IUI/IVF Aug/Sept/Oct/November

I hope you dont mind if I join you girls, I really need some ttc budies who are going through what i am, so here is my positive opk that I just took ( cd 15 today ), I had my 13cd ultrasound on Wednesday and had three follies 17, 11 and 10 and i'm getting ready to go to my docs office in a few minutes for the trigger shot and I have the iui set up for tomorrow, I'm also on clomid this month, this is the first time i've done all three togeather, after I get the trigger today I shouln't do any more opk's right? I heard that they will make opk positive? Do these opk's look good enough for an IUI tomorrow?? Thanks so much in advance for reading my long post :winkwink:

:wave: Maureen, I'm no expert, but if you're getting a trigger shot, I don't think it even really matters what the OPK says. And yeah, it's not probably worth it to keep using OPKs or even HPTs til at least 10 DPIUI due to the hormone in the trigger shot.
The HCG trigger shot contains a hormone that automatically turns the OPK super positive.

The only reason I have used an OPK after a trigger shot is to make sure I administered it correctly.

You will always get a positive OPK after a trigger shot...just like you will get a positive HPT too! :winkwink:
Morning/Afternoon Ladies :hugs:

I'm not having such a wonderful Friday as I'm overly busy at work today and I had kind of a bad night last night.

Aftering having :sex: I started to cry, I couldn't control it and I felt soo stupid. When my husband asked why I was crying I just started spatting different things like "Why can't it just be this easy to get knocked up?" and "Why is there only a 20% chance at getting pregnant during natural cycles?" and "Why do I have such long irregular cycles?" and "Why must we go through fertility treaments?"

It was a long list of questions and frustrations that spilled from my lips as the tears just fell. Today I just feel stupid for over reacting that way that I did esp. since it was right about doing the deed. But at the same time I'm glad I let it out because I've been holding in so much lately!

I'm Cycle day 12 today and my temperature dropped so low. I thought for sure that maybe I was gearing up to ovulate on my own for once but the monitor said LOW and I wanted to punch that thing. In fact I ran to my room and threw it so hard into my dresser that I woke up my poor husband, and made my pitbull bark... :haha:

Anyway, enough about me... How's everyone this morning? Any special plans this weekend?
I just talked to my doctor and he said since I had a good positive opk that they are NOT going to do the trigger shot and just do the iui tomorrow, is this normal for them not to do the trigger shot? The opks I just posted where done today and were positive without having to do trigger
Hi everyone, I haven't checked in in a while, welcome to all the new ladies. No one wants to have to be in this club, but all the ladies here are awesome and really supportive :flower:

Good luck with the IUI today, PCOSMom! Those follies sound really promising.

I had my CD 12 scan today and I have a follie at 21.9 :happydance: Such a relief after I really didn't respond to my meds last cycle! My IUI is scheduled for 11:30 on Sunday morning, so I will be giving myself the Ovidrel shot tonight at 11:30. I'm trying not to let myself get too excited, but this is almost an exact copy of how things went with the IUI I had in February that worked. I think it is going to be a lot easier to keep a PMA this cycle than the last one, that's for sure. These next 2 weeks are going to drag!!
PCOSMOM ~ :happydance: I hope everything goes great at your IUI appointment today! And that those spermies catch one of those eggies!

Michelle78 ~ Happy everything is working for this time around. I know that when I took clomid it didn't work until the third cycle. :wacko: So I know how it feels for things to finally be working out. Good Luck with you injection shot tonight and you IUI on Sunday! by the way where do you get that done? Is your doctor opened on Sundays?
They just chsnged my iui to today at 4pm instead of tomorrow, I had that positive opk today at 9am but I did not test in the afternoon yesterday or last night so it could have been positive last night so my question is is today at 4pm to early for an iui? Please help
Happy Friday Ladies~!!

I took a vacation day today, so I am home relaxing. I should probably clean our bedroom and master bathroom.....key word being: I should....will I? Meh! Maybe? ;)
It is such a pretty day here! Sun is shinning and a light breeze is blowing...perfect summer day!

I just got home from getting a pedicure and it felt so good! Toes are painted with one of OPI's new color...it's called "I Mainely Eat Lobster". It's a vivid coral/pink color!! I love it!

