IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Thinking of you today Ruby. Hope everything is going well for you. X

Thank u very much… awaiting transfer in couple of hours… very nervous.. U made me very happy with ur message… Its nice to have someone to understand.. Thank u very much… Very grateful… U wouldn't know, how much ur message meant… Thanks a lot.. will keep updated… fingers crossed..
Thanks gemma and mumstheword... i am pleased just was annoyed earlier about the way it happened i think never got any sleep i was so anxious so i was grumpy to lol moods are terrible up and down like a yo-yo. Did any of you hae them measured first scan to or do they not do that?

ruby hope things went ok for u missus x
Thanks gemma and mumstheword... i am pleased just was annoyed earlier about the way it happened i think never got any sleep i was so anxious so i was grumpy to lol moods are terrible up and down like a yo-yo. Did any of you hae them measured first scan to or do they not do that?

ruby hope things went ok for u missus x

Thank u Wifeyw.. Everything went very well… Only 1 ET. The consultant wouldn't do 2 as we are NHS funded.. They measured all my follicles from the very beginning in Bourn Hall.. But policies might differ from centre to centre
Hey girls! Happy valentines!
Ruby, hope ur putting ur feet up and letting that wee embie get settled! xo
Wifey, I had exactly the same number as u at my first scan, I dont think they were measured (not that I was told anyway) but its a great start!
AFM, my schedule finally arrived today!!!! Have pretreatment visit on 13th march and start the next day on suprecur 4 mcg, is that nasal spray or injection? xo
Hi twinklemama that's great. Suprecur can be either nasal or injection. When I had my treatment with RFC it was nasal spray.
Hi Ruby - an 8 cell embryo. That sounds perfect. I was sore for about a week after EC. Hope you have your feet up. Nothing more you can do now - just relax..
Hi Wifey they barely told me I had follicles never mind what size they were. Think I asked how many I had only then did the doctor say the right ovary had none and the left possibly 2. Looking back I can't believe I made it to ET. You have an excellent number! You'll find out size at next scan. Good luck.
Well girls had my second scan today an my little eggs haven't grown any since my first scan on Monday 😪 i had the same number 7 in one side 8 in the other they're just not growing.
The Consultant told me to up my menopur from 150iu to 225iu the max per syringe so I done that today. Had to ring up for my blood results at 3:30 an I've now to up my menopur to 375iu which has worried me even more.. Had to make up another injection an take it right away. That's over double from 2 powders to 5! 😓 Seems a big increase to me, I'm a little worrier anyway so I'm even more anxious now. This is hard work 😓
Hope u guys are all keeping ok an hanging in there.
Wifeyw how are you going?
Twinklemama glad to hear ur schedule finally arrived it'll fly in for you Hun xoxoxo
twinklemama- woohoo!! at long last eh!? glad its came give you something to look forward to i've the supercur now and its nasal same as me 4mcg good luck :-) xx

mumstheword - i sort of thought that i think thats just their way at RFC in and out. just hope they grow. how are you missus are you ok? xx

babiesrus- I've been worring about them not growing any too from one scan to the next but you did say they were focusing on more quality thats still good amount but hopefully you have great quality and theres lots of lovely eggies in there. my Dr actually worried me he said they could disappear so its good yours r still there. They upping them just to see if it boost them. Did you find out measurements? did you find out your E2 level? xx

AFM today sorry if its TMI but i got ALOT of egg white muscus is this normal? i heard mixed reviews that you spontaniously ovulate? and another about E2 number rising and its a good thing. Have you girls ever experienced that? xx
twinklemama- woohoo!! at long last eh!? glad its came give you something to look forward to i've the supercur now and its nasal same as me 4mcg good luck :-) xx

mumstheword - i sort of thought that i think thats just their way at RFC in and out. just hope they grow. how are you missus are you ok? xx

babiesrus- I've been worring about them not growing any too from one scan to the next but you did say they were focusing on more quality thats still good amount but hopefully you have great quality and theres lots of lovely eggies in there. my Dr actually worried me he said they could disappear so its good yours r still there. They upping them just to see if it boost them. Did you find out measurements? did you find out your E2 level? xx

