IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi girls sorry Ive not been on in a while I had that horrible flu virus an it made me really sick 😪 not a very nice time was had by me! But I'm back toy old self again an trying to be positive with this new year.
Happy New Year to you all hope we all have big positive thoughts an great success ahead! 😘
I am still without schedule, but after many phone calls etc I have been advised that its finally ready and should be with me in the next few days.
I will be starting treatment on 26th jan. still a good bit away and I will have been on BCP 86days by then. I did/do think this is a long time an have queried it with nurses who advised me its 'perfectly fine' who am I to question eh....
Anyways I will be starting an antagonist protocol which works by only shutting down some of ur hormones. No full down Regging.
Apparently the reason for this is because I am in a 'high responder' category. I told I have very high hormone levels an they would expect me to produce a lot of eggs therefore no need to down reg. however the treatment I will be using is used by diabetics an it will reduce some so as to increase the quality an reduce the quantity..
Still very confusing but the nurses have told me they believe this treatment is my best chance of a BFP so I have gotta have faith an trust them. Hopefully they are right!!
Anyone else heard or had this treatment?
I hope everyone else is doing good. Xoxo 😘
babies r us thats amazing news u got some answers so exciting.. looks like we'll be going through it around the same time.. i never asked as many questions as you did but i will whenever i get my appointment with the nurses. aparantly you dont get your schedule until you pick up you meds they will prob just send you out the appointment for that thats what i'm awaiting.. did they say when EC is for you? x
babies r us thats amazing news u got some answers so exciting.. looks like we'll be going through it around the same time.. i never asked as many questions as you did but i will whenever i get my appointment with the nurses. aparantly you dont get your schedule until you pick up you meds they will prob just send you out the appointment for that thats what i'm awaiting.. did they say when EC is for you? x

Thank u wifeyw I know I just thought to myself everytime I come off the phone I think damn I should've asked this or that, so I asked everything that was bugging me..
The girl said my 'pack' will be posted out then my pre treatment appointment is booked for 25jan were I will collect meds etc.
for some reason the 21feb is in my head but the nurse did day with my antagonist prot. That could change because they keep a closer eye on you an scan you quite a lot throughout..
Do you know when ur's is? I'm sure ur excited now too..😱
Do u know what protocol you will be on? xo
I really don't know i think im on similar one to you but i never asked too much questions as they told me that it be out and i assume everything will be in there if not i will give them a wee ring to see. yeah they told me my schedule would be out to but girls on here's been saying they all got theirs whenever they had went to the pre treatment appointment. whenever i was on the phone to the nurse she just said that mines is done and with the admin ( which i hope like everything they don't mess up or miss place ) and she didnt tell me any date for the pre treatment appointment. I'm wondering should i phone up just incase i get a last minute phone call and have to drop or change everything to go where i work it's really hard to arrange things around. Yeah i really am excited but whenever i got up today i was thinking about injections and spray side effects etc and i got so nervous and anxious and mind was working over time as you well know i'm sure. Hope they come this week..x
Yes if I were you I would maybe give them a ring but then that's me because I left it in their hands twice an got let down.. Sometimes you have to take things on urself!
I won't be using nasal spray because I won't be down Regging but I can understand ur fear about the injections, I'm so so scared of needles. But needs must an all that.. We will be grand once we get started. I'm gonna have to order my 5th pack of BCP as my GP only prescribed me with an extra month.
Maybe if they do send out our schedules we can compare notes... Fingers x'd they arrive soon an doesn't get 'misplaced' which has been the norm with me lol..
Wishing January away for sure this year!!!!!
Hey girls, happy new year!!
Babies r us and Wifey, I'm so glad to hear u girls are soooooo close now! Can't believe it's just around the corner now. Don't panic about the injections, you'll get used to them really quickly, but I know what u mean about the nerves. It comes over me in waves for no reason and I have butterflies in my tummy for an hour until I tell myself to wise up!
Gemma, ur scan pics are class! Its brilliant to see ur babies developing, feels like no time at all since u went thru ur treatment! Hopefully the rest of us will follow soon.
I'm on day 23 of BCP, I don't know how I managed to take this thing so regularly for so long, I keep nearly forgetting about it-u would think I'd be religious about it as my schedule is the only thing I can think about! The sickness is still here on and off, worst in the morning. I really hope I don't have too much longer to wait for my dates, DH is going away for 2 weeks with work on 19th jan and I don't want to be worrying about it not coming the whole time he's away. I gave the hospital the dates he was away up until march so I'm also panicking that I'll be booked for egg collection while he's supposed to be away and his witch of a boss won't let him change his trips.
Anyway! Hope everyone is ok and has survived the first day back at work after Christmas! xo
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me joining this thread. I have been 'lurking' shall we say lol, following what treatment is like for some of you at RFC.

