if it didn't work... If this is normal.. Did I mess up the injection somehow, etc.. So many questions!!

well, I tested 7 days past trigger and my strip was neg. but all the symptoms were still there during all the 2WW. I have read that it takes 10 days to get out of your system (about 1,000u a day) but it may vary. Maybe it is out and the side effects still linger?
I was so upset that my nurse didn't tell me the trigger caused AF/prego symptoms, I swore i was prego...........I was peeing every 40 minutes, i was so bloated my clothes didn't fit, my BBs were HUGE!!!
It just throws me off so I try not to pay attention to the symptoms and just wait and wait and wait.

You are so right!! I am driving myself crazy and I need to just take a chill for a bit. It's tough though! Thanks for the words of encouragement and I'll watch closely for your BFP posting!! Glad the IUI went well!!

2nd IUI also went well. The specimen was very good and now we just wait.
Something weird happened today....I went over to my mom's and my niece just went over to me, hugged me, put her ear to my belly and said, "i can hear a baby." WHOA!!!!! I was speachless because NOBODY is my family knows i'm TTC. I want it to be a BFP surprise.
hi ladies, i havent had a chance to read the most recent posts.. but i'm so... off. i just got back from acupuncture, which was a bust. he told me i'm too tense and stressed, and that you have to be relaxed to do acupuncture. umm.. i put on the form that the reason i'm going there is so stress! ahh. plus i had a fight w/the OH and ended up crying all the way home. lame.
Touch the Sky -- I'm sorry the acupuncture didn't go as planned. And fights really are a drag! Hopefully tomorrow will start fresh and happy for you! :hugs:
adroplet- good luck, fx'd!!

springy!! :hugs: hang in there girl..

littlebird and hoping4baby - sorry for your BFNs :(

pcosmom- keep us posted, i have a REALLY good feeling for you!!!
2nd IUI also went well. The specimen was very good and now we just wait.
Something weird happened today....I went over to my mom's and my niece just went over to me, hugged me, put her ear to my belly and said, "i can hear a baby." WHOA!!!!! I was speachless because NOBODY is my family knows i'm TTC. I want it to be a BFP surprise.

Wow adroplet that must have freaked u out but maybe she can sense something!!! Let's hope she's right xxx
Good morning everyone!!!!!

It's 5:30am here in South New Jersey and I'm wide awake and ready to head off to my cycle day 12 Ultrasound :happydance:

I have no idea what to expect or if this is an internal exam or regular ultrasound but at this point, I really don't mind either one of them.

DH won't be going with me to this appointment, he's still sleeping! :haha: But my mother who has been very hands on about this treatment, has offered to go with me, and I really like the idea of being with her for this.

Well I better get going! My appointment is at 7am and I live 50 minutes away from the Fertility Center...

Be back with updates later girls. :hugs:
Good early morning to everyone! https://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1757/1757615ozbn16z2ta.gif

It's 5AM here and I can't sleep! I have the Progesterone to thank for that! Gosh, that stuff is evil! It gaves me headaches, makes me nauseous, makes me tired during the day, then insomnia at night..argh!! But enough about that, let's move on to personals :)

Springy~I'm so very sorry about your BFN! It is sooo crushing!! Allow yourself to be mad, upset and sad! All those emotions are valid! Do NOT allow it to bring you down though! You take some time and then you stand up on your two feet and "fight" this! You will win! I have a good feeling about your moving to injectibles. Do not let it scare you Sweetie! I got pregnant with twins on my 1st round with injectibles, so remain strong and positive girl! It will happen! While FSH medication is more potent, it is also less damaging to your lining, etc. compared to Clomid. Hang in there! We are here for you!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! https://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/440/440576q8wrax7se2.gif

adroplet~I'm so glad that your IUI went well! We also have not told any of our family about our TTC again after the loss of the twins. Hubby and I just decided to try again, and keep it to ourselves for now. That way, we don't have to deal with questions, etc. Not that it would really bother me, but I KNOW my Mom is so desperate to have grandkids and she has none right now. I have a sister who is 35 and a brother who is 33 and both do not have any kids yet. My Mom will be 60 next February, so she's in her prime years to be a grandmother...anyways...I digressed here, but I just wanted to say that I understand you not telling anyone and wanting to keep it as a surprise. I also think your little niece story is so darn cute! I believe in the power of positive thinking and positive vibes in the atmosphere....if nothing else, this is a sign that it will be happening for you. I'm certain of it! Keep imagining yourself with a belly.....Good Luck to you!

