IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

Sorry August - hope everything turns out okay.

I go on Day 3 for my Day 3 scan - hopefully there are no cysts and I can proceed with IUI #2.
Hi ladies!

Congrats to Caphybear and Touch for their BFPs!

I am back from taking a cycle off, and I'm going to be having an IUI this week, I think. Went today for a follicle check. 15mm and 16mm on left side, 3 10mm on right side. I did more Follistim today and tomorrow then another ultrasound Wednesday morning. Hopefully the 3rd time will be the charm. I am trying to stay positive and keep thinking that pregnancy is possible, but I'm having a really hard time believing it!

I'm so new to this so would appreciate feedback. Just had my very first scan for my IUI
and have 3 follies-two are 18mm and one is 19mm. I did Clomid 50mg 5-9 and on cd11. Dr. said lining is good, and we got Dh's SA back at 340 million/40%/excellent progression (136 live sperm this sample).
I was told to bd when I got home (which I did) & have to trigger with ovidrel tonight at 5pm and then go back on Wed. for 9:00 IUI (8:15 collection & wash).

I just wanted to give this first IUI a try so that I could finally just say we've done everything we can do and no regrets because after 3 years almost at our age I just haven't ever thought we'd get pg naturally-I had NO hopes of it actually working.
Now, I can't help myself. I'm shaking and crying and emotional (Clomid anyone?) with the hopes that maybe possibly we could be pg in two weeks..............this is going to be a hell of a roller coaster, I know it. : (

Hi Titi and welcome! Have you now had the first IUI insemination? How are you feeling? We've all been there with making sure we can do everything right and it puts a massive strain on us and our hubbies. Ultimately there is nothing you can do ''wrong'' (other than go out and get completely drunk of course!), going to the gym, socialising and carrying on your normal life after IUI is said to be completely fine - its just up to you how you feel. The emotions you are feeling are completely normal - I have it too every month, its from the hormones in the Clomid and the pressure that we are putting ourselves through with these treatments. It is an emotional roller coaster but we have to all be hopeful that at the end of it is a lovely result and surely it can only make us all stronger as women and mothers eventually. I found keeping a diary helped - hopefully for you the first round will work, but if it doesn't you can look back on your diary during your next round and remember each day how you were feeling - chances are your symptons will be the same.

I really like Zita West - not sure if you have heard of her but she is a fertility expert in London practising traditional and non-traditional. I think its very expensive to see her (which we haven't done!) but you can buy her books and also her relaxation CD's are great - they have really helped me through my bad days. She has a website if you just google Zita West.

I also find accupuncture really helps. There are ton's of success stories with accupuncture and IVF, but now there are some with IUI too. They recommend a few sessions before the insemenation and one a week after - but don't take my word for it if you are going to do it please speak to an expert.

Try not to get too caught up on the size of the follies - I live in Amsterdam and they are very laid back. Their motto is they won't tell you information they don't think you need to know or worry about so they show me on the screen how big my follies are but they never go into the specific dimentions and I'm glad because I have so many other things to worry about if I started worrying about millimeters here and there I would completely fall of the edge of sanity as I'm almost there already! :)

I hope this has helped a bit and I hope you are doing ok now you are probably in your 2WW. Try and relax, eat some nice cake, call a friend, take a nice walk, stock up on cheesy chick flicks and books to take your mind off it and if you can do some kind of relaxation CD.
GL for you results tomorrow touch!
HI to everyone else! Welcome bluebird and crc, good luck with the IUIs!
I'm back in for another scan tomorrow morning, keeping FX for more follies. They upped my meds so hopefully my 6 have increased! Have been super tired all weekend must be from the meds, anyone else get super tired from stimming?

Hi Harvest, thanks for the welcome - I think perhaps I ''met'' you on another forum on baby and bump a few months ago? I recognise your name. Are you still on IUI and if so what round? Good luck today - hope you have lots of ripe follies! :)

Hi CRC, yes i totally remember you from another thread. We are done with IUI, tried 4 rounds and none worked. 3 with clomid and 1 with injectibles. We are in the middle of our first IVF. I have never been so exhausted!!! They upped my meds on Friday and I have been a zombie ever since. Scan went well today, I have at least 8 follies now. Starting the cetrotide tomorrow aswell and back for another scan on Thursday. ER should be this weekend. How are you? still trying IUI?

