IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

Postal congrats on the boys!!!
Sorry ive been mia but I was fired from my job after continued issues with my pregnancy. Im starting to feel better about it....and excited that im currently 16 wks!
Fingers crossed for megan!!!!
Serenyx - when I went for my 20 week scan, the ultrasound tech asked what I had eaten before my appointment. I couldn't see the screen from my position, but she and my DH said that LO was moving a lot. I remember having half a pb&j sandwich before that appointment.
I had some more orange juice this morning before our scan and she was moving a bit :)

Hope you are doing ok :flower:

AFM - I'm still feeling sick every 2-3 days, and still feeling very blah. But, I think I felt my baby move! I noticed that just before I go to bed and about an hour after I eat I feel something like ticking or like I have a worm low in my abdomen, just above my pubic bone. I've heard it described as bubbling, but this is not what I'm feeling - it's more scratchy than bubbly. I know it's not gas, as I've been dealing with that for a while :) This is lower and much more subtle and last only a second or so. Am I crazy or could this really be it? When did you first feel your baby move?
I was sick until almost 20 weeks, I hope yours subsides soon!

I couldn't feel ours move until just over 20 weeks (and I don't even have an anterior placenta :dohh: ). I had occasions before that where I thought it could be bubba moving but I wasn't definite.

Afm my movements are very strong. They kick now. They push, they punch each other when the cameras are on. .. lol. The big news is they are both BOYS!!! That's what we wanted.
Congratulations on your twin boys Postal :flower:

Sorry ive been mia but I was fired from my job after continued issues with my pregnancy. Im starting to feel better about it....and excited that im currently 16 wks!
Are they allowed to do that?? I am sorry to hear you have lost your job but glad you are feeling better :flower:

As for me, well I had my 25 week scan this morning :flower: I was a bit nervous but as I do feel her most days now that has reassured me (it's when she goes quiet for couple of days that I start to worry :dohh: ).

Bubba was fine and most measurements looked good. The one measurement that was low was to do with the blood flow through the placenta and whilst the consultant said he would have been happier if it was within the 5th - 95th percentiles, he would rather it was low than high :shrug: He didn't seem too concerned anyway, so we aren't due to see him or have another scan for 4 weeks now. I do have my GTT test in a couple of weeks though.

Typically though Bubba has decided to go breech :haha: I hope she turns again before the next scan.

I hope everyone else is doing ok :flower:
Hey all! Doing well here, just popping in... Had 28-week scan yesterday, babies are right on track, actually moved up from low 40% to upper 50%, I must be feeding them well :) even with GD. I am up like 28 lbs now.

I started feeling tiny kicks at 22 weeks, but there's no doubt now! They will get stronger as weeks go by, no worries! I have been suffering from insomnia, coupled with suffocation and stuffiness in my nose... Some pelvic pressure, not so much pain yet. Back, as usual. And BH, of course, but they either got less frequent or I just don't pain attention anymore? But other than that, welcome thrid tri, can't believe it. I am getting anxious as weeks pass, and we decided on C-section with DH... Doc is fine.
Flagirlie, Congrats on third tri!! Your pregnancy sounds over all pretty smooth.
Mizuno how are you holding up? I hope your feeling well.
Megan says hello, and may or may not possibly be lurking. . Her transfer went well. 2 embies made it. So let's send her tons of baby dust! ! I'm hoping that she will be our newest twin addition!!
I'm pretty sore most of the time. I feel like the dimples in my lower back are separating. Braxton hicks have started I think mainly because of stress.
serenyx, if your baby is growing fine, nothing to worry about. Please follow up and keep an eye on your placenta.

Megan, sending you tons of :dust:

Postal mom, cute two boys! Super!

I hope everybody else feeling good.

I am 7 weeks today. My own calculations. Next week we'll have our first u/s and we'll know my due date.
Yesterday I had my 3rd beta and it was really good 63649 miu/ml.

So far I have 4 symptoms and I am not complaining. Love being pregnant.
1. Fatigue
2. Afternoon -evening nausea(stop and go).
3. Sensitive smell. Cooking food or face cream....
4. My boops hurt.