I have PCOS and like you Babies R Us, have been told I am going to be a high responder, AMH was something ridiculous in the 90's! :wacko:

Been down the one size fits all clomid path they put us all on and hated it, officially on the list for IVF with ICSI on 22/10/12.
Saw Dr Tang for that review appt and he was lovely, told us wait was 9 months....however when I rang today to check we were actually on the list ( I've read the horror stories of the admin team there!) the rather snarky girl told we "we're obliged to send women offer letter within 12 months not 9".

That dashed my positivity I had, been really struggling with not getting pregnant and watching others get pregnant in a blink of an eye. :cry:

For those ladies who are getting schedules or on bcp, who long was the wait for you from your review appointment ? Trying to decide whether to do GMRC egg sharing first or wait for NHS. I'm 29, 30 in oct and feel like every month that passes my eggs are getting staler! :growlmad:

Glad to see they put us high responders on antagonist protocol, been worried with their whole blanket approach to treatment as its NHS funded. Been obsessively gathering medical studies of protocol medical trials for pcos women to take with me :book:

Any way sorry for the ramble! here's hoping 2013 is a lucky year for us!


Hey girls, happy new year!!
Babies r us and Wifey, I'm so glad to hear u girls are soooooo close now! Can't believe it's just around the corner now. Don't panic about the injections, you'll get used to them really quickly, but I know what u mean about the nerves. It comes over me in waves for no reason and I have butterflies in my tummy for an hour until I tell myself to wise up!
Gemma, ur scan pics are class! Its brilliant to see ur babies developing, feels like no time at all since u went thru ur treatment! Hopefully the rest of us will follow soon.
I'm on day 23 of BCP, I don't know how I managed to take this thing so regularly for so long, I keep nearly forgetting about it-u would think I'd be religious about it as my schedule is the only thing I can think about! The sickness is still here on and off, worst in the morning. I really hope I don't have too much longer to wait for my dates, DH is going away for 2 weeks with work on 19th jan and I don't want to be worrying about it not coming the whole time he's away. I gave the hospital the dates he was away up until march so I'm also panicking that I'll be booked for egg collection while he's supposed to be away and his witch of a boss won't let him change his trips.
Anyway! Hope everyone is ok and has survived the first day back at work after Christmas! xo

Twinklemama I know I was the same I couldn't get to grips with taking bcp every morning even though I think of nothing else but IVF.. It's random! I'm actually sick looking at it now.
I'm still very weary of taking it so long since I'm doing this antagonist prot.. I know most ppl who've done this cycle don't take any. So that's playing on my Mind a lot. But as I z I'm trying to be positive.. Hopefully ul not be too long now xo
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me joining this thread. I have been 'lurking' shall we say lol, following what treatment is like for some of you at RFC.

I have PCOS and like you Babies R Us, have been told I am going to be a high responder, AMH was something ridiculous in the 90's! :wacko:

Been down the one size fits all clomid path they put us all on and hated it, officially on the list for IVF with ICSI on 22/10/12.
Saw Dr Tang for that review appt and he was lovely, told us wait was 9 months....however when I rang today to check we were actually on the list ( I've read the horror stories of the admin team there!) the rather snarky girl told we "we're obliged to send women offer letter within 12 months not 9".

