IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Just got back from my CY10 u/s. Quite discouraging. I only had one follicle on each side. One was at 17, the other was 13. My RE said that the 13 probably won't mature. After all that clomid- it scares me. My donor is no longer active and I really need the BFP this month to give my son a full sibling.. :cry:

What dose of Clomid were you taking?

I have seen people get pregnant with 1 follicle, if you think about it, that's normally all women get. It IS possible for that 13 to catch up, if you IUI isn't for another few days, it really only needs to get to 15-18mm to contain a viable egg.

Good luck girly ... keep us updated!
augustluvers -- I agree with all the girls about men, they are just programmed MUCH differently then we are. My problem isn't only the emotions but all these meds are breaking down my body. I get sick more often and really bad. It's proven fertility meds weaken the immune system and I'm sure they have long term effects. My husband informed me that after this IVF cycle, and it fails, we will no longer be TTC ever again. Talk about all my eggs in one basket.

I've been considering taking next month off as well. I REALLY don't want to but I have had an outrageous sore throat for 3 weeks now. The doctors can't figure out what it is and to be quite honest, I worry about it. Wow...sorry for the long post!!! Eek!
Thanks PCOCS... It was only 100 mg- but I got pregnant with my first on the first cycle with only 50 mg (actually got pregnant with twins)..

My RE said she would watch me closely for another day or two to see what happens.. I just called the cryobank and they DO have some IUI samples for my donor who is inactive- they are only available for sibling pregnancies so not listed on the website order form. This makes all the difference in the world! Thanks for the encouragement.. I'm going through this alone (single mom by choice)- and sometimes just need to hear the kind words.
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??
augustluvers -- I agree with all the girls about men, they are just programmed MUCH differently then we are. My problem isn't only the emotions but all these meds are breaking down my body. I get sick more often and really bad. It's proven fertility meds weaken the immune system and I'm sure they have long term effects. My husband informed me that after this IVF cycle, and it fails, we will no longer be TTC ever again. Talk about all my eggs in one basket.

I've been considering taking next month off as well. I REALLY don't want to but I have had an outrageous sore throat for 3 weeks now. The doctors can't figure out what it is and to be quite honest, I worry about it. Wow...sorry for the long post!!! Eek!

I just wanted to respond to this.. That must be so stressful for you!! I have caught a cold both months the week after taking Clomid. I thought it was just a freak of nature- but now I wonder.. I cannot imagine with all the stuff you are taking it must be pretty miserable.. Sending best wishes your way and I REALLY hope that you get your BFP with that IVF!!
Astellarmom ~ I'm sorry you're you having to decided on IUI vs. BD, I don't have any answers for you, since I'm relatively new in this forum, but you're in my thoughts and I would say, that if you could wait and just do the bd for now, then maybe do that :shrug: I hope you find the answers that you are searching for :hugs:

Update on me : I don't know if I'm cramping or if I have air stick inside of me. It surely isn't AF cramps and it only comes when I'm walking around. Weird and super :wacko:

Still no AF, no spotting or anything... just lots of creamy CM, super duper sore boobs :haha:

PCOS ~ Thank you so much for your kind words :hugs:

You girls are rock! :hugs: to you all!
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:
My husband informed me that after this IVF cycle, and it fails, we will no longer be TTC ever again.

Although we're not doing IVF, I've heard this one as well.
I can't quite wrap my head around it yet, but it might be a good idea for someone to put an end to this. I can't seem to stop it myself.

August-so sorry to hear about what you are going through with your DH. I hope you two work things out. I agree that men are totally different than women in the way they deal with things bt it doesn't mean they don't want a baby as much as you do. With my Dh after our first IUI failed i started to cry and he looked over at me started to cry too (I had never seen him cry before!), I felt so bad that I was letting him down and upsetting him that it made me feel worse. I guess both ends of the spectrum have their pros and cons. Anyways hang in there and remeber this whole process is making us and our relationships stronger!
USA mom- your follicles are sounding good, glad to hear there are backup reserves of your donor!
Stellar-Hard choice on the BD vs IUI, IUI does have better odd but it depends on what your issues are. GL what ever you decide to do :)
Hope everyone else is doing well today :)
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:

This made me laugh! I am pretty sure that sex does not result in a baby!!! lol talk about being jaded!
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:

LMAO!!!!!!!! I'm with you .... and honestly if I knew sex didn't result in a baby I wouldn't have spent a large portion of my early adult life paranoid that I was going to get pregnant even being on the pill and using condoms I was afraid. Little did I know that my uterus was hostile and didn't welcome babies!!! :haha:
augustluvers -- I agree with all the girls about men, they are just programmed MUCH differently then we are. My problem isn't only the emotions but all these meds are breaking down my body. I get sick more often and really bad. It's proven fertility meds weaken the immune system and I'm sure they have long term effects. My husband informed me that after this IVF cycle, and it fails, we will no longer be TTC ever again. Talk about all my eggs in one basket.

