IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

tcmc - Can't believe it!! i know u said you wanted a break but just wanted to say i'm so sorry, I can't imagine how id react if ended up BFN it's such a tough journey to go through no one thinks or wants to believe they will get that result.. words can't describe how gutted i am for you really had a good feeling about you. i hope ur ok. thinking of u.. I know you said that you can't afford another try but never give up somethin will come up. We are in the same boat as in this is our one and only try. take care missusxx

Gemma - Hope your ok and hope your not in too much discomfort with OHSS. Glad to know the little bean/beanies r sticking it out. great news about the booking appointment and scans at least it will confirm it for you because i know you don't believe it until you see it with you own eyes etc... think everyones wishing the weeks by its the way it gets you but i can't wait to hear how it goes.. xx

babies r us - can't believe you haven't heard. I was going to phone the RFC today but never got round to it... but i was on one of the other sites i go on and one of the girls on there had said that she phoned them about her schedule shes been on the BCP from 8th nov and she said the nurse said they are sorting things ans about trying to book people in from 13th of jan or something around those lines, then 2 days later a different nurse phoned her back and told her it will be more likely to be around feb sometime.. cracking me up! i just want schedule but doubt it will be this side of christmas now id be shocked if it were. x

Hi to all rest of girlies x

Day 37 for me now but I'm succumb to the fact I won't be before 🎄.

Hey misses, flip they dont half mess ya about, jan/feb....
Pfffffft I'm so not surprised. I'm nearly on my 3rd pack now so il more than likely need to get more before Xmas holidays to keep me right, with the way things are going. Would hate to run out.
I don't know about u but my skin has never been so bad in my life I feel like a pimpley teenager. I never get spots 😤 as if I don't feel bad enough lol..

Hope ur hanging in there an aren't too anxious (of that's possible)
😘 Xxxx

I ended up phoning them earlier before work and the recpetionist went spoke to the nurse then came back and said the nurses r doing the scedules and you can be on the pill 60 days .. so i said ok but all im askin is when do you think they will be posted and she just said when they post them. but the other girl in the other forum said they told her they will post them in the next week or 2... yeah your prob best to get more just incase they gave me 6 packs anyway when they give you the letter to give to the GP. did they just give you 3?
tcmc - Can't believe it!! i know u said you wanted a break but just wanted to say i'm so sorry, I can't imagine how id react if ended up BFN it's such a tough journey to go through no one thinks or wants to believe they will get that result.. words can't describe how gutted i am for you really had a good feeling about you. i hope ur ok. thinking of u.. I know you said that you can't afford another try but never give up somethin will come up. We are in the same boat as in this is our one and only try. take care missusxx

Gemma - Hope your ok and hope your not in too much discomfort with OHSS. Glad to know the little bean/beanies r sticking it out. great news about the booking appointment and scans at least it will confirm it for you because i know you don't believe it until you see it with you own eyes etc... think everyones wishing the weeks by its the way it gets you but i can't wait to hear how it goes.. xx

babies r us - can't believe you haven't heard. I was going to phone the RFC today but never got round to it... but i was on one of the other sites i go on and one of the girls on there had said that she phoned them about her schedule shes been on the BCP from 8th nov and she said the nurse said they are sorting things ans about trying to book people in from 13th of jan or something around those lines, then 2 days later a different nurse phoned her back and told her it will be more likely to be around feb sometime.. cracking me up! i just want schedule but doubt it will be this side of christmas now id be shocked if it were. x

Hi to all rest of girlies x

Day 37 for me now but I'm succumb to the fact I won't be before 🎄.

Hey misses, flip they dont half mess ya about, jan/feb....
Pfffffft I'm so not surprised. I'm nearly on my 3rd pack now so il more than likely need to get more before Xmas holidays to keep me right, with the way things are going. Would hate to run out.
I don't know about u but my skin has never been so bad in my life I feel like a pimpley teenager. I never get spots 😤 as if I don't feel bad enough lol..

Hope ur hanging in there an aren't too anxious (of that's possible)
😘 Xxxx

I ended up phoning them earlier before work and the recpetionist went spoke to the nurse then came back and said the nurses r doing the scedules and you can be on the pill 60 days .. so i said ok but all im askin is when do you think they will be posted and she just said when they post them. but the other girl in the other forum said they told her they will post them in the next week or 2... yeah your prob best to get more just incase they gave me 6 packs anyway when they give you the letter to give to the GP. did they just give you 3?

