IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi everyone :hugs:

Im sure you will be fine with injections. This is my 2nd ICSI cycle, the injection pen is straightforward, just make sure you set the right dose, then once it is in make sure you depress it all the way to release all the dose, then hold it for 10 secs to be sure. I'll be injecting in belly but you can also do thigh. What dose are you on?

Sorry you got bruising from acupuncture. I had a lovely session yesterday. My DH is also going to help with his swimmers. He's also still taking herbs but I stopped the herbs when I started downregging. Thats fab your chinese dr has had IVF successes. I think ours has too. We are in the NW.

In relation to the EC, I think you have to go when you have to go, so ya need DH on hand. The date they give you is estimate as it depends on how your follicles develop, so it could be a day or two either side. But I don't think there's the option of you postponing a wk. if they are the right size they need to come out or they could release themselves through ovulation and be lost. But do talk to the clinic about this. If DH really cant be available they may let you delay starting injections for a few days.

Have you had any bleeding since stopping pill? I have pretty much full blown AF at the moment and wondering if that's normal.

Can any of you girls that have been thru this let me know?? I knew to expect some spotting but this is full red flow. Thanks! Otherwise Im feeling much more rested. Was really zonked after yesterday's acupuncture.

Hope everyone has a good weekend & hope it stops raining- lashing here

Another Q for those of you that have had a RFC cycle, what time of day did you inject at? Is there any evidence that morning or evening is better? Evening would certainly suit us better.
And did you inject belly or thigh? And is there any evidence that one is more effective than other?

Thank U!!!

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is well.
Threebirds I'm so excited that you've started! You sound like ur doin everything in ur power to make this work. I have every faith that u will respond better this cycle and get more good eggs and embies. Our origin cycle was pretty crap compared to how this one went, the first cycle is pretty much an experiment and the dr's know so much more about u from it, so this course of drugs will likely give u good numbers AND good quality. Although it didn't give us the result we wanted, I won't worry so much next time about responding and getting eggs fertilised cos I know it happened this time.
As for telling people, we've been pretty open from the start, mostly cos I'm a big mouth and can't keep a secret about anything! But it's been really helpful talking to my friends and family, and the amount of people u find are going thru the same thing is unbelievable.
Gemma, I can hardly believe ur so far on now! Are u finishing work soon? xo
Wifey, glad ur scan went well. Again, it seems hard to believe how fast time is passing for u.
Scarlet, hi! This forum and esp this thread has helped me so much thru all of this. I only joined up after my first cycle, and going thru it pretty blindly was a nightmare, so I'm glad you've joined before u start. It took exactly 6 months for my letter to arrive after signing consents and going on waiting list, but I was put in the pill in December and didn't start nasals until 3 months later so I guess the average is probably around 9months. Hoping u get ur letter soon!
AFM, I've been emailing one of the consultants from RFC/GCRM about my next cycle and have got some answers about stuff that was bothering me. So I've booked an appt with my drs to get tested for factor V Leiden clotting disorder which may be causing the implantation failure, and once we've got the results we're gonna book for satellite appts with gcrm. Prob gonna have an endometrial scratch this time aswell. Aiming to go over to Glasgow mid August. My in-laws have been so generous and are gonna pay for this next course, I can't believe how kind they are, but I guess they want this to happen for us just as much as we do.
Anyway, I'm gonna go and nurse my hangover! Hope everyone is well! Xo

Hey missus how are you holding up?? That's so lovely that your in laws are paying for your next cycle what a wonderful gift!! I have heard excellent things about GCRM really hope this will be the one for you :hugs: I know it's flying by and I only have a few weeks left at work finish on 31st May :) xx
Another Q for those of you that have had a RFC cycle, what time of day did you inject at? Is there any evidence that morning or evening is better? Evening would certainly suit us better.
And did you inject belly or thigh? And is there any evidence that one is more effective than other?

Thank U!!!