3days ago my weight was 59kg,
my hight is 173cm,
my waist was 81cm

Grow baby grow.
Wish you all the same!

Congratulations Postal on ur twin boys!!! xx

Im really sorry ive not been on here much, just lurking mainly but im trying to catch up with all ur posts and keep myself updated with your progress xxx

im just waiting to ov then ill be having that test for nk cell levels then ill start my next cycle :happydance: xxx
Postal it's so funny that you're having two boys as the majority of the babies in my October bump group are having boys. The total count currently is 18 boys and 5 girls.
Postal congrats on the boys!!!
Sorry ive been mia but I was fired from my job after continued issues with my pregnancy. Im starting to feel better about it....and excited that im currently 16 wks!
Fingers crossed for megan!!!!

I'm so sorry to hear about your job. :hugs: Congrats on reaching 16 weeks!! :thumbup:

Serenyx - when I went for my 20 week scan, the ultrasound tech asked what I had eaten before my appointment. I couldn't see the screen from my position, but she and my DH said that LO was moving a lot. I remember having half a pb&j sandwich before that appointment.
I had some more orange juice this morning before our scan and she was moving a bit :)

Hope you are doing ok :flower:

As for me, well I had my 25 week scan this morning :flower: I was a bit nervous but as I do feel her most days now that has reassured me (it's when she goes quiet for couple of days that I start to worry :dohh: ).

Bubba was fine and most measurements looked good. The one measurement that was low was to do with the blood flow through the placenta and whilst the consultant said he would have been happier if it was within the 5th - 95th percentiles, he would rather it was low than high :shrug: He didn't seem too concerned anyway, so we aren't due to see him or have another scan for 4 weeks now. I do have my GTT test in a couple of weeks though.

Typically though Bubba has decided to go breech :haha: I hope she turns again before the next scan.

I hope everyone else is doing ok :flower:

I'm glad to hear you got to see her move a bit. It sounds like your LO is doing well. I hope your doctor keeps an eye on your placenta and that everything continues to go smoothly. :hugs: You've still got lots of time for Bubba to turn.

Hey all! Doing well here, just popping in... Had 28-week scan yesterday, babies are right on track, actually moved up from low 40% to upper 50%, I must be feeding them well :) even with GD. I am up like 28 lbs now.

I started feeling tiny kicks at 22 weeks, but there's no doubt now! They will get stronger as weeks go by, no worries! I have been suffering from insomnia, coupled with suffocation and stuffiness in my nose... Some pelvic pressure, not so much pain yet. Back, as usual. And BH, of course, but they either got less frequent or I just don't pain attention anymore? But other than that, welcome thrid tri, can't believe it. I am getting anxious as weeks pass, and we decided on C-section with DH... Doc is fine.

Great news about the babies! I've got back pain nasal stuffiness, too (allergies are awful this year, and I'm not taking any medication). :happydance: for getting to the third trimester! Your getting closer to meeting your wonderful babies. :hugs:

Flagirlie, Congrats on third tri!! Your pregnancy sounds over all pretty smooth.
Mizuno how are you holding up? I hope your feeling well.
Megan says hello, and may or may not possibly be lurking. . Her transfer went well. 2 embies made it. So let's send her tons of baby dust! ! I'm hoping that she will be our newest twin addition!!
I'm pretty sore most of the time. I feel like the dimples in my lower back are separating. Braxton hicks have started I think mainly because of stress.

I felt BH one time so far -- at 3:00am a few nights ago. I'm sure that the are happening at other times, but I'm just not noticing it. How is maternity leave treating you? :flower:

I am 7 weeks today. My own calculations. Next week we'll have our first u/s and we'll know my due date.
Yesterday I had my 3rd beta and it was really good 63649 miu/ml.

So far I have 4 symptoms and I am not complaining. Love being pregnant.
1. Fatigue
2. Afternoon -evening nausea(stop and go).
3. Sensitive smell. Cooking food or face cream....
4. My boops hurt.

