IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Thanx threebirds, please don't stress about EC at RFC, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be and it's very quick. They give u IV painkillers which makes u feel a bit woozy and there's gas and air available if u need it. I took it towards the end but the procedure was over by the time it kicked in. If u feel uncomfortable at the start, ask for it straight away so it actually works when u need it. Good luck pet, I really hope it works for u xoxo
And your DH. It's such a long long process and so stressful then Mother Nature ends it all just like that. We can do nothing about it but just try, try and try again. Some day it'll be your turn. Big hugs to you both.
After my fifth failed go in January I took a break from it all and it's been nice to have normal cycles and periods again. I've decided to go back to Origin, as you've said it's handy and I too have two doggies that would need minded if we went elsewhere. Plus I seriously wouldn't want to go back to Royal privately. Origin is much nicer. We received our review from our RFC free go in January and its for May. Their waiting times are incredible!
Anyhow I've just about gathered what's left of my strength to put myself through an IUI in may with origin. Ordered in more donor sperm and saving money to try and try again. I wish you two the best of luck for your next attempt and really hope it's your turn.

Gemma G they're lovely names. Glad to hear twins are at right size. Hilarious you can't see your feet already! Looking forward to seeing the next scan pic.

Wifey I hope it all goes well for you in the next scan. I'm sure your nervous and very excited! Good luck xx
... Tried to contact Sharon Campbell but haven't heard back. Anyone for a number for her? Ta x
Gemma- they are lovely names they are thriving little bundles of joy it goes in so quick i was just saying that to DH. Hopefully all straight forward from here xx look after yourself missy.

mumstheword21 - hopefully this is your time with IUI and you won't need to do IVF. Has sharon not contacted you she must be busy as she usually responds fast here is her number 07921787067 hopefully you can reach her on that.

AFM - The scan went well both babies are very active bouncing away in there. They both have there own placentas and heart rates etc are good twin 1 which is at the bottom was measuring 4 days behind twin 2 which is perfectly normal. Only hit home there was 2 in there at that scan. next one is at the end of the month which is the 16th week so gonna try ask if they can see the gender if not i might do a private scan.

Hope everyones keeping well and looking after yourself. xx
Hi ladies, not sure if i have come to the right place but did you all visit the fertility clinic and sign the forms in Oct/Nov??

im just asking as that was when me and my partner did. we are going for ICSI and have been told we are on the waiting list, how long is it usually to be waiting they did say 9 months to us and it is only 7 now but so desperate to see that letter arrive on what is going to happen next, we have rang and they only can confirm that they have our information, do you think i will have much longer to wait??

Any information would be much appreciated ty
Hiya scarletrose, it was more like 9-10 months for us. Got the letter at the end of Feb. started pill in March. We collected our drugs yesterday & I started downregging with the nasal spray today. Hope you get your letter soon x
Wifeyw so glad your scan went well :) it's totally surreal seeing them on screen isn't it :)

Scarletrose no none of us signed the forms in Oct/Nov that was the time of treatment for a couple of us but shouldn't be too long for you now I got my letter of offer approx 9mths after being put on the waitin list x

How is everyone else doing any schedules treatments etc!! Xx
Thank you Threebirds and GemmaG, so glad to find people that are going through the same treatment, as i dont know anyone that has done this before, this forum will be a great help in understanding what is coming next.

Good luck with the start of the treatment threebirds i hope they dont make you feel to unwell like i have been reading in some of the posts but it is so worth it in the end. i am quite scared after reading some i have to admit.

so happy for you gemmaG twins is fantastic

Thankyou again ladies i will keep visiting this forum to keep up with how everyone is getting on

love n hugs

kelly xx
Hi everyone :wave:

Here's my wee update...

DH & I went to RFC on Thu for our pre-treatment appointment with a nurse & to collect our drugs. It was all so straightforward. We weren't waiting at all for the drugs and the nurse we saw was brilliant. Really friendly & didn't rush us at all. Went through everything really well with us.

I started the Suprecur nasal spray yesterday (4 sprays a day) -- got my ph full of reminders lol.

I take my last pill on Monday. So that will be 2 packs of 21. I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding the nurse said I might get that once I stop & not to worry if I do.