Hoping4Baby2~ Awwwww! I'm so sorry about the BFN Sweetie! It totally sucks!! Remain positive and don't give up hope! Big Hugs to you xoxoxoxoxo https://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/440/440576q8wrax7se2.gif

Touch the Sky~ Wow! How exciting! IUI converted to IVF! Wooooo! I so hope this is it for you!! Sorry to hear about your negative experience with acupuncture- you are right, isn't it SUPPOSE to help you relax? Humph! Maybe try to find someone else to go to? Good Luck to you! Please keep us updated on your IVF journey :)

Sasha25~ GL with your IUI! Let us know how it goes!

Augustluvrs~ How are you girl? Is Irene causing havoc over there yet?? Be Safe!! How did you do with your trigger shot? It's really not that bad Honey! Mind over matter....you will do it like a pro!

wishful~ Two thumbs up on the 2 follies girl! Yay!! Keep pushing for that bloodwork, and ask them to check your Estradiol...or else...I'll come charging after them ;)

Squirrel Girl~ I hear you with the injections! I take a lot of it, as my protocol is an aggressive one. The medication itself makes me very emotional, like I'll find myself wanting to weep for nothing...then a couple of days later, all is fine! Crazy I tell ya! The progesterone is what really affects me! I hate that stuff! :(

Little Bird~ Big Hugs to you! I'm so sorry about the BFN! So heartbreaking!! Hang in there and remain positive! xooxoxoxox https://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/440/440576q8wrax7se2.gif

I checked our "Roll Call/Countdown List", and went looking to see if any of our top ladies had updated their signature and I know Michelle 78 had a chemical pregnancy- that is so darn sad :( And I believe I saw a post where MrsMM24 had a BFN as well (but not 100% sure)....I was so hoping she was going to get her BFP this time around. Kelly425 was also a BFN :( I hope they come to visit us!

AFM~ I will be at 7dpiui tomorrow so I will be testing for the first time this cycle! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Happy Saturday Beautiful Ladies!! Showering everyone with love today!!
Fallen Ambers ~ the progestorone does the same to me! And Irene is on it's way. Should be hitting up tonight and tomorrow.

AFM ~ I just got back from my ultrasound, everything sounds so confusing right now. I have 19 follicles on my right side with one at 9mm and I have 11 follicles on my left side with one at 13mm... SO.... no trigger shot today!

I have to go in on Wednesday morning for a second ultrasound. I hope I have a few more follicles maturing.

Also, they drew blood again and they used the same arm I had blood taken out of 8 days ago... SO... I'm already sore and bruised. But it's all worth it in the end :happydance:
Well girls, had my cd12 scan today. Right ovary follies 17mm & 14.5mm and left ovary follie is 14.5mm. IuI will be on tuesday so hopefully the smaller follies will be mature enough by then. Also had them take my blood today for the E2 test. I was told if my levels arent high enough then my cycle will be cancelled. I will get the results on Monday so fingers crossed it will go ahead.

LiSa2010 - 8/20 :hugs:
Wishful think /Libby - :hugs:
PCOSMomToOne/Mandy - :hugs:
SnL41296/Lisa - 8/19 :bfp:
Michelle78 - 8/20 :shrug:
Kelly425 - 8/22 :shrug:
MrsMM24/Maia - 8/23 :shrug:
Lochbride - 8/25 :shrug:
Littlebird - 8/26 :hugs:
Hoping4Baby2 - 8/26 :shrug:
Springy/Carolyn - 8/27 :hugs:
Rags - 8/29 :hugs:
azLissie - 8/30 :thumbup: *3 days*
Rona - 8/30 :thumbup: *3 days*
Sweatpea70 - 8/31 :thumbup: *4 days*
kissyfacelala 9/1 :thumbup: *5 days*
USAMOM 09/2 :thumbup: *6 days*
Fallen Ambers 9/4 :thumbup: *8 days*
adroplet 9/7 :thumbup: *11 days*

I am missing updates for some people so...if you hear from them I can update. Once August is over I will delete the August testers just so the list doesn't get too long. :thumbup:
Well girls, had my cd12 scan today. Right ovary follies 17mm & 14.5mm and left ovary follie is 14.5mm. IuI will be on tuesday so hopefully the smaller follies will be mature enough by then. Also had them take my blood today for the E2 test. I was told if my levels arent high enough then my cycle will be cancelled. I will get the results on Monday so fingers crossed it will go ahead.

That's great news.......hope it all goes well.:hugs:

and lots of :dust::dust::dust:

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