IUI starting September! Anyone with me...

Hey everyone, scan this morning, & I have one mature follie at 18mm, lining 9.5mm so it's all good to go! I will be watching ur video closely for tips Megg, since I have to do this trigger shot myself this afternoon & I'm very worried about it!!! Help!!!

Aww! :hugs: You'll do fine... I'm sure of it! Watch it whenever you need to! :)

Megg - it is a really long saga with my clinic tbh and there is so much more than I can type in a post! My numbers were similar to yours in my first cycle, two 14mm follies but I was only given another day before trigger so that I could get the IUI within the clinic's schedule. On my last cycle I had a 14mm and a 15mm and a bunch of smaller ones and I had to trigger the next morning because they were scared of the others catching up! I had odd spotting from 5dpiui and then constant spotting for 5 days before AF despite progesterone support so I am fairly sure I didn't ovulate or that I didn't release anything mature, I don't think there's any way the follies could have been mature enough. The nurse said I could probably do with some extra estrogen but they couldn't do this until after I had seen the FS and that won't be until after my next cycle anyway and I had to request that appointment! I have seen my FS twice in 18months and not since last October. Or maybe I'm just having a grumpy day! Anyway, I am gald that you are not having these issues and hopefully this will be the last cycle that you have to go through any of this!

Flake-y - Grab a good inch of skin and just remember that it will not hurt! It will be hard because it is just not natural to jab yourself and your mind reflexively tells you not to do it! I had so many 'OK I'm gonna do this and then pull away at the last second' moments when I did my first one but honestly once you've done it once, you will not be worried again! Oh and press down afterwards for at least a minute, it really helps stop any bruising coming up. *hugs* Good luck!

Wow... You really didn't get a chance for any of them to ever mature properly, since they like to see 19-20mm. That's not really quite fair that they'd just make you trigger early, even if its a waste. :( I'm so sorry... You deserve better treatment than that! :hugs:

Welcome new ladies! I have my job interview this morning so this will be a short post, sorry; ; It looks like everyone is doing awesome! No news here on the 2ww, still going completely normal, no indications either way. I'm 4 days post ovulation, so I'm thinking still too early to tell anything. My husband mentioned last night he thinks all these drugs are completely unnatural and he would rather we go back to trying without them. I guess mentioning he could go on Clomid for his numbers didn't sound so good to him. His answer was "Isn't that the stuff you are on that I'm not even allowed to touch...??" I said "no dear, that's Femara" and he gave me that "WHAT?!?!" look and said "I don't see how any of these drugs are helping!" So I guess he's getting a bit drug weary, which I can't blame him. He's a very low-stress type of guy, so this is all too much for him. Hopefully we all are just pregnant and we are done with all this! Fx'd for everyone!

HE'S drug weary?!?! HIM?!?! OMG... I'd have thrown something!

WE do the work. WE take the drugs. WE get pumped full of hormones. WE get a speculum shoved into our girly bit. WE get a catheter shoved through our cervix. WE carry the baby. WE GIVE BIRTH! The men? THEY JERK OFF INTO A FREAKIN' CUP! :hissy: He doesn't get to be drug weary!!!

My apologies... but when this process stresses men out? I get a little angry... What on earth causes THEIR stress? Because, if men and women changed places, there would be NO babies in the world! lol
MEGG! Toooooo funny!!! LOL @ "jerking off into a freakin cup"! HOW VERY TRUE!!!!

I agree completely with everything you just said!

Thanks for the smile!!!!

I'm glad it was more "that's true" than "OMG! This girl just lost it in a thread!" LOL I just get so tired of men saying its hard on them to do procedures like this... I can't understand how that could be true. I'd gladly trade places!
Wendy - thanks so much for the info hon! I am totally self diagnosing with th e aid of google at the moment but I have wondered if ovarian reserve could be my issue. I'll asl my FS about dhea when I see him in November.

Megg - thanks hon, I am just being a real debbie downer today! Damn hormones and artificial hormones and blah! Your little rant gave me a giggle though - so true!

