IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

babies r us, it must be so hard as much as i wanna say they are experienced and putting you on what's best for you taking everything in to account they must have their reasons to think thats best for you, i know taking everything and how they have been with you would make you think other wise.. i think most girls google everything its a good thing and a curse at same time. i too was worried about being put on the short protocol which i think they will have me on as i've PCOS but i also have low AMH so i dunno. It was only whenever i read into it more i went thought the worried stage as you do. I always see the negative but because of this whole IVf situation i've been trying to be more positive which i know is hard especially being knocked so many times by these people who had control of the most important thing right now. The way i've been thinking about it lately is that everyone is different and not everyones the same. watching that programme on bbc 1 baby makers made me think more positively that even when you do everything right have perfect embies put back etc etc its just the luck of the draw so on monday whenever i watched it DH was worried and didn't want to watch any more but i said to him it's basically like the lottery and at the minute i'm seeing it as if it's meant to be for us it will happen. dunno if in a few weeks i'll be thinking the same but thats how i think right now. so as hard as it is try write down your concerns and ask the nurse whenever you go about injections maybe she could answer things other girls can't as she has all your results files etc there massive hugs xx

Thank you love. I'm feeling so dis heartened at the min. I just want it to be over now! I'm bewildered at why they would risk cutting out the down reg part of a treatment that seems to work so well for so many. I just thought they'd ideally wanna give everyone the best possible chance of success. But with what I'm hearing about the short protocol this definitely isn't as successful.
There is absolutely nothing I can do as its completely out of my hands.
I am trying to just say what is meant to be will be but it's so hard I just want the best chance possible as this is my only shot at it 😪😪
Sorry for moaning an thanks for you chat I'm again so grateful. Hopefully you will get word soon and all will be well for you love xoxo
Babies are us that is an absolute joke....... I mean to do it once is bad but a second!!! I'm sure you are so annoyed its tough enough waiting without that happening :( I really hope they sort it out ASAP :hugs:

That's strange about the short protocol did they give you valid reasons as to why you will be doing that? I personally think every clinic choose the protocol depending on the timescale they want and not on an individual basis hence long protocol at RFC so they can keep you on the BCP until they are ready but not sure why they have chosen to dismiss down reg.... I really don't think there is a huge difference between short and long regarding successes but I would certainly be questioning them on the decision if you would prefer long protocol!! You are on the BCP aren't you??? I thought no down regging was done on a natural cycle starting first day of your period x I really hope you get answers soon and can start to prepare for your journey without all this stress xxxx
Babies are us that is an absolute joke....... I mean to do it once is bad but a second!!! I'm sure you are so annoyed its tough enough waiting without that happening :( I really hope they sort it out ASAP :hugs:

That's strange about the short protocol did they give you valid reasons as to why you will be doing that? I personally think every clinic choose the protocol depending on the timescale they want and not on an individual basis hence long protocol at RFC so they can keep you on the BCP until they are ready but not sure why they have chosen to dismiss down reg.... I really don't think there is a huge difference between short and long regarding successes but I would certainly be questioning them on the decision if you would prefer long protocol!! You are on the BCP aren't you??? I thought no down regging was done on a natural cycle starting first day of your period x I really hope you get answers soon and can start to prepare for your journey without all this stress xxxx

Gemma tell me about.. Gutted is an understatement I'm a complete mess. I'm so cross with them!

I really don't get this nonsense either as far as I was aware the short protocol involved starting stimms on day 2 or around this of ur natural cycle which would be difficult now given my natural cycle has stopped since oct by BCP. The nurse said they expect me to respond well to the treatment an therefore they aren't gonna need to use nasal as part of my treatment (as little info as possible as usual) but only after being shocked wit that news did it sink in what she was actually saying then I found out more on here from twinklemama an wifeyw. I've been googling from yesterday and I can't find anywhere that used BCP as part of short protocol never mind being on the BCP for 45days (and counting) I'm baffled and disheartened and so let down by it all. Ive cried sore for 2 days now and I just feel like throwing the towel in there's only so many knock backs a girl can take. I feel defeated already 😪😪😪😪
Awh pet, I'm so sorry you feel like this, the whole experience is hard enough without feeling so let down by the clinic. I was told that theres a slightly lower success rate with the short protocol but not significant enough to stop them using it when they think it's best for you, esp when you weigh up the risks of overstimulation. I felt exactly the same as you when I was googling all this stuff when I first found out I'd be on the short protocol, I just tried to remember that the doctors know what they're doing (even if the admin staff and nurses don't fill you with confidence so far) and they're doing what they think is best and safest for you. Why don't u try ringing somewhere like the infertility network - they were talked about on the bbc programme the other night and I remember getting their flyer in the info packet at the royal at the very first appointment, they might be able to answer some of your questions rather than you being kept in the dark any longer.
I really hope you get back your positive vibes soon pet xo
Babies are us that is an absolute joke....... I mean to do it once is bad but a second!!! I'm sure you are so annoyed its tough enough waiting without that happening :( I really hope they sort it out ASAP :hugs:

That's strange about the short protocol did they give you valid reasons as to why you will be doing that? I personally think every clinic choose the protocol depending on the timescale they want and not on an individual basis hence long protocol at RFC so they can keep you on the BCP until they are ready but not sure why they have chosen to dismiss down reg.... I really don't think there is a huge difference between short and long regarding successes but I would certainly be questioning them on the decision if you would prefer long protocol!! You are on the BCP aren't you??? I thought no down regging was done on a natural cycle starting first day of your period x I really hope you get answers soon and can start to prepare for your journey without all this stress xxxx

Gemma tell me about.. Gutted is an understatement I'm a complete mess. I'm so cross with them!

I really don't get this nonsense either as far as I was aware the short protocol involved starting stimms on day 2 or around this of ur natural cycle which would be difficult now given my natural cycle has stopped since oct by BCP. The nurse said they expect me to respond well to the treatment an therefore they aren't gonna need to use nasal as part of my treatment (as little info as possible as usual) but only after being shocked wit that news did it sink in what she was actually saying then I found out more on here from twinklemama an wifeyw. I've been googling from yesterday and I can't find anywhere that used BCP as part of short protocol never mind being on the BCP for 45days (and counting) I'm baffled and disheartened and so let down by it all. Ive cried sore for 2 days now and I just feel like throwing the towel in there's only so many knock backs a girl can take. I feel defeated already 😪😪😪😪

Aww sweetie I'm so sorry they are making you feel this way it's just not fair:hugs: I agree with twinklemama you should maybe contact infertility network and get as much info as you can and then try to get yourself back into a positive way of thinking then approach the RFC with your concerns. The RFC have to give u answers and if they don't have any medical reasons why short protocol is being advised then I would seriously dispute it. It's awful that you have to do this at all but I say if its your one and only chance like me fight them to get what you want you deserve the same treatment and we will all be behind you xxxx
Awh pet, I'm so sorry you feel like this, the whole experience is hard enough without feeling so let down by the clinic. I was told that theres a slightly lower success rate with the short protocol but not significant enough to stop them using it when they think it's best for you, esp when you weigh up the risks of overstimulation. I felt exactly the same as you when I was googling all this stuff when I first found out I'd be on the short protocol, I just tried to remember that the doctors know what they're doing (even if the admin staff and nurses don't fill you with confidence so far) and they're doing what they think is best and safest for you. Why don't u try ringing somewhere like the infertility network - they were talked about on the bbc programme the other night and I remember getting their flyer in the info packet at the royal at the very first appointment, they might be able to answer some of your questions rather than you being kept in the dark any longer.
I really hope you get back your positive vibes soon pet xo

Hi huni, I am sorry to pester u Im not sure if I've already asked you this but I'm sure I know the answer already.. Did you have to take BCP for your short protocol? Or did you get reasons why they used this with you on ur first cycle?
I'm trying to find out as much info as I can before I get this schedule to see what I can get info wise from the rfc. I would really like to speak to my consultant as I haven't spoke to her from jan last year. I just feel out on a limb, I get dribbles of information from receptionists an nurses etc and quite honestly I don't have much faith in any of them.. I don't think it's unreasonable to speak to someone about how they've come to this decision on my treatment!
I don't expect them to change their minds but I just want to know why with everything else they feel the need to rush my treatment whilst clearly they intended to use long protocol hence why I'm on BCP to begin with.
Sorry for ranting on I'm sure ur sick listening to me 😪😪

