IVF BFP 'S .. The journey, the hope, the success.

:hugs: How u doin Disney? Bet ur really uncomfortable now? Did i read right that you are going in for an induction soon? xx

I'm exhausted and am very much ready to have LO out and in my arms already! I have an appointment tomorrow and am hoping to hear that I've made some progress since last Monday (when I was told that I was not dilated at all and LO hadn't started engaging yet). I think the induction topic will be brought up tomorrow, but I really don't want to be induced. :nope:

Good luck with your next cycle! Is your protocol being tweaked at all?
Serenyx - that's wonderful that you were able to comfirm the gender! Congrats on the little girl!! :happydance: I hope that everything else looked good at the scan. :thumbup:
Thanks :) Yes everything seemed to look ok, she has gone head down again so I hope she will stay that way. It might also account for the smaller movements I have been feeling as my placenta is at the top so therefore she must be kicking into the placenta now :shrug: She had a quiet day yesterday but was more active again this morning :hugs:

I have my whooping cough jab and another midwife appointment in a couple of days :) It's hard to believe I am almost 32 weeks already!

Alls good here ta lol just going through the motions of another cycle :thumbup: xx
Keeping everything crossed for you Plex that this is your cycle :hugs: Are you going for another fresh cycle or are you using your remaining frostie?

I'm exhausted and am very much ready to have LO out and in my arms already! I have an appointment tomorrow and am hoping to hear that I've made some progress since last Monday (when I was told that I was not dilated at all and LO hadn't started engaging yet). I think the induction topic will be brought up tomorrow, but I really don't want to be induced. :nope:
Good luck at your appointment today Disney! Let us know how it goes - I hope you have made some progress :hugs:
:hugs: How u doin Disney? Bet ur really uncomfortable now? Did i read right that you are going in for an induction soon? xx

I'm exhausted and am very much ready to have LO out and in my arms already! I have an appointment tomorrow and am hoping to hear that I've made some progress since last Monday (when I was told that I was not dilated at all and LO hadn't started engaging yet). I think the induction topic will be brought up tomorrow, but I really don't want to be induced. :nope:

Good luck with your next cycle! Is your protocol being tweaked at all?

I know the feeling :hugs: I had me little boy at 40+4 and was so ready to meet him from like 37weeks!! I was supposed to have a stretch and sweep on the morning i had him though with the midwife but i started having contractions so had one at the hospital and i think it really moved things along for me. Can you ask for one of those? It may not work but maybe worth a try? I hope youve dilated and made some progress by your appointment. Did they say when they would possibly induce you?

Im still on short protocol with clexane for clotting - exciting!! xx
Good luck, Plex! :hugs:

Just got back from my appointment. It's estimated that I'm maybe dilated .5 cm (if that) -- not even a finger tip. :dohh: My cervix is still relatively high and is about 30-40% softened/thinned. Baby's position is maybe -4. It feels like she's never going to come out. :nope:

Were holding out a little longer before we schedule an induction. With the holiday coming up, my next appointment won't be until next Monday (41+3). They will do a non-stress test and check my amniotic fluid levels then. I was told that it was fine to wait, and I can go to L&D between now and then if needed. I hope we're doing the right thing.
Serenyx - Thanks hun! Im doing another fresh to see if i can harvest lots o lil eggies :D Awesome news about you having a little girl! Have you thought of any names yet? xx

Disney - Its a date to aim to hun :hugs: I tried lots of those old wives tales to try to induce labor - hot curries, plenty of walking, massaging nipples (weird but they say it u simulate breast feeding it helps bring contractions on - dont know where i'd read that though :haha:). I didnt go as far as sex or swallowing semen though! I just wasnt in the mood AT ALL :haha: Have you tried raspberry leaf tea? Ive heard that helps also. I'd also recommend using a birthing ball, bouncing on it - that helped me bring my bubba down

Sorry if youve tried all of the above - i just hope things get moving asap for you! xx
Thanks, Plex! We've tried most of that except for the tea so far (even DTD, which is not comfortable when you are this pregnant :haha:). It hurts to walk sometimes, but I'm still trying to do a lot of that. The rest of the time, I'm trying to stick to bouncing on my ball. I hope she moves down soon. :baby:

