IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

megan, don't worry about the test not getting darker. I had the exact same response on the internet cheapies - on the subsequent days it just got dark faster, not necessarily darker. It took about 3 days for the test to actually get darker, then another 3 days for it to get darker again. HCG doubles every 48 to 72 hrs, so if you think about it, when you saw your first positive, it was possibly just over 10 ug. That means that after 2-3 days it will be only 20, which is still really low. These tests are not meant to be quantitative. You can always try the one that tells you how many weeks along you are. And I loved seeing the word 'pregnant' on there :)
Thanks everyone, I'm so nervous! I have this fluttering heartbeat, like a butterflies in the tummy sensation, and my heart is beating faster since last night, even when I am at rest. I read that the increased blood flow causes that, but it could be just anxiety about the beta tomorrow.

Its agonizing... One minute I'm wondering, could it really be? and the next, its like,, naaah...

The POAS was supposed to ease my mind, lol.

I just hope tomorrow's beta confirms it... 3 tests and the 2nd and 3rd had a line in 5 minutes, so I should be optimistic right?
megan, definitely be optimistic! I think it sounds very promising!
I have to say though, that I didn't dare get excited until I saw the baby at the 8 week u/s. Even now, with my belly growing, I sometimes still wonder if I'm pregnant or just fat :) I think when it takes so long to get pregnant, we are very cautious to get excited, but I think it's pretty normal. I do get jealous of my friend (who's also pregnant at the moment with her second), when she told everyone at 5 weeks, she's so excited and planning for everything and here I am, still in disbelief and still too scared to tell people about it :)
My dr. was cold and weird. It was our first meeting since she did am ET. She didn't congatulate us...
On Wednesday I was 8w2d, December 29th is his birthday. My baby was 16mm perfectly nicely growing in my uterus. my dr. saw a heart. However, I am keep looking at the video, I can't see it.
I asked my dr. to do a transabdomnal u/s she told me no, we use transvaginal, you won't see much. I told her I only want to see if it's not ectopic. So she went for it.
And now listen to this.
6 weeks ago she told me to take aspirin and progesterone till 12 weeks.
She'll take care of me till 12 weeks.

Yesterday everything has changed suddenly.
New dr. orders;
1. Start getting off the progesterone today reduce one pill each week. So it mean by week 11 I'll be not taking it anymore. She doesn't see the reason to continue cos my progesterone is good. 28-32 Of course cos I am taking it. I'll make sure to continue till 12 weeks cos placenta starts producing it's own hormone.

2. Stop aspirin now cos I don't have any diagnosis of blood clot disorder. I told her I am afraid to stop now. I might have circulation problems cold hands and feet.. Will asprin hurt the baby? Dr. just shaked her shoulders. I might get a second opinion, I really want to continue till 12 weeks.

3. Find a gynecologyst in this area. I take care of you till I find an embryo in the uterus.
She dischared me that day.
I asked if she can recommend a gyn., she told me she can not tell me where not to go.

She gave me a paper that we need to fill out when baby arrives. They need a statistics for her clinic.

mizuno, you are right. I am soooo relaxed now cos I saw my healthy baby and from now on I can procceed with my life like before with orgasm, exercise and a smile on my face!

Megan, I cross my fingers and toes for you today. All the best I wish!:dust:
Megan - today is your day!!!!! Thinking of you!!!

Dovkav - I stopped progesterone at 8 weeks - cold turkey - both the RE AND the OBGyN agreed on that. I also graduated from the clinic to the regular OB after my 7 week ultrasound.
Do you have any friends in the area that can recommend an OB? Who did you see prior to the RE?
Good luck Megan!! :dust:

Dovkav - I stopped the baby aspirin when I got my BFP under the direction of my doctor. I was having weird bruising running down my right leg, and she felt the baby aspirin was no longer needed and could be contributing to the puzzling leg issue. I stopped all of my meds including progesterone at 10 weeks (cold turkey). That's standard practice at my RE's office. Good luck with finding a new doctor, and congrats once again!. :hugs:
Well ladies, I have news, I don't know how to interpret it - the RE calls it a low positive - its only 5.7.

