IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Wifey! So pleased it has finally arrived!! I rang yesterday and today to see if they had any info for me but they didn't answer the phone! So annoying! I'll try again later.
Thanks twinklemama... try the nurses option when you phone rather than enquiries can't hurt. Hope you get some good news.

AFM i've started to spot while on BCP has anyone else had this? I think it's prob because i've been on it so long and feeling really crampy, i've not missed any either so its worryin. x
I'll try the nurses tomoro thanx wifey. No spotting but lots of cramping and achy pains in my lady bits (sorry tmi!), feels just like AF is coming. I've heard that spotting is fairly normal, ur body needs to have some sort of effort at a normal monthly cycle so i wouldnt worry too much, check with the nurses if ur unsure. How long are u on it now?
Wifeyw I was on the bcp for 4 full months before our treatment in November I bled the whole time and had cramps I rang a couple of times and they just said it was normal! I was with dr Williamson last week and she said they were going to stop using it as people are complaining. Good luck everyone with your treatment! Hope you all get bfps!
I've not bleed but I feel as though I'm gonna an have done for quite a while..
I've also had really bad cramping an pain down below I'm so not happy being on This stupid BCP an especially for so long. I've been on it since 30th Oct 😤
I've read on someone else's page that they also had bleeding an that they were told not to worry as its not to stop the bleeding but the ovulation..
Try not to worry easy said. 😪 We're almost there.

Twinklemama yes try option 4 when you call. I have always got an answer with the nurses.. Good luck xoxo
twinklemama - i've felt crampy for a while and i sort of thought that it needs to get out some how but i still don't want to spot as much as its normal its still worrying. Can't wait to stop. Does anyone know if you get a proper AF when you stop? because i usually get very painful AF's so dreading it. I've been on the BCP 60 days today. like babiesrus said i've always got answer aswell with the nurses if i don't get one ill get the other. x

Jetson - thanks, i think it will be around 4 months by time i've to stop taking them. How are things with you? x

babiesrus - 30th of Oct 12 days before me i dunno how your coping, i Had said to DH lastnight it really feels like Af is coming then woke up this morning and had spotting. as silly as it sounds hope it doesn't affect the outcome i know it won't but it's worrying. counting down the days exactly 2 weeks today i'll have my meds ready to go. excited.. how have you been? x
twinklemama - i've felt crampy for a while and i sort of thought that it needs to get out some how but i still don't want to spot as much as its normal its still worrying. Can't wait to stop. Does anyone know if you get a proper AF when you stop? because i usually get very painful AF's so dreading it. I've been on the BCP 60 days today. like babiesrus said i've always got answer aswell with the nurses if i don't get one ill get the other. x

Jetson - thanks, i think it will be around 4 months by time i've to stop taking them. How are things with you? x

babiesrus - 30th of Oct 12 days before me i dunno how your coping, i Had said to DH lastnight it really feels like Af is coming then woke up this morning and had spotting. as silly as it sounds hope it doesn't affect the outcome i know it won't but it's worrying. counting down the days exactly 2 weeks today i'll have my meds ready to go. excited.. how have you been? x

I know it's not nice I've felt like this for a good month or more now an I feel really bloated. I hate it.. I have to stay on it my first week of metformin as well so it'll be 95 days in total.
I just can't get my head round that at all a few weeks maybe but not months, just doesn't seem right. 😨
I'm tryin not to over think as I'm trying with the positive thoughts!!

I'm hanging in there as u say only 2 weeks (well on sat it'll be 2 for me!) but as its so close it's hard not to get that bit anxious now 😬

