IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

YAYYY! congratulations Gemma i am so so happy for you and il keep my fingers crossed u do have 2 little :baby::baby: in there :happydance: you must be so so happy!!

my heads going with this waiting business!!:wacko: i picked up a cpl of HPT at asda today which prob wasnt a great idea cos i will only b tempted to test reallllllly early:haha: no patience at all!!

Thank you missus!!!! We are so happy but I'm so nervous just trying to enjoy it but I don't think il stop worrying until I get past 12 wks!!

Hehe sit on your hands do not pee on those sticks :haha: it's so hard not to though you just want to know like yesterday lol xx
YAYYY! congratulations Gemma i am so so happy for you and il keep my fingers crossed u do have 2 little :baby::baby: in there :happydance: you must be so so happy!!

my heads going with this waiting business!!:wacko: i picked up a cpl of HPT at asda today which prob wasnt a great idea cos i will only b tempted to test reallllllly early:haha: no patience at all!!

Thank you missus!!!! We are so happy but I'm so nervous just trying to enjoy it but I don't think il stop worrying until I get past 12 wks!!

Hehe sit on your hands do not pee on those sticks :haha: it's so hard not to though you just want to know like yesterday lol xx
Gemma, well done honey! This ivf/pregnancy thing is such a waiting game-now you have to wait to find out if there's 1 or 2 in there lol!! But seriously, enjoy every minute of it, I'm so pleased for u!
Tcmc, it will be you next!!
Babies r us, hopefully your schedule will arrive soon. I'm due to start BCP on 7th dec and was wondering how the Xmas holidays would affect them sending out mine. Does anyone know if DH has to be with you for all the monitoring scans etc? My DH is gonna be away for a week or so in January and February so was wondering if they will delay treatment until he's here for the whole thing.
Thank you Babies are us :hugs: I'm am delighted and my lines are getting stronger every test I think I may have two in there but I'm just amazed it worked we are over the moon!!! Xx

I'm sure u r Hun & so u should b, ur very own little miracles'' absolutely fab honestly best as pressie ever xoxo
Twinklemama I'm sure you can't wait to get started its so frustrating just waiting around. Although I'm so impatient anyway. Lol
I've been on my BCP for 28 days (not that I'm countin lol) but at r screening appointment the nurse did day it wasn't necessary for my hubbie to be at every appointment because we asked due to his work also, so u should be fine!
I'm sure ur super excited an counting down the days to get started. I can't even think about Xmas I'm too occupied with all this treatment! The good sucess stories here r keeping me sane. 😃😃
Wow I disappear for a few days and come back to the threads first BFP!!! Really delighted for you Gemma, I totally understand ur caution but wow congratulations to you both xxx
Now I have to catch up with the rest of the posts. Hope every1 is keepin well.
Did any1 watch the bbcni prog tonight? Im sure it will be on iplayer if you missed it. Having been thru an Origin cycle it was strange to watch it all, but good for people who dont know much about the process.
Nite all xxxx
Wow I disappear for a few days and come back to the threads first BFP!!! Really delighted for you Gemma, I totally understand ur caution but wow congratulations to you both xxx
Now I have to catch up with the rest of the posts. Hope every1 is keepin well.
Did any1 watch the bbcni prog tonight? Im sure it will be on iplayer if you missed it. Having been thru an Origin cycle it was strange to watch it all, but good for people who dont know much about the process.
Nite all xxxx

Thank you threebirds I'm absolutely thrilled and to top it off got an amazing test today second line was almost as dark as the control so I'm no longer going to be cautious I know I have amazing babies with me and I have every faith in them I'm going to enjoy every minute :) yes I watched it..... It's truly amazing what they do I actually had a wee cry especially at the end I honestly felt heart wrenchingly gutted for those girls it broke my heart when u feel so lucky and blessed when that is just devastating I just hope and pray my wee embies are snuggled in tight and for the long haul xx
aww Gemma thats brilliant!! loving the new test pic!!:happydance::hugs: enjoy every minute of it chick:hugs: did u only test using the frer or what type of test did you use?

im thinking i will test on saturday or sunday which will put me 8/9dp2dt or 10/11dpo do you think this is still too early. im so worried everyday in 1 sense i want to end the torture and just find out and in the other i want it to last as long as possible before completely bursting the bubble:cry::wacko:
Twinklemama - Im currently on day 17 of BCP awaiting schedule alot of girls said the come around or after 21 days on BCP. I feel its dragging in so i'm tryin to keep busy until it arrives so i know dates to plan around it's a pain not knowin where you stand. Does your AF usually come on time? we will be around similar times then. won't be long goin in fingers crossed. x

Does anyone know how long RFC will be closing for xmas?