3days ago my weight was 59kg,
my hight is 173cm,
my waist was 81cm

Grow baby grow.
Wish you all the same!

I'm excited about your scan! That's a great list of symptoms. :thumbup: Take it easy!

Megan - I'm pulling for you! :dust: for success and sticky beans!! :hugs:

AFM - I had my latest doctor appointment on Tuesday. LO is reportedly head down, and my bump is measuring right on track. I got my whooping cough vaccine / tetanus shot and cannot lift my arm very high without feeling some minor pain, but I expect that that will go away after a couple of days. Back pain is the norm these days, especially later in the day. LO is still allowing me to sleep pretty well at night, so that's good.

Take care everyone!
Disney, it's boring at times. However I have so much going on with trying to get the paperwork for my benefits filled out, trying to get permits for the new house done and that's a horrible stressful mess. Just as they say. . When it rains , it pours. I'm trying to rest as much as I can. I had another scan today. Dr said the babies are very healthy. I think he's trying not to say chubby. Lol I've gained 10 lbs
great to see everyone doing well.

Lucinda - sorry about your job. I didn't think they can do that though...

Serenyx - try not to worry about the placenta (but make sure they keep an eye on it). I'm sure your doc would have said it if there was anything to worry about.

postal - I understand being under pressure from all sides. Try to relax and not let things bother you.

dovkav - good luck with the scan next week! It will be amazing to finally see your baby.

megan - good luck girl! I hope you join us soon!

AFM - a bit of drama today. I woke up with my uterus hard as a rock. I thought that maybe after I had a shower it will let up, but it just became more sporadic - on and off. Then it stopped, but my uterus felt a bit tender and I was getting a lot of pulling pains. So as I was in teh neighbourhood I stopped by my doc's office and asked if I could see a nurse (doc wasn't there). But the secretary said to go the emergency room. Apparently, every time there is tightness in the uterus you should go the ER. This freaked me out a bit. So off I went to the ER, luckily the wait wasn't too long. Long story short, everything looks good, not sure what caused the pains but my cervix looks good and the baby is super active (that was the bonus of going to the ER - got to see my baby again :)). So they sent me home and I'm on bed rest for the rest of the day. I felt like a total paranoid freak for going to the ER for light cramping, but the ER doc said that it's a good thing to check it out and to come back if it happens again. Anyway, just a note for all you ladies, do get things checked out if you feel like something is wrong - don't worry about looking paranoid (I know, it's silly, but I really thought they would kick me out of the ER for being a hypochondriac). I still have this weird pain in my uterus, but nothing I can do about it now, just hope it goes away by tomorrow.
mizuno, I am so sorry for your scare. I hope you'll feel better.
Thank you so much for telling your experience and urging us to go to ER.
I have a strong tolerance to pain and I know I would wait and suffer for hours....
Girls! You know your gender, most of you!
I found some interesting info about it.

This is interesting article. It is about conceiving with IVF - boys and ICSI -girls.


I hope are taking lots of great vitamins.
I also take zincgluconate, cos this one reduces chances of strechmarks and cravings.
Please eat more fish and inroduce in your diet flaxseed, nut oils and lecithin granules. Those are great for the baby's brain developing.

How about chinese gender prediction? Have you tried that.
It tells me I'll conceive a girl :cloud9:
Have fun!
Mizuno - wow, that is scary - glad you got checked out and everything is ok. And bonus for seeing your baby!!!!! I went to the doctors once for really bad cramps and they too assured me not to feel bad - that is exactly what they are there for :flower:

Dovkav - Chinese gender prediction told me girl. I also did ICSI. And I'm having a girl!