Hi.. flip I'm glad I didn't ring that would've annoyed me all the more I can just imagine them saying they'll post them when they post them lol

Yes they just gave me 3 packs an told me if I hadn't heard from them by the time I started the 3rd pack to give them a call. But that looks very likely now, as I've not many days left in my 2nd one..
I wouldn't be holding my breath on them contacting me so il prob just go ahead an order another script from my GP.
Thank you for letting me know though. xoxoxo
Hi girls! The RFC sound like a bunch of clowns at the mo! I just don't understand how they can be so quick one month and sooooooo slow the next! Useless! I'm sure u girls (babies r us and wifey) are seriously fed up now. And yes i'm sure everyone is ringing, and I'm sure they get fed up with it, but they could at least come up with a better answer than we'll post it when we post it!! They deal with us and our anxieties every day, so you'd think they'd be a bit more considerate!
I'm due AF tomoro to start the pill and it looks like I'm gonna be on it for the foreseeable future-on a positive note, I will now enjoy my Christmas and put ICSI out of my mind for a bit.
Hope everyone else is well!! xo
tcmc - Can't believe it!! i know u said you wanted a break but just wanted to say i'm so sorry, I can't imagine how id react if ended up BFN it's such a tough journey to go through no one thinks or wants to believe they will get that result.. words can't describe how gutted i am for you really had a good feeling about you. i hope ur ok. thinking of u.. I know you said that you can't afford another try but never give up somethin will come up. We are in the same boat as in this is our one and only try. take care missusxx

Gemma - Hope your ok and hope your not in too much discomfort with OHSS. Glad to know the little bean/beanies r sticking it out. great news about the booking appointment and scans at least it will confirm it for you because i know you don't believe it until you see it with you own eyes etc... think everyones wishing the weeks by its the way it gets you but i can't wait to hear how it goes.. xx

babies r us - can't believe you haven't heard. I was going to phone the RFC today but never got round to it... but i was on one of the other sites i go on and one of the girls on there had said that she phoned them about her schedule shes been on the BCP from 8th nov and she said the nurse said they are sorting things ans about trying to book people in from 13th of jan or something around those lines, then 2 days later a different nurse phoned her back and told her it will be more likely to be around feb sometime.. cracking me up! i just want schedule but doubt it will be this side of christmas now id be shocked if it were. x

Hi to all rest of girlies x

Thanks wifeyw :hugs: Well the RFC brought me into day to check my ovaries and they are hugggge not a lot of fluid which is good but they wouldn't scan me were i could see my uterus..... Bit disappointing was dying to see but the dr said its too early and they have to follow protocol boo!! Back in on Sunday at 09:35 to see if they are getting better hopefully il get a different dr and can persuade him to let me have a sneaky peek :)

Oh and more importantly I overheard one of the nurses talking to the clerical girl about getting schedules finalised so hopefully you girlies are going to hear word over the next couple of weeks!! X
Hi girls! The RFC sound like a bunch of clowns at the mo! I just don't understand how they can be so quick one month and sooooooo slow the next! Useless! I'm sure u girls (babies r us and wifey) are seriously fed up now. And yes i'm sure everyone is ringing, and I'm sure they get fed up with it, but they could at least come up with a better answer than we'll post it when we post it!! They deal with us and our anxieties every day, so you'd think they'd be a bit more considerate!
I'm due AF tomoro to start the pill and it looks like I'm gonna be on it for the foreseeable future-on a positive note, I will now enjoy my Christmas and put ICSI out of my mind for a bit.
Hope everyone else is well!! xo

Brill news starting the pill........ Absolutely enjoy Xmas and the festivities :) drink!!! :) x
Hi girls! The RFC sound like a bunch of clowns at the mo! I just don't understand how they can be so quick one month and sooooooo slow the next! Useless! I'm sure u girls (babies r us and wifey) are seriously fed up now. And yes i'm sure everyone is ringing, and I'm sure they get fed up with it, but they could at least come up with a better answer than we'll post it when we post it!! They deal with us and our anxieties every day, so you'd think they'd be a bit more considerate!
I'm due AF tomoro to start the pill and it looks like I'm gonna be on it for the foreseeable future-on a positive note, I will now enjoy my Christmas and put ICSI out of my mind for a bit.
Hope everyone else is well!! xo