Babies r us - Can't believe you still haven't recieved your schedule have you phoned them up? Is it not driving you nuts? Hopefully it comes within next few days please let us know when you do x

Tcmc - well done! glad your ET went well i'm sure you will get your BFP very soon, i'd be busting to test to but try and leave it as long as you can just incase hide those tests like gemma done give them to your DH lol i know easier said than done :-/ How are you feeling other than that? has your DH been lifting and laying you?

Gemma - yyaayyy Massive congrats to you and ur DH :-) .. Can't believe it so over the moon for you looks a lovely dark line there in recent test pic.. i'd be causious too i think until the scan but enjoy every minute of it... What happens now then with you have you to phone them up? I thought they bring you in and do bloods themselves to make sure your PG :-/ x

threebirds - Hi how are you? I caught the programme last night i missed first 10 minutes of it but thing its repeated again tonight i have to say i was balling my eyes out to it. x
Hi to everyone else sorry i've not been writing as much just trying to stay busy busy to help make time go faster xx
Twinklemama - Im currently on day 17 of BCP awaiting schedule alot of girls said the come around or after 21 days on BCP. I feel its dragging in so i'm tryin to keep busy until it arrives so i know dates to plan around it's a pain not knowin where you stand. Does your AF usually come on time? we will be around similar times then. won't be long goin in fingers crossed. x

Does anyone know how long RFC will be closing for xmas?

Babies r us - Can't believe you still haven't recieved your schedule have you phoned them up? Is it not driving you nuts? Hopefully it comes within next few days please let us know when you do x

Tcmc - well done! glad your ET went well i'm sure you will get your BFP very soon, i'd be busting to test to but try and leave it as long as you can just incase hide those tests like gemma done give them to your DH lol i know easier said than done :-/ How are you feeling other than that? has your DH been lifting and laying you?

Gemma - yyaayyy Massive congrats to you and ur DH :-) .. Can't believe it so over the moon for you looks a lovely dark line there in recent test pic.. i'd be causious too i think until the scan but enjoy every minute of it... What happens now then with you have you to phone them up? I thought they bring you in and do bloods themselves to make sure your PG :-/ x

threebirds - Hi how are you? I caught the programme last night i missed first 10 minutes of it but thing its repeated again tonight i have to say i was balling my eyes out to it. x
Hi to everyone else sorry i've not been writing as much just trying to stay busy busy to help make time go faster xx

Wifeyw - oh yes it is completely doing my head in I can't think of anything else an Gemma an tcmc had their schedules already by now an were starting their nasal spray on day 31. I'm so frustrated. I phoned the RFC but was casually told they'd be in touch when they had my schedule ready. They z they like to keep ya on ur BCP for around 2 months.. Argggggg
Ur not too far behind me maybe we will get our schedules together luv x
I can't believe that, I hate when they say things like that leaves you hanging basically prob is to do with leaving you longer because with them closing over xmas etc thats what i was worried about looks like it will be after xmas. oh well! As long as we are moving in the right direction thats all that matters. They might start yours after your next set of BCP then do you think? I hoped to start before xmas because i can't focus on anything else.. i'm sure your the same. We might bump into one another hopefully we are same time b nice to go through it together. y do they leave you 2 months x
I can't believe that, I hate when they say things like that leaves you hanging basically prob is to do with leaving you longer because with them closing over xmas etc thats what i was worried about looks like it will be after xmas. oh well! As long as we are moving in the right direction thats all that matters. They might start yours after your next set of BCP then do you think? I hoped to start before xmas because i can't focus on anything else.. i'm sure your the same. We might bump into one another hopefully we are same time b nice to go through it together. y do they leave you 2 months x

