IVF/ICSI at RVH??? Cycle buddy OCT/NOV xx

Hi all, well I ended up with a 3 day transfer today, 2 6 cell embryos put back now it's sit and wait, my first one was a 3 day transfer 8 cell and that didn't work so I'm not feeling the optimistic, DH keeps telling me to stop being so negative but I think I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst, god typing this I do sound terrible, I pray it works this time.
Must admit it was pretty cool watching them implant them, I could see my womb and a ting glow of the fluid the eggs were in, to think they could end up 2 little people is amazing.
Well gonna do the bad thing and google 3 day transfers success stories to make me feel more hopeful. Xxx
Scarlet rose, congratulations on PUPO.. Everything crossed for you, do you have any frosties? I think Gemma who started this thread had a 3day transfer and she has her beautiful twins now xxx
Good luck, take it easy and keep us all posted...xxx
Hi girls, hope everyone is well!

Scarletrose, congrats on ur 2 embies and being PUPO! Everyone I know who has babies after ivf had a day 3 transfer, hopefully u will be the same! Now just to keep yourself busy for a couple of weeks! Are u taking time off work? xo

Butterfly, don't stress about the egg collection pet. I won't lie, it wasn't pleasant but it wasn't anywhere nearly as bad as I expected and it was far quicker too. The nurses are brilliant at helping u relax, and the doctors are all very reassuring. If I was doing it again in RVH I would ask for the laughing gas from the start. I asked for it from a few minutes into the procedure and it was only starting to work when they were finished. But u will be fine, and it couldn't be anywhere near as bad as child birth lol!

I had my scratch and mock ET today under sedation. Also had my cervix stretched to make the ET easier in a few weeks. Dr Traub did it. I had heard bad things about him before so was kinda dreading it but he was hilarious! Same humour as me and DH so he put us very much at ease. Dr Duffy did the sedation, and he was lovely too. Apparently I asked him if he could sedate me for my 2 week wait! All in all, it went well, I'm just still a bit dopey from the sedation. Scan and baseline bloods appt booked for Wednesday morning with a view to starting my injections then.

Hope everyone has a good Easter xo
Hey twinklemama, I don't seem to understand what treatment you are getting? xx
I have seen Dr Truab a few times on the Lisburn road, absolutely love him, he's all into his cars and him and hubby got on very well. Boys and their toys eh! Lol
Hey Jackdoll, no probs, I'll try my best to explain! I decided to have an endometrial scratch this time -they literally make 2 scratches in the lining of the womb in the luteal phase of the cycle before treatment. The theory is based on women falling pregnant quickly after having a d and c carried out after miscarriages. They reckon that the body brings in loads of healing and growth factors to repair the damage, and encourages any embryos to stick. I was also having a mock transfer as the last one was quite sore for our last cycle. They tried to do both last month in the clinic but they couldn't get any of the instruments in so they decided to bring me back this month and do it under sedation so I wouldn't feel anything. Dr Traub also stretched the cervix to make the transfer easier in a feel weeks. Hopefully it will work! I have felt fine after it, just a little bit crampy.
Now just waiting on AF to come, I'm not having sprays to down reg this time, as they reckon I might hyperstimulate. They use this protocol for women who have a good AMH, the focus is on producing a small number of good quality eggs rather than high numbers. I'm starting on menopur for stims and then adding cetrotide so stop me releasing the eggs myself. It's only 12 days of drugs, so it will fly in!
What protocol are u gonna be on yourself? Xo
Wow that sounds all good, and you have explained it pretty well.xx I'm just on the sprays for 3weeks then injections for 10days. We have unexplained infertility. I have never been pregnant, very frustrating, 2nd round of IVF this time,
Just no get up and go with me while on the sprays. :(
Jack doll, I hated the sprays when I was on them last time, I had a stinking headache the whole time and was knackered too. AF arrived yesterday afternoon and I'm just waiting on a call back from gcrm to see if they want me in for bloods earlier than my planned appt on Wednesday. Would love them to bring me in tomoro but I doubt it as it would mean my EC would be on Sunday 4th so I'm guessing they'll start me on Tuesday. Hope you had a lovely Easter! We had the family round tand cooked a big turkey and ham, was yum :)
Hi jackdoll and twinkle, I hope your treatment is going well, I hated having all the headaches that came with in and injecting myself every day. Xx