Here goes for my personals:

kissyfacelala~ Thank you so much for your kind words of comfort! I'm sure you are excited to be in the middle of your cycle. I much prefer the time being in the cycle with the shots, scans and BW, than the 2WW! I think the 2WW is aweful! At least, during the cycle, I feel useful, like I'm doing something!! LOL! Best of Luck to you!! Plenty of BabyDust your way~~~~

augustluvers~ Welcome! Welcome! I know you and I have exchanged a few posts in another thread, and I'm so happy you found us here! You will fit right in with the rest of us. The "Regular Ladies" in this thread are such sweethearts!! Very supportive and they have a great sense of humor.
As far as the trigger shot, I give it to myself and I do it in the belly. I just pinch the skin about 2 inches away from my belly button, and just pop that little needle in and that does it! I don't feel a thing!! You will do just fine!
I'm so sorry you had a bad night last night! :hugs: It happens to all of us! I have asked myself the very same questions so many times and unfortunately, I could never find the answer. It is what it is? Why did my little twins have to die? Why do I have to go through this? Why can't this be easier? Don't I deserve to be a Mom? And it goes on and on and on....and once I'm done, then it can be a while, before I get a bad day like that too.
Just know that it's perfectly normal and there's nothing to feel stupid about. Don't forget that we are here for you :) Big hugs!! xoxoxo

Touch the Sky~ Good Luck with your IVF! It sounds much more intricate than the IUI, so I'm sure it is!! Keep us posted! :flower:

Hoping4Baby2~ A warm welcome to you!! I'm heading towards a 2nd IUI as well. I just did mine on July 23rd, but all of my pregnancy tests have been negative so far, so I'm not holding out for any BFP this time around. I go for my offical BW on Monday, and then we'll rev myself up to start my 2nd cycle. Good Luck to you!!! xoxxo :flower:

Littlebird~ I'm not on Femara, but I can tell you that the Progesterone is making me very tired as well. I'm not the "napping" kind at all, and on some days, I could just lie there and take a nap...so not me! :sleep:

azlessie~ Welcome to the group! I'm not familiar with cysts at all, and I consider myself blessed to have never had to deal with them. However, based on the information I read on here, I'm really surprised that your doctor would pursue the cycle? Did you ask him/her why he/she was making that decision?

wishful think~ Welcome to you!! I wish you the best of luck!! My last IUI, I had 9 mature follies, and the post-wash sperm count & motility was 26.3 millions and 75% and from what I can gather right now, I am not pregnant!
Having 9 mature follies did not scare me at all, because the chances of ALL of them being fertilized (at my age-39) is pretty much slim to none. I also know that my Doctor is very aggressive with his protocols and his success rate is very high. In his 21 yrs of experience, the most multiples he got a lady pregnant with were Quads. The rest has been mostly twins and then triplets.
He got me pregnant with twins 4 years ago, on my 2nd IUI with him, so I trust him completely. He knows what he's doing :)

PCOSMom~ You and I think the same way- I'm ok with multiples, although I didn't have to sign any forms. But at this stage in my life, I'm OK if I get pregnant with twins and even triplets. And again I agree with you when you say, as long as the life of the babies are not in any danger. Can't wait to hear about your IUI!! Many blessings to you xoxoxoxo Keep us posted!

SweetPea70~ Welcome to the group! Make yourself comfortable and join in! I'm so sorry about the BFN Sweetie! It sucks! :( But Remain positive for the next round! You can do this! We all can!!

Maureen Marsh~ Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Your OPK looks fantastic!! You are ready to go Sweetie!! Yay!! IUI is in the air!! How exciting!! I'm wishing you the best of luck and plenty of babydust!!! Keep us posted!!

31 & Springy~ How are you ladies doing today?? 31, any updates? I'm thinking of you!! :flower:

Ok, I think that's everyone! Phew! :laugh2:

I'll catch up with some more later xoxoxoxo
I just talked to my doctor and he said since I had a good positive opk that they are NOT going to do the trigger shot and just do the iui tomorrow, is this normal for them not to do the trigger shot? The opks I just posted where done today and were positive without having to do trigger

Hi Maureen, it is normal for the Dr not to give you a trigger shot if you get a positive OPK on your own. My first 3 IUIs were done with no trigger and on the last one I had a trigger done due to no positive OPK when the follicles were the right size. Don't worry this is normal :)
GL to the ladies with IUIs over the next couple days PCOS, Michelle, and Maureen! FX for all of you :)

Hope everyone else is doing OK!