There are two possibilities - one is that it was a late implanter, and the second that it attached but I miscarried early on. Right now noone knows which one is true...

The only thing to do at the moment is wait and watch - second beta is on Tuesday, so the numbers then will tell the story. if it rises, there is hope. if not, then i have to try again.
Megan , big hugs sweetie. You are such a strong woman.

Dovkav , I'm so glad your feeling better and your bean is doing well.
Mizuno, you are right behind me. Your definitely pregnant. start enjoying it.!! This is what you have been waiting for. Enjoy your dream come true!

Afm, I just ordered my free breast pump. I chose the Hygiene Enjoye . I hope I made a good choice. The reviews were really good. It was between that and the medella. I'm. Just excited to have that done. Also maybe tmi. But. . My libido came back a few weeks after sipping the progesterone, and with my big bump I haven't been feeling very sexy. However, today dh looked at me and said, I never thought I'd say this but there's something very sexy about seeing me pregnant. I felt so good. !! My body is no longer my own for sure. That was such a great compliment. Oh another note. .. my twin nieces born at 26 weeks. . Chloe came home 2 days ago and is doing awesome. Amelia needed another blood transfusion and is running 2.5 weeks behind chloe. So we are hoping she won't be in the hospital
Well ladies, I have news, I don't know how to interpret it - the RE calls it a low positive - its only 5.7.

There are two possibilities - one is that it was a late implanter, and the second that it attached but I miscarried early on. Right now noone knows which one is true...

The only thing to do at the moment is wait and watch - second beta is on Tuesday, so the numbers then will tell the story. if it rises, there is hope. if not, then i have to try again.

Megan - you have always been so strong. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! :hugs:

Afm, I just ordered my free breast pump. I chose the Hygiene Enjoye . I hope I made a good choice. The reviews were really good. It was between that and the medella. I'm. Just excited to have that done. Also maybe tmi. But. . My libido came back a few weeks after sipping the progesterone, and with my big bump I haven't been feeling very sexy. However, today dh looked at me and said, I never thought I'd say this but there's something very sexy about seeing me pregnant. I felt so good. !! My body is no longer my own for sure. That was such a great compliment. Oh another note. .. my twin nieces born at 26 weeks. . Chloe came home 2 days ago and is doing awesome. Amelia needed another blood transfusion and is running 2.5 weeks behind chloe. So we are hoping she won't be in the hospital

Congrats in ordering your free breast pump. I can't order mine until I'm 30 days away from my due date, so still a few more days away. It's great when our DHs say things that make us feel good about ourselves. :thumbup: I'm glad to hear that Chloe got to go home. I hope that Amelia gets to go home soon, too!! :hugs:

AFM - BH contractions have finally found me. Between those and LO constantly stretching (and pushing her little foot out against my side), my belly is feeling ultra stretched these days. I had a doctor appointment yesterday, and LO is still head down, so I'm happy about that. We still have lots to do to get the house in order before she arrives. I've started washing some of the baby's stuff, but I need to reorganize her nursery (there are gifts and clothes everywhere) and get my hospital bag together. Hopefully I have time to get everything in order.
Disney - we are going away for the weekend and as soon as we are back I am going to pack my hospital bag!!!! I'm also anxious to get my car seat installed, but I'm STILL waiting for my new car to come in so UGH!!! It's a race now - which will be born first - the baby or the car!?!?!