Try an not stress huni it'll be fine a bit of spotting must be normal we are female luv xoxo
Wow! This has been a busy link!
I've been on the nasal sprays from 27th dec. starting injections tomoro. My dose is high due to low AMH. Starting on 337! I'm still doing the positive thinking thing. My estimated EC date is the 24th jan providing scans all go well. I'll keep you posted wifey and babies r us.
Wifey w I bled on the bcp for about 20 days when I first started.
Jetson1 I complained too. It was hateful. I'm off it 9 days and had the breakthrough bleeding and still have some. Not worrying about it. Have enough of worrying lol.
Twinkle mama the phones are a nightmare! I rang 6 times the other day. Even if you get thru to the nurses line and its busy the line just cuts you off!! Hope you finally got thru and have an idea for your schedule.
Hi Gemma. So glad to see your progress. That was fantastic to get preg first time round with twins.
AFM I checked with the RFC and I'll be gettin 2 back in too (if there is 2) even tho I'm only 31 as this is my third go. Had IVF at origin & FET.
Not long now for everyone... Xx
Hi hope.
So sad to hear about your loss. Thats devastating.
I had ivf and fet at origin. Their consultants and scans etc were excellent but unfortunately no success. I would recommend dr heasley.
AFM if this doesn't happen for me now I'm seriously considering going to England as I need donor sperm it would give us better options.
I wish you the best if luck whatever you decide. Xx
mumstheword21 how low is ur AMH if you don't mind me asking? i thought id b on higher does to as mines is only 2.1 but i've PCOS too so i dunno if they are being caucious but i'll be asking about that. Ec not far away it will all go in quick from here so i've heard.x
Wifey W it's 4.5. Last year it was 9. My right ovary was the only one that responded to my first ivf treatment. The left one doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. I don't have PCOS. I was supposed to start at 275 but they upped it and I had to go back and collect another schedule and more meds.
Not too far away but I've been close before. I hope it works bcos all the waiting in between appts is miserable. Honestly wishing your life away waiting til some shred of hope and a possible schedule appears. But that's me just keeping positive lol.
I hope they don't over stim my right ovary. My doses don't drop below 300.
Fingers crossed for all of us. X
Morning everyone! The bcp while making you feel crappy is to keep the lining thin apparently which is why we can spot on it(this is according to Rfc when I queried it with them!) stick with it and when you stop you will get a proper bleed two or three days later! This was our first ever ivf cycle I'm 38 and hubby is 46 I have pcos. I was up last week for our scan and got great news we are expecting twins too so we are cautiously delighted just sitting tight and praying it works out as I have four previous natural mc!
Fingers crossed for everyone!
Oh jetson1 that's great news!! Wishing you a very healthy pregnancy!! The Royal aren't doing so bad this year with pregnancies on this forum! Hopefully it will continue.
Did they wait to day 3 embryos with you jetson? How far along are you?
mumstheword - i'm sure on ur scans if they see any OHSS they will prob lower the dose i'm sure. But hopefully its a good thing.x

jetson- how lovely!! I'm sure you are on cloud 9, did you have 2 transfered? what grade were they on transfer? x
Hi folks! I'm nearly 9 weeks along two good wee heartbeats flickering away albeit tiny! They transferred two embryos 8 cell on a three day transfer and they just said great quality they didn't mention grading. from being on different sites i don't think the Rfc always mention it. November seemed to be a good month lets hope jan and feb are the same!
Jetson, that's fantastic news! Congrats to u and DH! You're right about the royal doing well with their BFP's, let's hope it continues!

Mumstheword, how did u get on with starting your injections? Hope it went well xo

AFM, I finally got through to the receptionist today who told me that they've received my form and my file is with the nurses but they haven't started the schedule yet. She said if I hadn't heard anything by half way through my 3rd pack of pills to ring the nurses and they'll advise me on what to do. I asked how long it's normally taking at the mo and she said that the nurses are advising people to order a 4th pack and they'll normally start you during it. Sooooo I'm estimating the end of feb/beginning of march at the earliest :( I honestly wouldn't care if I had to wait until April, if only they'd give me a date. I've been quite patient until now (which REALLY isn't like me!) but I wish they'd get a move on!
Anyway, hope everyone is ok, it's nearly the weekend!!!!
Im well used to them now. Had to take 2 Injections a day during the FET. First one tonight piece of cake. Banging headaches though the last few days but could be the return to work after Xmas!
Wifey I hope so. I don't want the two year plus wait together my nhs cycle to be cancelled.
Jetson that's good to know. I had day 5 blastocysts inserted last time. Maybe getting the embryos back in their natural environment earlier is more successful.
twinklemama - glad you got through but sorry they hadn't started it really is a pain but what she said was about right as I'm on my fourth pack and ill be starting 2 weeks tomarrow. It only get's worse but maybe you won't be as long as that i'd keep ringing up and torturing them so they have to do it lol being on BCP pills this long is making me feel ill i can't wait to get off them. hang in there xx

mumstheowrd - i know no one wants that, i hope the headache will ease up some for you theres nothing worse. I've heard also that if they are good embies that they are better off back in there than outside too xx

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