I am the exact same it's hard to even concentrate on Xmas or anything for that matter.. I'm jus counting days of pills etc. but yes I think u could be right it may be to work round the clinic during the holidays. I'm jus playing a waiting game an 🙏 everyday when I get home from work the letter will be there!! But on a positive as u say we're one step closer.
Yes I think we could be around the same time chic which will be nice as u say xo
I can't believe that, I hate when they say things like that leaves you hanging basically prob is to do with leaving you longer because with them closing over xmas etc thats what i was worried about looks like it will be after xmas. oh well! As long as we are moving in the right direction thats all that matters. They might start yours after your next set of BCP then do you think? I hoped to start before xmas because i can't focus on anything else.. i'm sure your the same. We might bump into one another hopefully we are same time b nice to go through it together. y do they leave you 2 months x

I am the exact same it's hard to even concentrate on Xmas or anything for that matter.. I'm jus counting days of pills etc. but yes I think u could be right it may be to work round the clinic during the holidays. I'm jus playing a waiting game an 🙏 everyday when I get home from work the letter will be there!! But on a positive as u say we're one step closer.
Yes I think we could be around the same time chic which will be nice as u say xo
Sorry I jus noticed your q on the end. I'm not sure why they leave you 2 months I think personally they are just workin it out to make sure not everyone is in at the same time but I reckon the time of year isn't helping us either 😥boo for Xmas this year lol xo
aww Gemma thats brilliant!! loving the new test pic!!:happydance::hugs: enjoy every minute of it chick:hugs: did u only test using the frer or what type of test did you use?

im thinking i will test on saturday or sunday which will put me 8/9dp2dt or 10/11dpo do you think this is still too early. im so worried everyday in 1 sense i want to end the torture and just find out and in the other i want it to last as long as possible before completely bursting the bubble:cry::wacko:

Thank you huni :hugs: no I have been using Superdrug own brand they are fab had such a faint line with FRER 7dp3dt and then bought a Superdrug that afternoon and got a better line and within 40hrs I'm now nearly as dark as the control line and they are cheaper 7.99 for two 2 pack :thumbup:

I think it's personal choice sweetie I just knew I couldn't wait any longer I just needed to know as I was torturing myself so just do what u feel is right for you as I think deep down I knew even though I was still waiting for a negative! Implantation happens anywhere from 6-10 days dpo but I now know I was definitely on day 6 so if a test is negative at 10dpo your absolutely still in the running I have just been very early. I think 10/11 dpo is still very early to test but as I said I just couldn't wait.... do it when you feel ready...... I know you will be fine huni xx
Twinklemama - Im currently on day 17 of BCP awaiting schedule alot of girls said the come around or after 21 days on BCP. I feel its dragging in so i'm tryin to keep busy until it arrives so i know dates to plan around it's a pain not knowin where you stand. Does your AF usually come on time? we will be around similar times then. won't be long goin in fingers crossed. x

Does anyone know how long RFC will be closing for xmas?

Babies r us - Can't believe you still haven't recieved your schedule have you phoned them up? Is it not driving you nuts? Hopefully it comes within next few days please let us know when you do x

Tcmc - well done! glad your ET went well i'm sure you will get your BFP very soon, i'd be busting to test to but try and leave it as long as you can just incase hide those tests like gemma done give them to your DH lol i know easier said than done :-/ How are you feeling other than that? has your DH been lifting and laying you?

Gemma - yyaayyy Massive congrats to you and ur DH :-) .. Can't believe it so over the moon for you looks a lovely dark line there in recent test pic.. i'd be causious too i think until the scan but enjoy every minute of it... What happens now then with you have you to phone them up? I thought they bring you in and do bloods themselves to make sure your PG :-/ x

threebirds - Hi how are you? I caught the programme last night i missed first 10 minutes of it but thing its repeated again tonight i have to say i was balling my eyes out to it. x
Hi to everyone else sorry i've not been writing as much just trying to stay busy busy to help make time go faster xx

Thank you wifeyw :hugs: I'm not sure how long they close for I wouldn't think it's too long! No, no blood tests must be because its NHS they do it on the cheap you just test and then regardless of your result you send back a form that they give you at E/T and then wait for a letter to come in for a scan x
Hi all

I hope someone can help me I'm a little confussed
having icis I'm 33
Yesterday I went for egg recovery, three eggs where recovered and but only two were fertilised successfully as one egg was poor quality.
They have called me today and would like to transfer tomorrow day 2 is it a bad sign that they want to do it so soon or is this normal as there is only 2 embryos.