Titi-sounds like your scan went really well today too! Good luck with the IUI on Wednesday

August-:hugs: So sorry you are having a tough time. Hang in there and I have everything crossed that this cycle works out for you

Hi to everyone else, hope you had a good weekend.

Hi Harvest, its good to talk again although I'm sorry you are also still here. I'm glad to hear you've moved onto something else - I do feel they keep us trying the IUI for ages. In the Netherlands they won't let me start IVF until I'e done 6 rounds of IUI - I've tried to argue this many times but at the moment they won't budge. I'm really at the end of my patience because IUI with the meds is also exhausting me and if we do have to do IVF I want to have energy for it! I'm in the 2WW of my 3rd round of IUI - but I've had 4 months of the meds because one had to stop as there were too many follies. If this doesn't work I'm going to talk to them again - maybe I'll negotiate with them I'll do one more IUI or something! Good luck with the IVF, I can imagine you must be exhausted. Are you also working or did you stop with IVF? I always think I would need a month off for IVF - I can barely get through the working day now! Good luck with the ER - will be thinking of you. x
Hi ladies, I'm 7dp2dt today :) yesterday I had (tmi alert) a bad case of diarrhea for a few hours?! Never had that before and I had bad cramping along with it, today I'm getting weird poking feelings but no more runs (thankfully!!!!) Is this normal during the 2ww in IVF?

I'm so new to this so would appreciate feedback. Just had my very first scan for my IUI
and have 3 follies-two are 18mm and one is 19mm. I did Clomid 50mg 5-9 and on cd11. Dr. said lining is good, and we got Dh's SA back at 340 million/40%/excellent progression (136 live sperm this sample).
I was told to bd when I got home (which I did) & have to trigger with ovidrel tonight at 5pm and then go back on Wed. for 9:00 IUI (8:15 collection & wash).

I just wanted to give this first IUI a try so that I could finally just say we've done everything we can do and no regrets because after 3 years almost at our age I just haven't ever thought we'd get pg naturally-I had NO hopes of it actually working.
Now, I can't help myself. I'm shaking and crying and emotional (Clomid anyone?) with the hopes that maybe possibly we could be pg in two weeks..............this is going to be a hell of a roller coaster, I know it. : (

Hi Titi and welcome! Have you now had the first IUI insemination? How are you feeling? We've all been there with making sure we can do everything right and it puts a massive strain on us and our hubbies. Ultimately there is nothing you can do ''wrong'' (other than go out and get completely drunk of course!), going to the gym, socialising and carrying on your normal life after IUI is said to be completely fine - its just up to you how you feel. The emotions you are feeling are completely normal - I have it too every month, its from the hormones in the Clomid and the pressure that we are putting ourselves through with these treatments. It is an emotional roller coaster but we have to all be hopeful that at the end of it is a lovely result and surely it can only make us all stronger as women and mothers eventually. I found keeping a diary helped - hopefully for you the first round will work, but if it doesn't you can look back on your diary during your next round and remember each day how you were feeling - chances are your symptons will be the same.

I really like Zita West - not sure if you have heard of her but she is a fertility expert in London practising traditional and non-traditional. I think its very expensive to see her (which we haven't done!) but you can buy her books and also her relaxation CD's are great - they have really helped me through my bad days. She has a website if you just google Zita West.

I also find accupuncture really helps. There are ton's of success stories with accupuncture and IVF, but now there are some with IUI too. They recommend a few sessions before the insemenation and one a week after - but don't take my word for it if you are going to do it please speak to an expert.

Try not to get too caught up on the size of the follies - I live in Amsterdam and they are very laid back. Their motto is they won't tell you information they don't think you need to know or worry about so they show me on the screen how big my follies are but they never go into the specific dimentions and I'm glad because I have so many other things to worry about if I started worrying about millimeters here and there I would completely fall of the edge of sanity as I'm almost there already! :)

I hope this has helped a bit and I hope you are doing ok now you are probably in your 2WW. Try and relax, eat some nice cake, call a friend, take a nice walk, stock up on cheesy chick flicks and books to take your mind off it and if you can do some kind of relaxation CD.

Thank you CRC! I appreciate all your feedback! I'm not quite in 2ww yet-going tomorrow for 1st IUI. It's going to be a LONG wait.