Its too soon to tell if Im getting side effects from the nasal spray. I have a bad cold - so can't tell what is cold & what is side effect!

Both DH and I have been getting acupuncture and will continue that throughout the treatment.

I take the nasal spray all the way thru snd start the Gonal f on 16 May. I'm on a high dose, 450 iu, because I know from last treatment Im a poor responder and don't have many eggs. So this is definitely all about quality rather than quantity for us. This protocol is different to my previous Origin cycle as I didn't downreg for that. I was on 300 iu Gonal f for that cycle. We got one egg and it fertilised. We had a 2 day transfer but it didnt take. Anyway I've no idea how my body will respond this time. Im keeping a positive frame of mind, but fears are that cycle will get cancelled if I don't respond, or we won't get eggs, or whatever we do get won't fertilise.
DH has low sperm count & quality so it will be ICSI ... If we get that far.

We are both oldies & ltttc. We've had two mc's. So this means the world to us. For me though it's important that I don't feel like this cycle is our only chance as that would bring too much pressure. We have been saving for another private cycle should we need it (prob GCRM).

Last time I had great lining, 2 great sized follies and a fertilised embryo the lab were really happy with. I ate really well - lots of eggs & fertility foods, walked lots, lots of fresh air. Hot water bottle every eve (this time I'll start that with the gonal f). Acupuncture. No alcohol or caffine & bed by 10 / 10.30.

It only takes one ! :-)

Sorry for long post...


It really does only take one threebirds :hugs: I hope this is your time your deserve it soo much will keep everything crossed for you :hugs:

My friend also started her sprays yesterday..... It's so sad i never knew she was even trying.... so many people have came out and told me that they are doing ivf it's scary the amount of us that need help!!

Scarlettrose thank you :hugs: the girls on here are great and you will have great support its nice to be able to talk to people who understand what your going through so any questions we will all do our best to help x
It really does only take one threebirds :hugs: I hope this is your time your deserve it soo much will keep everything crossed for you :hugs:

My friend also started her sprays yesterday..... It's so sad i never knew she was even trying.... so many people have came out and told me that they are doing ivf it's scary the amount of us that need help!!

Scarlettrose thank you :hugs: the girls on here are great and you will have great support its nice to be able to talk to people who understand what your going through so any questions we will all do our best to help x

Thanks so much Gemma, hope you & the twinnies are doing really well :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

And fingers crossed for your friend too. Nobody knew we were ltttc either, or about our last cycle or the mc the yr before :-( It's all so hard. But now we've decided that maybe it's better to talk to close friends and family. Of course, particularly in the case of family you feel bad that you know they will be worrying about you. So it is hard either way. We haven't told DHs parents as they are in their 70s and have their own health problems but his siblings & spouses are being really supportive. And by telling people you find you are sometimes disappointed, that they just don't get it. And that's understandable too, we just try and not be hurt by it & look for the support we need from places we know we'll get it xxx
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is well.
Threebirds I'm so excited that you've started! You sound like ur doin everything in ur power to make this work. I have every faith that u will respond better this cycle and get more good eggs and embies. Our origin cycle was pretty crap compared to how this one went, the first cycle is pretty much an experiment and the dr's know so much more about u from it, so this course of drugs will likely give u good numbers AND good quality. Although it didn't give us the result we wanted, I won't worry so much next time about responding and getting eggs fertilised cos I know it happened this time.
As for telling people, we've been pretty open from the start, mostly cos I'm a big mouth and can't keep a secret about anything! But it's been really helpful talking to my friends and family, and the amount of people u find are going thru the same thing is unbelievable.
Gemma, I can hardly believe ur so far on now! Are u finishing work soon? xo
Wifey, glad ur scan went well. Again, it seems hard to believe how fast time is passing for u.
Scarlet, hi! This forum and esp this thread has helped me so much thru all of this. I only joined up after my first cycle, and going thru it pretty blindly was a nightmare, so I'm glad you've joined before u start. It took exactly 6 months for my letter to arrive after signing consents and going on waiting list, but I was put in the pill in December and didn't start nasals until 3 months later so I guess the average is probably around 9months. Hoping u get ur letter soon!
AFM, I've been emailing one of the consultants from RFC/GCRM about my next cycle and have got some answers about stuff that was bothering me. So I've booked an appt with my drs to get tested for factor V Leiden clotting disorder which may be causing the implantation failure, and once we've got the results we're gonna book for satellite appts with gcrm. Prob gonna have an endometrial scratch this time aswell. Aiming to go over to Glasgow mid August. My in-laws have been so generous and are gonna pay for this next course, I can't believe how kind they are, but I guess they want this to happen for us just as much as we do.
Anyway, I'm gonna go and nurse my hangover! Hope everyone is well! Xo
Hi everyone. Just getting caught up with all the posts. Glad to see everyone keeping well. We were same and told people after about a year. So they don't ask now are you pregnant when I'm not drinking or it's about time you had a wee one of your own, etc etc. we've had lots if excellent support which we will continue to need if we have a baby with donor sperm.
I'm starting my next treatment next week. Period came today and booked in for scan on Monday to start meds. Can't believe it's about to consume my every thought again. Will it, won't it.. Is it our turn? Or will it be our 6th failure?? So any top tips on diet would be greatly appreciated. Eggs and sweet potato good. Peas bad. Lol.
Have a good bank holiday weekend everyone. Xxx
Grumpy. Lol. I don't know how I functioned during ivf when I was on 450iu of the gonal f. I'm only on 75iu at the minute and I'm easily annoyed. Day 4 today and my next scan on Monday to see how follies are doing. Hopefully insemination next thur if all goes well. Was nice to have a break and feel normal for a while but needs must as they say.
How ru?
Hi just found you lovely ladies and would love to talk to local ladies going through ivf from reading past posts i am just one day behind threebirds was at rvh on fri 3rd may started supercur sat 4th this is all new to me first cycle of ivf on nhs so any advice most welcome will also be having accupuncture