I have to say the '2ww' to start IVF is dragging so much more than the 2ww to test, just want to hurry up and start already!
augustluvers, I am with a really large practice in the DC area called Shady Grove Fertility. Their main office in Maryland, which is only about 25 minutes from my house, is open 365 days a year. I'm so glad that they are open every day too, because every single one of my IUIs has been done on a weekend! And from your earlier post, you have nothing to feel stupid about! We all understand how stressful this whole process is, and sometimes stuff like that happens. Keeping all of it in isn't good for you anyway!
No BFP here. It is BFN and I am 11DPO. You ladies and your IUIs/IVFs are making me question my decision to sit out for a few months.:) I am looking for a Dr for a second opinion. I haven't had an HSG and have heavy periods so I am thinking we should do an HSG or lap. My current FS says Lap or IVF.
No BFP here. It is BFN and I am 11DPO. You ladies and your IUIs/IVFs are making me question my decision to sit out for a few months.:) I am looking for a Dr for a second opinion. I haven't had an HSG and have heavy periods so I am thinking we should do an HSG or lap. My current FS says Lap or IVF.

So sorry 31! It is not official though until the BW, there is a little bit of hope left right? It is always tough to know what to do next after failed IUIs. Our dr too said IVF or lap but in further discussion with him he said a lap really wouldn't do us any good at all since we are unexplained. The best next step was IVF for us, which really freaks the crap out of me but oh well here we are. You are really lucky to have the option to get a second opinion as where I live there is 1 clinic on the entire island. If I wanted to get another opinion I would have to go to the mainland and travel back and forth which would really suck! I am really happy that my Dr seems to know his stuff, we really trust him and hope that this IVF business works out for us. Hope you guys can make the decision that is right for you, take care :hugs:
The clinic we go to actually has the lowest success rate for IVF. (probably should have looked at that before we started) yikes! anyway, we will schedule a consultation with a new place and see what they think. IVF freaks out the hubby because he is concerned about what happens to the leftover embryos. Me - I will do anything at this point.

Good luck ladies! I expect to see some BFPs VERY VERY soon!!!
They just chsnged my iui to today at 4pm instead of tomorrow, I had that positive opk today at 9am but I did not test in the afternoon yesterday or last night so it could have been positive last night so my question is is today at 4pm to early for an iui? Please help

Maureen, here's the best advice someone gave me when I was about to trigger for my IUI last cycle and was freaking out about the timing.... The doctors do actually know what they are doing since they do it every day, so you have to put a little trust in them to know the right timing.

The internet is good and bad because everyone seems to do things differently. But you have to trust your doctor. If they truly don't seem competent (like my OBGYN as far as infertility treatments) you should perhaps go somewhere else.

Anyway, that's just what helped me last month to just relax and go with what they were saying. :flower:
Official count is in: 21.6 million with 90% motility!!

Last IUI was only 40% motility....yeehaw for improvement!!
Official count is in: 21.6 million with 90% motility!!

Last IUI was only 40% motility....yeehaw for improvement!!


Wooohooooo!!!! Let the swimming begin!!! Awesome numbers PCOS!! https://www.smileysign.com/smilies/happy/happy0065.gif
Morning/Afternoon Ladies :hugs:

I'm not having such a wonderful Friday as I'm overly busy at work today and I had kind of a bad night last night.

Aftering having :sex: I started to cry, I couldn't control it and I felt soo stupid. When my husband asked why I was crying I just started spatting different things like "Why can't it just be this easy to get knocked up?" and "Why is there only a 20% chance at getting pregnant during natural cycles?" and "Why do I have such long irregular cycles?" and "Why must we go through fertility treaments?"

It was a long list of questions and frustrations that spilled from my lips as the tears just fell. Today I just feel stupid for over reacting that way that I did esp. since it was right about doing the deed. But at the same time I'm glad I let it out because I've been holding in so much lately!

I'm Cycle day 12 today and my temperature dropped so low. I thought for sure that maybe I was gearing up to ovulate on my own for once but the monitor said LOW and I wanted to punch that thing. In fact I ran to my room and threw it so hard into my dresser that I woke up my poor husband, and made my pitbull bark... :haha:

Anyway, enough about me... How's everyone this morning? Any special plans this weekend?

Your feelings are TOTALLY normal!!! I cry every month AT LEAST once for various reasons which range from the "why me" to "life isn't fair" etc. Hang in there .... this TTC struggle is an emotional battle day in and day out.
I just talked to my doctor and he said since I had a good positive opk that they are NOT going to do the trigger shot and just do the iui tomorrow, is this normal for them not to do the trigger shot? The opks I just posted where done today and were positive without having to do trigger

Totally normal - my clinic will test in the morning blood work for LH surge and then they say to me "do you want to wait to see if you surge or do you want the trigger shot" to which I have always selected the trigger but a LOT of women on here surge on their own. Relax tomorrow and try to destress!

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