I like how you point out to not worry about the specifics-this is exactly what I've been doing and should put the energy somewhere else! I can't help any of it-and only use it to compare myself to bfns and bfps (which never works as everyone's so difference) so should focus on something else.

The diary does help-I kept a ttc diary for the first 10 cycles but then it got too painful to write in it anymore. Finally I started a journal on here to get out the emotions and keep track of symptoms to help with getting my hopes up over SS and it's been a lifesaver-that and the girls on bnb.

I did acupuncture late in the first year and didn't find anything positive as a result but it may be a good idea to try a new practitioner with next IUI as a boost because I too have seen those studies!

One thing that has helped with this IUI is that after the first two failed years of ttc#1 we went on an NTNP break for almost a year. We seriously needed the mental break, time to evaluate our situation/options/future and basically give all those people who say "relax it will happen" "take a holiday" etc. a chance to be right (ha-WRONG!). Going into this first IUI cycle after just having sex for fun instead of bd on demand and not actively doing all the ltttc hell we went through for a couple of years has at least made this like a fresh start. We actually were looking forward to our pre-IUI bd instead of it being a chore as so many were in the past year and my optimism is as high as it was the first month we ever ttc rather than the NO HOPE I've had last year+. I'm sure this won't last as we get back into the full TTC swing, but the break in between LTTTC and assisted conception has seriously helped tons.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: and super :dust: to you and all other girls!!!
oh no! I'm having ovulation pains in my ovary 25 hours before IUI! Am I going to ov too early??? Trigger shot last night at 5pm with 18-19mm follies.
oh no! I'm having ovulation pains in my ovary 25 hours before IUI! Am I going to ov too early??? Trigger shot last night at 5pm with 18-19mm follies.

This is normal, I usually get them before my trigger shot even and the nurses say its a good sign - its the other medication you are on too which makes the eggs so my cramps start before I have the trigger shot. You are bound to feel symptons. Just try and relax. Good luck.

I'm so new to this so would appreciate feedback. Just had my very first scan for my IUI
and have 3 follies-two are 18mm and one is 19mm. I did Clomid 50mg 5-9 and on cd11. Dr. said lining is good, and we got Dh's SA back at 340 million/40%/excellent progression (136 live sperm this sample).
I was told to bd when I got home (which I did) & have to trigger with ovidrel tonight at 5pm and then go back on Wed. for 9:00 IUI (8:15 collection & wash).

I just wanted to give this first IUI a try so that I could finally just say we've done everything we can do and no regrets because after 3 years almost at our age I just haven't ever thought we'd get pg naturally-I had NO hopes of it actually working.
Now, I can't help myself. I'm shaking and crying and emotional (Clomid anyone?) with the hopes that maybe possibly we could be pg in two weeks..............this is going to be a hell of a roller coaster, I know it. : (

Hi Titi and welcome! Have you now had the first IUI insemination? How are you feeling? We've all been there with making sure we can do everything right and it puts a massive strain on us and our hubbies. Ultimately there is nothing you can do ''wrong'' (other than go out and get completely drunk of course!), going to the gym, socialising and carrying on your normal life after IUI is said to be completely fine - its just up to you how you feel. The emotions you are feeling are completely normal - I have it too every month, its from the hormones in the Clomid and the pressure that we are putting ourselves through with these treatments. It is an emotional roller coaster but we have to all be hopeful that at the end of it is a lovely result and surely it can only make us all stronger as women and mothers eventually. I found keeping a diary helped - hopefully for you the first round will work, but if it doesn't you can look back on your diary during your next round and remember each day how you were feeling - chances are your symptons will be the same.

I really like Zita West - not sure if you have heard of her but she is a fertility expert in London practising traditional and non-traditional. I think its very expensive to see her (which we haven't done!) but you can buy her books and also her relaxation CD's are great - they have really helped me through my bad days. She has a website if you just google Zita West.

I also find accupuncture really helps. There are ton's of success stories with accupuncture and IVF, but now there are some with IUI too. They recommend a few sessions before the insemenation and one a week after - but don't take my word for it if you are going to do it please speak to an expert.