Sorry Hun no advice on the bleeding as I didn't really have any...... Hopefully it means you get a good clear out and you get a nice fresh lining! I took my injections in the evening around 6pm as mornings weren't good for me as I work shifts and always done it in my belly..... No other reason than that I thought when taking my first one it would hurt less lol

Hi baps and welcome :hugs:

Hi mumstheword good to see things are moving for you too :hugs:

AFM nothing much to report finally made third tri huge milestone for me! Had a 4d scan on Sunday and can't believe how different they both are Mia looks like me and Mason is his daddy's double.... The sonographer seems to think Mia has alot of dark hair and Mason has none so will be blonde like DH can't wait to see if she is right :) still have lots to do really need to get my bum in gear! So far so good I'm feeling quite good minus the heartburn so can't complain.... I have a photo of their 4d scan I can put it up if you girls want to see it don't want to offend anyone or come across insensitive by putting it here so all you lovelies can let me know or if better I'll try to figure out how to post a link xx
Hi Gemma, congrats on reaching third tri! I'd love to see the scan, it's lovely you can see them and call them by their names now, I love the names! The time will fly in to ur maternity, my best friend goes back Monday, it seems like no time since she got off work and now it's over. Poor Olly won't know what's hit him when he starts nursery properly!
Mumstheword, sorry to hear ur grumpy pet, but I'm sure DH will forgive u! It's horrible feeling like it tho isn't it? It will all be worth it tho. Just wondering how they control how many follies are developing with IUI, I mean what happens if there's 3 or 4, will they still do the procedure? You could end up with triplets lol! Sorry if I sound stupid, I've never really looked into IUI as it wasn't an option for us. Xo
Threebirds, I got full on AF after stopping my pill, it was only for 2-3 days but was very heavy, think its pretty standard so don't worry.
The nurse at my pretreatment visit told me to inject in the morning, she said it worked better but didn't give me a reason why. On the other hand, origin told me to inject at 6.30pm, the reason being that they could change the doses of my Menopur on scan days and I wouldn't be late with a dose, whereas at rfc, you don't take ur injection on scan days until after the appointment so ur a bit late with it. Ring and ask the nurses if you're not sure. I always injected my tummy on both cycles cos I thought my thighs would hurt more, don't think it matters where tho.
The extra bloods I'm having done are for a genetic clotting disorder which we've discovered in the family. I only found out when I'd started dr last cycle so it was too late to do anything about it then. Consultant says its controversial as to whether it has any effect on ivf but it definitely causes recurrent miscarriage so it's best to know if I have it or not. He said it would be bad enough having recurrent miscarriages cos of it, but especially when I've had to go to so much trouble to get pregnant in the first place, so it's best to know from the outset. We've booked to see Ishola Agbaje at medical associates. I know him thru work anyway, and he did my EC at rfc. I sort of felt like we got treated a bit better cos I knew him although I nearly died when he walked in to do EC and he had to see my bits lol! Plus I cried like a big baby before they even did anything cos I was so nervous! Made a total prick of myself lol!
I've heard of the maya massage, a friend of mine knows girls who swear by it. I might try it next time, along with acupuncture but it is expensive. Maybe if I win the lottery!
Anyways try not to worry pet, the best thing you can do and try and relax (easier said than done) but I just know its ur time and I'm sure it'll work! Xo
Welcome Baps, hope ur doing well. This forum has been a life saver for me, i went thru my first cycle without any support like this and the second was a much better experience cos id learnt so much from being in on here. Plus chatting to other girls who are going thru the same stops the feeling of isolation.
My egg collection got pushed back by 2 days cos my follies weren't big enough. My hubby travels a lot with work too so I appreciate how worried u are. Give the nurses a ring and see what they suggest. They might be able to increase ur doses a bit if the follies are small at the first scan. Can he postpone his trip at all if necessary? Will he be at home for the 2ww? Xo
AFM, just waiting for DH to arrive home from a week in china! His flight should be landing any minute now in Dublin, can't wait to see him! x
Have a good weekend ladies! Xo
Hi Gemma. Glad everything's gone well for you and your safely into your third trimester. I'd love to see the 4d scans. It's great to hear good news and especially see it!! Not long to go now, I'm sure you two can't contain your excitement.