Well I'm 9dp 3dt and I have no AF, I am so scared it's going to arrive like the last times, my OTD is Friday 2nd, I have sneakily POAS yesterday and got a BFN so I'm not full of confidence right now, no symptoms otherwise apart from bit of sore boobs but bet that's just medication, I've not felt preggars the whole 9 days, I just pray I'm wrong and I get a BFP soon,

Off to Germany tomorrow for a week so hopefully take my mind off things till Friday xx
Scarlet I really hope you get your BFP. We all deserve it. Enjoy Germany. How many days will you be Friday? Is the origin abit different on testing days? I remember I tested a day early and it was bfn and I was so gutted wish I hadn't of tested, this time around I will not be buying any tests until test day,

Twinkle how ya getting on? I start injections this Wednesday .
finally got a gudnews from royal hos I. my blood test is on 9th of may
There is number of form which we have fill , not sure . Can any one help me

Butterfly2013 did you receieved these storage from have you filled them.
We are with the royal also, we didn't fill in any of the forms, the nurse did it with us at our next appointment after bloods. Just had to read them and have an idea of what we would fill in. Start injections on 15th May, anyone got an advice or tips for doing them? Bit nervous tbh!!
Hey girls, the Royal is very good, you can phone the nursing line anytime you want if you need any questions answered. I think the nurse completes the forms but you answer her questions. Done that over a year ago so can't fully remember, don't be scared about the injections, it's really not that bad, I'd rather have injections than sprays! The sore heads, fussy heads and tiredness really drains me.. 9 days to go and I'm drug free... Yipeeeee

Scarlet rose how you getting on? Any more tests?
had egg collection yesterday at the RVH, they got a total of 13 eggs. which is good. waiting to phone the rvh in 30 mins to see if any have moved onto next stage. scary!!.... my egg collection went really well. slight pain the odd time.... was awake for the whole thing just the sedative pain relief in the arm and to be honest it was enough.... If I had been told I had to get more collected to day I would have no problem doing it... but I know that's not everyones experience.
Hey nette, wow 13 is brilliant, well done? How many embies do you have ;)
Hey girls!
Scarletrose, keeping my fingers crossed for u getting a BFP!
Nette, well done on 13 eggs!! That's what I got at RVH too! How many embies have u got?
I'm getting on good, just took my trigger. EC at 9am on Saturday morning. Last scan today had about 7-8 follies on left, 4 on the right. A couple on the left were massive so dr Traub said they may be dysfunctional and not have an egg so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Does anyone know much about oestrodiol levels? Mine were 6000 on Tuesday, no idea what today's was but have read a bit online and it says anything over 3000 is high and means ur at risk of OHSS. Panicking a bit now that we'll have to wait a while before doing a transfer if we get any embryos.
Hope everyone is well xo
so phoned the embryologist and I had 13 eggs, 12 were good enough to use and 11 of them have fertilised... cant believe it!!.... so I am phoning tomorrow morning to see if I have to go for the 3 day transfer tomorrow or the 5 day transfer on Monday? anyone else have same kinda results so far and how did things progress? so nervous, optimistic, scared, hopeful and stressed .... flippin crazy!
That's amazing nette, my first ivf cycle I had 7 eggs, 4 fertilised, on day 3 all 4 were still going strong so I had a 5 day transfer, what clinic/hospital are you attending?
Do keep us updated on your embies progress. Good luck, try and relax xxx

Twinklemama good luck in the morning, are you having EC at the royal?

Hope everything going well scarlet.xxx
Nette that's brilliant! Congrats! When is ur transfer? Will u have any of ur leftover embies frozen?

Jackdoll, I'm at gcrm belfast. I can't speak highly enough of them, honestly our experience has been really good and the staff are all so lovely and professional.

I had my EC this morning, 9 eggs collected! Was a little annoyed to begin with but they said they aim for between 6 and 10 so we did ok. Embryologist phoned and said 8 were mature so they've all been injected. He said they like to see a bit of resistance as they put the needle into the egg to inject the sperm, and 2 of the eggs were a bit soft so they probably aren't of as good quality as the rest, so we're realistically hoping for 6 embies if they all fertilise. Fingers crossed for my phone call in the morning!

Hope everyone is well xo

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