That dashed my positivity I had, been really struggling with not getting pregnant and watching others get pregnant in a blink of an eye. :cry:

For those ladies who are getting schedules or on bcp, who long was the wait for you from your review appointment ? Trying to decide whether to do GMRC egg sharing first or wait for NHS. I'm 29, 30 in oct and feel like every month that passes my eggs are getting staler! :growlmad:

Glad to see they put us high responders on antagonist protocol, been worried with their whole blanket approach to treatment as its NHS funded. Been obsessively gathering medical studies of protocol medical trials for pcos women to take with me :book:

Any way sorry for the ramble! here's hoping 2013 is a lucky year for us!



Hopefaithcj welcome.. Nice to hear from you. Hope ur not too stressed on this stressful roller coaster.
I would live to tell you good positive news but I can't lie to you. I was on the waiting list for 21 months before I had my offer of treatment which has been heart teaming to say the least. (I need ds ivf) however I was also told it would be 12months for an offer of treatment. Try not to be too disheartened though there's other girls on here who didn't have to wait nearly as long as I did, before their offer. I think I was just unfortunate 😪
I'm currently on day 66 of BCP but il be on something like 88 by the time my treatment starts. Again very long compared to a lot of other girls.
I'm not painting a great picture for you but I think I've been unlucky up to now and am hoping it will mean positive outcome for me to compensate 🙏
I haven't found much research that supports BCP use with antagonist protocol. Have you had much yourself? As I see you've been also researching (it's hard not too)
I really hope you haven't a long wait ahead of you an time flies in for you..
twinklemama - It's more the side effects with everything and work etc im worried about now but i'm sure it be fine. As for BCP i alwas forget to but i have an alarm just for that so i know when it goes off to take it.. might be an idea. Fingers crossed that your DH isn't away during EC i couldn't imagine that if it was me.. it's so unfair of his boss.

Hopefaithcj- We had went on the waiting list on the 2nd march and got our offer letter on the 6th of october which was lucky and we were shocked to get it at that time were'nt expecting it until around this time. As babiesrus said she hasn't had a good experience and the admin in the RFC needs fixed as i think it's a disgrace i would say make sure you keep on them with your appointment it can't harm and will put your mind at ease.

AFM - decided to ring up receptionist and ask if they had posted out my pre treatment appointment for meds etc, as when i phoned the nurse she said it's with admin and it should be here next couple days i didn't want it turn up and get no notice like some girls had experienced on here. So she basically said it's still with the girls and they hadn't done it yet, i asked why when the nurse said it would be out in couple days is it not even done.. she went away and came back and said i looked to see how far along they were and it should be done today and be out tomarrow.. drives me crazy at how laid back they are. so ill give it monday and if i haven't recieve anything i'll phone nurses and see i guess.
twinklemama - It's more the side effects with everything and work etc im worried about now but i'm sure it be fine. As for BCP i alwas forget to but i have an alarm just for that so i know when it goes off to take it.. might be an idea. Fingers crossed that your DH isn't away during EC i couldn't imagine that if it was me.. it's so unfair of his boss.

Hopefaithcj- We had went on the waiting list on the 2nd march and got our offer letter on the 6th of october which was lucky and we were shocked to get it at that time were'nt expecting it until around this time. As babiesrus said she hasn't had a good experience and the admin in the RFC needs fixed as i think it's a disgrace i would say make sure you keep on them with your appointment it can't harm and will put your mind at ease.

