IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Thank you so much xx I feel sick to my stomach after seeing just 1 line today and will not be repeating again in a hurry thank u again.

Tcmc it's very early huni try not to be too disheartened. Easy for me to say, but ur still in there. Positive thoughts an aul... There's nothing to suggest otherwise apart from that today which is so easy explained..
Stay positive il be praying for u huni xoxo
Babies r us - can't believe i'd be on the phone to them again..

tcmc - aww missus i think that would be me i couldn't hold off when it comes to me im not goin to buy any or have any in house until i need to test. i still have positive vibes that your gonna get your BFP and then u'll be looking back on this day and laughing in a positive way. your not out yet xx

Gemma - hows u? tiredness still bad?
Babies r us - can't believe i'd be on the phone to them again..

tcmc - aww missus i think that would be me i couldn't hold off when it comes to me im not goin to buy any or have any in house until i need to test. i still have positive vibes that your gonna get your BFP and then u'll be looking back on this day and laughing in a positive way. your not out yet xx

Gemma - hows u? tiredness still bad?

Hi wifeyw yes symptoms have gotten worse I'm really trying to embrace it but its so hard really hits me in the afternoon absolutely overwhelming tiredness:sleep: but any symptoms is good reassurance that things are progressing and had my first slight nausea today feel like i need to eat something all the time its like that sore tummy you have when you are hungry but its good I got my 2-3 on a digi today so I will be very surprised with everything happening so quickly that there are not two in there and thats why I feel wrecked this early xx

How are you keeping???

Tcmc how are you today sweetie??

Babies r us - Any sign yet did you ring them again?? I'd have them tortured lol xx
Still no word I'm kinda huffing wit them now.. When I rang on Monday they were very dry with me and in a very unfriendly tone told me THEY will be in touch with me when the schedule is ready!
I've been on the list for ivf for 23months so maybe they just don't get why I'm a little impatient now.
I'm also a moody little bitch because of all this and can't stop crying 😪😪 not fun to be around at all at the minute. Can't even look forward to 🎄an everyone around me is full of festive cheer!! 😪 Not a happy girl..
I hope ur feeling better today tcmc an feeling positive again.
Gemma glad things are moving along for you, maybe u have 2 in there an that's why ur so tired etc. when u back at RFC?
Wifeyw are you hanging in there also misses?
Folks sorry for jumping in but I have been following this thread now for a few days after having having a 3dt transfer last Sunday at the RFC. I'm trying not to obsess. I just wanted to let the ladies know who are waiting on their schedule that I started the bcp in July and had to order a fourth pack from my gp on the rvh's advice as they were still preparing the schedules. I bled constantly and was like a bear but my advice is be patient and enjoy the festivities of Xmas! We didn't have our appointment for our drugs until October but once you get your drugs it all happens very quickly. Ladies try and relax as it will come and the ivf is actually the stressful bit! I know it's hard to be patient but they will be in touch! We went up on Sunday for our appt at 11.30 and it was like paddys cattle market we waited 1hr for a 5 minute procedure! Unfortunately this is the state of the rvh!
Congrats Gemma by the way! I'm trying not to analyse every symptom!
Good luck everyone!
Folks sorry for jumping in but I have been following this thread now for a few days after having having a 3dt transfer last Sunday at the RFC. I'm trying not to obsess. I just wanted to let the ladies know who are waiting on their schedule that I started the bcp in July and had to order a fourth pack from my gp on the rvh's advice as they were still preparing the schedules. I bled constantly and was like a bear but my advice is be patient and enjoy the festivities of Xmas! We didn't have our appointment for our drugs until October but once you get your drugs it all happens very quickly. Ladies try and relax as it will come and the ivf is actually the stressful bit! I know it's hard to be patient but they will be in touch! We went up on Sunday for our appt at 11.30 and it was like paddys cattle market we waited 1hr for a 5 minute procedure! Unfortunately this is the state of the rvh!
Congrats Gemma by the way! I'm trying not to analyse every symptom!
Good luck everyone!