Try not to get too caught up on the size of the follies - I live in Amsterdam and they are very laid back. Their motto is they won't tell you information they don't think you need to know or worry about so they show me on the screen how big my follies are but they never go into the specific dimentions and I'm glad because I have so many other things to worry about if I started worrying about millimeters here and there I would completely fall of the edge of sanity as I'm almost there already! :)

I hope this has helped a bit and I hope you are doing ok now you are probably in your 2WW. Try and relax, eat some nice cake, call a friend, take a nice walk, stock up on cheesy chick flicks and books to take your mind off it and if you can do some kind of relaxation CD.

Thank you CRC! I appreciate all your feedback! I'm not quite in 2ww yet-going tomorrow for 1st IUI. It's going to be a LONG wait.

I like how you point out to not worry about the specifics-this is exactly what I've been doing and should put the energy somewhere else! I can't help any of it-and only use it to compare myself to bfns and bfps (which never works as everyone's so difference) so should focus on something else.

The diary does help-I kept a ttc diary for the first 10 cycles but then it got too painful to write in it anymore. Finally I started a journal on here to get out the emotions and keep track of symptoms to help with getting my hopes up over SS and it's been a lifesaver-that and the girls on bnb.

I did acupuncture late in the first year and didn't find anything positive as a result but it may be a good idea to try a new practitioner with next IUI as a boost because I too have seen those studies!

One thing that has helped with this IUI is that after the first two failed years of ttc#1 we went on an NTNP break for almost a year. We seriously needed the mental break, time to evaluate our situation/options/future and basically give all those people who say "relax it will happen" "take a holiday" etc. a chance to be right (ha-WRONG!). Going into this first IUI cycle after just having sex for fun instead of bd on demand and not actively doing all the ltttc hell we went through for a couple of years has at least made this like a fresh start. We actually were looking forward to our pre-IUI bd instead of it being a chore as so many were in the past year and my optimism is as high as it was the first month we ever ttc rather than the NO HOPE I've had last year+. I'm sure this won't last as we get back into the full TTC swing, but the break in between LTTTC and assisted conception has seriously helped tons.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: and super :dust: to you and all other girls!!!

Its really great you took a break - you should remind yourself in your diary of the feelings you had while you were on a break so if this doesn't work and it gets too much - you know you can just take a break. We took a break last month and I asked the doctors permission - they were actually really happy with me and said its very healthy on this long journey we are on to give ourselves breaks so you should remember that too. Take it easy and try not to sweat the small stuff. Remember the doctors know what they are doing, you have to put your faith in them and let them worry about the size/amount of the follies while you worry about making sure you have something nice planned to do/eat/watch etc to take your mind off it. You can't do their job and your job! Good luck with IUI tomorrow - have you taken the day off work? I usually do, but you don't have to. Its nice if you can, the trigger shot usually kicks in and can make you feel pretty exhausted. Not sure if they warned you but it can give you pregnancy like symptons - sore boobs, tired, hungry etc. I have actually had to buy myself a maternity bra and have ended up wearing it for a few days after each IUI. Don't be freaked out if you feel completely shattered after the IUI, its just the emotional pressure of it and the hormones in the trigger shot. Plan something nice for yourself and take it easy. Hope this helps.x
GL for you results tomorrow touch!
HI to everyone else! Welcome bluebird and crc, good luck with the IUIs!
I'm back in for another scan tomorrow morning, keeping FX for more follies. They upped my meds so hopefully my 6 have increased! Have been super tired all weekend must be from the meds, anyone else get super tired from stimming?

Hi Harvest, thanks for the welcome - I think perhaps I ''met'' you on another forum on baby and bump a few months ago? I recognise your name. Are you still on IUI and if so what round? Good luck today - hope you have lots of ripe follies! :)

Hi CRC, yes i totally remember you from another thread. We are done with IUI, tried 4 rounds and none worked. 3 with clomid and 1 with injectibles. We are in the middle of our first IVF. I have never been so exhausted!!! They upped my meds on Friday and I have been a zombie ever since. Scan went well today, I have at least 8 follies now. Starting the cetrotide tomorrow aswell and back for another scan on Thursday. ER should be this weekend. How are you? still trying IUI?

