IUI starting September! Anyone with me...

Ok Ladies....LOL....I just came on for a minute to talk about my nipples! LOL

So...in previous months when taking Progesterone, my entire breast has become fuller/heavier (and I have so little that it's a god-send)...LOL...and tender. But this month...just my nipples are sore and extremely sensitive?!??!

As usuall have been scouring the internet in search of "sore nipples"...LOL...I actually read someone's blog who said that using progesterone always gave her sore breasts, but the month she got her BFP, only her nipples were sore?!?

Has anyone ever heard of this!?

LOL....Too funny...love that it doesn't fizz me a bit to come on here and talk about my nipples! THANKS LADIES!!! :hug:

Can't help I'm afraid!!! Hope it's a good sign for you though, fxed!!!
Ok Ladies....LOL....I just came on for a minute to talk about my nipples! LOL

So...in previous months when taking Progesterone, my entire breast has become fuller/heavier (and I have so little that it's a god-send)...LOL...and tender. But this month...just my nipples are sore and extremely sensitive?!??!

As usuall have been scouring the internet in search of "sore nipples"...LOL...I actually read someone's blog who said that using progesterone always gave her sore breasts, but the month she got her BFP, only her nipples were sore?!?

Has anyone ever heard of this!?

LOL....Too funny...love that it doesn't fizz me a bit to come on here and talk about my nipples! THANKS LADIES!!! :hug:

hey hon ! it could well be a good sign, but i think i have learned never to read too much into these things ! my breasts wernt sore at all this cycle but my nips were SOOOO sensitive ! unfortunately it was a -ve this month. I basically think i have learned that fuck the symptoms - we never really know until we get that +ve test or skip a period !!
babybumpage am sorry the witch showed up for you too hon.
Am skipping TTC for October - man i need a break from this ! i'll be back on it in Nov though and planning an IVF cycle in Dec/Jan.
Been to loads of gyms tongiht to check out the facilities as have decided i want to get fit before i get preggo !! whoop whooop !x
FLAKEY - How goes the 2WW? Are you taking Progesterone supplementation! I am and it stinks! Gives you sore breasts, bloating, cramping! Ugh!


Hey Wendy!

I'm not taking progesterone, they gave me a 2nd HCG shot (had it today) to 'support implantation' apparently!!!

Have no symptoms whatsoever apart from occ cramp, twinge & sharp pain, kind of like the ones you've been getting? Hope it means something for both of us!!!!:thumbup:

cant belive you are nearly done with your TWW Flakey !! am going to be checking up on you every day xx
Thank you scomar!!! I'm feeling very negative but you never know!

11dpo tomorrow, Friday can't come any sooner!!!

Dec/Jan sounds good for IVF, get xmas stress out the way & start the new year off with a bfp I reckon!!! Fxed for you!
Thank you scomar!!! I'm feeling very negative but you never know!

11dpo tomorrow, Friday can't come any sooner!!!

Dec/Jan sounds good for IVF, get xmas stress out the way & start the new year off with a bfp I reckon!!! Fxed for you!

totally, then i can have a christmas tipple !! hehe
yes, more i think about it more i might delay the IVF until the new year. I dont think 2010 is my year but i think 2011 might be !! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
EEEEeeeeeeeeeeek are you waiting until 14DPIUI to test ?!x
totally, then i can have a christmas tipple !! hehe
yes, more i think about it more i might delay the IVF until the new year. I dont think 2010 is my year but i think 2011 might be !! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
EEEEeeeeeeeeeeek are you waiting until 14DPIUI to test ?!x

Yes, I think I might; tests don't seem to go very dark with me, even the morning after my 6500 hcg shot there was only a VERY faint line!

I've googled hcg levels, & apparently at 10dpo they tend to be around 25 units or less, so if the tests only show a faint line with 6500, I'm guessing they won't show anything with 25!!!

Might do a FRER on Thurdsay...will see how I feel!!!
FLAKE-Y - I am also feeling pretty negative about this cycle. But it's not over until the :witch: rears her ugly head! :hug: to you! I'll be watching!

SCOMAR - LOL about my nipples! We all say we're never gonna symptom spot - BUT WE ALWAYS DO DON'T WE!!! Love that you have such a positive attitude. I believe 2011 is your year too....hopefully for all of us!!!

So gutted about Megg.....I know how heart breaking and utterly confusing it is to "not be able to understand why IUI didn't work"! Ugh!


Sending loads of :dust:

FLAKE-Y - Good luck with the FRER !!! You have the patience of a saint!! LOL
MEGG..... u...me...glass after glass of wine....

I am just so over all of this. I told my husband "we've done everything they have asked. I don't even know what else to try!" I'm just so over all of this. I'm just beyond frustrated. I'm getting beyond frustrated. So sorry Meg. I'm drinking a glass of bubbly in your honor.
MEGG..... u...me...glass after glass of wine....