Jetson1 no way that is riddicoulas I'd like to say I'm shocked but since I've been attending for almost 4&1/2 years an am waiting since jan10 on the waiting list for treatment I'm really not! They are so slow with everything an I am growing so impatient with them now. The unfortunate thing is as its the only fertility clinic in n Ireland were sort of stuck.. (Unless u pay wit origin)
Hopefully it'll all b worth it. I hope ur feeling good an u soon get a BFP x
Folks sorry for jumping in but I have been following this thread now for a few days after having having a 3dt transfer last Sunday at the RFC. I'm trying not to obsess. I just wanted to let the ladies know who are waiting on their schedule that I started the bcp in July and had to order a fourth pack from my gp on the rvh's advice as they were still preparing the schedules. I bled constantly and was like a bear but my advice is be patient and enjoy the festivities of Xmas! We didn't have our appointment for our drugs until October but once you get your drugs it all happens very quickly. Ladies try and relax as it will come and the ivf is actually the stressful bit! I know it's hard to be patient but they will be in touch! We went up on Sunday for our appt at 11.30 and it was like paddys cattle market we waited 1hr for a 5 minute procedure! Unfortunately this is the state of the rvh!
Congrats Gemma by the way! I'm trying not to analyse every symptom!
Good luck everyone!

Jetson1 no way that is riddicoulas I'd like to say I'm shocked but since I've been attending for almost 4&1/2 years an am waiting since jan10 on the waiting list for treatment I'm really not! They are so slow with everything an I am growing so impatient with them now. The unfortunate thing is as its the only fertility clinic in n Ireland were sort of stuck.. (Unless u pay wit origin)
Hopefully it'll all b worth it. I hope ur feeling good an u soon get a BFP x

Hey babies are us! I have been seeing prof mcclure for 6 yrs and this is our last go! I called the rvh to accept the treatment at the allocated time and they wrote to me a week later saying I had been removed from the list as I had not responded and that I should I was back in the care of my gp! Needless to say melt down city in our house! Thankfully professor mcclure sorted it in half a day saying it was an admin error but you always get these letter on a Friday! I really do not believe that admin is their forte! They also have a new booking system so I think this is delaying things too! Fingers crossed you hear soon but I honestly would enjoy your wine and Xmas! Life is toooooooooooo short! Xx
Folks sorry for jumping in but I have been following this thread now for a few days after having having a 3dt transfer last Sunday at the RFC. I'm trying not to obsess. I just wanted to let the ladies know who are waiting on their schedule that I started the bcp in July and had to order a fourth pack from my gp on the rvh's advice as they were still preparing the schedules. I bled constantly and was like a bear but my advice is be patient and enjoy the festivities of Xmas! We didn't have our appointment for our drugs until October but once you get your drugs it all happens very quickly. Ladies try and relax as it will come and the ivf is actually the stressful bit! I know it's hard to be patient but they will be in touch! We went up on Sunday for our appt at 11.30 and it was like paddys cattle market we waited 1hr for a 5 minute procedure! Unfortunately this is the state of the rvh!
Congrats Gemma by the way! I'm trying not to analyse every symptom!
Good luck everyone!

Jetson1 no way that is riddicoulas I'd like to say I'm shocked but since I've been attending for almost 4&1/2 years an am waiting since jan10 on the waiting list for treatment I'm really not! They are so slow with everything an I am growing so impatient with them now. The unfortunate thing is as its the only fertility clinic in n Ireland were sort of stuck.. (Unless u pay wit origin)
Hopefully it'll all b worth it. I hope ur feeling good an u soon get a BFP x

Hey babies are us! I have been seeing prof mcclure for 6 yrs and this is our last go! I called the rvh to accept the treatment at the allocated time and they wrote to me a week later saying I had been removed from the list as I had not responded and that I should I was back in the care of my gp! Needless to say melt down city in our house! Thankfully professor mcclure sorted it in half a day saying it was an admin error but you always get these letter on a Friday! I really do not believe that admin is their forte! They also have a new booking system so I think this is delaying things too! Fingers crossed you hear soon but I honestly would enjoy your wine and Xmas! Life is toooooooooooo short! Xx
Augh bless u huni that's awful. That's a long time! I am definitely gonna b prayin u get good news wat a great Xmas pressie that would b for u!

Thanks for ur advice it means a lot just nice when someone else can relate to how ur feeling 😘😘

I agree with the admin let downs, twice my letters got lost apparently & I was finding myself frustrated with the whole thing!
I always seem to get my letters on Saturdays well I have my last 2 anyway!