So I went to the chiropractor yesterday - someone who knows the Webster Technique - to see if an adjustment will help my girl turn head down,.. He sId my pelvis is out of line, so my ligaments on one side are "guarding" (aka tight). So we are hoping that by getting my pelvis in line the ligaments will loosen and she will have room to turn. It wasn't that uncomfortable, but it WAS $160!!! This is after I have already spent $100 on acupuncture that didn't work.
Who knows if this will work.... I have a appt scheduled for Tuesday and another on Thursday. My ultrasound is Thurs morning so I'm hoping!!!!
Oh my achy feet! ! They feel bruised. And like my arches want to flatten. Hoping today they won't swell like yesterday. I didn't think I wad going to make it out of Walmart. Next time I will use a electric cart. Some days now my grout on the tile hurts to step on. Any one else?
Disney - we are going away for the weekend and as soon as we are back I am going to pack my hospital bag!!!! I'm also anxious to get my car seat installed, but I'm STILL waiting for my new car to come in so UGH!!! It's a race now - which will be born first - the baby or the cat!?!?!

So I went to the chiropractor yesterday - someone who knows the Webster Technique - to see if an adjustment will help my girl turn head down,.. He sId my pelvis is out of line, so my ligaments on one side are "guarding" (aka tight). So we are hoping that by getting my pelvis in line the ligaments will loosen and she will have room to turn. It wasn't that uncomfortable, but it WAS $160!!! This is after I have already spent $100 on acupuncture that didn't work.
Who knows if this will work.... I have a appt scheduled for Tuesday and another on Thursday. My ultrasound is Thurs morning so I'm hoping!!!!

I hope you're having a nice babymoon! :thumbup: I've been washing LO's things this weekend and getting her nursery in order. DH isn't helping with that, so I have him working on other parts of the house. He's barbecuing ribs for dinner tonight yummy! I'm hoping to get most of my hospital bag squared away today, and we want to install the car seat bases in both cars sometime today if we have time.

I'm praying that your LO flips for you (and that mine stays head down)! :hugs: :dust:

Oh my achy feet! ! They feel bruised. And like my arches want to flatten. Hoping today they won't swell like yesterday. I didn't think I wad going to make it out of Walmart. Next time I will use a electric cart. Some days now my grout on the tile hurts to step on. Any one else?

I've had that feeling for months. It seems worse when I first get out of bed. Wearing shoes is supposed to help, but I don't my shoes too well, so I've been going barefoot when I'm indoors. I hope your feet feel better soon ! :hugs:
Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Thank you to everyone who has served our wonderful country and to those who have given their lives for our freedom! :hugs:
Just got home from visiting all of the graves! Super emotional this year - Thank You Baby hormones!!
6 weeks ago she told me to take aspirin and progesterone till 12 weeks.
She'll take care of me till 12 weeks.

Yesterday everything has changed suddenly.
New dr. orders;
1. Start getting off the progesterone today reduce one pill each week. So it mean by week 11 I'll be not taking it anymore. She doesn't see the reason to continue cos my progesterone is good. 28-32 Of course cos I am taking it. I'll make sure to continue till 12 weeks cos placenta starts producing it's own hormone.

2. Stop aspirin now cos I don't have any diagnosis of blood clot disorder. I told her I am afraid to stop now. I might have circulation problems cold hands and feet.. Will asprin hurt the baby? Dr. just shaked her shoulders. I might get a second opinion, I really want to continue till 12 weeks.

3. Find a gynecologyst in this area. I take care of you till I find an embryo in the uterus.
She dischared me that day.
I asked if she can recommend a gyn., she told me she can not tell me where not to go.
That is great news Dovkav! So glad your embryo is nice and snug and in the right place! Grow little one :happydance:

I think the advice varies, I did stay on progesterone until just over 12 weeks but know of others who came off at 10 weeks :)

Our IVF clinic also signed us off after they had confirmed a viable embryo was located in the right place (for us this took 2 scans but only because they couldn't see very well at my first scan - mine was transvaginal but I have a retroverted uterus so they wouldn't sign me off the first time as they couldn't get all the information they needed. We were signed off after our second scan at 8+5 though and then had to go under our consultant).

