IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

Oh I almost forgot. Need every ones in put.

I've been going on for weekly cervical checks. The first was 3.9cm then. . 4.2 then 4.4 now yesterday is 2.7 , the dr said they don't worry until 2.5 or less. Lil Robbies head is sitting on top of my cervix. How concerned should I be? I'm pretty much on bed rest. The dr asked if I've been resting. I go from the bed to the recliner. I try to cook or do very light cleaning.. fold and put away clothes wipe counters down stuff like that. It usually ends up in Braxton hicks, which are getting stronger. They take my breath away, to where I breath even more shallow and feel a bit nauseated. They used to start at the sides or lower but now they start at the ribs and the uterus hardens all the way down. If I'm walking it makes me stop and just breath. My previous history... 1 natural birth, hurt like crazy. 1 c sect wroth twins at 34 weeks. Felt like mild menstrual cramps. If it wasn't for my water breaking. ... i would have thought it was still bh. You can see why my anxiety is growing...so advice , opinions ... bring it on. . Lol

Hmmm...This one is my first, so I'm not really sure. Do the BH stop if you change positions? Do you get them when you are just relaxing, too, or only when you are doing housework?
Disney, I get them all the time. Housework is almost a guarantee. But i get them just sitting or laying down too. I'm trying to stay in bed mostly today. I can't stand it. Pregnancy is uncomfortable enough let alone staying in bed trying to lay on one side or the other. Getting stiff already. Lol
PostalMom - I'll be honest I don't really know anything about cervical length etc so i'm afraid I can't really offer any advice.

Disney - I had a very bad experience with induction so I would say stay clear from it if you can.
Luciola, it probably is quickening. It will get stronger. Until one day you will be startled by out out of the blue. Then you'll know for sure. It's fun most of the time. Last night and this evening mine are playing ninja warriors. Hoping they will sleep more tonight. It even was affecting my dreams. Lol. Enjoy every moment, you have worked so hard to get to this point. I will say every week since I passed 14 weeks had seemed to go by quickly. Hoping it will stay that way.

Dovkav, how many weeks are you? I wish you had a ticker to tell us. Lol. Your bump is so small. Was your tummy completely flat before? But first tri... your bump is adorable. I miss having a tiny belly. Here's a funny thing. .. I keep opening doors and hitting my bump with the door. I keep forgetting is there because it's grown so fast. Lol
Dovkov - cute bump pics. I didn't have anything noticeable until close to the end of the first trimester.

Disney, I get them all the time. Housework is almost a guarantee. But i get them just sitting or laying down too. I'm trying to stay in bed mostly today. I can't stand it. Pregnancy is uncomfortable enough let alone staying in bed trying to lay on one side or the other. Getting stiff already. Lol

I have one of these wedge pillows. It become my favorite pillow when I'm laying down in bed or on the couch. I find that it helps relieve the pressure on my back by supporting my bump from underneath.


Disney - I had a very bad experience with induction so I would say stay clear from it if you can.

Thanks! I really hope to avoid an induction!
Looks like a newer version came out since I originally purchased mine (Boppy might not make my version anymore). I can't say which is better, but the pillow I have (not contoured) slides under my bump easily and does help keep me more comfortable.

This is the link for the newer one. The reviews make it sound like the new one is probably pretty different...

PostalMom - You made me giggle, I like that i'm not the only one who keeps hitting my bump off of doors etc. Do you find you cant fit through the small gaps you use to fit through. I do miss being slim my bump has come on so quickly but it does look ok.

Disney - I had a pillow like that with my daughter and they're fab aren't they!

Dovkav - Your bump its so tiny and cute! Are you still in your normal clothes?
Postal mom, I have a ticker you need to click on the spoiler and you'll see it! I am 13 weeks 3days, I started with a very flat tummy 59kg, I am 1m73cm.
Have your dr. told you about cervical stiches? They may prevent from premature labor.

MishC, Those photos are taken in the morning before breakfast. After food I am double in size!!! I do fit in my old loose pants only, the tight and sexy ones I put away for next summer.
Did you have twins implanted? One was ectopic? Another one was intrauterine? A miracle baby? Do I understand right?