💐💐thanku for ur kindness all of you xo
Hey babies r us. How ru holding up?? Im new to this forum but have read back and wanted to send you a post as I'm in same situation as you.
I'm for DIVF in RVH in Jan or so I'm told. I rang a few weeks ago as the pill microgynon was making me bleed all the time. The nurse said when she looked at my file it was only half scheduled and she couldn't understand why. She finished off the scheduling for me and rang me back to say if I could stick with the pill I'd only have to take it til 30th dec then I'd be starting nasal spray/drugs.
Got an appt for scan on tues. scan was wed morn. Not a lot of notice! when I was in there I was informed my AMH is shockingly low so they repeated it and Nurse said it would be a few weeks for result. So i'll prob be on the MG for another while til they schedule me back in.
Its always something! Never we're ready for you and here are your treatment dates. So disheartening when you have to wait to be added to the waiting list. I'm over 2 and half years waiting for IVF!
Hopefully you'll hear some good news soon and get to speak to someone who knows what they're doing! who can explain your treatment. Maybe we'll be scheduled in at the same time! Xx

Hi to everyone else. I know a few names from FF forum. Hope you're all keeping well and looking forward to joining Gemma's BFP club in the new year :0)
Hey girls

Well had a really hard night of cramping and ended up in Antrim area early pregnancy unit and it seems my ovarian cysts are bursting but.........................IT'S TWINS I'm excited also scared and can't believe it :) xx
woooow gemma congrats well done i knew it was wishing you healthy and happy pregnancy hope your ok with the discomfort of the cycst what do they do if they are bursting xxx

Mumstheword - how low is your AMH levels?x
gemma congratulations that is fantastic godbless them love your pic! hope your not feeling too bad and your ohss resolves soon xxx
Thanks wifeyw and tinkertailors :) wifeyw they can't do anything it will resolve itself it's just the pressure of them growing that's causing the cysts to burst but the pregnancy itself will force them to shrink so just have to grin and bear the cramps have been told no work for 4 weeks and limited activity to let them heal.... All the lovely side effects of IVF but my little miracles are worth it :) was a beautiful sight to see their little hearts beating :cloud9: I'm in love xx
So thrilled for you Gemma xxxxx

Waiting times do seemed to have slipped again & rang them and was told it would be a while yet before I get my letter - but better to know than to be anxiously waiting on post every day.

Good luck everyone

Aw Gemma that's great news. Twins!! Congratulations. That's a class wee scan pic :0)

Wifey my AMH was 9 last year when I was with Origin. It's 4.5 now. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I'm only 31. I got pregnant before thru DIUI with origin but mc at 10 weeks. I'm hoping that whatever eggs are left are good quality and will get me a BFP with RVH. Fingers crossed.
I've had 2 iui's, 1 ivf and 1 Fet all in a year so I'm hoping that's why my level is bad.
Waiting on blood results from second test.
Gemma aww thats amazin im so sooooo happy for you you deserve it wat a lovely christmas pressie xx take things easy missus.

mumstheword - the reason i was asking was i've never known what mines were until our last app with the nurse when she was doin bloods i asked her what it was she said mines was 2.1 which i was freaking out.. I'm 27. :-/ She said they are doing them again and i asked is that bad and her reply was no theres never a normal AMH level. i still don't understand them. I've been so worried ever since. so sorry about your MC must been so hard for you. you have been through alot so far hope new year brings good things for you. did they say how long it will be for results? xx
Babies r us, sorry for only getting back to u now pet. I wasn't on BCP before my cycle with origin, my consultant said they never really put people on it before treatment as its only purpose is for planning, he said they only use it when women are starting cycles around Christmas so they can plan appointments around their closures over the holidays. I was originally seen by prof McClure at RVH who decided on the short protocol, then we started seeing him at origin and I hadn't done much research into the various protocols so didn't know the difference in the success rates. He said he was using it cos he was concerned about the risk of OHSS cos of my AMH and my age, and it was our first cycle - my AMH was 17ish I think and I'm 30. I went along with it cos I reckoned he knows best. However at my review appointment, we transferred to dr Heasley as we saw him for most of our appointments and I preferred him anyway, he basically said that, even tho I ended up with OHSS on the short cycle, he wouldn't have used it, he would've used the long protocol from the beginning, his words were "I think prof has been a bit over cautious here using the short protocol" and it explained why I got so few eggs (only 5). I agree with Gemma that if this is ur one and only go, they should take this into consideration and let u have a say in the decision making. I know it's an arsey thing to do, but u should phone and demand to speak to someone and if they won't let u, then ask how you go about making a complaint. U deserve the best shot at this, and if it means taking a risk, as long as ur happy to do so, they should at least give u the option. I will certainly be asking questions if they try to put me on the short protocol again. Thankfully dr Heasley didn't mention the OHSS in his treatment review letter to the royal so hopefully I'll be on the long cycle. I hope this helps, and don't hesitate to ask if you need more answers xo
On the subject of AMH, origin gave me a print out of my blood results and my last AMh was 16 with them and it said below in the guide that this was low. Is this a normal level for my age or does anyone know if it is a bit low?
Gemma, congrats on the twins! I'm absolutely delighted for u! I never had any doubt tho that there'd be double trouble in there!!! Hope ur feeling ok tho, the rest will do u the world of good tho and at least u can put ur feet up and watch all the Xmas telly u want without feeling guilty lol!
Mums the word, hi there!
Hope everyone else is well! I'm hanging a bit today after my work Xmas do last night lol! xo
Hi wifeyw
At my appt this week the doc said that AMH can fluctuate a bit like a sperm test.
Not a great analogy to use to a couple that dont have any sperm. My dh biopsy last year showed he didnt have any sperm cells.
Anyhow they repeat it to get a better idea. It informs them what dosage they need to give you to stimulate your follicles so they can get eggs for the IVF. My left ovary never responded to the drugs. Prob why i have a low AMH. I got 9 eggs from my right ovary. All fertilised. 3 made it to 5 day blastocysts. None made it to BFPs unfortunately.
It'll be interesting to see what it comes back as. Nurse said a few weeks? Vague as per usual.