I hope you get lots of mature eggs this time around! :hugs:
My doctors office just called. There was a cancellation for a Thursday appointment, so they gave it to me. :thumbup: I won't be going through the NST or amniotic fluid check that day (that's still Monday), but at least I'll get a chance to be checked otherwise before the holiday, and I'll get to see what my doctor thinks about the possible need to induce sooner (my appointment today was with a nurse practitioner since my doctor was unavailable). I'll be happy for the extra piece of mind before the holiday weekend. Hopefully LO will cooperate and show some progress by then.
Disney that would be so cool to have a July 4th baby. My uncle is July 4th and my dad is dec24th. Guess grandma liked the holidays. Lol. The day you start cleaning wierd things and have a lot of energy is probably the day you will go. I cleaned window seals and banister railings the day my water broke with my twins. And with my first I was running errands all day. I'm so excited for you. I hope and pray I make it to 36.
Plex I'm so glad you are hanging in there! I can't wait to see you over here permanently.
Heya postal! How r u getting on being pregnant with twins? Boys too! :happydance:

I can't wait to join u guys over here :D xx
Serenyx - Thanks hun! Im doing another fresh to see if i can harvest lots o lil eggies :D Awesome news about you having a little girl! Have you thought of any names yet? xx
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you get a good number of eggs this time :hugs:

I see you will be on clexane :) Do you know what strength and how long for? I have been on 20Ui throughout this pregnancy, i'm due to stop at 34 weeks :)

We haven't really thought that much about names, I keep trying to get OH to talk about it but he doesn't want to discuss it yet :dohh: He is happy to veto names he doesn't like but is more reluctant to talk about names he does like :shrug: We have a couple of names that I know we both like floating around but I guess we'll just have to wait and see - I do keep joking about the fact I will just go and register her if he can't make up his mind :haha:

My doctors office just called. There was a cancellation for a Thursday appointment, so they gave it to me. :thumbup: I won't be going through the NST or amniotic fluid check that day (that's still Monday), but at least I'll get a chance to be checked otherwise before the holiday, and I'll get to see what my doctor thinks about the possible need to induce sooner (my appointment today was with a nurse practitioner since my doctor was unavailable). I'll be happy for the extra piece of mind before the holiday weekend. Hopefully LO will cooperate and show some progress by then.
Oh that must be a relief! Hopefully she will have made some progress by then :hugs: I'm not sure I would want to leave it until after the holiday weekend either - it's good you will be able to see your doctor too.
Choosing a name is difficult we didnt name our son until the 11/12th July (he was born on the 9th) Just couldnt decide! My hubby just said lets call him Samuel and i thought, yeah I like that and it stuck lolol He looked like a Samuel. We were going to call him Tristan as i love that name but it didnt feel right.

I hope we get a good number of eggs too thanks hun :hugs: Im worried as i just dont feel like the meds are working this time :(

I have a shed load of 20mg clexane, initially my doctor told me id be on 40mg but shes not sure at the moment and it'll be a on the day decision i believe. How do you find those injections? Ive heard they sting and leave lovely bruises! Also where do you inject - i dont like the thought of injecting my thighs! xx
Disney, hope and pray you'll have your baby by the end of this week!
Cheering for you and thinking of you!

Plex, wish you all the best! I hope and pray for a good numbr and healthy eggies.

My first gyn appoinment is on Friday. My mother in law she was keep telling me that my belly is not growing yet. However, last night during dinner she told me it is showing and she touched it and wished for healthy baby.
I wish I feel the baby kicks soon! Only the bump gives me hope that he is healthy.
Dovkav - So happy fro you hun! You really deserve ur bfp! You tried for so long :hugs: Bet if feels real now ur mother in law is noticing ur bump? Exciting that you have ur first gyn appointment on friday too! xx
Choosing a name is difficult we didnt name our son until the 11/12th July (he was born on the 9th) Just couldnt decide! My hubby just said lets call him Samuel and i thought, yeah I like that and it stuck lolol He looked like a Samuel. We were going to call him Tristan as i love that name but it didnt feel right.
Oh I love the name Tristan too, but my DH really dislikes it and vetoed it before we knew the gender :dohh:

I hope we get a good number of eggs too thanks hun :hugs: Im worried as i just dont feel like the meds are working this time :(
When will you be scanned to see how the follicles are growing? I hope they are growing nicely :hugs:

I have a shed load of 20mg clexane, initially my doctor told me id be on 40mg but shes not sure at the moment and it'll be a on the day decision i believe. How do you find those injections? Ive heard they sting and leave lovely bruises! Also where do you inject - i dont like the thought of injecting my thighs! xx
I find them fine, I was actually on fragmin at first which I found bruised more than the clexane! I had to swap when I was discharged from the IVF clinic as my hospital don't stock fragmin :dohh: I do inject in my thighs as I can't face injecting into my stomach! I just alternate thighs each night :)