Disney - we are so close!!!! Glad your girl is head down :thumbup: and yay for sleeping!
Do you have your car seat installed and hospital bag packed yet??
Mine is still frank breech :cry: I'm trying acupuncture on Monday to see if that gets her to flip. I'll let everyone know how it goes!
I have started organizing what I'm putting in my bag, but that's it. And I'm getting a new car soon (just waiting on it to be delivered) so I haven't installed the seat yet... Hopefully within the next few weeks!
Mizuno - I hope that the cramping has stopped and that everything is feeling good today. It's definitely good to get checked just in case. :hugs:

Dovkav - We did 2 cycles of IVF with ICSI, which (after PGS testing) we know produced 4 normal embryos -- 3 girls and one boy. :winkwink:

Chickadeedee - I know - crazy, huh?! I haven't started packing my hospital bag yet, but it will probably start making a list of things to pack and/or buy this weekend. We haven't installed the car seat yet, either. I'm thinking maybe at 35 or 36 weeks. I hope your LO starts to change positions soon! When you go for acupuncture, ask about moxibustion (moxa). I've read that it's supposed to help turn the baby (though I didn't care for the smell when my acupuncturist had me doing it before and after our embryo transfer). Have you figured out an outfit to bring the baby home in yet?

My feet are starting to swell a bit now. Even my flip flops are feeling a bit tight. :dohh: Back pain is a daily annoyance these days (especially at night), but I'm feeling pretty good otherwise.
Disney - yes - doing the moxa with the acupuncture!!! And then I get some extra to take home in case I need it?
My app says between 35-37 weeks to get the car seat in - so we've got a little time ;-)
I have two outfits for her to come home in - one that is size NB and another that is 0-3 mos just in case she is big!

I'm so glad it's not just me with the giant feet!!!!! My flip flops are tight too! Not sure how I'm going to make it another 5 weeks!!! Just go barefoot I guess! I've been trying to put my feet up as much as possible but sometimes it just isn't feasible. And drinking more water - I guess that is supposed to flush some if the fluid out. But gah!!!! I already per so much with the water I currently drink - I'm having trouble making myself drink more...
The place I go to for acupuncture gives away the moxa sticks for home use. I was told to get a candle to use to light the end because it takes about a minute or so to get it going. I used tea light candles and lit it with one of those long giant bic lighters. I also did it in the laundry room so that I could run the fan.

I went for acupuncture last Monday and was asked if I wanted to lay on my side. I figured I'd be ok on my back for the 30 minutes or so, but my back was killing me the whole time. If you get a choice, and if your position doesn't impact your goal of getting the baby to move, go with a side position.

I try to elevate my feet as much as possible, too. Some days are harder to do it than others. I read that wrapping your feet in cabbage can help reduce swelling. :haha: :shrug:
I can just see myself, burning moxa sticks, hanging upside down from the couch, all while having my feet wrapped in cabbage leaves... My poor husband is going to think I lost my mind!! :haha:
I can just see myself, burning moxa sticks, hanging upside down from the couch, all while having my feet wrapped in cabbage leaves... My poor husband is going to think I lost my mind!! :haha:

Haha -- too funny! :haha:

I found the cabbage link. Lol

My feet aren't even close to being as bad as this lady's was.

serenyx, if your baby is growing fine, nothing to worry about. Please follow up and keep an eye on your placenta.
Yes she seems to be doing fine, so they just need to keep an eye on the placenta. I am back in a couple of weeks for my glucose test :)

I am 7 weeks today. My own calculations. Next week we'll have our first u/s and we'll know my due date.
Yesterday I had my 3rd beta and it was really good 63649 miu/ml.
That is a nice high beta so you should definitely see quite a bit on the US :) Good luck for your scan this week :flower:

im just waiting to ov then ill be having that test for nk cell levels then ill start my next cycle :happydance: xxx
I hope you ov soon Plex! Keeping my fingers crossed that this will be your cycle :hugs:

I'm glad to hear you got to see her move a bit. It sounds like your LO is doing well. I hope your doctor keeps an eye on your placenta and that everything continues to go smoothly. :hugs: You've still got lots of time for Bubba to turn.
I can definitely feel the kicks down low now! It can be a bit painful when she kicks my cervix. She was head down at 21 weeks and flipped at some point after this so i'm hopeful she will go head down again at some point. Although I was reading up on it and apparently having a fundal placenta can encourage a breech position.