AFM today sorry if its TMI but i got ALOT of egg white muscus is this normal? i heard mixed reviews that you spontaniously ovulate? and another about E2 number rising and its a good thing. Have you girls ever experienced that? xx

Hey misses no they didn't tell me the measurements just told me not to worry an that they hope with upping the meds it will increase the size of them 🙏 I will be sitting right until Tuesday morning now! What does E2 mean? I haven't a clue I asked about my bloods an the nurse told me my hormone levels won't mean anything to me they're more for the consultant to keep an eye on an adjust meds if necessary! The Dr this morning just said they're not as big as the could be at this stage 😪 I feel exhausted now with new dose can hardly keep my eyes open think il sleep all wend lol xo
Not sure myself bout the discharge why don't you give them a call Hun put ur mind at rest xo
E2 is your esradiol level basically to do will follie sizes its what the bloods for did she say that was ok? or normal. When i went to injection training karen had said for me to ask what my E2 level was. too high E2 level means risk of OHSS anything over 3000 i think is high and too low lover than 75 means your not responding to them to well.:shrug: i wouldn't have known only she had said to find out that and what the lining was.

what time have you to go on tuesday? hope it goes well and it has worked for you really do. :thumbup:

I'm not suprised about the sleeping i feel that way and in not on the high dose but do get plenty rest because your body can focus more on making more follies :happydance: good luck missus. I'm up on tuesday too so ill ask them about the mucus then i think x
Thought you would find this interesting x

Source: https://www.infobarrel.com/Follicle_S..._Fertilization

During an IVF cycle, there are three things you want to know after every office visit; follicle size, the thickness of your uterine lining, and your estradiol level. These are the key data that let you and your doctor know how your cycle is progressing.

Follicle Size and Follicle Count

IVF is all about the eggs and one important indicator of your cycle is follicle size. Follicle size indicates how your eggs are developing and when they will be mature enough for retrieval. Follicles grow approximately two millimeters a day and size is an average. Thus a follicle that is ten by twelve millimeters averages to eleven millimeters. While every clinic is different, the trigger shot of HCG (given right before egg retrieval) is administered around the eighteen to twenty millimeter mark.

It is important to realize, though, that follicles don't grow unless estradiol levels are just right. Estradiol levels, more than any other factor can derail an invitro fertilization cycle.

Uterine Lining Thickness

In-vitro patients undergo multiple ultrasound appointments and blood draws to gather data about how their cycle is progressing. The ultrasound technician will count the number of follicles, measure follicle size as well as the thickness of the uterine lining. A thicker lining is better, but thinner linings may not necessarily be a problem.

Uterine lining should measure at least 7 to 8 mm in thickness. Progesterone given toward the end of the IVF cycle will assist in thickening the uterine lining. Estradiol levels also affect the uterine lining, with higher levels correlating to a thicker uterine lining.

Estradiol Levels During In-Vitro Fertilization

Just like Goldilocks' porridge, the estradiol level during an IVF cycle needs to be just right. Too high, you're at risk for hyperstimulation. Too low, your response to your doctor's protocol may not be optimal. But what exactly is a good, low, or high estradiol level? How can you judge the progress of an in-vitro fertilization cycle by the estradiol levels?

It's difficult to give exact numbers because every cycle and body is different, but, in general, a 'good' estradiol level is between 150- 500 pg/ml on day eight of an IVF cycle. Approximate doubling of the day eight value every 48 hours is a positive sign of continued follicle development.

High Estradiol Levels

As for high estradiol levels, anything over 3000 is considered high and at risk for hyperstimulation (also referred to as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or OHSS). Because hyperstimulation can be serious, yourfertility treatment center may reduce the dosage on your medications and 'coast' until the levels come down. If levels remain high, the cycle could be canceled due to the risk to your health as well as the fact that coasting for too long can reduce egg quality.

Low Estradiol Levels

Low estradiol levels aren't necessarily better. According to a 2004 study published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, levels lower than 75 pg/ml were predictive of cycle cancellation.