Titi-sounds like your scan went really well today too! Good luck with the IUI on Wednesday

August-:hugs: So sorry you are having a tough time. Hang in there and I have everything crossed that this cycle works out for you

Hi to everyone else, hope you had a good weekend.

harvest, your ER is this weekend? that was fast! how exciting :happydance: let me know how it goes :hugs:
oh no! I'm having ovulation pains in my ovary 25 hours before IUI! Am I going to ov too early??? Trigger shot last night at 5pm with 18-19mm follies.

This is normal, I usually get them before my trigger shot even and the nurses say its a good sign - its the other medication you are on too which makes the eggs so my cramps start before I have the trigger shot. You are bound to feel symptons. Just try and relax. Good luck.

ahhhhh yes-relaxing! I obviously forgot all about that again already!!! LOL.

Do they also usually do an ultrasound right before the IUI to confirm that you didn't ov and doublecheck the size of the follies or will I go straight to IUI.?
Thanks CRC for the tips and info. DH and I have our own business with a home office, so although I haven't officially taken the day off-I don't have much lined up and can take it easy if need be. I was preparing myself for feeling pregnant-last time I took Clomid my progesterone levels were over 100 which did me in by itself-and I imagine the trigger shot doesn't help. Looks like I'll have to get some good movies or maybe even get dh to play a game with me : )
Good morning, Ladies...

LittleBird- Welcome back and good luck as you continue your TTC journey!

Titi- best of luck with your IUI! Hope that you get your bfp!

Sonya- I've never done IVF- but I found your post interesting. Exact same thing happened to me on Saturday and that was 8 days post iui. Happens when my AF comes sometimes too- so I was optimistic that it had something to do with implantation.. Hopefully it's a good sign for you!

CRC- you give such good sweet advice! I love reading your posts...

Right now I'm 11 dpiui and I'm turning into a crazy symptom spotter and POAS addict. Those ICs look like they have a very very faint pink line- but then again- it could be my eyes playing tricks on me with an evaporation line. It's so bad this month. I did a trigger and then flushed the needle with water onto one of the tests so I coudl see what a strong BFP looked like.. Then- I tested EVERY single day afterward to test the trigger out of my system. So- now that it's gone- I'm crazy trying to determine if I'll get the BFP. Crazy AF like cramps- but nothing yet.. I'm cautiously optimistic though!

Best of luck to all of you!

oh no! I'm having ovulation pains in my ovary 25 hours before IUI! Am I going to ov too early??? Trigger shot last night at 5pm with 18-19mm follies.

This is normal, I usually get them before my trigger shot even and the nurses say its a good sign - its the other medication you are on too which makes the eggs so my cramps start before I have the trigger shot. You are bound to feel symptons. Just try and relax. Good luck.

ahhhhh yes-relaxing! I obviously forgot all about that again already!!! LOL.

Do they also usually do an ultrasound right before the IUI to confirm that you didn't ov and doublecheck the size of the follies or will I go straight to IUI.?

Titi- I asked my RE this and she said that since they did the ultrasound 24 hours prior that they felt good about the IUI- even if I "did" ovulate a little early.. Not sure if it's true or not- but it made me feel better..
USAMOM ~ You are almost there sweetie. I went crazy last cycle testing twice or 3 times a day because I wanted that BFP! lol But I do hope that you get yours :hugs:

As for me. Yesterday at 8:15pm I took my first dose of 150mg of Clomid. But the pharmacy said to come back today and get the rest of my supply because they were out. They wont have my prescription until 5pm but I'll me at Grad School and won't be getting home until almost 11pm!!!! So I'm going to be soo late at getting my prescription! But oh well, right, I gotta do what I gotta do.
eeeeks USAmom I'm way too excited for you! I've never in my life even got a HINT of a second line so hoping hoping hoping it's good news!!!

I'm going to test out the ovidrel trigger too-when was it gone for you?
oh no! I'm having ovulation pains in my ovary 25 hours before IUI! Am I going to ov too early??? Trigger shot last night at 5pm with 18-19mm follies.

This is normal, I usually get them before my trigger shot even and the nurses say its a good sign - its the other medication you are on too which makes the eggs so my cramps start before I have the trigger shot. You are bound to feel symptons. Just try and relax. Good luck.

ahhhhh yes-relaxing! I obviously forgot all about that again already!!! LOL.

Do they also usually do an ultrasound right before the IUI to confirm that you didn't ov and doublecheck the size of the follies or will I go straight to IUI.?