My first gyn appoinment is on Friday. My mother in law she was keep telling me that my belly is not growing yet. However, last night during dinner she told me it is showing and she touched it and wished for healthy baby.
I wish I feel the baby kicks soon! Only the bump gives me hope that he is healthy.
It must be lovely to be showing now :) I hope you feel kicks shortly :hugs:

Fun and games here tonight :dohh: I went for my whooping cough jab, got there 5 mins early, checked in, saw them take my name, look down at their sheet and tick me off. So I took a seat and after 30 mins I was getting restless, the receptionist asked me again what I was there for and then told me I was supposed to be upstairs! What she was doing when she took my name and ticked me off I don't know! So I go to the other nurses area upstairs only to find that the nurse I was supposed to see had since gone home and no one else in the entire building (3 different doctors practices all with their own nurses and the nurses station downstairs) was able to give me the jab! What a shambles, I now need to go back next week :(

Then an hour or so later I have my midwife appt and they find protein in my urine so I now have to go to the hospital tomorrow for more tests :( Hopefully they are just being incredibly cautious as my BP wasn't raised, but then I am on daily aspirin as well as clexane which would reduce my BP :shrug:
Plex. The pregnancy is good. It's been my most painful pregnancy. I've had just about every pain you can get. I'm on bed rest now because I get so many bh. I'm nervous that my Dr didn't have me scheduled for this week. I go to the perinatal specialist on monday.. they are doing an echo on both boys. . BTW did any one know that ivf babies have a much higher rate of heart problems? That's what they are telling me. Hence the echos. Even though everything has been spot on so far. I'm nervous because I was on weekly cervical checks. Week before last I was over 4 cm. Last week I was 2.7 . I should be around 3.5-4 . So missing a week works me. On the bright side I have reached 24 weeks. Viability! ! Woohoo! I'm also looking forward to next week's apointment because that's my next growth check. They were running a tad bigger a month ago. So I'm hoping for nice size boys. Plus that means I'll get out of the house 21st that week. Bed rest really really really sucks.
Disney, hope and pray you'll have your baby by the end of this week!
Cheering for you and thinking of you!

Plex, wish you all the best! I hope and pray for a good numbr and healthy eggies.

My first gyn appoinment is on Friday. My mother in law she was keep telling me that my belly is not growing yet. However, last night during dinner she told me it is showing and she touched it and wished for healthy baby.
I wish I feel the baby kicks soon! Only the bump gives me hope that he is healthy.

Thanks!! You'll be feeling kicks soon enough - hand in there! :hugs:

Fun and games here tonight :dohh: I went for my whooping cough jab, got there 5 mins early, checked in, saw them take my name, look down at their sheet and tick me off. So I took a seat and after 30 mins I was getting restless, the receptionist asked me again what I was there for and then told me I was supposed to be upstairs! What she was doing when she took my name and ticked me off I don't know! So I go to the other nurses area upstairs only to find that the nurse I was supposed to see had since gone home and no one else in the entire building (3 different doctors practices all with their own nurses and the nurses station downstairs) was able to give me the jab! What a shambles, I now need to go back next week :(

Then an hour or so later I have my midwife appt and they find protein in my urine so I now have to go to the hospital tomorrow for more tests :( Hopefully they are just being incredibly cautious as my BP wasn't raised, but then I am on daily aspirin as well as clexane which would reduce my BP :shrug:

How annoying! So sorry you had to deal with that. Clearly the receptionist is a little :wacko:. I hope that the tests go ok tomorrow. I've had protein in my urine at one of my visits, but my BP is always low. My doctor says that you're generally ok as long as BP is low and you don't have excessive swelling -- especially in your face. Keep us posted! :hugs:

Plex. The pregnancy is good. It's been my most painful pregnancy. I've had just about every pain you can get. I'm on bed rest now because I get so many bh. I'm nervous that my Dr didn't have me scheduled for this week. I go to the perinatal specialist on monday.. they are doing an echo on both boys. . BTW did any one know that ivf babies have a much higher rate of heart problems? That's what they are telling me. Hence the echos. Even though everything has been spot on so far. I'm nervous because I was on weekly cervical checks. Week before last I was over 4 cm. Last week I was 2.7 . I should be around 3.5-4 . So missing a week works me. On the bright side I have reached 24 weeks. Viability! ! Woohoo! I'm also looking forward to next week's apointment because that's my next growth check. They were running a tad bigger a month ago. So I'm hoping for nice size boys. Plus that means I'll get out of the house 21st that week. Bed rest really really really sucks.