What to Do When Estradiol Levels Are Too High or Too Low

What can you do as a patient? Know your estradiol level and your clinic's cutoffs for high and low levels. If your estradiol appears to be low or high, ask your doctor to reevaluate your protocol and consider coasting to see if estradiol levels even out. Be sure to discuss the benefits and risks of moving forward as well, especially with regards to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and the risk of pregnancy multiples.


If you decide to coast to see if the E2 (estradiol) levels come down, be aware that coasting can negatively affect egg quality. Be sure to discuss any changes to your protocol thoroughly with your doctor and prepare for the possibility of cancellation, particularly if the estradiol levels continue to rise despite coasting.

In terms of preventing pregnancy multiples and the mom-to-be's health, cancellation may be the safest course, but that doesn't make it a happy occasion. However, keep in mind that even failed cycles yield important data that may be pivotal in achieving a future pregnancy. All is not lost if an in-vitro cycle is canceled. Be gentle with yourself if a cycle is cancelled and don't stop believing in a positive outcome.
Well girls had my second scan today an my little eggs haven't grown any since my first scan on Monday 😪 i had the same number 7 in one side 8 in the other they're just not growing.
The Consultant told me to up my menopur from 150iu to 225iu the max per syringe so I done that today. Had to ring up for my blood results at 3:30 an I've now to up my menopur to 375iu which has worried me even more.. Had to make up another injection an take it right away. That's over double from 2 powders to 5! 😓 Seems a big increase to me, I'm a little worrier anyway so I'm even more anxious now. This is hard work 😓
Hope u guys are all keeping ok an hanging in there.
Wifeyw how are you going?
Twinklemama glad to hear ur schedule finally arrived it'll fly in for you Hun xoxoxo

Hi babies r us, don't worry :hugs: , my follicles didn't grow in my second scan too.. I started at 112.5IU and was increased to 150IU. after that on my third scan, there was a slow growth… Only after increasing the dose to 250IU, I started responding… I ended up having 8 mature eggs. Though in the end i had only 2 8 cell embies, I would take into account of severe Male fertility factor…

So don't lose hope and try not to stress…:hugs: I know easier said than done.. but relax.. Its quiet common, that is why we have all these monitoring and different doses of meds… My thoughts and prayers for u…

ruby xx
twinklemama- woohoo!! at long last eh!? glad its came give you something to look forward to i've the supercur now and its nasal same as me 4mcg good luck :-) xx

mumstheword - i sort of thought that i think thats just their way at RFC in and out. just hope they grow. how are you missus are you ok? xx

babiesrus- I've been worring about them not growing any too from one scan to the next but you did say they were focusing on more quality thats still good amount but hopefully you have great quality and theres lots of lovely eggies in there. my Dr actually worried me he said they could disappear so its good yours r still there. They upping them just to see if it boost them. Did you find out measurements? did you find out your E2 level? xx

AFM today sorry if its TMI but i got ALOT of egg white muscus is this normal? i heard mixed reviews that you spontaniously ovulate? and another about E2 number rising and its a good thing. Have you girls ever experienced that? xx

egg white mucus comes before ovulation.. Are u on buserelin also? Spontaneous ovulation is very rare.. if your hormone levels are normal, ur body prepares the mucus to receive the sperms.. so it s a good thing.. fingers crossed.. xx
yeah im on supercur which basically is that. but i read up a couple girls were on it too or lupron and did because sometimes the dose to supress the ovary needs to be upped in some rare cases i just hope its the good thing not the ovulation :-/
yeah im on supercur which basically is that. but i read up a couple girls were on it too or lupron and did because sometimes the dose to supress the ovary needs to be upped in some rare cases i just hope its the good thing not the ovulation :-/

Don't worry, thats why they monitor the hormone levels.. As long as u r on it, the brain will not send any impulse for ovulation.. I have been a nurse midwife since 2007, and haven't seen even 1 patient with spontaneous ovulation.. Put ur mind at rest, lots of fluids, low sugar and carbs,lots of protein and a happy heart will take u thr :hugs: :hugs:
E2 is your esradiol level basically to do will follie sizes its what the bloods for did she say that was ok? or normal. When i went to injection training karen had said for me to ask what my E2 level was. too high E2 level means risk of OHSS anything over 3000 i think is high and too low lover than 75 means your not responding to them to well.:shrug: i wouldn't have known only she had said to find out that and what the lining was.