My cousin just found out that her baby girl 6months old had a hip displasia. She noticed right away, one leg was shorter and her posture was leaning to one side. My cousin told that to a doctor, and she just brushed her away telling you are just a sensitive mother. Now baby girl is diagnosed and had 2,5 hour surgery. She is in the spica cast and than another operation waiting for her...
In USA every girl is screened for a hip displasia with an ultrasound after the birth for preventive measures. I don't know why girls have higher risks.
I'll screen mine. Now I have this condition in my family history, so my child has higher chances.
I urge you to follow your mother's instinct. If you need help and dr. doesn't listen, you should find another one.

I did used a stethoscope yesterday, I heard thunder or train sounds, can't hear the rythm. I couldn't hear them on my bowls. So I am sure it's the baby!
Still It's too early. By 20 weeks I should hear the baby's heart beat.

My blood clot tests for Protein C came back normal, but Protein S was quite low. Protein S controls blood clotting. It means I have low levels of protein S in my blood. Pregnancy and aspirin could lower those levels. I don't know my levels before pregnancy. I did quit aspirin this week, but my hubby wants me to take it every 3 days till we see our gynecologist. I still take 1 progesterone a day.

I just talked to my aunt she is a nurse. The doctors in her hospital doesn't let the woman to close her eyes,... during the pushing...cos they want to see her eyes, pupils, if eyes are red- some blood vessels may ruptured.
Postal - I have no idea about cervix thing but I will keep my fingers crossed for you . From what I remember this pregnancy has been quite tough on you since the beginning :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Disney - although I do not believe those programs are real I must admit if not the fact that I have a belly growing and KNOW that I am pregnant I could confuse it with feeling just a little bit under the weather . I don't feel pregnant and I don't feel any movements ( yet I hope ) so I can totally see how people may go for some time not knowing they are pregnant ( bare in mind I am only 18w so there still is a long way to go ) .

My bump at 18w2d( sorry for the nudity :winkwink: ). When i look at it i think I am not that big but when I look at myself I think I am huugeeee.


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hehe me getting big


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Thanks, Serenyx! :hugs:

My DH thinks that 4D scans are creepy and never wanted one. I'm sure you and your DH are going to love seeing yours on the screen. I'm excited for you! :thumbup:
My husband wasn't keen either but went along for my piece of mind :) we had the scan yesterday and the little monkey would not cooperate :haha: she had her hands or cord in front of her face at all times so they have offered us a free rescan. To be honest I am not even all that bothered about pictures, I just wanted to make sure she was will ok, growing on track and had enough fluid around her. They did definitely confirm she is a little girl though so we can start to think about names :) Well I can , hubby still thinks it is a bit early!

We named her Annika Rose.
Postal -believe it or not she BF on and off for an HOUR last night!!!! So we are still plugging away!
The lactation consultant is coming today at 2 so I'm excited for the support :)
Funny story - every time she BF now that my milk came in I'm SOAKED on my opposite side. I just figured she was sweaty or had a leaky diaper... I never realized that the milk pretty much pours out of the opposite side when your BF!!! Hahaha!
That is a lovely name :) Congratulations on getting her to bf, I hope she is doing well :hugs:

So, I don't normally watch that "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" show, but I was flipping through the channels this morning, and it was on. I fail to understand how someone can not know that they are pregnant. The story that they we're reenacting was about a woman who suffered from MS. I can see how that might impact your ability to know that that you are pregnant with one baby...but TWO?!?! Twin mommies - is that even conceivable that someone can go 32 weeks without knowing that they are carrying twins? :dohh: This lady already had a small child, so this was a second-time-around pregnancy. Sorry, I just had to ask. :flower:
I wouldn't have thought it possible to get that far and still not know you were pregnant :shrug:

Happy due date Disney! Any signs your LO is starting to think about making an appearance?

Congrats, Chickadeedee!!! Also thanks for your words, as I booked my C today for 7/21...
Ooooh exciting times! Congratulations on setting a date :)

We had our 16week scan and doc said it might be a baby girl :)
I am so super duper tired every day, certainly because of pregnancy and work combined. For the past 2 days I feel my lower tummy really bubbly in the evening as I was about to go to bed - is it called quickening???
Congratulations on your little girl :hugs: yes it could well be quickening but since I wasn't sure I had to wait until I felt proper kicks to say she was moving.

Oh I almost forgot. Need every ones in put.