AFM - I had my latest doctor appointment on Tuesday. LO is reportedly head down, and my bump is measuring right on track. I got my whooping cough vaccine / tetanus shot and cannot lift my arm very high without feeling some minor pain, but I expect that that will go away after a couple of days. Back pain is the norm these days, especially later in the day. LO is still allowing me to sleep pretty well at night, so that's good.

Take care everyone!
I need to decide whether to have the vaccine or not - i'm still a bit undecided. I do need to have my anti-D at 28 weeks though.

Glad she is letting you sleep at night - you will need all the rest you can before she arrives :) I can't believe you and Chickadee are already 34 weeks! Only another 3 and you will be considered full term!

Serenyx - try not to worry about the placenta (but make sure they keep an eye on it). I'm sure your doc would have said it if there was anything to worry about.
Yes, he did say he would have been happier if it was within the range rather than outside it, but since he didn't seem overly concerned that is fine.

AFM - a bit of drama today. I woke up with my uterus hard as a rock. I thought that maybe after I had a shower it will let up, but it just became more sporadic - on and off. Then it stopped, but my uterus felt a bit tender and I was getting a lot of pulling pains. So as I was in teh neighbourhood I stopped by my doc's office and asked if I could see a nurse (doc wasn't there). But the secretary said to go the emergency room. Apparently, every time there is tightness in the uterus you should go the ER. This freaked me out a bit. So off I went to the ER, luckily the wait wasn't too long. Long story short, everything looks good, not sure what caused the pains but my cervix looks good and the baby is super active (that was the bonus of going to the ER - got to see my baby again :)). So they sent me home and I'm on bed rest for the rest of the day. I felt like a total paranoid freak for going to the ER for light cramping, but the ER doc said that it's a good thing to check it out and to come back if it happens again. Anyway, just a note for all you ladies, do get things checked out if you feel like something is wrong - don't worry about looking paranoid (I know, it's silly, but I really thought they would kick me out of the ER for being a hypochondriac). I still have this weird pain in my uterus, but nothing I can do about it now, just hope it goes away by tomorrow.
Could it be Braxton Hicks? Although it seems a little early? You did the right thing getting checked out :hugs:

Girls! You know your gender, most of you!
I found some interesting info about it.

This is interesting article. It is about conceiving with IVF - boys and ICSI -girls.


How about chinese gender prediction? Have you tried that.
It tells me I'll conceive a girl :cloud9:
Have fun!
Interesting link - although the stats didn't work for us :haha:

I just tried the chinese gender predictor and it was correct :)

Disney - we are so close!!!! Glad your girl is head down :thumbup: and yay for sleeping!
Do you have your car seat installed and hospital bag packed yet??
Mine is still frank breech :cry: I'm trying acupuncture on Monday to see if that gets her to flip. I'll let everyone know how it goes!
I have started organizing what I'm putting in my bag, but that's it. And I'm getting a new car soon (just waiting on it to be delivered) so I haven't installed the seat yet... Hopefully within the next few weeks!
I still can't believe how close you two are - all this talk about hospital bags and car seats - the time really seems to have flown by!

I hope you do manage to get her to flip - let us know how your acupuncture session goes :flower:

... Have you figured out an outfit to bring the baby home in yet?
What size outfits are people going for? I have never know the weight prediction to be terribly accurate so not sure whether to go for tiny baby, newborn or 0-3 :dohh: I did see the cutest vest the other day though - I resisted the temptation to buy it :dohh:

My feet are starting to swell a bit now. Even my flip flops are feeling a bit tight. :dohh: Back pain is a daily annoyance these days (especially at night), but I'm feeling pretty good otherwise.
Keep your feet up as much as you can, not long to go!

I can just see myself, burning moxa sticks, hanging upside down from the couch, all while having my feet wrapped in cabbage leaves... My poor husband is going to think I lost my mind!! :haha:
ROFL :haha:
Mizuno, I get the tightness in my uterus every morning. After orgasm and when under stress. Also when baby a decides to ball up. I'm glad you got it checked. There's so much that we worry about after going thru so much to get our bfps.
Chickadee, try swimming. Floating Sometimes gets enough pressure off to allow lo to flip.

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