what time have you to go on tuesday? hope it goes well and it has worked for you really do. :thumbup:

I'm not suprised about the sleeping i feel that way and in not on the high dose but do get plenty rest because your body can focus more on making more follies :happydance: good luck missus. I'm up on tuesday too so ill ask them about the mucus then i think x

I'm up at 7:30 on tuesday morning. I didn't know any of that stuff, I have a really bad vibe 😩I swear I hope I'm wrong.
I don't think they would even tell me if I asked they are so close with all ur information as you said it's as quick as you can get in an out. The nurse I called this afternoon was so matter of fact at my menopur more than doubling. I was wanting clear instructions on how many powder to each viral an then when I learnt I'd to use 2 I injections I wanted to know if I inject both in same place or alternate. I felt like I was stupid 😓
I'm probably better not knowing anymore since I can do nothing about it anyway. I'm a nervous wreck as it is flipsake!!
I just no my hormone levels are on the high side an I'm high risk OHSS an they need to keep an eye on me. They were aiming for Thursday EC but that's prob doubtful now 😢 What about You? Is Tuesday ur 3rd scan too? xxxx ta for ur message luv
Well girls had my second scan today an my little eggs haven't grown any since my first scan on Monday 😪 i had the same number 7 in one side 8 in the other they're just not growing.
The Consultant told me to up my menopur from 150iu to 225iu the max per syringe so I done that today. Had to ring up for my blood results at 3:30 an I've now to up my menopur to 375iu which has worried me even more.. Had to make up another injection an take it right away. That's over double from 2 powders to 5! 😓 Seems a big increase to me, I'm a little worrier anyway so I'm even more anxious now. This is hard work 😓
Hope u guys are all keeping ok an hanging in there.
Wifeyw how are you going?
Twinklemama glad to hear ur schedule finally arrived it'll fly in for you Hun xoxoxo

Hi babies r us, don't worry :hugs: , my follicles didn't grow in my second scan too.. I started at 112.5IU and was increased to 150IU. after that on my third scan, there was a slow growth… Only after increasing the dose to 250IU, I started responding… I ended up having 8 mature eggs. Though in the end i had only 2 8 cell embies, I would take into account of severe Male fertility factor…

So don't lose hope and try not to stress…:hugs: I know easier said than done.. but relax.. Its quiet common, that is why we have all these monitoring and different doses of meds… My thoughts and prayers for u…

ruby xx

Thanks ruby I'm just concerned now. I feel really out of touch you guys are great and know so much more than me I just feel blinded by all this data! 😢
I'm trying not to stress but its easier said than done I had high hopes today because my first scan went so well but now I feel deflated. Need to get my positive vibes back pronto.... Thanks mrs I'm very grateful xoxo
Hope ur keeping well urself an ur little eggs are settling in well. Keeping everything crossed for you huni xo
ruby -thank you for that wee message it means alot and i will take it on board. i'll still mention it to them good sign or not so they know i'm sure they will tell me the same but ill kick myself if i don't say to them.

babiesrus - I will probably see you up there lol i'm at 7:40. Do they do 3 scans on my schedule it only had 2 and tuesday is my second? I just took it as they said i'm responding well they didn't need to see me again until then but if it wasn't they would bring me in sooner maybe i don't know my EC thursday too. hopefully we be having EC same day. i'm sure it will go ahead and if not thursday a few days later because thats better than canceling all together x

I said the same thing to DH there tonight about its in there hands leave it that way worry about nothing and if something comes up they will sure let you know but it's so hard especially the way the RFC has messed about, not only that for future reference if we needed another go and went to another clinic i know it will be on your file but just so we know ourselves i guess.

I know what you mean about feelings stupid you feel that way about asking questions but you should know its your body and your records they have to answer your questions, it's different if you didn't want to know then it wouldn't matter. I think no matter what you do be nervous wreck because every things out of our hands and we have no control thats what i find hardest.

i will keep my fingers crossed for you missus xx

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