Hi twinklemama
Dr heasley did three of my treatments at origin. I really liked him too. But won't be going back.
Will start again somewhere new if this doesn't work.
I had my work do last night too. Feeling tired but have babysitting duties today. My sisters children. So better get up and washed and get the fry on!

Have a good weekend everyone xx
Hi all, here's my protocol / prev cycle experience -
We had 1 ICSI cycle in the summer at Origin. I am perimenopausal (very low AMH, high FSH, low ovarian reserve). We had the short protocol & my understanding for this was that shutting down my system with downregging in long protocol wouldnt help with anything. All along we were going for quality rather than quantity and decided we wouldnt cancel cycle even if no of follies was v low. I was on a high dose (300) gonal f. In the end we had two good sized follies, one went early, so on collection day we got 1 egg, which fertilised (ICSI) and was put back in 2 days later (but didnt take).
Now awaiting RFC cycle and happy to go with long or short protocol - will see what Dr Agbaje wants to do but from talking to him think it will be long. That might not be best for us but def willing to give it a try as we only got 1 egg on short (although that might actually be a good result for me!). After our NHS cycle we've saved enough for one more & that will be Glasgow (GCRM) and they would prob use a flare protocol which is slightly different again. There are so many variables - and it is not just protocol but dose of drugs. Ideally consultants would tailor all of this to each of us as individuals as a one size fits all approach is very hit and miss.

Mums the word, do u mind me asking why u won't be going back to origin? I've heard a lot of people saying they change clinics after a few failed cycles, I assume this is the norm?
Just reached the end of the road with them. We had bought in donor sperm and had four attempts with no success. Will have to order in more now and would prefer to start over somewhere new. Just feel we've spent enough at origin and tried enough. Would prefer to try a different clinic after the RVH to see if they would have more success.
Hey babies r us. How ru holding up?? Im new to this forum but have read back and wanted to send you a post as I'm in same situation as you.
I'm for DIVF in RVH in Jan or so I'm told. I rang a few weeks ago as the pill microgynon was making me bleed all the time. The nurse said when she looked at my file it was only half scheduled and she couldn't understand why. She finished off the scheduling for me and rang me back to say if I could stick with the pill I'd only have to take it til 30th dec then I'd be starting nasal spray/drugs.
Got an appt for scan on tues. scan was wed morn. Not a lot of notice! when I was in there I was informed my AMH is shockingly low so they repeated it and Nurse said it would be a few weeks for result. So i'll prob be on the MG for another while til they schedule me back in.
Its always something! Never we're ready for you and here are your treatment dates. So disheartening when you have to wait to be added to the waiting list. I'm over 2 and half years waiting for IVF!
Hopefully you'll hear some good news soon and get to speak to someone who knows what they're doing! who can explain your treatment. Maybe we'll be scheduled in at the same time! Xx

Hi to everyone else. I know a few names from FF forum. Hope you're all keeping well and looking forward to joining Gemma's BFP club in the new year :0)

Hi there mumstheword21 nice to hear from you, thanks for ur post. Yes I have to agree they never fill you full of hope. I'm patiently waitin on my schedule coming so I can see in black and white what my treatment will actually be so I know what my next course of action will be.. As I don't intend to just drop it without actually getting some answers. I hope things get cleared up so you can get started real soon xo

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