I've been considering taking next month off as well. I REALLY don't want to but I have had an outrageous sore throat for 3 weeks now. The doctors can't figure out what it is and to be quite honest, I worry about it. Wow...sorry for the long post!!! Eek!

With 11 frosties you won't have to go through the IVF process again ... and I still believe that you will get your BFP from the embies and then at least one more after that!!!!

My husband is opposite from your husbands .... I said the other day that I am going to have to come to terms with the fact we may never have kids and he said "I will NOT allow you to accept that - WE WILL have kids!" so while he isn't the most "mushy and sensitive" he is pretty firm that we will keep trying and he said max 4 IVF in a lifetime .....
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:

This made me laugh! I am pretty sure that sex does not result in a baby!!! lol talk about being jaded!

Harvest - how was the anniversary???
there's also such thing as using donated embryos.. my acupuncturist was telling me about her friend who did that. i plan on donating my embryos when we are done TTC.
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:

This made me laugh! I am pretty sure that sex does not result in a baby!!! lol talk about being jaded!

Harvest - how was the anniversary???

Hey it was good, we had a romantic skype, DH is away right now for work so I had to settle for that! We are going out for dinner next weekend to a really nice spot so I am sure we will make up for it ;) Enjoy the BP last night?
augustluvers -- I agree with all the girls about men, they are just programmed MUCH differently then we are. My problem isn't only the emotions but all these meds are breaking down my body. I get sick more often and really bad. It's proven fertility meds weaken the immune system and I'm sure they have long term effects. My husband informed me that after this IVF cycle, and it fails, we will no longer be TTC ever again. Talk about all my eggs in one basket.

I've been considering taking next month off as well. I REALLY don't want to but I have had an outrageous sore throat for 3 weeks now. The doctors can't figure out what it is and to be quite honest, I worry about it. Wow...sorry for the long post!!! Eek!

With 11 frosties you won't have to go through the IVF process again ... and I still believe that you will get your BFP from the embies and then at least one more after that!!!!

My husband is opposite from your husbands .... I said the other day that I am going to have to come to terms with the fact we may never have kids and he said "I will NOT allow you to accept that - WE WILL have kids!" so while he isn't the most "mushy and sensitive" he is pretty firm that we will keep trying and he said max 4 IVF in a lifetime .....

Unfortunately we only have 5 frosties ... none are of excellent quality either. :cry:
Well...... I started spotting.... Got a call in to my doctor's office hoping I don't have to bother with the beta HCG tomorrow if AF shows tonight. Bah.... So moving on to #3, I suppose!

Going back a page or two.... If I remember correctly, a progesterone level over 10 on an unmedicated cycle is good and shows you ovulated. For a medicated cycle, they want the number to be over 15. The higher the better, I'm guessing.

Sorry to everyone else I'm missing. I'm feeling pretty down and self-obsessed at the moment. :flower:
Hello everyone! I am going back and forth on doing IUI with this cycle. This is our first cycle with Gonal-f. I have been taking the injections for 10 days today. Everything has been really slow to respond. The first ultrasound showed 2 follies at 9 and 6...not too great. With an E2 of 77, they increased my Gonal-f to 225. When I went in on Sunday, I had 2 other small follies, both around 6, but the others were only a little over 10. I am hoping that when I go in on Friday, we are ready to trigger, because I do not know how long I can stay on injections before they throw in the towel. With the unexpected additional medication I had to purchase for this cycle, I am just not sure about spending the $$ on IUI vs BD....any thoughts??

It's a tough decision when it gets expensive, but I've pretty much given up on the idea that sex will get me pregnant. Just my opinion though.

Good luck with whatever you choose. :hugs:

LMAO!!!!!!!! I'm with you .... and honestly if I knew sex didn't result in a baby I wouldn't have spent a large portion of my early adult life paranoid that I was going to get pregnant even being on the pill and using condoms I was afraid. Little did I know that my uterus was hostile and didn't welcome babies!!! :haha:

LMAO...that is so funny.:haha: I remember months of panic worrying that I was pregnant. What a crazy world we live in.
there's also such thing as using donated embryos.. my acupuncturist was telling me about her friend who did that. i plan on donating my embryos when we are done TTC.

Our friends just donated their embryos - they have a 5 1/2 year old and 1 year old twins from IVF. For them they just couldn't bear the thought of destroying them and she is unable to carry more children. She is the first at her clinic and they were able to select who the embies went to.

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