Scomar - drink and be merry! :p
i dont think my nipples hurt anymore !
GOD I HATE this symptom spotting
Mine do and its too early to mean anything! :hissy:
Scomar - they've probably been numbed by all the wine!! Hahaha! :p

Megg - the hcg trigger makes my bbs really sore for about a week afterwards...
How do you guys get all those cute little emoticons that dance???
Managed trigger shot (although I had help, I'm a wuss...) & IUI is tomorrow morning!!!

She phoned in the afternoon & told me to take it straight away so I guess my bloods must have come back saying I was about to ovulate, cause she said I may ovulate on my own & I wouldn't need to take the trigger.

So I'm very excited!
How do you guys get all those cute little emoticons that dance???
Do you post using the box at the bottom of the screen?
Have you tried clicking 'Post Reply' button on the bottom left of the last post, or click advanced on the Quick reply post?

Then you can see lots of smilies on the right to click away (there's more when you click [More] tab at the bottom of the smilie box):happydance:
Megg, u are too funny! Yeah, husband doesn't see it like that (about the drugs), he's of a more simplistic approach. He'd rather neither of us have to go through it, and I'm guessing he thinks if he doesn't do the drugs, I won't either. Yeah, I know.

So....waiting for the final call, but it looks like I HAVE A JOB! It's a learning center daycare, 3/4/5 year olds. They are SOOO CUTE! The worst part tho, is they have babies from 6 weeks old in there. I'm going to be spending my extra time helping out in those rooms=) I can rock a few to sleep, give a bottle here and there. They are all so precious! So I'm just waiting on them to check my references, and do the background check and I'm on my way!! Soooo excited! But that will mean I can't post much (evenings really). I have 20 little ones, so I think they will be keeping me a bit busy!

On the 2ww.... nothing. Nothing yes, nothing no. I have some mild cramping, but I can't say that's new. I have that every month, Dr. checked me out last month, didn't determine a cause, she said it can be perfectly normal to cramp either way. So, nothing new here!

How's everyone else doing? :hugs:
My stress level ended up really high all day and all night... Now I'm convinced that I've screwed it all up and I'm doomed to fail this cycle. No way anything will implant when I feel like this. Honestly, am I kidding myself to even hope at this point? I'm seriously as stressed out as I think I can get, and its not even TTC-related. I feel like such a failure right now. :cry:
Hey Ladies.....

Been following everyone along.....have my fingers and toes crossed for you all! :thumbup:

FLAKE-Y - congrats on the trigger!!! We knew you could do it!

Well, I had my last scan this morning. My lead follie is 20mm! The RE says "I'm ready" :happydance:, so I will be triggering tonight (after a small last dose) with IUI on Sunday!!!!


Oh no no no you did not screw anything up. What helps me is to think about all the people who get pregnant with all the stress in the world, the ones who torture their bodies, drinking, smoking, etc, and they still get pregnant, right? Well, we are putting our bodies into "fertility mode" so how can us being a bit stressed ruin anything? No, I'm convinced it will not hurt your chances of conceiving. Try and take a hot bubble bath and ask someone else to handle what problems you can't, and work yourself back to a slightly less stressed day. I know those days, when you feel everything is weighing down on you, but you have to remember, everyone has those days. If it really affected people that much, there would be no more babies! I'm sure you are fine hun, just take a trillion deep breaths. I'm still fx'd for you!!
I know you ladies can help......well as I said, I will be triggering tonight and IUI is Sunday!

Here are my questions.....

I have always thought that hubby shouldn't ejaculate 2-3 days prior to IUI for best sample :spermy: Now...my questions is....do you think that it might be okay for us to :sex: tonight? I don't want to ruin anything!

My 2nd question....I have read about other ladies that are able to drink (just the odd glass of wine) during the 2WW, and even some who have the odd glass after BFP - not sure I agree with the latter. My RE has told me that any alcohol while trying to conceive could be detromental??? I am by no means a wino...LOL...but would love to have a glass of wine (just one) with dinner tonight....but because of everything RE has told me I am so scared!

When we conceived last year, it was while in Cancun! And I had quite a few drinks while there, so don't get it. Although unfortunately ended in M/C.

Any advice you can give, and what you all have been told would be great ladies!!!

THANK YOU! :hugs:


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