Hey twinklemama whoop whoop on ur first day on BCP I really hope u don't have to wait as long an that unfortunately for us r delay is jus because of the holidays..
But go u on the positive attitude just u relax and enjoy Xmas huni xo 😘😘
Hi girls, great to hear how everyone is doing. Im in the frustrated waiting group im afraid. Waiting on the letter to say its our turn so feel like im a good bit behind y'all. I had got my hopes up that the waiting time seemed to be shortening. Still keepin fingers crossed we'll get it before xmas. Might ring again to see where we are with it & then of course once we get the letter there will be more waiting. Ah well. So if theres anyone who only recently got their letter could u tell me how long u were on the waiting list for ur free cycle, then what the waits are like after u get the letter. Thanks!
Good luck every1 & hope those waiting on schedules arent waiting too long.
So great the thread has its first bfp - lets hope there are lots of 2013 RFC IVF & ICSI babies!


Hi girls, great to hear how everyone is doing. Im in the frustrated waiting group im afraid. Waiting on the letter to say its our turn so feel like im a good bit behind y'all. I had got my hopes up that the waiting time seemed to be shortening. Still keepin fingers crossed we'll get it before xmas. Might ring again to see where we are with it & then of course once we get the letter there will be more waiting. Ah well. So if theres anyone who only recently got their letter could u tell me how long u were on the waiting list for ur free cycle, then what the waits are like after u get the letter. Thanks!
Good luck every1 & hope those waiting on schedules arent waiting too long.
So great the thread has its first bfp - lets hope there are lots of 2013 RFC IVF & ICSI babies!



Hey there, I know how frustrating it can be it just seems like forever an ever is spent just waiting and it makes you angry.
I was waiting on the list for IVF from jan 2011 an I'm only on my BCP now. I just can't believe it's taken 2 years when I was told it would be 10-12 months. My circumstances are slightly different because I need donor sperm however the rfc knew my circumstances when they told me the timeframe. So I totally understand anyone's frustrations. Now I'm on day 40 without even a schedule so I'm not expecting any word this side of Xmas. I'm just tring not to get upset an tryin to stay semi-positive that I'm finally one step closer.
Hopefully you will hear soon an ul get started on ur BCP before you know. 😘 X
Hi girls, hope everyone is well! Mother nature has joined the RFC in the delays, still no AF 2 days after she was due, I know it's def coming as I feel all the usual cramps etc but I've justed been a bit messed up since our cycle of icsi in the summer and am no longer as reliable as it used to be. Very annoying tho as I just want to get the letter filled in and sent off ASAP. Xo
Hi girls how is everyone??? Twinklemama any sign of AF? I have heard plenty of girls sending in their forms on day AF was due regardless of when it actually came it doesn't make much of a difference just gets you on the list quicker xx
No AF yet, just a little spotting and cramps still. Just feels like its on its way as usual just a few days later than normal. I've been this late before tho so its not that unusual. Don't want to take a test tho cos I know it'll be BFN and don't want the disappointment just yet lol!
How is everyone else?
Gemma how's things with you pet?
Twinklemama Isnt that always the way..... the one time you want her to show but hey wouldn't be the first time I have heard a miracle pregnancy right before IVF hopefully something happens either way so your not stuck in limbo xx

Yeah I'm feeling okay had quite a crampy week last week which was worrying me but have noticed things are definitely growing :) its eased off this week and so far just nausea no real sickness so Im trying to embrace it before it all hits me or maybe il be lucky :) Have my big scan on the 27th Dec so cant wait for it il be 8 1/2wks by then so fingers crossed everything will be okay.... dying to see how many are in there and hope I have a healthy little baby or babies growing xxx
That's great that things are startin to grow, hopefully u won't be too sick tho and won't be put off ur turkey! The scan day will be class, I know a girl who is having twins after several months on clomid and she nearly died when she found out it was twins! The scan photos are brilliant tho!
The old witch arrived this morning with a vengeance! Have to say we were both getting our hopes up-I've never been 5 days late in my life so we're a bit disappointed but at least I can get the form sent off and begin the wait for my schedule!
Any schedules yet for u other girls waiting? xo
Hi girls hope ur all keeping well.
Gemma hope ur looking after urself can't wait to hear if there's one or two in there. Yikes excitinggggg xxxx

