IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

Thanks! My next appointment is tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to hear that there's at least some signs of progression. My bump still seems a bit high even though I'm feeling a bunch of pelvic pressure. We shall see.
Hey Ladies,

Hope you are all good. Have we got any babies yet ? :).

All good at my end. Have been super busy recently. at my 16w scan we fund out we are having a boy and a girl . Hubby is super executed. He was convinced we are going to have two girls and he would be outnumbered ( also as a punishment from the universe ) . I was trying concentrate on all the random feelings in my belly to see if I can feel them moving, but to be honest I have no idea what it feels to have a baby move therefore I have decided to wait for a proper kick so I cannot mistake it for anything else.

Twin mummies. Have you thought buggies? We recently went to the shop just to have a look and DH wants icandy peach 3 or bugaboo donkey. Both rather pricey but we will get lots of things from family and friends so I guess it's ok.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day , and I told her we are getting lots of second hand things to which she replied she would never do that do her daughter meaning she deserves everything new .I kind of felt cheap afterwards and thought maybe I am doing something wrong but if something is still in a very good condition why can't you use it for another round ?

anyway. I hope all you ladies are good.
Bizzibii - congrats on the B/G twins! How exciting! :oneofeach: No baby on my end, but I hope that Chickadeedee is doing well on hers! I see no issues with taking second-hand things that are still in good condition. Baby stuff is expensive with one baby on the way let alone two! I might consider getting new car seats as those have expiration dates and you may not know the history on them (if they've been in an accident, etc...), but in general, if you can save money, I say go for it. :thumbup:
Bizzibii. Take it from me. . This is my 2nd set of twins. I learned that used is great. They grow so fast that they don't use stuff long any way. Also baby stuff is expensive and over bought. My mom managed to get a nice double tandem stroller with large wheels at a yard sale for $50. Also swings were $15. Your babies will NEED a good double stroller, 2 swing sets. And a square play pen works great for twins. I couldn't have done with out my stroller. I could take them for walks of course, but doing house hold chores, I could push them into whatever room I was working on. No problem. I could see them both and talk to them. They were happier being in the room with me and it cut my anxiety down so much. Also I made the mistake of doing infant car seats last time. This time in getting the one that reclines and goes from 4 lbs to 80 lbs. That will save money. With 1 baby it is fine to pull the car seat out and carry it into a store, dr office what ever. But now think about a 15 lb baby in a 20-30 lb car seat on each arm plus 2 diaper bags. Now what do you do when you get to the drs office door? You you have to set a baby down and open the door, prop it open with one foot and pick 2 baby back up and proceed. Lol. Not easy and your arms will remind you how angry they are with you at the next few feedings . Even if you use a snap and go system, you are still lugging the stroller, 2 car seats, 2 diaper bags, and your purse. Not me this time. Lol. The car seats will stay put. I will simply put them into the stiller load the diaper bags and go. I also found with the snap in car seats that if you are trying to be stealthy, the clicking and trying to find the right snap in angle will usually wake the baby any way. You can experiment and choose your own ways of course. I'm just letting you know my experience. And yes I became very very strong armed. Lol. My stroller was my best friend. I recommend one that both seats lay as close to flat as possible. Hard to find now. Big wheels are great. Jogging strollers seem to pricy and over rated. Most who buy them don't even jog. I look at ease to push thru grass and dirt. Small wheels won't make it. Car seats. .. never buy used. You don't know if they have been dropped or in an accident. Cribs, buy new so they are up to safety standards. But you don't need an expensive fancy crib. I'm am getting one from ikea. It's less than $200 and it has 3 drawers under it. My twins will share a crib. Then I will make a mesh devider when they start scratching each other. We have limited space so two cribs is not an option this time. I may do a play pen for the 2nd baby after a while. My first twins slept in a playpen bassinet until they were rolling over. Then they shared a crib. After that I had 2 cribs side by side. But the side by side had a flaw. The would always wake up earlier than me and rip their diapers open and share poop with each other. They would look like stinky Lil indians. This meant crib scrubbing, baby washing, carpet cleaning every day. It wasn't pleasant. Lol. But they were so darn cute. So maybe all this will help you make decisions. Or freak you out. Lol. Congrats on boy girl. My first are girls now is boys.
I just went to my dr appt, and my cervix is still shut & baby still hasn't dropped any. I guess we will talk about a possible induction next week. I really don't want to be induced. :nope: So...still a waiting game on my end. :dohh:
We're home!!!!!! :yipee:

Ok, so the c section - I was sooo nervous. I got to the hospital at 7 am. You get all checked in and then the parade of people start coming in - doctors, nurses, anesthesia, pediatricians! I got in my gown and the iv was hooked up (in the inside side part of my wrist OUCHIE!!!!). Then they star.t the BAGS of fluid. They took me into the OR a little early - before 9:00. I was so scared of the spinal. In all honesty - it hurt WAY less than the IV! But - when my legs went numb I started getting a little freaked out. Then they put in the catheter (yay for it being after the spinal!) and hooked me up to oxygen to "tank up the baby". I did some deep breathing and then could feel my skin being worked on but it was tugs and pushing - no pain or anything. They then told me they had started and brought my Mom & Husband in. My husband got to watch her actually being "born" and then he and my Mom went over to the table where the pediatrician took her to weigh, etc. they cleaned her up quickly and my husband brought her over and held her right by my head.
Ok - the hard part was that they got to see her, etc before I did... It seemed like an eternity!!!!!! And she was screaming bloody murder! But as soon as they placed her by me and I talked to her she quieted right down.
My husband went with her to recovery while they finished cleaning me out and stitching me up. Then I was wheeled in and got to do skin to skin and BF.
The pain - the first few days was bad - I'm not gonna lie. They left the catheter in overnight so I never had to get up to pee -- that was kind of nice!!! And it didn't feel like anything when it came out the next morning!

We stayed an extra night because our LO lost 10% of her weight. We are struggling with breast feeding even now. The nurse today finally gave her a bottle of my pumped milk while I showered and she sucked it down like she was a starved woman! Oh - yeah - my milk is IN ALREADY!!!

So we are home and I'm pumping but also still working really hard at getting her to latch and breastfeed without either falling asleep immediately or turning into a raving mad lunatic because she is so frustrated.
I'll try and get on a real computer to upload photos later!

You guys - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!!!!!!! She was worth every needle and injection and procedure that IVF threw our way! She truly is a miracle!
Congratulations, Chickadeedee!!! I'm so happy and excited for you! :happydance: I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful baby! Have you named her?
All good at my end. Have been super busy recently. at my 16w scan we fund out we are having a boy and a girl.
Congratulations on boy/girl twins - so exciting! :hugs:

I just went to my dr appt, and my cervix is still shut & baby still hasn't dropped any. I guess we will talk about a possible induction next week. I really don't want to be induced. :nope: So...still a waiting game on my end. :dohh:
Oh Disney - I was hoping for a little more progress (I am sure you were too :haha: ). I hope she engages soon and that you go into labour naturally rather than having to be induced :hugs:

We're home!!!!!! :yipee:

Ok, so the c section - I was sooo nervous. I got to the hospital at 7 am. You get all checked in and then the parade of people start coming in - doctors, nurses, anesthesia, pediatricians! I got in my gown and the iv was hooked up (in the inside side part of my wrist OUCHIE!!!!). Then they star.t the BAGS of fluid. They took me into the OR a little early - before 9:00. I was so scared of the spinal. In all honesty - it hurt WAY less than the IV! But - when my legs went numb I started getting a little freaked out. Then they put in the catheter (yay for it being after the spinal!) and hooked me up to oxygen to "tank up the baby". I did some deep breathing and then could feel my skin being worked on but it was tugs and pushing - no pain or anything. They then told me they had started and brought my Mom & Husband in. My husband got to watch her actually being "born" and then he and my Mom went over to the table where the pediatrician took her to weigh, etc. they cleaned her up quickly and my husband brought her over and held her right by my head.
Ok - the hard part was that they got to see her, etc before I did... It seemed like an eternity!!!!!! And she was screaming bloody murder! But as soon as they placed her by me and I talked to her she quieted right down.
My husband went with her to recovery while they finished cleaning me out and stitching me up. Then I was wheeled in and got to do skin to skin and BF.
The pain - the first few days was bad - I'm not gonna lie. They left the catheter in overnight so I never had to get up to pee -- that was kind of nice!!! And it didn't feel like anything when it came out the next morning!

We stayed an extra night because our LO lost 10% of her weight. We are struggling with breast feeding even now. The nurse today finally gave her a bottle of my pumped milk while I showered and she sucked it down like she was a starved woman! Oh - yeah - my milk is IN ALREADY!!!

So we are home and I'm pumping but also still working really hard at getting her to latch and breastfeed without either falling asleep immediately or turning into a raving mad lunatic because she is so frustrated.
I'll try and get on a real computer to upload photos later!

You guys - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!!!!!!! She was worth every needle and injection and procedure that IVF threw our way! She truly is a miracle!
Huge congratulations :happydance:

Can't wait to see the photos and find out what you decided to name her :hugs:

The spinal and the fact I won't be able to feel the lower half of my body is the one thing that terrifies me about an elective :dohh:

AFM - I caved in today and booked a 4D ultrasound :blush: My DH thinks babies look a bit like aliens in them but agreed to it for my piece of mind :blush:
Thanks, Serenyx! :hugs:

My DH thinks that 4D scans are creepy and never wanted one. I'm sure you and your DH are going to love seeing yours on the screen. I'm excited for you! :thumbup:
Yeyyy for our first baby !!!! Congrats Chickadee. Disney you are next :)
Chickadee! !!!!! Omg!!! I'm so happy for you! !! Congrats! !! I can't wait to see pics! Don't give up on breast feeding. Try not to give her the bottle as much as possible. She will get the hang of it. It can be very frustrating and you worry about them losing wieght. I know this feeling first hand. My first twins I only got one too take the breast and I pumped for the other. It's so worth it just like all the needles from ivf. You can do it!
We named her Annika Rose.
Postal -believe it or not she BF on and off for an HOUR last night!!!! So we are still plugging away!
The lactation consultant is coming today at 2 so I'm excited for the support :)
Funny story - every time she BF now that my milk came in I'm SOAKED on my opposite side. I just figured she was sweaty or had a leaky diaper... I never realized that the milk pretty much pours out of the opposite side when your BF!!! Hahaha!
Annika Rose is a beautiful name! I'm so happy for you, Chickadeedee!! :hugs:

So, I don't normally watch that "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" show, but I was flipping through the channels this morning, and it was on. I fail to understand how someone can not know that they are pregnant. The story that they we're reenacting was about a woman who suffered from MS. I can see how that might impact your ability to know that that you are pregnant with one baby...but TWO?!?! Twin mommies - is that even conceivable that someone can go 32 weeks without knowing that they are carrying twins? :dohh: This lady already had a small child, so this was a second-time-around pregnancy. Sorry, I just had to ask. :flower:
Congrats, Chickadeedee!!! Also thanks for your words, as I booked my C today for 7/21...
Massive congrats Deedee! I am really happy for ya!!!
And bibiz huge congrats too!

We had our 16week scan and doc said it might be a baby girl :)
I am so super duper tired every day, certainly because of pregnancy and work combined. For the past 2 days I feel my lower tummy really bubbly in the evening as I was about to go to bed - is it called quickening???
chickadeedee - Huge congratulations I hope you guys are all getting on well

Luciola - Congratulations on team pink!