I am just so over all of this. I told my husband "we've done everything they have asked. I don't even know what else to try!" I'm just so over all of this. I'm just beyond frustrated. I'm getting beyond frustrated. So sorry Meg. I'm drinking a glass of bubbly in your honor.

Please do... because I don't drink! So, have 3 or 4 for me, yeah?
Hi Ladies!
Sorry it has been a while since I posted and I finally had a minute to sit down and catch up. :hugs: to those who were hit by :witch:. Really this the best way to describe all of this is beyond frustrating.
This has been a hectic month for me. A brief overview. Maybe not so brief but he goes-
All along we had planned on IUI this cycle, I got my hopes up (even post-poned vacation plans)! :thumbup: Had my HSG on a Monday morning- went well, all normal. Per RE, plan was still for IUI. Then that afternoon I went in for an ultrasound to check my follicles. Had 9! Hopes higher! :happydance: Then the RE said, well, "the day we should do it I will be out of town so just try again naturally." SO DISAPPOINTED! :growlmad: But convinced myself it wasn't meant to be this month...move on. Changed vacation plans back to original.
A few days later RE calls. Guess what, her plans changed, she will be available to do it at 9am Saturday. I call DH, we discuss and decided to just try again naturally this month because we would have to change our flights again and all of this has been taking a toll on us both. I am at peace with this plan. He says he will call RE. About 30 minutes later he sends me a text, "IUI Saturday at 7am. That way we will make our flight" I swear between DH and RE I am going to be driven crazy. :wacko:
FastForward a few days. I stop in to the RE office (it is in the same hospital that I work at). She gives me a script for my trigger shot. I fill it, throw it in my purse and go back to work. I am supposed to give this at 9pm. I have dinner plans at 830 so I will have to sneak off and give it in the bathroom, no problem. At 8pm I pull it out of purse to check it out. problem- I have the intramuscular shot and no syringe. The pharmacy gave me the wrong thing. Luckily, I am in health care as is DH so we run to the nearest pharmacy and are able to order a syringe...a REALLY BIG syringe (that is all they have). So there I am in a tiny little bathroom in a tiny little restaurant mixing this solution and jabbing myslef in the stomach with a GIANT needle. Now, needles do not usually bother me, but this one was BIG, and it hurt, and I bled. Quickly cleaned myself, and the bathroom up and returned to dinner. :dohh:
Thank goodness the IUI went on Saturday Sept 19 without any problems. DH had plenty of "robust" :spermy:. We made our flight and had a very nice vacation. We both got some much needed :sleep:
Now back to reality.
I am not very hopeful :nope: But then again, Im not sure that I will ever feel hopeful about all of this having been disappointed so many times. I just feel like I am on this crazy roller coaster and I really want to get off. Somedays I feel like I am hanging on by a thread, others are not so bad. I don't know...
Will have a blood test Thursday to see if it worked. Im not going to test early. Just trying to keep busy until then.
Fingers crossed for lots of :bfp: soon!
Sorry for the long post but thanks for letting me get that all out!
Wendy - the trigger shot always give me sore nips but that's normally gone by about 7 or 8dpiui, I always figured them coming back might be a good sign. But, the reality is if you had enough hcg in your system to be giving you sore nips, you'd have enough to show on a hpt! In reality, I think its like the other girls have said, symtpoms are unreliable, especially when on meds! But I will of course spend the next 3 weeks googling every twinge and colour change too so do as I say not as I do LOL!! We are just bonkers, there is no cure!

scomar - a break sounds like a great idea but if you're not checkig your ovulation and bd'ing just in case, I'll eat my hat!!

Flake-y - I always wondered about the tests too! My BFP after my trigger was soooo faint and that was a 10,000 iu shot! Of course, I always use that then to convince myself that's why I'm still getting BFNs at 14dpo!! Fingers crossed that you get a nice BFP on Thursday!

blondemop - that sounds like absolute torture! I'm glad you at least had a holiday to get over it! Fingers crossed that sod's law says the most stressful experience will be the one thst works for you!

AFM - still early days of stabbing so not too much going on. Made some amazing cupcakes last night and baking was the best destresser ever! I enjoyed it so much! Will be doing some more of that I think - I will be like the end of a house though if I keep eating the produce!

Hugs and babydust to everyone!
I'm personally pretty annoyed... I'm still fatigued, boobs still aching, lower back still aches, and feeling super hormonal... but no sign of AF and neg bloods. I'm so fed up! Although, I'm transitioning to IVF next time... So, I guess I'm officially done with IUI.
am with you meggsy - am officially done with IUI too
I don't want to say fantastic... but I kind of do! Shall we find ourselves an IVF thread?

I'll still be checking on you girls. IVF sounds so hard on the body, but this was too hard on my heart.

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