Congrats on reaching 24 weeks!! :happydance: I know that bed rest is hard. Hang in there. It'll be worth it once your little princes are here. :hugs:
How annoying! So sorry you had to deal with that. Clearly the receptionist is a little :wacko:. I hope that the tests go ok tomorrow. I've had protein in my urine at one of my visits, but my BP is always low. My doctor says that you're generally ok as long as BP is low and you don't have excessive swelling -- especially in your face. Keep us posted! :hugs:
Thanks :flower:

Hopefully they are just being cautious because of my history but I would rather that than develop complications :)

Don't you have your doctors appointment today? I hope your LO has made some progress :hugs: She's obviously nice and comfy in there :haha:

Congratulations on making 24 weeks Postal! I haven't heard anything about IVF pregnancies being more prone to heart problems :shrug: It's certainly not common practice over here to do an echo on babies conceived by IVF.
How annoying! So sorry you had to deal with that. Clearly the receptionist is a little :wacko:. I hope that the tests go ok tomorrow. I've had protein in my urine at one of my visits, but my BP is always low. My doctor says that you're generally ok as long as BP is low and you don't have excessive swelling -- especially in your face. Keep us posted! :hugs:
Thanks :flower:

Hopefully they are just being cautious because of my history but I would rather that than develop complications :)

Don't you have your doctors appointment today? I hope your LO has made some progress :hugs: She's obviously nice and comfy in there :haha:

Congratulations on making 24 weeks Postal! I haven't heard anything about IVF pregnancies being more prone to heart problems :shrug: It's certainly not common practice over here to do an echo on babies conceived by IVF.

I'm sure your LO is fine, but I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway! :hugs:

I do have a doctor appointment later this afternoon. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

PostalMom's comment was the first I've heard about IVF pregnancies being more prone or heart problems, too. :shrug: I'm guessing they would have ordered an echo for mine if something showed up on my 20 week ultrasound. Otherwise, I don't think it's considered a standard test for all IVF babies. Fingers crossed that PMs babies are just fine. :hugs:
Oh Disney, I was just thinking of you this morning... Good luck and keep us posted.

AFM I feel they are getting heavier each day, added few more pounds, inches in my waist, belly super itchy. My last full day in the office today. Some days I freak out over little things and feel as if it's coming, other days like they are in no rush to get here. U/S tech sort of confirmed the latter as well, and called my kids crazy, apparently they were moving a lot during BPP. And I did not even really feel them then. So imagine how they move when I do indeed feel.

Stressing about the timing to close on my house (week of 7/14 per the latest news), and not be in the hospital at this time, plus get them all the paperwork over and over. Also, I have this urgent need to think of what else I need to buy for them and stock up on before I go to hospital... Is this part of nesting?? I surely don't feel like cleaning with this gigantic belly.
Oh Disney, I was just thinking of you this morning... Good luck and keep us posted.

AFM I feel they are getting heavier each day, added few more pounds, inches in my waist, belly super itchy. My last full day in the office today. Some days I freak out over little things and feel as if it's coming, other days like they are in no rush to get here. U/S tech sort of confirmed the latter as well, and called my kids crazy, apparently they were moving a lot during BPP. And I did not even really feel them then. So imagine how they move when I do indeed feel.

Stressing about the timing to close on my house (week of 7/14 per the latest news), and not be in the hospital at this time, plus get them all the paperwork over and over. Also, I have this urgent need to think of what else I need to buy for them and stock up on before I go to hospital... Is this part of nesting?? I surely don't feel like cleaning with this gigantic belly.

Congrats on making it through your last full day of work! Good luck with all of the house stuff. I never got that promised burst of energy or nesting feeling, but maybe that's because she still doesn't want to leave!

Still hardly any progress. Baby hasn't dropped into the pelvis yet, and I'm still only dilated about 1/2 cm. :dohh: Good news is that the baby appears to still be doing fine, and my fluid levels are still ok. I'm also having contractions, though I can hardly feel them. We scheduled our induction for Sunday night. My doctor is on call at the hospital on Monday, so she will deliver the baby if she comes after 7:00 am on Monday.

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