Also the have asked if I want both to be put back in is this a good idea.

I have been trying for 7 years to conceive and want to give myself the best chance.
They checked my lining yesterday and it is 11mm

Any advise would be great

Hi all

I hope someone can help me I'm a little confussed
having icis I'm 33
Yesterday I went for egg recovery, three eggs where recovered and but only two were fertilised successfully as one egg was poor quality.
They have called me today and would like to transfer tomorrow day 2 is it a bad sign that they want to do it so soon or is this normal as there is only 2 embryos.

Also the have asked if I want both to be put back in is this a good idea.

I have been trying for 7 years to conceive and want to give myself the best chance.
They checked my lining yesterday and it is 11mm

Any advise would be great

Hi all

I hope someone can help me I'm a little confussed
having icis I'm 33
Yesterday I went for egg recovery, three eggs where recovered and but only two were fertilised successfully as one egg was poor quality.
They have called me today and would like to transfer tomorrow day 2 is it a bad sign that they want to do it so soon or is this normal as there is only 2 embryos.

Also the have asked if I want both to be put back in is this a good idea.

I have been trying for 7 years to conceive and want to give myself the best chance.
They checked my lining yesterday and it is 11mm

Any advise would be great


Hi Smirn

Are you attending the RFC? I honestly dont know what their protocol is for choosing transfer day I do know that only option is a day 2 or 3 transfer! I had a day 3 transfer and another girl Tcmc had a 2 day maybe Tcmc could answer that but I honestly believe they are were they are meant to be and day 2 or 3 doesn't have any difference re conception!

As for how many to transfer its personal choice and if they allow you to make that decision......... But id say if u are happy with the possibilities of twins go for it! Good luck x
Hi all

I hope someone can help me I'm a little confussed
having icis I'm 33
Yesterday I went for egg recovery, three eggs where recovered and but only two were fertilised successfully as one egg was poor quality.
They have called me today and would like to transfer tomorrow day 2 is it a bad sign that they want to do it so soon or is this normal as there is only 2 embryos.

Also the have asked if I want both to be put back in is this a good idea.

I have been trying for 7 years to conceive and want to give myself the best chance.
They checked my lining yesterday and it is 11mm

Any advise would be great

hi smirn
I had a 2 day transfer last week at the rfc. i questioned why i was having a 2 day transfer with them and they told me that they only do 2day or 3 day there and also that the sooner the embryos can go back into ur body the better it is for them. they told me my embryos were excellent quality and dividing really well so they were happy to put them back and confident they would do well. what they didnt tell me and i found out myself is that they are closed on a saturday so because i had egg collection on wednesday there was no way i was gonna have anything but a day 2 transfer:shrug:

putting the embryos back on day2 instead of day 3 isnt going to make a difference really though i have been googling non stop since i found out i would be having a day 2 and honestly there is no evidence to suggest it would affect the chances of a pregnancy resulting.

Good luck with your transfer it really is a piece of cake mine was literally over in seconds:hugs:
Gemma - how are you today? are you still poas? when do you take the test they gave you and send in the form?:hugs:

Twinkle, Three, Wifey, Babies - where are all of you ladies at with the pill, waiting etc? :hugs:

AFM all my aches and pains and bloating and everything really seems to have just disappeared overnight:shrug: i dont know im tired even though i have been going to bed alot earlier than i would normally but i dont know what any of it means, to be honest i have never been more out of touch with my own body than these last few weeks:wacko:

i think i am going to hold out until sunday to test if i feel i can wait longer i will cos atm as much as its driving me crazy not knowing i kind of like that there is a possibility that i am pregnant. i really hope i am:cry:

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