Well I gave the rfc a call today cause I'm now on day 44 of my BCP and I need to know if I need to order more.
Seems that my file has been overlooked.. Story of my life😪 the nurse i spoke to said she will draw up my schedule personally and get it out to me in the next few days (allegedly). However the Egg collection is booked right up until the end of January now so I dunno how long Im gonna have to wait. But I'm not at all happy😤
The nurse also told me that I won't be takin nasal spray that they are expecting me to responde well an they will be using a different form of the nasal treatment instead. i will still be havin the injections,scans etc etc. I'm very very confused now 😩 and don't know what to think..has anyone else heard of this??
Totally at a loose end now 😪 xoxoxoxoxoxo
Babies r us, i don't believe them... how can they do that again to u?? unbelievable. on a good note its good you will be able to see where you are and whats happening next. As for you not taking the nasals, did she say what protocol your on? all i know from reading and i don't know if i've picked it up right that if your on short protocol u don't take nasals just injections on a certain day on ur cycle and think your on the injections shorter but don't quote me because i was trying to read up about it before. i don't know if thats the same or not.. im confused so i cant imagine how you are feeling.. im a week and 6 days off you right now. i wonder if i will hear if not im gonna phone.
twinklemama glad the witch has came and hopefully you wont b messed about and get your scedule faster than us girlies on here.. especially babiesrus.

Gemma - thats great news can't wait to hear how the scan went and its good sign things r growing. im sure they are fluttering away in there.. get a feeling its twinsies :-) wat a lovely new year you will have missus.
Babies r us, I was on the short (antagonist) cycle for my first cycle. It was just injections, no down regulation at all. It works along with your own cycle rather than completely hijacking it. They use it when they think you will respond well on your own and when they think you are at risk of developing OHSS. I had a baseline scan on day 2 of my cycle to check for cysts (not sure if you need this if ur on BCP tho as ur ovaries wont be active the month before treatment) then started stimulation injections with Menopur that day, I only had 9 days on them, with 6 days of Cetrotide injections to stop the eggs from releasing starting on day 6 and finally my hcg trigger on day 11. Egg collection was on day 13 of my cycle. It's definitely shorter than I was expecting and it flew in from start to finish. Hopefully if this is what they're planning for you that this makes things clearer. I can't believe how they've treated you, how on earth can they "overlook a file". I would be screaming down the phone to them by this point! Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer, having the dates in front of you makes it so much more real. xo
Thanks wifeyw & twinklemama yes I am completely gutted now I just have lost all hope in them. It's really brought me crashing down an has arisen all my negative vibes. I'm also not keen on this short protocol thingie I just want the best chance as I know I'm only getting one. 😪😪 I have cried all night tonight an feel crap.
I just feel at a loss.
Twinklemama thank u for the info I am so grateful u took the time to explain that because I have googled all night but when u don't know what your looking for you end up bombarded with unnecessary info..
What you said is how the nurse hinted on the fone how they expect me to respond well and I won't be needing nasal treatment so that must be it.. Obviously reading up on it makes me worry all the more as I've seen a lot of bfn's with this protocol 😪
Very distressed xo
babies r us, it must be so hard as much as i wanna say they are experienced and putting you on what's best for you taking everything in to account they must have their reasons to think thats best for you, i know taking everything and how they have been with you would make you think other wise.. i think most girls google everything its a good thing and a curse at same time. i too was worried about being put on the short protocol which i think they will have me on as i've PCOS but i also have low AMH so i dunno. It was only whenever i read into it more i went thought the worried stage as you do. I always see the negative but because of this whole IVf situation i've been trying to be more positive which i know is hard especially being knocked so many times by these people who had control of the most important thing right now. The way i've been thinking about it lately is that everyone is different and not everyones the same. watching that programme on bbc 1 baby makers made me think more positively that even when you do everything right have perfect embies put back etc etc its just the luck of the draw so on monday whenever i watched it DH was worried and didn't want to watch any more but i said to him it's basically like the lottery and at the minute i'm seeing it as if it's meant to be for us it will happen. dunno if in a few weeks i'll be thinking the same but thats how i think right now. so as hard as it is try write down your concerns and ask the nurse whenever you go about injections maybe she could answer things other girls can't as she has all your results files etc there massive hugs xx

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