Hey girls
How is everyone?? has been very quiet on here!!
Tcmc how are you sweetie hope your feeling okay and not to much pain after the retrieval xx
Well I tested again today and got quite a good second line

cautiously excited hoping the next few days I can get an amazing and blazing BFP it's only 7dp transfer so all is good!!
Thinking of you all and much love xx
YAY for your BFP!!

i hope it continues to get darker for you

have you had any symptoms or feeling anything?
I am going crazy already and only 2dp2dt

today i am having alot of lower back pain not sharp just achey, i dont know if its anything to do with whats going on with the embies or if its because i havent had a BM since friday before transfer

also my tummy is achey almost like when you do too much at the gym and it feels over stretched having some shooting pains down below also but i guess thats because of all the hoaking and poking they have been doin down there this week

had the tiniest bit of brownish coloured blood on my liner today i just hope to god its implantation bleeding and not a sign that AF is trying to show
my tummy is very swollen so at the min i actually look about 5 months pregnant, if only
hope all you other lovely ladies are doing well