IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Well had my scan this morning my follies have grown from friday they are now 14mm but are still too small 😪 I am totally stressed out even though I should be trying to relax (so easy said) I had to have more bloods an need to ring back at 3. Have to continue on 375iu and await further instructions. So back to the pharmacy again. Think they're sick looking at me lol. My EC won't go ahead on Thursday, they might want to see me again in the morning I will no more at 3! ⏳ Wishing this day away.
One half of me is relieved they didn't abandon treatment an the other half Is worried to death!
Plz little follies grow....🙏

Wifeyw that's great ur going ahead with EC on Thirsday. What are you triggering with? I don't know as yet they told me they'd decide on the last day. I am hoping those big follies are just extra special quality for you huni. Try an relax today. No drugs tomorrow for you yeaaaaaa😘 xoxoxo
Well had my scan this morning my follies have grown from friday they are now 14mm but are still too small 😪 I am totally stressed out even though I should be trying to relax (so easy said) I had to have more bloods an need to ring back at 3. Have to continue on 375iu and await further instructions. So back to the pharmacy again. Think they're sick looking at me lol. My EC won't go ahead on Thursday, they might want to see me again in the morning I will no more at 3! ⏳ Wishing this day away.
One half of me is relieved they didn't abandon treatment an the other half Is worried to death!
Plz little follies grow....🙏

Wifeyw that's great ur going ahead with EC on Thirsday. What are you triggering with? I don't know as yet they told me they'd decide on the last day. I am hoping those big follies are just extra special quality for you huni. Try an relax today. No drugs tomorrow for you yeaaaaaa😘 xoxoxo

God you really haven't had it straight forward have you. Not suprised you stressed out. Hope those little follies grow its not far off. Have you tried hot water bottle or wheat bags on your stomach? I have been doing that as much as i can.did they do your lining? I'm so happy they never canceled on you thats one thing you would worry about looks like you will be couple days behind me then. wont take long for them to grow. i'm triggering with ovitrelle think she said 250 not sure. I hope they are good quality too just going through the emotions as you do lol. i know i can't wait.. DH and I are going to go cinema watch film to try take our minds off EC thursday so hopefully do the trick xx
Well had my scan this morning my follies have grown from friday they are now 14mm but are still too small 😪 I am totally stressed out even though I should be trying to relax (so easy said) I had to have more bloods an need to ring back at 3. Have to continue on 375iu and await further instructions. So back to the pharmacy again. Think they're sick looking at me lol. My EC won't go ahead on Thursday, they might want to see me again in the morning I will no more at 3! ⏳ Wishing this day away.
One half of me is relieved they didn't abandon treatment an the other half Is worried to death!
Plz little follies grow....🙏

Wifeyw that's great ur going ahead with EC on Thirsday. What are you triggering with? I don't know as yet they told me they'd decide on the last day. I am hoping those big follies are just extra special quality for you huni. Try an relax today. No drugs tomorrow for you yeaaaaaa😘 xoxoxo

God you really haven't had it straight forward have you. Not suprised you stressed out. Hope those little follies grow its not far off. Have you tried hot water bottle or wheat bags on your stomach? I have been doing that as much as i can.did they do your lining? I'm so happy they never canceled on you thats one thing you would worry about looks like you will be couple days behind me then. wont take long for them to grow. i'm triggering with ovitrelle think she said 250 not sure. I hope they are good quality too just going through the emotions as you do lol. i know i can't wait.. DH and I are going to go cinema watch film to try take our minds off EC thursday so hopefully do the trick xx

No didn't no about the hot water bottle but il glue it to my stomach now if it helps.. I am feeling very deflated today just done my 3 injections there an feel really dizzy again! Thought they were gonna be my last 😪 although I am still grateful that I'm still not defeated!
Praying I get some good news soon.
Good luck with the trigger tonight. I think the cinema is a good idea. Will hopefully pass some time for you huni xoxoxo
Hi Babies r us & wifey :hugs:
Good luck this week! Babies r us, Im sure your follies will get there. Hot water bottle is a good idea. Fingers crossd for you both xxx
Just off with the nurse I've to reduce menopur down to 225iu and go back to clinic on Friday. I'm all over the place now.. 😪 looks like EC wont be anytime soon. Don't no weather this is a good or bad thing. Any thoughts guys? That will be day 14 stims!
babies r us - aww poor u.. hope it doesn''t drag on too long it's awful for you. it just takes some people more time to respond, keep your head on the prize, follies like the heat and keep your feet warm too, i chat to girl from another forum and just in 3 days hers grew 4mm or more just with using hot water bottle. Id say its a good thing ( not injections but the result ) they don't just rush you bring you in and then the outcomes not what you want. hopefully you will get some lovely eggs. try keep you chin up as hard as it is. xx i am so tired i just made me and DH a fruit smoothy think i'm about to fall asleep in it lol i couldn't sleep last nite wondering how today would go. hope everyones well.x
babies r us - aww poor u.. hope it doesn''t drag on too long it's awful for you. it just takes some people more time to respond, keep your head on the prize, follies like the heat and keep your feet warm too, i chat to girl from another forum and just in 3 days hers grew 4mm or more just with using hot water bottle. Id say its a good thing ( not injections but the result ) they don't just rush you bring you in and then the outcomes not what you want. hopefully you will get some lovely eggs. try keep you chin up as hard as it is. xx i am so tired i just made me and DH a fruit smoothy think i'm about to fall asleep in it lol i couldn't sleep last nite wondering how today would go. hope everyones well.x