AFM - decided to ring up receptionist and ask if they had posted out my pre treatment appointment for meds etc, as when i phoned the nurse she said it's with admin and it should be here next couple days i didn't want it turn up and get no notice like some girls had experienced on here. So she basically said it's still with the girls and they hadn't done it yet, i asked why when the nurse said it would be out in couple days is it not even done.. she went away and came back and said i looked to see how far along they were and it should be done today and be out tomarrow.. drives me crazy at how laid back they are. so ill give it monday and if i haven't recieve anything i'll phone nurses and see i guess.

I'd like to say that's unbelievable but I know too well. I made 3 calls in the same day cause I wasn't happy with the end of each conversation. That was nye so they're due another call by Monday if I haven't recd mine also as the admin had it on her desk to📮out that day!!
If they're sick listening g to me tough cause sitting back trusting the had things in hand got me no where..
Fingers x'd they're franking them as we speak (so to speak) lol
yeah your just right it was reading how they treated you that made me not trust them really i know everyone has difference experiences but id be raging if they done the things they have to you. I actually said to DH that someone should complain and i was thinking of doing so because it can't go on this way it's not fair. The more people do complain that then the more they will listen. I'm not one for complaining usually but this experience is a roller coaster as it is without having to worry about is my name on the list or have they sent me my appointment you should just expect that side of it to be fine. x
yeah your just right it was reading how they treated you that made me not trust them really i know everyone has difference experiences but id be raging if they done the things they have to you. I actually said to DH that someone should complain and i was thinking of doing so because it can't go on this way it's not fair. The more people do complain that then the more they will listen. I'm not one for complaining usually but this experience is a roller coaster as it is without having to worry about is my name on the list or have they sent me my appointment you should just expect that side of it to be fine. x
Yea ur dead right you put ur trust in these people and believe if you haven't heard its not ur turn yet. Only to find out Uve been overlooked and then ur file misplaced and then the numerous other blips.
I think I will definitely put a complaint in when I get the treatment over (I'm kinda scared to risk anything at the minute) incase they mess something else up. But even if it prevents someone else goin through it I would do it.
I got home from work and there's nothing today again so it obviously wasn't posted on Monday as I was told. I'm not too surprised tbh xo
Babies r us... That's a nightmare!heres me moaning about being told 9 months then 12 and you went through that. I would have complained, I nearly did few months back when they sent me not 1 incorrect but 3 incorrect review appointments, 2 days before one of them ( when I was getting excited about finally getting review) they ring to say sorry that was a mistake you shouldn't have been given that appointment :cry:

I got the name of the manager of the appointments team but chickened out- too exhausted with everything. I was told by the girl the other day that they can't tell me where I am on the waiting list- just that I am. I was under the impression from other posts and threads that they could tell you where you were in relation from the top of the list?

research I found was a study which I think DR Tang was involved in about use if metformin in pcos and high responder women during drug regime of Ivf cycle. That it reduces risk if ohss and possibly the chance if cycle being cancelled. I'm on metformin already, DR Williamson put me on it and nobody has told me to stop taking it! Lol, so been merrily ordering repeat prescription from gp and upped my dosage too :blush: because I read about another trial about metformin helping egg quality. Consultants are going to hate me when I trot in with my research and quiz them about this and that lol. :haha:

Guess its all part of my coping mechanism- trying to be proactive and 'fix' my useless body ready for this poxy one shot on NHS !

Not sure if it helps any of you but you can pm if you'd like links to the articles I found?

Well girls, any sign of those schedules yet? Really hoping for u both that they arrive so u have actual dates to go by. I suppose the good thing about RVH is that they will give dates for everything early on so u can plan with work. When we went to origin, they just tell u to ring when AF comes and said I'd be getting EC done around day 12, so it was a nightmare at work not knowing when they would scan me or do the ec. I'm a dentist so it was awful having to cancel my own patients at short notice on several occasions for scans etc. I obviously wasn't gonna tell them the truth about why I was off but didn't want them thinking I was skiving off on holiday or something so I told them I was going into hospital, now a few of them think I'm dying or something lol!