Let us know how u go & praying for another BFP very soon xx
Hi ladies

How are you all???

Tcmc have been thinking about you so much..... I hope your okay!! How are you feeling??? xxx
Hi ladies

How are you all???

Tcmc have been thinking about you so much..... I hope your okay!! How are you feeling??? xxx

hey chick, hows things with you?

i am ok, just trying to forget about the silly test the other day and hope that the nxt test shows a positive. im still anxious to test but terrified that i will see another negative:cry: DH keeps saying oh that could be a sign if i say i am tired or if a smell bothers me and i am trying to play it down for both our sakes, im thinking of testing tomorro but ideally would like to be able to wait until wednesday:shrug:
Still no word I'm kinda huffing wit them now.. When I rang on Monday they were very dry with me and in a very unfriendly tone told me THEY will be in touch with me when the schedule is ready!
I've been on the list for ivf for 23months so maybe they just don't get why I'm a little impatient now.
I'm also a moody little bitch because of all this and can't stop crying 😪😪 not fun to be around at all at the minute. Can't even look forward to 🎄an everyone around me is full of festive cheer!! 😪 Not a happy girl..
I hope ur feeling better today tcmc an feeling positive again.
Gemma glad things are moving along for you, maybe u have 2 in there an that's why ur so tired etc. when u back at RFC?
Wifeyw are you hanging in there also misses?

Not quite sure when we go back for our scan will be no more than 3wks from today.... I can't wait to see what's going on xx
Hi ladies

How are you all???

Tcmc have been thinking about you so much..... I hope your okay!! How are you feeling??? xxx

hey chick, hows things with you?

i am ok, just trying to forget about the silly test the other day and hope that the nxt test shows a positive. im still anxious to test but terrified that i will see another negative:cry: DH keeps saying oh that could be a sign if i say i am tired or if a smell bothers me and i am trying to play it down for both our sakes, im thinking of testing tomorro but ideally would like to be able to wait until wednesday:shrug:

Aw chick listen to your instincts...... You know your body and when u feel like its time to test then that's realistically when are going to do it! Its so hatd not knowing but we all know how hard it is in this 2ww that terrifying feeling is the worst thing in the world!!! We are all here with you when ever you feel it's time :hugs: I have so many positive thoughts and prayers that u will do this xx
I really think I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I will b 9dp2dt what do you think?
I really think I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I will b 9dp2dt what do you think?

It's still early..... I got a faint line but noticeable on a Superdrug at that time but nothing on a FRER you need a sensitive test to pick up the hcg what tests are you using xx
I have asda own brand test I'm not sure of the sensitivity just that they can b used 4 days before Ur period is due
Yeah they are quite good they are 15miu Did you test this morning?? xx
im out, tested this morning BFN:cry: gutted dont know how to tell DH
Awk sweetie :hugs::hugs: I'm still holding out hope for you 11dpo is still early I just want to give you a real hug I cant imagine what your feeling right now. Your OTD is still 5-6days away. It all depends on implantation I found this....

Implantation is the beginning of pregnancy at which stage the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. At this early stage of prenatal development, the embryo is called a blastocyst. Implantation of a fertilized ovum is most likely to occur about 9 days after ovulation, but can range between 6 to 12 days.

You aren't nowhere near out yet :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xx
I calculated your dates from egg collection

Ovulation Date: Nov. 21, 2012
Day Past Ovulation Date Probability of Implantation
6 DPO Nov. 27, 2012 Less Common
7 DPO Nov. 28, 2012 Common
8 DPO Nov. 29, 2012 Common
9 DPO Nov. 30, 2012 Most Common
10 DPO Dec. 1, 2012 Common
11 DPO Dec. 2, 2012 Common
12 DPO Dec. 3, 2012 Less Common
13 DPO Dec. 4, 2012 Less Common

Tcmc, ur not out yet honey, I know we all test early but the clinic give us a certain date to test for a reason, it's only then that u can be certain. Try to keep ur chin up and don't give up hope yet. I remember reading during my cycle that the implantation date is likely to be quite late with a 2dt, and by 12 days past et only some people will get a positive result even with a 3dt, so u still have every much of a chance as u did at the start. xo

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