Disney - Are you booked in for a C-section or are you having a natural delivery?
Chickadee, that's awesome. Keep up the good work!
Disney, there's no way I could not know that I'm pregnant. Especially with twins. Maybe if I was extremely obese and couldn't feel the ninja like activities going on inside me. But i do feel them. My daughter age 15 even saw Lil Robbie kick from 10 feet away. She couldn't believe she saw my belly jolt outward like that. And If that women had a kid before, I don't buy it. I have a, cousin that was on 16 and pregnant. His girlfriend had twins. They made him out to be a bad abusive boyfriend. The angles they used and editing made people question him. They were paid 5 grand. That's all. But the girl was offered all kinds of other stuff. So I'm convinced now that shows like that are bull for the most part.
Oh I almost forgot. Need every ones in put.

I've been going on for weekly cervical checks. The first was 3.9cm then. . 4.2 then 4.4 now yesterday is 2.7 , the dr said they don't worry until 2.5 or less. Lil Robbies head is sitting on top of my cervix. How concerned should I be? I'm pretty much on bed rest. The dr asked if I've been resting. I go from the bed to the recliner. I try to cook or do very light cleaning.. fold and put away clothes wipe counters down stuff like that. It usually ends up in Braxton hicks, which are getting stronger. They take my breath away, to where I breath even more shallow and feel a bit nauseated. They used to start at the sides or lower but now they start at the ribs and the uterus hardens all the way down. If I'm walking it makes me stop and just breath. My previous history... 1 natural birth, hurt like crazy. 1 c sect wroth twins at 34 weeks. Felt like mild menstrual cramps. If it wasn't for my water breaking. ... i would have thought it was still bh. You can see why my anxiety is growing...so advice , opinions ... bring it on. . Lol
Congrats, Chickadeedee!!! Also thanks for your words, as I booked my C today for 7/21...

That's exciting, flagirlie! Less than a month until you get to hold your LOs!!

Massive congrats Deedee! I am really happy for ya!!!
And bibiz huge congrats too!

We had our 16week scan and doc said it might be a baby girl :)
I am so super duper tired every day, certainly because of pregnancy and work combined. For the past 2 days I feel my lower tummy really bubbly in the evening as I was about to go to bed - is it called quickening???

A baby girl...how wonderful! If LO cooperates, they should be able to confirm the gender at your 20 week scan. :thumbup:

chickadeedee - Huge congratulations I hope you guys are all getting on well

Luciola - Congratulations on team pink!

Disney - Are you booked in for a C-section or are you having a natural delivery?

I'm hoping for a natural delivery. I think my doctor said that I might get out on the schedule for induction at my next appointment (next Monday, when I will be 40+3). I really don't want to be induced. In addition to a probably longer, more painful labor, my doctor said that it also increases the possibility of a c-section. She said that the c-section rate at my hospital is low relative to the national average, which was good to hear. I'm hoping to not get an epidural if I can tolerate the pain, but I'm not sure that will be possible if I'm induced.

All that really matters to me is that LO is born healthy and safely. I can deal with anything else.

Chickadee, that's awesome. Keep up the good work!
Disney, there's no way I could not know that I'm pregnant. Especially with twins. Maybe if I was extremely obese and couldn't feel the ninja like activities going on inside me. But i do feel them. My daughter age 15 even saw Lil Robbie kick from 10 feet away. She couldn't believe she saw my belly jolt outward like that. And If that women had a kid before, I don't buy it. I have a, cousin that was on 16 and pregnant. His girlfriend had twins. They made him out to be a bad abusive boyfriend. The angles they used and editing made people question him. They were paid 5 grand. That's all. But the girl was offered all kinds of other stuff. So I'm convinced now that shows like that are bull for the most part.

Yeah - that's what I thought. :haha: How are you feeling today?

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