Twinklemama great to hear your progress. Origin only give me a small dose of 75iu gonal f for follicle stimulation. This will be my third IUI with them. My last one was ages ago and then we tried the more successful methods ivf FET but got no results so we decided to go back to the less invasive method as it did get us pregnant. I don't think my body likes all the hoking and poking and down regging so I'm praying that we get a success over the next few iui's. origin only want you to have 1 leading follicle. 2 maximum. They cancel if you've 3 over a certain size. Touch wood.
Hi baps. I've been on a few forums over the years but this is the only page I'm on now. Love the support from the girls on here. Good luck with your treatment schedule. I hope you can get the dates sorted out for your husbands return from work. Extra stress you don't need when going thru ivf. My last ivf was abissmal in RFC. Only grew and implanted one egg but no pregnancy unfortunately. Hope you get a bit more to work with. Xx
Threebirds I've always injected in the afternoons. Around 6-7pm. I don't know of it makes any difference really as each cycle is very different. Origin have me injecting at 6:30 now for this IUI. Looking forward to seeing what side produces my follicles this time as my eggs seem to take it turn about. Just hoping that I have the two follicles with 75iu every day. After my stint on the pill for nhs go I was on max drugs 450iu and only produced 1 follicle and 1 egg. Hoping the break from treatments and drugs has some my body some good. X
Thanks doll I was going to ask that same question as well think I am now starting af was getting worried as thought it would of happened before now. I am also in NW and just had a big hail shower there miserable weather :(
Thanks Gemmag and congrats on double bump its lovely to see some successes it gives me hope :)
Welcome Baps, hope ur doing well. This forum has been a life saver for me, i went thru my first cycle without any support like this and the second was a much better experience cos id learnt so much from being in on here. Plus chatting to other girls who are going thru the same stops the feeling of isolation.
My egg collection got pushed back by 2 days cos my follies weren't big enough. My hubby travels a lot with work too so I appreciate how worried u are. Give the nurses a ring and see what they suggest. They might be able to increase ur doses a bit if the follies are small at the first scan. Can he postpone his trip at all if necessary? Will he be at home for the 2ww? Xo

Thanks twinklemama so glad I found this forum as was on bounty before and it wasn't great. It really helps to talk to local ladies. I can live with egg collection being put back two days just not into the monday not sure if he will be here or not just depends on work load if he needed to go away or not but I will be taking some time of work after collection :) much needed rest. Sorry to hear you had a crap time of late and hope all goes well with the grmc you are so lucky to have such supportive relatives God bless them shows you how much they love you and DH
Threebirds I start on the 450 pen then the 900 pen and back to 450 again God I am getting all excited now can't wait to start injections I feel really positive about this cycle think it is because of the helping hand feel like I stand a better chance if that makes sense well must go back to work :(
Okay here they are :) Mia is on the right and mason on the left he had his nose squashed up to my belly and his hands by his ears did not like being scanned at all lol


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Aw Gemma. It must be so real now. That's a fab pic to have. They've come a long way from the first scan. Can't wait to see them when they're out!! Not long to go now. Thanks for sharing xx
Gemma, ur pic is beautiful, it's so special to have. What an amazing thing to show them when they're old enough to take it in! If ur like me, my folks only have pictures of me from when I was a few weeks old, how class it will be for wee Mia and Mason to see themselves still in ur tum! I'm sure the excitement to see them on the outside is killing u now! Wishing u all te best for ur last few weeks hun xo
Really lovely pics GemmaG thanks for sharing them it must have really hit home when you saw them like this fantastic what they can do now a days.

AFM AF well on way so have been like bull with DF he taking the full brunt god bless him dont know how it puts up with me :)
Aww gemma they are wee dotes, look at there wee button noses so adorable fab pic missus.. good luck for the final stretch xx

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