I've been going on for weekly cervical checks. The first was 3.9cm then. . 4.2 then 4.4 now yesterday is 2.7 , the dr said they don't worry until 2.5 or less. Lil Robbies head is sitting on top of my cervix. How concerned should I be? I'm pretty much on bed rest. The dr asked if I've been resting. I go from the bed to the recliner. I try to cook or do very light cleaning.. fold and put away clothes wipe counters down stuff like that. It usually ends up in Braxton hicks, which are getting stronger. They take my breath away, to where I breath even more shallow and feel a bit nauseated. They used to start at the sides or lower but now they start at the ribs and the uterus hardens all the way down. If I'm walking it makes me stop and just breath. My previous history... 1 natural birth, hurt like crazy. 1 c sect wroth twins at 34 weeks. Felt like mild menstrual cramps. If it wasn't for my water breaking. ... i would have thought it was still bh. You can see why my anxiety is growing...so advice , opinions ... bring it on. . Lol
I have no idea about cervical length but I hope those babies stay put for a good while longer yet :hugs:

Here are my baby bump pics
Lovely bump pics Dovkav! I wish I had taken more now!

Here's a funny thing. .. I keep opening doors and hitting my bump with the door. I keep forgetting is there because it's grown so fast. Lol
Oh I do that too :haha:

Hope all you ladies are doing ok :hugs:
Dovkav - My miracle baby is my little girl Elissa who is now 4yrs old. On my due date I went into what I thought was labour (just the pain was at the top of my bump not the bottom of it). It was a constant pain that just kept getting worse by the minute. The pain got so intense I was severely sick for about an hour. My mam convinced me it wasn't normal labour pain as the pain was in the wrong place so I went to the maternity unit at the hospital (at 1am). When I got there and they took my obs my BP was 200/168, my platelets had dropped so my blood wasn't clotting, I had severe swelling to my brain and I was almost in full renal failure. I had every man and is dog in my room when they realised what was going on. I remember having lots and lots of needles stuck into me. they going into my arms, hands, feet, legs etc. I remember I had started to shake uncontrollably and by that point I just wanted it all to end - that was the start of an eclamptic fit! It turned out I had got severe pre eclampsia and HELLP syndrome which really nearly killed us both. I was told if I had stayed at home for another 30 minutes I would have been delivering a still born and if i'd have left it another hour I would have died too. Both myself and everyone involved in what happened consider Elissa as a miracle for making it through that

In 2012 I had an ectopic pregnancy. I had no idea I was pregnant i just got a severe pain in my right side which caused me to start limping. After 2/3 hours the pain subsided so I just got on with thing. My OH insisted I see a doc because I couldn't drive or walk properly. I went to the docs and was referred to the hospital. I convinced the staff at the hospital I was fine so managed to get myself discharged but collapsed in the car park on the way home. When I was took back to the hospital it turned out my fallopian tube had ruptured and I was suffering from internal bleeding. I lost over 1/2 of my blood and was actually in a mess (again) and again I was told if i'd have gone home that night I wouldn't have woken up in the morning!

As for my IVF yes I had 2 embryos implanted but only 1 took. I only really wanted 1 so it worked out really for me.

Hope that helps clear things up a bit :)

Bizzibii - Lovely bump!

Flagirle - Wow huge bump!

If we're doing bump pics this is mine from 2 days ago


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Serenyx - that's wonderful that you were able to comfirm the gender! Congrats on the little girl!! :happydance: I hope that everything else looked good at the scan. :thumbup:

I can't believe I'm at my due date already. Still no signs of LO yet. I've been getting lots of pelvic pressure, but my bump is still high. I was not dilating yet as of Monday. My next appointment is this next Monday. I think they will talk to us about scheduling an induction of she's not here by then. I still want to avoid one if I can. Fingers crossed that I see some progress soon!

MishC - how scary! I'm so glad that you and your daughter are ok!! Prayers for a smooth pregnancy and delivery this time around! :hugs:
Wow So much going on now! I love all the bump pics. I got dressed for a minute to take my pic. Excuse the mess. I'm doing bed rest today. Over did it yesterday and had bh for about 14 hours last night so I'm not doing anything today.


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Chickadee - Congratulations hunni!! :cloud9: xxx

Cant believe how far you all are along with your pregnancies! Hope u are all well? xxx
Nice bump pic, PostalMom! :thumbup: I'm overdue and I think mine still looks fairly high. :dohh:

Hi, Plex! I hope you're doing well! :hugs:
:hugs: How u doin Disney? Bet ur really uncomfortable now? Did i read right that you are going in for an induction soon? xx
Alls good here ta lol just going through the motions of another cycle :thumbup: xx

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