Yes I'm thinkin the same thing, they could've jus brought me back tomorrow an went ahead at least now I have an extra few days to will them to get bigger.. Feet are up, water bottle on tummy an packet of nuts in hand. Glass of milk downed (yuk) ill do anything to help them along.
Enjoy ur smoothies an thank u for ur kind words xoxo 😘
Hi Babies r us,
I know how u feel.. I was in the same boat.. I did hot water bottle too.. and it helped :) [scientifically more blood supply to the area, helps follicle grow].. also take lots and lots and lots of protein… My thoughts and prayers with u…

Hi wifeyw
Good luck this week! Keeping everything crossd for you xxx
Babies R Us,
Also, I was the same 11 and 12mm on tuesday, but when i went on friday I was very close.. I think 18mm.. I offered to take ovitrell home, if in case I could be triggered in the weekend… Obviously it helped and I had my egg retrieval on monday instead of scheduled wednesday.. please don't lose hope… Tk cr.. fingers crossed for u hun… Xxx
Ladies, Just came here to vent,
I need a great advice…
How do I get rid of my mother-in-law, who is here, supposedly to help me, but does everything to annoy me… I am in the verge of losing it.. :cry: I don't think I can smile anymore…

The way she accuses me for be infertile, has nearly brought me to tears.. As her other kids had no problem conceiving, she has this conception that, everything is my fault.. [ OH has severe MFI… But she is not aware of that.. ]

My identical twin is also suffering from PCOS related infertility and currently having IUI.. My MIL's phrases.. " May be it runs in family...' 'May be U should lose weight…'(I am only 60KG).. "May be it is because U r a nurse and U have been exposed to something…
"U should not have postponed when U were young… "
" I never thought about my career, neither did my daughter, so God blessed us with kids…'''

me like… "oh really????''' :brat::sad2:

I just want to scream and say %^&*@£$ to her.. I'm already going through a lot.. I never had any support from my FS nurses.. As I am a nurse, they expect me to know everything… I don't even work in IVF clinic… I repent every minute for agreeing to OH to invite her here… Also I have ended up cooking for 4 nw… extra work too…

I am not sure, how long I can withhold.. Sorry for the rant ladies.. I have no support except for this forum… I'm going crazy… #-o
Babies R Us,
Also, I was the same 11 and 12mm on tuesday, but when i went on friday I was very close.. I think 18mm.. I offered to take ovitrell home, if in case I could be triggered in the weekend… Obviously it helped and I had my egg retrieval on monday instead of scheduled wednesday.. please don't lose hope… Tk cr.. fingers crossed for u hun… Xxx

Thank u huni means a lot I'm gonna permanently attach my water bottle in the hope my little follies soak up the heat. I have like pressure pains in my lower tummy tonight thought it was stress earlier but not too sure now. I heard other girls say they felt bloated an crampy when stimming hoping that its nothing bad 😪
I'm probably jus over thinking everything now I'm so worried. Thanks again for your advice xo
Ladies, Just came here to vent,
I need a great advice…
How do I get rid of my mother-in-law, who is here, supposedly to help me, but does everything to annoy me… I am in the verge of losing it.. :cry: I don't think I can smile anymore…

The way she accuses me for be infertile, has nearly brought me to tears.. As her other kids had no problem conceiving, she has this conception that, everything is my fault.. [ OH has severe MFI… But she is not aware of that.. ]

My identical twin is also suffering from PCOS related infertility and currently having IUI.. My MIL's phrases.. " May be it runs in family...' 'May be U should lose weight…'(I am only 60KG).. "May be it is because U r a nurse and U have been exposed to something…
"U should not have postponed when U were young… "
" I never thought about my career, neither did my daughter, so God blessed us with kids…'''

me like… "oh really????''' :brat::sad2:

I just want to scream and say %^&*@£$ to her.. I'm already going through a lot.. I never had any support from my FS nurses.. As I am a nurse, they expect me to know everything… I don't even work in IVF clinic… I repent every minute for agreeing to OH to invite her here… Also I have ended up cooking for 4 nw… extra work too…

I am not sure, how long I can withhold.. Sorry for the rant ladies.. I have no support except for this forum… I'm going crazy… #-o

God luv you! You obviously have a looooootttt of patients to not have snapped by now. My mother in law would NEVER even offer to help out absolutely never. But that suits me just fine anyway. They ain't the easiest to get along with at the best of times.
Bless ya huni. Get urself a quiet moment with hubbie an gently advise him to make her leave. You need rest and space! End off....
Wow! She sounds like fun! I would just tell her to do one! :0)
I hope she doesn't stress you out too much and you get your BFP soon Ruby. And hopefully your sister too. That would be great both of you pregnant together.