They haven't ever done that with me and I did always wonder in the beginning why they don't but again its another thing we have to trust them on. I guess hospitals might vary so yours could be different. You can ask them so you are prepared but usually they don't. They do encourage you to lie there for 20 mins after, if you have some nice music take an ipod or something as the hospitals/clinics can be quite sterile. Mine even turn the lights off for me to let me really relax after! :)
Thanks CRC for the tips and info. DH and I have our own business with a home office, so although I haven't officially taken the day off-I don't have much lined up and can take it easy if need be. I was preparing myself for feeling pregnant-last time I took Clomid my progesterone levels were over 100 which did me in by itself-and I imagine the trigger shot doesn't help. Looks like I'll have to get some good movies or maybe even get dh to play a game with me : )

Sounds like you've got the right idea. Personally I wasn't interested in spending time with my husband and we agreed that next time he might actually go out! I got on far better trying to relax while I was on my own with some good books and movies - it must be the hormones because as soon as he walked in the door I was like crazy woman for no reason at all, poor guy! Everyone is different though but if you do feel your hormones rising perhaps go out for a walk (or tell him to!) but hopefully you won't hate your husband like I did! Poor guy...Glad you are prepared for the feeling pregnant bit - it was quite a shock to me at first, especially the pain in my boobs. It was quite upsetting buying a maternity bra not being pregnant but oh well at least I have them now!! Good luck tomorrow. Keep me posted.
eeeeks USAmom I'm way too excited for you! I've never in my life even got a HINT of a second line so hoping hoping hoping it's good news!!!

I'm going to test out the ovidrel trigger too-when was it gone for you?

It was gone after only 6 days in both of my cycles..
GL for you results tomorrow touch!
HI to everyone else! Welcome bluebird and crc, good luck with the IUIs!
I'm back in for another scan tomorrow morning, keeping FX for more follies. They upped my meds so hopefully my 6 have increased! Have been super tired all weekend must be from the meds, anyone else get super tired from stimming?

Hi Harvest, thanks for the welcome - I think perhaps I ''met'' you on another forum on baby and bump a few months ago? I recognise your name. Are you still on IUI and if so what round? Good luck today - hope you have lots of ripe follies! :)

Hi CRC, yes i totally remember you from another thread. We are done with IUI, tried 4 rounds and none worked. 3 with clomid and 1 with injectibles. We are in the middle of our first IVF. I have never been so exhausted!!! They upped my meds on Friday and I have been a zombie ever since. Scan went well today, I have at least 8 follies now. Starting the cetrotide tomorrow aswell and back for another scan on Thursday. ER should be this weekend. How are you? still trying IUI?

Titi-sounds like your scan went really well today too! Good luck with the IUI on Wednesday

August-:hugs: So sorry you are having a tough time. Hang in there and I have everything crossed that this cycle works out for you

Hi to everyone else, hope you had a good weekend.

Hi Harvest, its good to talk again although I'm sorry you are also still here. I'm glad to hear you've moved onto something else - I do feel they keep us trying the IUI for ages. In the Netherlands they won't let me start IVF until I'e done 6 rounds of IUI - I've tried to argue this many times but at the moment they won't budge. I'm really at the end of my patience because IUI with the meds is also exhausting me and if we do have to do IVF I want to have energy for it! I'm in the 2WW of my 3rd round of IUI - but I've had 4 months of the meds because one had to stop as there were too many follies. If this doesn't work I'm going to talk to them again - maybe I'll negotiate with them I'll do one more IUI or something! Good luck with the IVF, I can imagine you must be exhausted. Are you also working or did you stop with IVF? I always think I would need a month off for IVF - I can barely get through the working day now! Good luck with the ER - will be thinking of you. x

Wow 6 cycles, that is alot. Our Dr recommends 3 but I pushed for 4 because I wasn't ready for IVF yet. Are you cycles funded? We pay out of pocket so it is kind of up to us based on our Dr's recommendations. I have also heard that 6 months is the max you can do clomid? But not too sure about that. Yup still working through the IVF, planning to take next week off for the EC recovery and the ET. Dr says I only need 24 hrs bed rest after ET but I am taking 48 just to be cautious. So excited for the weekend, can't wait to make some embies!!! Good luck to you, I'll be thinking of you too :hugs:

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