sorry for long post but not used to doing this kind of thing

scarletrose i signed my form end of september had bloods done end of february pill started march hope that helps
Hi everyone :wave:

Twinkle :hugs: that's fab that inlaws are helping out with treatment costs. We'll also go GCRM next if needed & that will be our last cycle as that will be all we can afford. Thats really interesting you are going for additional blood tests, what do you think the issue is? When will you get results?
What consultant are you with in Belfast? Good luck with the tests hun.

Mumstheword, sorry ur grouchy :hugs: but Im sure it's good to be started. Really hope you have lots of lovely growing follies :) get the hot water bottle out! Good luck for scan on Monday. Really hoping this is your cycle!

Welcome baps :hugs: great to have a cycle buddy in the same place in their cycle! What's your protocol like & when do you start gonal f? I'll be on 450iu starting 16th. Who will you go to for acupuncture? I went to a great lady in Holywood but that was too far for me to travel. Now I see a chinese dr who is nearer & v happy with him. All the very best with this cycle!

How's everyone else doing? Any news?

I've done my first wk downregging on the nasal sprays. Not much to report. Had a v bad headache yesterday but not so bad this morning. Side effects havent been bad, just occasional dizzy or sick feeling, mostly at night & a couple of headaches. I am tired though, but that's probably work. Also have some breakthrough spotting / bleeding from finishing pill this week, which hopefully will clear up soon. Start gonal f on Thurs.
Both me & DH are off to our acupuncture today. I also see there is a place that does fertility massage in Belfast (https://www.beautycompanybelfast.com/treatments/womens-health.aspx) Sounds v good. Has anyone been? Does anyone know if massage is ok generally during treatment? Id love a bit of pampering lol, cant really afford it tho.

Hope everyone is well & really hope our shite weather gets its act together soon as a wee bit of sunshine would make a lot of difference!



I start injections on Saturday bit nervous about it worried I won't do it right as am very clumsy DF says I have feet for hands always breaking things lol!!! Had acupuncture last nite but he bruised the side of my face bit sore today first time that happened been having it since January also gave me herbs nuan gong yun zi wan was bit dubious to taking them as I know most clinics don't like you to take them.
Not noticed any side effects on spray just bit tired and think it has calmed me down as I feel really chilled out unusual for me I go to Chinese doctor in my town which is handy he had a few successes with IVF so fingers crossed I will be one of them.
Wee question ladies my egg collection is pencilled in for 30th May is there any chance that it could go into the following week as DF could be away for work so really need it to happen around that time what was your experience?

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