I am on aspirin until birth but if you don't have any clotting issues then you are probably fine to stop when your doctor advises :)

Well ladies, I have news, I don't know how to interpret it - the RE calls it a low positive - its only 5.7.

There are two possibilities - one is that it was a late implanter, and the second that it attached but I miscarried early on. Right now noone knows which one is true...

The only thing to do at the moment is wait and watch - second beta is on Tuesday, so the numbers then will tell the story. if it rises, there is hope. if not, then i have to try again.
How did it go today? I hope you got some good news :hugs:

AFM - BH contractions have finally found me. Between those and LO constantly stretching (and pushing her little foot out against my side), my belly is feeling ultra stretched these days. I had a doctor appointment yesterday, and LO is still head down, so I'm happy about that. We still have lots to do to get the house in order before she arrives. I've started washing some of the baby's stuff, but I need to reorganize her nursery (there are gifts and clothes everywhere) and get my hospital bag together. Hopefully I have time to get everything in order.
It's only about a month now until your due date! Where has the time gone! I hope you manage to get everything organised in time :flower:

Disney - we are going away for the weekend and as soon as we are back I am going to pack my hospital bag!!!! I'm also anxious to get my car seat installed, but I'm STILL waiting for my new car to come in so UGH!!! It's a race now - which will be born first - the baby or the car!?!?!

So I went to the chiropractor yesterday - someone who knows the Webster Technique - to see if an adjustment will help my girl turn head down,.. He sId my pelvis is out of line, so my ligaments on one side are "guarding" (aka tight). So we are hoping that by getting my pelvis in line the ligaments will loosen and she will have room to turn. It wasn't that uncomfortable, but it WAS $160!!! This is after I have already spent $100 on acupuncture that didn't work.
Who knows if this will work.... I have a appt scheduled for Tuesday and another on Thursday. My ultrasound is Thurs morning so I'm hoping!!!!
I need to get a new car too, but hopefully a house is coming first - I certainly wouldn't recommend trying to move again whilst pregnant - it is so stressful :dohh:

I hope you manage to turn your LO naturally, wishing you all the best for your appt on Thurs!

AFM - I caved in a bought a couple of little outfits. I have had my eye on one for a while (it's only a romper suit) but it had sold out online so when I popped into the store on Sunday to again look at prams I saw they had one left so bought it :blush:
Serenyx, today's test showed the HCG down to 0. Its a clear BFN. What I had was most probably a chemical pregnancy, which was picked up only because I tested early. If I'd waited for the beta and not tested at home, I'd never have known.

I expected that to happen today, because I had tested at home over the weekend and the lines got lighter and lighter until the last one where there was no second line. So I knew my hcg levels were falling.

I've already discussed the next cycle with the RE, which will have to be a fresh one, since we have no more frozen embies left. Also, I remembered an incident from childhood that I had blocked out from memory - I'd got accidentally poisoned from food I'd eaten from a street cart, by arsenic. Now, apparently Arsenic is a suspected reproductive toxin as it directly affects enzymes needed for DNA repair and that could be the reason for poor egg quality. And there's nothing you can do about all these years later.

I can't believe I never remembered it! I guess the disappointment of getting a BFP turn into a BFN probably broke whatever mental barrier I'd created to make myself forget about it... it just came rushing back to me...

But better late than never... I informed the RE about what I'd remembered and he's asked me to start HGH and Royal Jelly to improve egg quality for the fresh cycle. Whatever little benefit...

And we are now waiting for AF to come, CD21 will be the autoimmune tests for both DH and me, my endometrial biopsy, testing sugar levels, and then, based on those results, RE will determine my protocol for the fresh cycle. Until then, I am back to working out, a low carb diet and undoing the weight gain from this cycle.
Hi ladies. I can't wait til morning. I'm seeing the high risk perinatal dr. So i get to see my 2 sons. That's so weird saying that. Lol.

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