Good luck wifeyw and babiesrus. Hope all goes well for you both over next few days.

Afm I'm busy choosing sperm donor for next fertility cycle. Hoping to go back to IUI and get more success as that's what worked before. Xx
Ruby - awk missus, can't believe shes so unsensitive to your feelings, that really annoys me so much about some people but to point the finger, i am suprised you haven't snapped before now you can only take so much. Think everyone has some sort in laws whos the same. hope your ok and everything works out xx

babiesrus - i'm sure them little follies are loving it in there lol couple days they will be bulging rest up xx try relax i've been the same with the lower pains can only be good things happening in there x i've had cramps but not too much but more uncomfortable whenever im bending etc. just after doing trigger shot so thats me drug free after that woohoo xx

mumstheword - only you know your body better so hopefully fingers crossed you get that BFP with the IUI heres hoping eh.. good luck choosing xx
Hey girls!
Ruby, I hope you've gotten shot of ur mother in law! She sounds like a lovely lady lol!! Thankfully my family are pretty sympathetic, but my mil doesn't really get it either, she had DH and his siblings at the drop of a hat so she doesn't know what it's like to feel so desperate. She does however say that people must be mad to go through more than 3 or 4 cycles, she said once that you maybe need to accept that it's not meant for you! Easier said than done.
Babiesrus, hope those follies are growing nicely. When do they want you back? Keeping everything crossed for u pet.
Wifey, how are u feeling? I really hope tomoro goes well for you luv, I've got a good feeling for u. Will be thinking about u. Xo
Threebirds, I hope ur doing ok. Just out of interest, how do u go about choosing a sperm donor? I always assumed the clinic would supply the sample for u at a cost. Hope u don't mind me asking xo
Twinklemama - The RFC gives you a limited choice of what they've bought in. When you're private you go online and order it to your clinic. More choice although its costly!
Wifeyw good luck for tomoro. Xx
Twinklemama I'm back in on Friday hopefully for good news that my little follies have grown, willing them to grow every minute of the day..
Wifeyw wishing u the best of luck tomorrow il be thinking of you huni. Just know your gonna get lots of great quality eggs xoxo
Mumstheword I was the same it's such a hard thing to do it took us ages, the nurse came in 3 times while we sat there with trying to choose r donor. It's more trying to elimate not knowing if its the right decision. Not pleasant at all huni 😓 xo
Hope you girls are keeping ok sending you all hugs xoxo
havent felt good past couple days actually struggling with nausiousness thankful today its not to bad. nerves have set in i cant wait until its over think ill be taking all pain relief goin lol if iwas knocked out id be fine. i really hope they get enough eggs i will keep u girls posted wen i can thank you girls for all the support x
Babiesrus it's such a big decision and my husband actually questioned whether we could buy our own in. In the end we got to pick from 9 donors. I'm CMV negative so that always limits us. We ended up with a donor that looked nothing like my husband. He was blonde, blue eyes and a big man by all accounts. Your hands are tied when its the health service. It's not nice but when you've waited 3 years to get the NHS one offer of treatment you just take what your given.
Unfortunately it hasn't worked and well that's us finished with the NHS. We've been researching a sperm clinic that is cheaper than the one our clinic uses so they're hopefully going to link up and we can order our next batch (which resemble my husband) soon.
Wifeyw I don't remember my first egg collection in origin. But I was conscious for the RFC one. I think if you explain to them that you would prefer not to be as conscious then they will hopefully up your meds. Don't be too worried though. It's over quick enough and you'll be home before you know it!! The things us woman have to go through!! Good luck xx
Hi Girlies,

just a quick update. The Ec was quicker than i thought the nerves wasn't too bad until i got into the room. I had to ask the nurse to give me anti sickness stuff because i was afraid of being sick all over one of them lol but yeah it's painful but it wasn't too bad the drugs r good lol i couldn't even speak right some of the time i'm sure they thought i wasn't wise lol.

We got 7 eggies :thumbup: which i'm happy enough about. I got Dr williamson shes so lovely she said when she put probe in ohhh i thought the dr that took us for scan on tuesday told her there was 3 follies on each side and told us we had 8 altogther :shrug: she said i'm sure u were very bloated.. theres were loads follies abviously cycsts but he never said to her there were even the 8 that he told us. i did feel everything but the last follie was hiding and she said i'm going to have to go through your bladder to get to it.. have to say i grabbed DH hand so hard it's wonder he wasn't bruised as he bruised really easy. it's bareable though..

In bed as we speak pain relief wore off earlier so had to take some painkillers think i'll take some again too can feel start get uncomfortable again.. finding it hard to stay in bed though lol whenever we were in recovery they had to come in tell us if DH sperm thawed out ok cos he had it froze after biopsy and it did so they are offically having their first date in the incubator as we speak lol.. so nerous to phone them tomarrow at 10:15.

hope everyones well xx

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