Hopefaith, hi there! U were wondering about the waiting list, we got our NHS offer letter exactly 6 months to the day after going on the list. The letter arrived on 1st November, the same day as our review appt after a failed cycle at origin, so it gave us a major boost that day. I'm just waiting to hear back from them about my appt for meds and schedule, I'm on day 25 of BCP now. Hopefully u won't have to wait much longer than the 6 months.

Babies r us, I've only read about people being put on metformin during the antagonist cycle so I've no idea what it's for, but they're obviously expecting u to respond well if they're using it.
Well girls, any sign of those schedules yet? Really hoping for u both that they arrive so u have actual dates to go by. I suppose the good thing about RVH is that they will give dates for everything early on so u can plan with work. When we went to origin, they just tell u to ring when AF comes and said I'd be getting EC done around day 12, so it was a nightmare at work not knowing when they would scan me or do the ec. I'm a dentist so it was awful having to cancel my own patients at short notice on several occasions for scans etc. I obviously wasn't gonna tell them the truth about why I was off but didn't want them thinking I was skiving off on holiday or something so I told them I was going into hospital, now a few of them think I'm dying or something lol!

Hopefaith, hi there! U were wondering about the waiting list, we got our NHS offer letter exactly 6 months to the day after going on the list. The letter arrived on 1st November, the same day as our review appt after a failed cycle at origin, so it gave us a major boost that day. I'm just waiting to hear back from them about my appt for meds and schedule, I'm on day 25 of BCP now. Hopefully u won't have to wait much longer than the 6 months.

Babies r us, I've only read about people being put on metformin during the antagonist cycle so I've no idea what it's for, but they're obviously expecting u to respond well if they're using it.

Thanks Twinklemamma, you've made my day. I've noticed a few ladies attending RFC have got their offer letters within 6-9 months and that's been for those added to list in 2012 like me, so I'm praying the ignorant girl on the phone was just reading a script and in reality it's a bit shorter !! I know they put you on bcp for a bit- take it this is for antagonist girls also? I'm just wondering how you go about taking bcp on first day of AF if, like me, you have pcos and cycles anywhere up to 60+ days long?? I certainly wouldn't want to wait for Af! Wonder if provera is allowed to force Af... :shrug:

Right now though all I care about is getting eggs into shape!!:haha:
hopefaith - fingers crossed it's not too long of a wait for you it does go in quick when you keep busy. I too have PCOS mines range up to 75 days but when i was speaking to the nurse at our inital appointment to go in for bloods etc i asked her what should i do cause i obviously don't want to wait 75 days on it coming. She said that give it a month then an extra week and if it hasn't came ring up the nurse and they will take it from there and decide what to do so i wouldn't worry about that. For me AF showed up just a day short of when she told me to call her so i was lucky. Then you write down the dates on forms you get and post them back to them. x
Hey girls my day finally arrived...... I'm officially in receipt of my schedule 😅 I must have read over it about 10 times and I'm still none the wiser lol I am excited to say the least an yes twinklemama it is nice to see it all written down. It comes in like a coloured timetable broke down into 3 colours. The first is orange SYN days then yellow STI days then blue LUT days. I haven't a clue what these are but I'm exhausted reading it.
Do any other girls no what these days stand for?
Wifeyw ur's must be coming really soon get on the fone on Monday huni.
I will post the meds up tomorrow because I'm too tired now with all the excitement of it..
Yaaaaaaayyyyyy for babies r us! That's brilliant it's FINALLY arrived! No idea what the SYN and LUT mean but STI must be for stimulation days. When do u go for injection training and collecting ur meds? xo
Woohoo!!!!!!! for you babiesrus ... i'd be the same reading it over taking it in even know don't understand it completely lol but thank god it's here finally for you hopefully we can compare soon, well still no letter for me and i'm actually fuming i thought it would be here by now. Whens EC booked for you? What do they have you one. i don't know what they mean but the nurse at injection training will go through it all anyways with you. x

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